Guild Master

From Sojourn
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This is considered a job of high importance, expect to be demoted or jobbanned if you fail to do your job correctly, act incompetently, and generally perform poorly.

You can and will be scrutinized by admins and players in your department.

Guild Master

"I solve practical problems..."


Artificers Guild


Engineering, Atmospherics, GM Office, Bridge, Maintenance, EVA, AI Upload


The Council



The guild master is the individual with the experience and the talent left in charge of the colonies integrity and the guilds interests. That means making sure there is no damage to the colony, all major projects are properly planned and permitted before starting, that equipment remains operational, and ensuring atmospherics is fine. As the guild master, you have authority over the colonies guild adepts.


You are the head of the Artificers guild and all that entails. Essentially, your job is to boss your adepts around and make sure the atmospherics and the solar arrays are set up so that the power and air are constantly flowing.

Other than directing the workflow of the department, you're also expected to carry out general Guild Adept duties and maintain the Colony's integrity. To be a good master it is imperative that you have a good working knowledge of how APCs, SMES cells, and power in general works, how to decipher atmospherics, how to efficiently set up the supermatter and solars and how to get your Adepts working.


It's no secret that adepts are more often than not the laziest of the station's crew, and that there is no job that surpasses the capacity for an adept to be completely clueless about atmospherics. This is where you come in! As stated above, your duties consist pretty much entirely on telling the adepts to work or just doing their jobs yourself. Listed below are those jobs.

At the Start of the Round

Greet your team over the radio and establish your authority. Find out who you will be working with and make sure they all have a task to do. Designate someone to do the solar array (unless someone else volunteers first) getting the rest of your team to salvage and sort the main hall. If you take charge these first minutes of the round, most of the guild will follow the rest of your orders until the round ends. If you stay silent then when you suddenly need something done halfway through the round, you can guarantee that nobody will listen to you or know who you are. If nothing else, speaking over the channel will at least tell you whose reliable on your team.

A Supermatter??! No way!

In the old days setting up the engine and supplying power to the colony would be the first priority of the Guild but due to recent budget cuts, this is no longer the case. In the unlikely event you do get a supermatter or Soteria finds a rare supermatter shard. You can attempt to set it up!

This project shouldn't be taken lightly as it will require extensive set up and planning to pull off successfully. Most of your team will likely be fairly competent at engine set up but only the most daring Guild masters would ever try setting one up, considering the risks involved.

If someone's clearly new, help them out a bit and show them the ropes. If someone's clearly being an idiot then shout at them and forcibly demote if they continue. This should limit the risks in the complex setting up of the supermatter.

Solar Panels

Whilst the Super-matter outputs a ton of power, a few recent budget adjustments has made the use of the unreliable Super-matter obsolete. This is where the solar array comes in. Solars output a decent amount of energy and can keep the station running at (substantial power levels for a fraction of the price! The only downside is that they need setting up first! Luckily this is even easier than setting up Super-matter and you can just designate one of your engineers to go out and complete the task, better yet if they volunteer.

Atmospherics, the Great City State of Pipes

The solar array is wired and the Adepts are at your beck and call. The station is getting a steady supply of power and you're confident your team can maintain this and repair any damage to the Colony. Your job is done, right? NOT SO FAST, my friend! Haven't you forgotten Atmosia?

Yes, as hard as it is to accept, that convoluted bundle of pipes are under your jurisdiction and it's your responsibility to make sure that atmos keeps everybody breathing. As the GM, you are expected to know the basics of how atmos works, how to optimize it, and then how to keep people from messing it up. If possible, it's recommended that you have as much experience in Atmospherics as you do in regular construction and engineering. Nobody likes a Guild Master that does not know how to re-pressurize a room correctly. Again, read the guide and learn it.

All you really have to do with atmos is to keep an eye on it, and repair the systems when someone breaks it. Optionally optimizing it if you have the free time.

Continued Maintenance

Now that the station's systems are running at maximum capacity or are in the process of being made so, you can relax a little and order some pizza. Here is what you should be doing:

  • Start sending out adepts to salvage the local maints, Seeking out the valuable materials and disks needed to keep your guild running!
  • Periodically check out Atmospherics to make sure nobody's messed it up.
  • Listen to the radio for reports of damage. When you hear of one, send a couple of adepts out to mend the damage.
  • Start the production of guild crafted items to sell to colony! Blackshield always loves an armour upgrade!
  • Talk to your team. Make sure solars are wired or in the process of being done, and ensure there's always at least one Guild adept in Engineering to monitor power levels.

Links to Other Departments

You coordinate actions between the premier, the other heads of departments, and your adepts. You'll be working with security when they need to get into a crime scene that happens to be depressurized, with medical when they need to rescue someone in an area that's minus atmosphere or plus poison (do try to keep them from rushing in and adding to the casualties), and with science when they blow something up yet again. Your headset lets you keep track of your adepts, where they are and what they're doing, as well as check in with the other departments to be sure everyone has the engineering help they need.

Jobs on Sojourn


Command Premier, Steward, Blackshield Commander, Warrant Officer, Guild Master, Chief Research Overseer, Chief Biolab Overseer, Prime, Surface Operations Manager, Expedition Foreman
The Marshals Warrant Officer, Officer, Supply Specialist, Ranger
Blackshield Blackshield Commander, Sergeant, Corpsman, Trooper
The Guild Guild Master, Guild Adept
Soteria Medical Chief Biolab Overseer, Medical Doctor, Psychologist, Lifeline Technician
Soteria Science Chief Research Overseer, Scientist, Roboticist
Prospectors Expedition Foreman, Prospector, Salvager
The Church Prime, Vector
Lonestar & Civilian Surface Operations Manager, Bartender, Botanist, Chef, Janitor, Cargo Technician, Lonestar Miner, Colonist
Colony-Bound AI, Cyborg, Maintenance Drone, Personal AI, Ghost, Mouse
The Lodge Huntmaster, Hunter