Standard Operating Procedure (Soteria Research)

From Sojourn

Soteria Research Division

Soteria Research Division Standard Operating Procedure is to be followed by all Soteria personnel upon stepping foot into Soteria’s research wing. Lifeline techs, medical doctors, and others utilizing research areas or machines are obligated to follow all SOP listed in this section as if it were their own.

Similarly, Soteria research personnel entering or aiding with any medical treatments, such as in the case of emergency, are to adhere to all Soteria medical SOP when utilizing or otherwise within their department.

Right to Terminate Research

Any research project done by Soteria may be halted by Blackshield or Marshals at their discretion, as long as it fits under the pretense of being a ‘dangerous’ or ‘unusual’ project that can endanger the colony as a whole. Examples of projects that may be shutdown include bluespace teleportation that causes high entropy and adverse side effects around the colony, or the creation of hostile abominations in genetics. Research that is not reasonably dangerous, such as anomaly research that is properly contained, would not be viable to be shut down. The Low Council may, similarly, vote to halt unethical, dangerous, or otherwise unusual research.

Paperwork is required to be provided by the department after a research halt is ordered. Failure to obey this termination of research may result in applicable charges.

Cyborg Handling

  • In cases where Cyborgs are confirmed to be malfunctioning, the cyborg shell may be detonated if attempts to contain and lock down the malfunctioning unit are unsuccessful or deemed too dangerous by acting Soteria Institute Overseers.
  • Cyborgs that are illegally modified are to be remotely locked down. If unable to be locked down, its sensors are to be overloaded with a flash or controlled EMP and its actuator or cell removed before resorting to detonation.
  • In cases where destruction of the Cyborg is necessary, the acting CRO must fax a report to the High Council.

Changing Silicon Laws

  • Soteria’s Chief Research Officer has the right to change cyborg laws and rulings so long as the Chief Biolab Officer agrees to such modifications.
  • In emergency situations, the Low Council may elect to change laws. In non-emergency situations, a unanimous vote from the low council is required to modify AI laws.
  • Modifying AI laws to violate privacy rights, break laws, or otherwise harm colonists will result in the Chief Research Officer, or other personnel tasked with changing the law, being charged as having committed said crimes.

Waiver Clause

Any sapient being who volunteers for experimentation must sign a waiver absolving the scientist of all responsibility for any injuries, deaths, or associated damage to the individual, regardless of the purpose of that experiment. Failure to obtain a waiver will result in a 'negligence' charge for the test subject and for any involved Soteria personnel.

Genetics Research

The following procedures are to be followed at all times and by both Soteria medical and Soteria research staff when manning the genetics wing. Failure may result in legal action.

Genetic cloning:

  • Always ensure that the containment pens are in perfect condition and, if cloning extremely dangerous creatures, reinforced if possible.

Soteria researchers are able to genetically clone any and all creatures save for the Hivemind and the Leviathan class entities: Xenomorph Queen, the Kaiser roach, and the Reaper spider. The Croaker lord, while a Leviathan class entity, is excluded and can be freely cloned. The Marshals and Blackshield have the power to shut down cloning experiments on specific creatures if they are believed to be too dangerous.

    • When it comes to genetically cloning the Leviathan class entities, permission must be sought from the CRO or CBO, who will inform the rest of the Council or necessary security forces that it will be occurring. If neither are on duty, permission can be acquired from the Council.
  • If cloning subjects escape pens and enter public colony areas, the scientist responsible for their creation is liable for all damages (property, colonists, etc) caused.

Genetic Experimentation:

  • Individuals coming to Soteria for specific genetic splices are to both sign a waiver and pay Soteria for services. If an individual supplies their own creatures containing their desired trait, a discount of up to 50% depending on the creatures and their lethality may be applied.
    • Prices for genetic splicing vary depending on what trait is desired but can go from 500 credits to 1,500, depending on the gene's rarity and availability. It can also be 'free' if the patient is willing to be experimented on in regards to that trait.

All individuals that are released while genetically enhanced are to be documented by Soteria, with copies sent to the Marshals in the event that said individual commits a crime.

  • In the instance that a genetically enhanced colonist is arrested by Marshals, Soteria is to provide the Marshals with a purger to fully wipe out their genetic enhancements. Soteria is not responsible for what colonists do after they legally go through the process of getting themselves genetically modified. Marshals and Blackshield may bar a colonist from receiving further genetics work at their discretion.