Standard Operating Procedure (Guild)

From Sojourn

The Artificer’s Guild surface enclave has been established primarily for the purpose of power generation, general maintenance and repairs to Nadezhda’s surface outpost, and maintaining critical infrastructure like the shield generator or telecommunications. Secondarily, the enclave is also capable of producing Artificer goods for the surface outpost, as well as performing construction projects or expansions at the behest of other factions or the Low Council.


Guild Adept

Guild Adepts are the primary workers of the Artificer's Guild. They come in a variety of specializations, such as mechanical engineers or electricians, yet all full Adepts are expected to have the same core set of skills crucial to the Guild's operation.

Trainees, while performing the general duties of Guild Adepts, are not entirely held to the same proficiency expectations and may not be sanctioned for situations where their lack of competence causes minor issues. They are, however, expected to obey orders from anyone senior to them, and if their incompetence causes serious issues may still be sanctioned or found criminally liable.

Job Competency Requirements:

  • Moderate Proficiency in Guild SOP
  • Moderate Proficiency in tool use and purposes
  • Basic Proficiency in standard power generation machinery
  • Basic Proficiency in construction-related tasks
  • Basic Proficiency in damage control and related machinery
  • Basic Proficiency in colony infrastructure, such as substations
  • Basic Proficiency in crafting items by hand

Guild Master

Guild Masters are the highly trained, often more experienced members of the Guild. They hold a senior rank, and generally fulfill the Guild's day-to-day leadership and bureaucratic needs. Most Guild Masters find themselves either leading teams of Adepts or overseeing critical operations, and are generally the highest-skilled Guildspeople who are still expected to regularly get their own hands dirty from time to time. A Guild Master's role in the surface enclave is as a leader and a member of the Low Council, ensuring the Guild is included and heard in decision-making. They are also responsible for the secure infrastructure on the surface, such as telecommunications.

Job Competency Requirements:

  • High Proficiency in Guild SOP
  • High Proficiency in tool use and purposes
  • Moderate Proficiency in standard power generation machinery
  • Moderate Proficiency in construction-related tasks
  • Moderate Proficiency in damage control and related machinery
  • Moderate Proficiency in colony infrastructure, such as substations
  • Moderate Proficiency in crafting items by hand
  • Fulfilling all criteria for Command personnel as outlined in the Command SOP, including familiarity requirements there

General Procedures

Power Generation

One of the Artificer Guild’s two core duties is generating power for the colony. On the surface outpost, this often takes the form of setting up the mountaintop solar array, erecting an antimatter engine, utilizing hydroelectric turbines, or the array of combustion engines. Once power generation has been established and any SMES unit upgrades are completed, Adepts should utilize the RCON software system available in the control room to optimize power flow to certain departments as needed.

The Artificer’s Guild is required to provide at least the minimum power needed to run essential colony infrastructure; atmospherics piping and machinery, disposals systems, and lighting. Power above and beyond this baseline is provided at the goodwill of the Artificer’s Guild. Individual Adepts do not have authority to make such decisions on behalf of the entire Guild, and may face sanctions if they take it upon themselves to cut or restrict power to an area if they do not follow the guidelines for such actions, described later in this document.

The average power needed by each department is listed below. (These numbers are subject to change or updates as the surface outpost expands or changes.)

Marshals 60kW
Soteria Medical 200kW
Soteria Science 100kW
Soteria Outpost 250kW
Fenceline 20kW
Cargo 50kW
Church 50kW

Hallways and other common areas should not require more than 50kW of power

Adepts who are unsure of a given area’s power needs should monitor the area for deficits. Brownouts and blackouts should be fixed as soon as possible, provided other repairs are not pending.

The Artificer’s Guild reserves the right to restrict or deny power flow to private areas, though there are only a handful of reasons that this should be done. Misuse of this ability may warrant investigation, sanctions, or criminal charges.

The following reasons are valid reasons to deny power to a private area (that is, a department) on their own:

  • A written permission given by the High Council or by a Guild Supervisor via fax
  • A written permission given by the Low Council after a lawful vote
  • A written permission given by the Marshals for criminal activity
  • The affected party fails to pay for repairs or construction work done by the Guild; power should not be cut to Medical, Blackshield, or the Marshals for this reason
  • A Guild Master deems a power restriction to be necessary

With the exception of a Marshal warrant, or explicit orders from the High Council, the Artificer’s Guild must inform the affected party of the decrease or denial in available power. The Artificer’s Guild must abide by any Low Council votes to force power to be restored.

