Standard Operating Procedure (Prospectors)

From Sojourn

Prospector Standard Operating Procedure

Overboss Hogg has generously, with the help of Lonestar, sponsored your equipment and place to work to become a self-made man. You are supposed to make profits, while not dying. Part of your profits made are to go to the department as a whole, while the rest is to go to the individual employees within the department. A man is, in fact, entitled to the sweat of his brow - but to a limit of that they must provide for their department as well.

  • Prospectors are required to advise all department members where they are heading to before leaving the colony. Failure to do so is grounds for demotion.
  • If a team is possible to be formed, such as the department having available manpower, it is to be formed or its formation delegated by the Foreman. Prospectors are not to run out alone unless approved by their Foreman to do so, if additional manpower is not available - such as a lack of personnel, or if all personnel are in agreement to allow solo-operations.
  • All recovered salvage is to be divided as seen fit by the members of the group. If an agreement cannot be reached between group members regarding loot share, the Foreman or Premier, if the Foreman is unavailable, should step in to mediate.
    • This is to be split according to credit-worth unless Prospectors come to an individual agreement for how the haul will be split.
  • Prospectors are not permitted to hoard items that are not being used. If an item is not in current use, or is not part of another prospector’s kit, it is to be sold or scrapped for profit. Small amounts of emergency gear are permitted, such as a handful of extra firearms or armor, but this is not to exceed more than 3-4 each.
  • If you are in a group and a member needs to be brought back to the colony due to medical reasons, do so as soon as possible. Prospectors are not to put someone’s well being at risk for a haul, such as delaying medical care purposefully.
  • Prospectors are permitted to make use of explosives outside of the colony. Prospectors are also permitted to bring explosives into the colony, but only to store for future operations, for resale to Lonestar for export, or to sell to Marshals or Blackshield. Prospectors must declare any and all explosives that are being brought in when coming through the gatehouse. Failure to do so can result in contraband charges.
  • Expenses, such as medical injury, are to be paid by the department account if a Foreman is present. No prospector is to be denied coverage regarding injuries.
    • The Foreman, however, may demote any prospector deemed as ‘unprofitable’. A proper record of expenses endured by the prospector must be presented in a fax upon a firing of this type to the High Council.

Role and Duties


The foreman leads the prospectors, a group of independent scavengers seeking fortune from ruins and scrap. Your goal is to lead your team into hostile locations and take everything of value that isn't nailed down - and the nails too! As potentially the youngest head of staff and the one expected to be in the most danger at all times you should be independent and cunning. Your work is perhaps the most dangerous within the entire colony, so good combat and survival skills are essential.


  • Assemble your team of prospectors and salvagers by equipping them with whatever you can find in your prep area and elsewhere.
  • Lead your team through dangerous areas and ensure they recover everything of value.
  • Keep everyone alive and ensure nobody is left behind.
  • Fill in any missing role on your team be it as muscle, medical, or technical support.


The Fence is a master of the prospector arsenal. Somewhere between gunsmith and trader, your job is to mete out the finds to buyers, and to make the rusted piles of junk at the bottom of the trash cart presentable enough for sale. You are a veteran prospector or salvager, one of Hogg's long timers, and you know your stuff. You're expected to help wrangle the newbies and to back up the Foremans word Alongside this, you've got final say over the store from which you vend your (ill)-gotten gains. Remember, you're a veteran at this. You should be a reasonable voice amongst the hard headed field workers - Hogg wants a profit, not a dispute with the pigs.


  • Help your fellows prepare and procure everything they need for runs.
  • Keep the funds flowing. Everything is for sale if the price is right, more funds means better equipment, better equipment means safer runs.
  • Mind the shop. You're in charge of keeping prep safe from prying eyes and greedy hands.
  • Remember, you can't do your job from the inside of a cell. Rules are made to be bent, broken if you're clever - but if you get caught, it's your ass.
  • Help to keep the rowdy rookies in line.
  • Foreman is a part time gig with fulltime stress, back the boss and help him keep the peace - You've got full authority to slap around thugs acting foolish, do what must be done.


The Prospector serves as hired muscle to the Foreman, positioned somewhere between meat shield and exterminator. Your job is to keep the Salvagers and anyone else with you protected, handling the fighting and being the first to enter dangerous areas. While combat is your primary goal, you are still there to salvage valuable technology and make a profit selling said items to the colony.


  • Guard your peers from hostile creatures and other dangers that cross your path.
  • Use whatever measures necessary to ensure survival, but try not to soil the standing of your team.
  • Help with the more general salvaging and heavy lifting.


The Salvager is an informally trained specialist for the prospectors who functions as both an engineer and a doctor. Your primary role is that of a field medic. Treat and stabilize the wounded on the combat backlines, and evacuate the critically injured. Your secondary task is providing technical support to the team by breaching walls, building FOBs, repairing broken equipment, and extracting valuables from junk piles. Remember that you are here to gain riches from the abandoned wilds. Don't waste time and resources mindlessly hunting creatures.


  • Extract resources for your employer. Use equipment to access new areas and gain a foothold in the wilderness.
  • Perform medical services on injured colleagues, from patching wounds to full field surgery.
  • Leave security duties to the hired muscle unless faced with no other option.