
From Sojourn
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Perks are special attributes that are gained or lost through your Job, your background, or through assorted circumstances. Most of these are permanent, so it may be worth your while to decide what type of overall character you'd like before going after some of these.

Perk Listing

Perk Description Source

Racial Perks

Last Stand On-demand pain relief. 15m cooldown. Sablekyne Racial
Bone Plated Higher pain tolerance. Sablekyne Racial
Sudden Brilliance MEC/COG/BIO boost, 25m cooldown. Mar'qua Racial
Inspired Intellect Gain inspiration much faster. Mar'qua Racial
Tenacity On-demand mild heal and painkiller, 15m cooldown. Human Racial
Guts and Glory On-demand organ heal, 30m cooldown. Human Racial
Enhance Senses TGH/VIG boost and can see within the darkness for a short amount of time, 15m cooldown. Kriosan Racial
Reckless Frenzy Massive TGH/ROB boost, Massive COG/VIG/MCH/BIO decrease, 15m cooldown. Akula Racial
Adrenaline Burst Movement speed boost, 15m cooldown. Naramad Racial
Born Warrior Proficient with melee weapons, they never embed in a enemy. Naramad Racial
Purge Toxins On-demand toxins and addictions cleanse, 15m cooldown. Cindarite Racial
Uncanny Resilience On-demand infection heal/stabilizer, 30m cooldown. Cindarite Racial
Smuggled Circuit Acquire a turret circuit that then be turned into a turret. 12h(!) cooldown. Opifex Racial
Smuggled Patch Kit Personnel IFAK. 12h(!) cooldown. Opifex Racial
Smuggled Tools On-demand filled Tool Belt spawn of power tools. 12h(!) cooldown. Opifex Racial
Smuggled Medicine On-demand filled Tool Belt spawn of medicine. 12h(!) cooldown. Opifex Racial
Smuggled Armaments On-demand filled Tool Belt spawn of security items and stun gadgets. 12h(!) cooldown. Opifex Racial
Scuttlebug Faster movement speed. Cht’mant Racial
Chitin Armor Better physical resistance. Cht’mant Racial
Produce Ichor Can make advanced med kits at the cost of nutrition. Cht’mant Racial
Background Perks
Kin to the Spiders Lose Roach faction, gain Spider faction. Cht’mant Upbringing
Spin Webs Spawn a web tile centered on yourself. 5s cooldown. Kin to the Spiders
Sol Born Higher addiction chance, lower tolerance for chemicals. Homeworld
Klutz Clumsy trait. Guns/melee backfire on you. Upbringing
Chem Addict Higher addiction chance, higher tolerance for chemicals. Upbringing
Sure Step Lower chance to set off traps/mines, prevents tripping on underplating. Career
Raider's Leap Faster climbing. Career
Unclean Living Mild healing when smoking. Homeworld
Lead Blood Lower damage from toxins. Homeworld
Rough Life Defense against explosions and tripping. Upbringing
Nightcrawler Normal walk speed when in darkness. Upbringing
Quiet as a Mouse All sound from actions is quieter. Homeworld
Green Thumb Easier identification and analysis of all plants without device. Homeworld
Lungs of Iron Lower oxygen requirement. Career
Fast Fingers Silent pickpocketing from certain body slots. Career
Lazarus Protocol Chance of revival to unconsciousness on death with mild heal. Augmentation
Holy Light Holy aura that lightly heals those of the Absolute around you. Admin only
True Faith Protects and reduces damage taken as a member of the Absolute. Augmentation
Job Perks
Exotic Inspiration MEC/COG boost when drunk. Guild Master, Guild Adept
Handyman Deconning any salvageable object gives refined scrap. Also increased chances of more rare materials. Guild Master, Guild Adept
Hyperzine Implant Hyperzine injection, 15m cooldown. Chief Executive Officer
Market Professional By looking at a item, you can tell what its price is. Cargo Technician
Medical Expertise Lower addiction chance, higher threshold for chemicals. Medical Jobs, Science Jobs
Surgical Master Increased chances of success in all surgery steps. Roboticist, Chief Research Overseer
Ear of Quicksilver Larger hearing radius, higher damage from noise. Ranger
Expert Scavenger Chance of rare items from trash piles. Prospector, Salvager, Expedition Foreman
Anomaly Hunter Hints at the perk that a oddity holds. Prospector, Salvager, Expedition Foreman
Expert Defensive Training Knockdown immunity against mobs. Blackshield Commander, Warrant Officer
Sommelier Immunity to becoming drunk with the Premier's super secret booze stash, and gives a TGH boost for ten minutes. Premier
Rough and Tumble As a prospector you've been through it all. Spider bites, random cuts on rusted metal, animal claws, getting shot and even set on fire. As a result you resist every type of damage just a little bit better than salvagers. Prospector
Blackshield Conditioning Thanks to special training received in the course of employment within the Blackshield your body is a bit more resistant to brute force damage and burns due to proper conditioning. Trooper
Key Smith With a massive collection of keys, you can access many areas. However, finding the right key tends to take time... And you haven't been given all the keys to the place. Janitor
Artist You have a lot of expertise in making works of art. You gain more insight from any and all sources. However, you only improve by creating works of art. Artist
Random Perks
Revival Sickness Decrease to mental/all stats, reduction in defense against all damage, increasing with times died. 30m cooldown. Rest while in a chair or bed to decrease cooldown. Death
Fungal Host Take toxin damage and inflict toxin damage to those around you at a recurring interval. Oddities
Gunslinger Faster firing speed for one handed weapons. Oddities
True Grit Higher pain tolerance. Oddities
Springheel Faster movement speed. Oddities
Natural Armor Higher physical damage resistance. Oddities
Thin Skin Lower physical damage resistance. Oddities
Toxic Resistance Higher toxic damage resistance from weapons, not chems. Oddities
Shell Shock Lowered ROB/TGH/VIG stats. Oddities
Failing Mind Lowered COG/MCH/BIO stats. Oddities
Sharpened Mind Boosted COG/MCH/BIO stats. Oddities
Inner Strength Boosted ROB/TGH/VIG stats. Oddities

Further Reading


Guide Table IconTipsie.png
Starter Medical Engineering Science Security Random