If a Guild Master decides to cut power to an area on their own initiative, they must have significant reason to do so. The provision of power may not be used as a bargaining chip, and must only be cut as a result of serious issues, such as actionable threats against the colony or the Artificer’s Guild. Guild Masters are to remember that they are not vigilantes; cutting power without due cause, or to punish a crime when Marshals are available, may result in sanctions and criminal charges.

Repairs and Maintenance

The second core duty of the Artificer’s Guild is the repair and maintenance of the structure and infrastructure of the colony. In the event of damage to colony structures or systems, the Artificer’s Guild is responsible for repairs. Broadly speaking, there are three kinds of repairs that may be performed by the Guild: essential repairs, functional repairs, and restorative repairs. The details of each, how the Guild is responsible for each, and other notes are explained below. Note: all repairs which are not required for the immediate safety of the colony may be suspended if the suspected cause is sabotage. In this case, the Marshals must be informed or faxed for, and the area cordoned off if possible. If the sabotaged area is part of the Critical Infrastructure list, and no Marshals or Blackshield are present in the surface outpost to gather evidence, Guild personnel may commence repairs after faxing for the Marshals. If possible, Guild members should attempt to collect evidence and store it securely prior to repairs. This includes photographs of the scene. If evidence bags can be sourced, they should be used.

The Guild is responsible for performing essential repairs to any damaged area. Functional and restorative repairs may be performed at the request of the affected department, or the Premier or Steward if the damaged area was public.

Critical Infrastructure

Critical Infrastructure includes the following areas: the Bridge, Atmospherics, Telecommunications, the Shield Generator, the Gate, Soteria’s Medical treatment center, all substations, and the standard power generators the Guild is equipped with at the beginning of a shift (mountaintop solars, hydroelectric turbines, and the backup combustion generators). All critical infrastructure areas should undergo functional repairs at a minimum, and repair of these areas should not be delayed if payment cannot be decided upon ahead of time, nor should power be cut to these areas due to lack of payment.

The Shield Generator, Telecommunications, and Atmospherics are the primary areas of Critical Infrastructure that the Guild is expected to regularly interact with. The Shield Generator is a joint duty; Blackshield determines when it is necessary and how it should be used, while Adepts are responsible for maintaining the device, charging it, and adjusting settings or performing other upgrades. Telecommunications is the Guild Master’s responsibility to maintain; Adepts should not tamper with the equipment unless it is imperative that the system be restored and a Guild Master is not on their way. Otherwise, the Adept should fax for a Guild Master to initiate repairs. Atmospherics is a backup system, utilized in the rare event of atmospheric problems or phenomena, such as fires, coolant leaks, or gas leaks. As such, the system should be maintained, in order to minimize the risk and damage of such incidents. Expansions may be made at an Adept’s discretion, such as for a thermoelectric generator’s required gas loops.

Levels of Repair

Essential repairs constitute repairing underplatings, placing barebones floor plating to prevent tripping hazards, repairing wall segments, doors (including access), lighting, power lines, APCs, atmospherics systems, disposals systems, vents, air alarms, fire alarms, and any critical infrastructure that was destroyed, such as telecommunications equipment or SMES units. Essential repairs should be performed as soon as the damaged area is safe for work by appropriately-equipped Guild Adepts, and has the aim of making the area safe to walk around in, but not necessarily restore functionality. The Guild exacts no labor charge for essential repairs, but the materials required should be purchased by the affected department, or by the Premier if the affected area is public. If materials cannot be purchased, the Guild may seek reimbursement for the material cost after essential repairs are completed.

Functional repairs have the aim of restoring the function of a given area, such as by replacing faction-specific machinery or devices, where possible. This includes, but is not limited to, computer terminals, industrial chemistry devices, trading beacons, and so on. If the Guild is incapable of producing a given device themselves, the Adept in charge of repairs should make reasonable effort to procure any missing devices. The cost for labor, installation, and any applicable devices should be established by the Adept/s handling the repairs prior to commencement. Payment may be delayed until repairs are finished, if necessary, but should not be delayed without reason, and cannot be delayed past the end of repairs without the approval of a Guild Master. If payment cannot be agreed upon between the affected party and the Guild, the Guild is not required to perform the repairs. Note that this does not include Critical Infrastructure such as the Medical treatment center or the Bridge, which must be repaired by the Guild, regardless of the availability of payment, to a functional level.

Restorative repairs are aimed at decoration, comfort, and livability. This includes furniture, chairs, tables, non-structural windows, painting, (decorative) floor tiling, and so on. The Guild should acquire payment for labor, installation, and material costs before commencing restorative repairs. Restorative repairs should not be performed if payment cannot be made before they are commenced, except when approved by a Guild Master.

