The Hunters Codex

From Sojourn


The Codex is written by the Matriarch Smail and is considered the rules and way we operate as an independent faction within the world. The Codex is subject to change, considering how early into the stages of creation the lodge is. The ideal is simplistic though.

Remain Honorable, Don't cause trouble for our allies and last of all remember your actions reflect on all those around us.

The Hunter's Way

Amethyn is a land filled with vast landscapes with their own ecological provinces populated by extraordinary magnificent beasts of the wild. You are one of the honorable hunters, a kinship forged in the hunt.

“Diving head long into danger is the way of the hunter. With reckless enthusiasm we fight, with every adventure we master the hunt. Even in our direst times, we face our enemy with a joyful bravado shaped by the thrill of the hunt. - Matriarch Smail

The Hunter's Duty

The Rules that govern your duties as a hunter are written to separate us from mere savages of the planet. Follow and adhere this rules, for failure will occur punishment.

1: Unless in proper self defense, a Hunter of the Lodge is not to do harm to their own people or other people.

2: Honor those who are among you, respect those whose bonds are shared and forged in combat, those who are friends and allies of the Lodge. Guests of the lodge are to be treated with respect and honor, without any ill will or harmful intent.

3: Respect the Due Order of the lodge.

4: The equipment of your gear and knives are of incredible value. Do not lose them in the slightest bit. And the knowledge as to how to make such equipment must never be revealed.

5: A Hunter finds all that they need from the creatures they hunt and what is available at the Lodge. Looting from areas not owned by the hunters is frowned up, and punishable. The prospectors have their claim, we have ours. Respect it.

6: A Hunter is expected to not only improvise, adapt, and to overcome the challenges that nature throws at them, but to catalogue and share what they know of creatures, plants, and other possible encounters with others within the Lodge and are allied to the lodge.

7: A Hunter must never rely on easy or cheap tricks to defeat their prey. They must be ready to tackle them without such a easy route. Only those that take the hard route become strong. The usage of weaponry is fine as well as the use of a combat mech, although the quality of your prey may not be so good depending on the methods used.

8: Excelsior is a dangerous faction with dangerous tech. Due to its unknown mind controlling capabilities, or the capability to act as a beacon for other Excelsior forces, the usage of Excelsior equipment and tech is strictly forbidden. Any members of the Lodge found using this are to be immediately checked over for a implant before a decision is to be made of their place within the Lodge.

9: Given that the lodge is a home to the Hunters, damage done to it is to be repaired immediately. Do not deliberately damage or attempt to destroy the place that others call home or a resting place within the wilderness.

10: In the events of uncertainty or a matter that was not written within the rules but is known to be wrong. The highest ranking members of the Lodge can and should act as the judge for such matters.

The Hunter's Due Order

The Matriarch: The Matriarch ( a title likely to change) is the Factional leader to the lodge and hunters. This at current is Matriarch Jea Smail, who remains matriarch until her death or retirement. The lodge and the hunters faction were both created by The Matriarch, and her word is ultimately the law within the group.

The Hunt-master: The Huntmaster is the head of the hunters, much similar to the rank of any head of staff colony side. A Hunt Master is tasked with organizing hunts, the teaching and training of kin and ensuring the trade of goods to Lonestar. The hunt-master is the Apex of the hunters, being both a capable hunter and leader. They only answer to the Matriarch.

The Hunter: The Hunter is main force of the hunters. Filled the ranks with both new and experienced individuals, they are equipped to hunt the beasts of the land. The reasons why one becomes a hunter is uncertain but the skills gained and the prestige of being part of this Rank should be held with great pride.

The Hunter's Hearth

The lodge is our home and claim in these wild lands. This monument of perseverance and guild craft stand proud within the wilds. All are welcome into the lodge, to shelter from the strife in the world. For these grounds we gather, prepare and celebrate our adventures. Below is a rough guide of how to treat visitors to the lodge.

Friends of the Lodge: Formed from alliances, these are people known as friends. Whilst they may not actually be someone you are friends with ,They are to be treated with the same respect you would treat your kin. you are to act with honor and credence both in their home as well they are in ours.

Guests of the Lodge: These are not from an alliance but they should be treated kindly and welcome as can be.of course with a lot more caution as they may come with ill intent and Seek the downfall of the lodge. The only exception is excelsior, which is never welcome at our doors.

The Final Word

“Hunters are trained within the skills and weapons provided in good faith through the lodge and Matriarch. If you are uncertain as to what to do, or the codex does not fill in a specific scenario, act with good intentions and refrain from committing crimes. We are a new faction and the world is watching, ready to pounce on every mistake to use against us. If you are unable to act in such a way, Might I recommend the prospectors?" - Matriarch Smail