
From Sojourn

Ghosts have, quite literally, no real control over the station. You can observe the madness, but not be a part of it.

The only thing you can do is hope to become a pAI, mouse or maintenance drone. Or be returned to your body via reconstructive surgery or defibs.

Dead Chat

Dead chat is the means you communicate to other ghosts. Sometimes moderators and admins may respond in Dead Chat and banter. Dead Chat is mostly OOC and part IC, you can share round secrets in it, but it's poor form to do so when there are people returning to the round via defibs or robotics.

Ghost Viewing

Use the 'ghost ears' verb to only hear what the people in your view say, and 'ghost sight' to only see emotes in your view.

These don't work in conjunction with the 'observe' command, as you'll only hear people near where you were before using the observe command if you have them set to only hear locally.

Pro-Observer Viewing

Wish to follow the AI? Place your ghost directly on top of the AI and the use the Observe command, find the AI's name and there will be a second listing <AI Name> (AI eye). With this you can see somewhat of what the AI can see, you do not see the static but you have a good idea where the AI is paying attention too.

By clicking on a person or object you instantly Inspect them, double clicking allows you to jump to that location or follow the person selected.

You can help the admins out, if you see a traitor do something silly like send their syndicate gear back to supply warehouse on the supply elevator, ahelp the administrators and tell them who just sent back what, it might get an automated message about strange equipment not being eligible for supply points, but thanks for the cool toolbox! The admins can't see everything but as long as you are observing maybe you can help out.

Jobs on Sojourn


Command Premier, Steward, Blackshield Commander, Warrant Officer, Guild Master, Chief Research Overseer, Chief Biolab Overseer, Prime, Surface Operations Manager, Expedition Foreman
The Marshals Warrant Officer, Officer, Supply Specialist, Ranger
Blackshield Blackshield Commander, Sergeant, Corpsman, Trooper
The Guild Guild Master, Guild Adept
Soteria Medical Chief Biolab Overseer, Medical Doctor, Psychologist, Lifeline Technician
Soteria Science Chief Research Overseer, Scientist, Roboticist
Prospectors Expedition Foreman, Prospector, Salvager
The Church Prime, Vector
Lonestar & Civilian Surface Operations Manager, Bartender, Botanist, Chef, Janitor, Cargo Technician, Lonestar Miner, Colonist
Colony-Bound AI, Cyborg, Maintenance Drone, Personal AI, Ghost, Mouse
The Lodge Huntmaster, Hunter