Payment for Repairs

All payments for Guild repairs should be paid into the Artificer’s Guild account. In the event the account cannot be accessed for deposits, payment should be securely retained by the Adept who took it until it can be properly deposited by a Guild Master. The Adept who accepted the payment is responsible for any lost money, and Guild Adepts should remember that they are not entitled to direct payment by other factions for repairs they have rendered. For all faction repairs, the faction responsible for a given area (such as Lonestar for the Bar, Soteria for Science, and so on) should be contacted for payment. For public areas, a Premier or Steward should be contacted for payment. In the event that nobody from a given responsible faction is available and essential repairs are required on an area, Adepts (or a Master, if one is present) are encouraged to record the total cost of the essential repairs performed, and retain the records until the appropriate faction member is available to render payment.


In the event that the Guild deems an area impossible to repair, even with access to appropriate materials, they may condemn an area. This can only be done by a Guild Master or a vote of the Low Council if no Guild Master is present, though an Adept may cordon off an unsafe area until a Master can be faxed for or the Council can reach their decision. When an area is condemned, it should be cordoned with engineering tape to indicate that it is unsafe, and an announcement should be made by the Guild Master regarding the nature of the condemnation. Note: An area cannot be condemned if essential repairs can be successfully completed, provided enough time and material.

A record of the condemnation and the extent of the damage should be faxed to Guild headquarters. Assessors and specialists will be dispatched between shifts to restore the area, if possible. The Guild should make every possible effort to remove valuable objects or technologies from the condemned area and return them to their rightful owners. Condemnation does not revoke any access or legal right to enter a given area, but it does waive the Guild of any legal responsibility for injuries sustained as a result of being within the unsafe location.


Though it is rarely needed, the Guild may be contracted for renovations to undamaged areas, or for the construction of new areas. In such cases, the cost of any required work, materials, time, and so on should be established and payment decided upon prior to starting the work. Payment should not be delayed for such purposes, but may be at a Guild Master’s discretion. Construction projects should not take priority over repair or maintenance duties, and should be interrupted if it is safe to do so if more pressing problems arise.


The Artificer’s Guild is capable of hand-crafting some of the finest devices in the galaxy. It is every Adept’s right to perform this craft as they see fit, and to receive payment as they believe is necessary. This is an optional portion of the Guild’s operating procedures, but is also the primary source of revenue; Adepts are encouraged to fulfill desk orders when they have nothing else to do.

Desk orders generally consist of items which are printed, or which are crafted by hand by an Adept. Handcrafted, printed, or salvaged items may be sold so long as Colony Law is respected. Black Boxes and the Perfection Cube should never be sold or lent outside of the Guild; doing so may net you sanctions and criminal charges. The spare equipment stocked by the Guild, such as voidsuits, hardsuits, portable damage control machinery, and the spare boards in storage, should not be sold, as they are there to let you do your job. Duplicates of these items which are made in the course of a shift may be sold.

Each Adept is empowered to charge the prices they see fit for their craftsmanship, and they are entitled to keep the full amount for any sales of this kind that they complete. If Guild funds are required for a sale, such as to purchase materials, the Adept should charge at least as much as the material cost, and that cost should be returned to the Guild account; any excess may be retained by the Adept. If multiple Adepts are working on an order, they should agree on profit sharing between themselves.

Guild Masters should not interfere with their Adept’s pricing as a general rule. However, as the Guild member empowered to oversee surface operations, Guild Masters may lower or waive costs for an Adept’s work before the sale is completed, and should do so only in good faith. If a refund becomes necessary, the Guild account should eat the cost and the Adept who made the sale may face sanctions. If a Guild Master is found to be needlessly waiving prices for their Adepts simply because they wish to, or worse, because of personal reasons, they may face sanctions or criminal charges.

Since there is no unified pricing scheme for hand-crafted or printed goods, the Guild encourages its Guild Masters to generally defer to the adept making the item regarding costs; only in notably excessive cases should corrective action be taken.

For Adepts seeking a rule of thumb for pricing: anywhere between two to ten times the material cost of an item is suggested, based on the difficulty of the craft. Payment may be rendered with any agreed-upon items, currencies, or services whose value are deemed to be equal to the product by the Guild member performing the order.

An Adept who chooses not to charge for their crafts should aim to recuperate the lost materials via salvage work. Additionally, the materials gathered by Guild workers via salvage are for use by their fellows, as well; care should be taken not to “hog” resources, such as by making a large number of handcrafted items for sale without making any good-faith attempts to recuperate materials. Masters are well within their rights to sanction Adepts for this behavior, and may face sanctions themselves if they have the poor judgment to prioritize their own funds over the health of the Guild.