
From Sojourn
This is considered a job of high importance, expect to be demoted or jobbanned if you fail to do your job correctly, act incompetently, and generally perform poorly.

You can and will be scrutinized by admins and players in your department.


"Comrade general secretary, get on with it"




All Access


The Premier


Very Hard

The steward is the general assistant to the surface council. Where the premier is the general arbitrator, the steward is the general secretary. First and foremost, they are the hands of the premier. If an issue needs direct resolution, the steward is the boots on the ground. Baring necessity by the premier, the steward is free to assist all other heads of staff, however heads of staff may not order you to help them, your position is one of that in the command department, not theirs. Baring heads of staff needing assistance the steward may lastly assist the colony as a whole. Providing direct assistance to any colonist that requires it.

Being a Steward

The Steward is a position of importance equal to any other head. The Steward is expected to know Standard Operating Procedure and Laws to a elevated degree from your average colonist. As a general secretary it is your duty that the council remains well informed on its powers, and lack of powers. This applies even to your boss the premier, keep them informed on any missteps they might make, and assist them with valuable input on decisions they might have to make.

When given a legal order by your premier execute it to the best of your abilities, be it collecting reports, checking on the wellbeing of another council member, or even just validating something called on comms. Baring the necessity of the premier extend this offer to the other council members, though they will not be able to order you to do these tasks, it is expected you preform them to assist in the operations of the colony. Lastly if no other needs exist, offer your assistance to the colony at large, helping with access changes, and minor paperwork colonists may not be familiar with filling out if they need to fax something.

During times of threat your duty changes quickly. You are provided with equipment and armor to assist the other heads of staff during hostile actions to the colony. Your first and foremost priority is the protection of the colony's command structure. Start from the top, ensure the premier is safe, and will be secure for the foreseeable future of the current threat. Ensure their spare ID likewise is also secure. Move on to the other heads, focus on heads not directly capable of combat or protecting themselves. While you should exercise discretion in the use of force against threats to the command structure you may utilize either lethal or non-lethal force at your sole discretion.

With the backbone of the colony command structure secure the council will be able to continue to make decisions on the threat as it develops. This is where your duty changes, if you believe the council will be able to maintain its security without you, begin to perform the valuable task of information collecting and relaying. Keep the council updated on the issue as it develops and ensure the information you give them is accurate. A well-informed council can focus resources, adjust plans, and call for assistance much more efficiently when they accurately know the status of the threat.

Special: Stewards are volunteers, and while normally selected from marshal or blackshield regulars, anyone with the appropriate skills may volunteer and doing so does not count against your department limit.

Despite having access, you may not freely take any weapons, armor, or supplies from the marshal and blackshield armory. You are given all you need for your job within your room and the command armory. Additional equipment must be obtained by either purchasing it from cargo, the supply specialist, or scavengers. Taking anything from either armory will result in you being charged with grand theft and exceeding official powers in addition to an immediate non-negotiable demotion with possible permanent barring from taking this position again.

Your Suit

To aid you in your work to both protect and aid the heads of staff you are given a rig suit that comes with a few standard features and can be upgraded with better batteries and additional suit modules. Your suit can also deploy extremely quickly and unlike most suits is so light that it does not impede movement. In addition your gloves are insulated to protect you from shocks while making you uncuffable, your armor disperses (though does not make you immune) to taser shocks, and your boots are slip-proof. It also comes with some layer of EMP shielding, but be wary of such weaponry as it will fry your battery.

Your starting modules:

  • A shoulder mounted taser
  • A palm mounted flash
  • A built-in medical HUD visor
  • A hand mounted medical scanner
  • A basic chemical injector stocked with standard healing chemicals
  • An AI container for a pAI to be slotted in
  • A storage compartment that functions as an additional bag

Your suit should also be loaded with the appropriate equipment to fulfill your tasks. It's highly recommended you keep at least one folder loaded with papers, your stamp, the laptop you will find in your quarters, and spare ammo within your suits storage compartment.


You have absolutely no authority over any other crew member and conversely nobody has authority over you besides the premier, and special circumstances during code delta. This means that any command given by any head of staff may be treated as a suggestion and nothing more. Keep in mind that neither you, nor the premier, are above Standard Operating Procedure or the Laws. You should comply with all reasonable orders and report any violations from the premier to the council. You are in many ways both his right hand and his watch dog, so keep in mind, absolute loyalty is expected but ultimate loyalty is to the colony itself.

Roleplaying Tips

  • In terms of roleplaying, you have a lot of freedom. You should really have some basic knowledge of medical triage, an advanced understanding of combat, and general knowledge of the station lay out.
  • You should always be well versed in standard operating procedure and the expectation of the law. You and the council are not only beholden to it, but will be demoted quite quickly if you break it.
  • You should be knowledgeable in the fax system, and how to format a proper fax. It is a good idea to a-help with your fax to ensure it gets logged, otherwise take a full photo of your fax to send to staff on discord to ensure it gets logged.
  • Keep the council updated, a well-informed council can make effective decisions rapidly, your limited responsibilities enable you to collect firsthand reports on issues and deliver the council accurate information that you can verify as true.
    • Your duty on the frontline is that of information relaying ONLY other jobs are designed specifically for combat leave that work to them. Yours is to keep the council updated.
  • Do NOT run around the station chasing criminals. That's someone else's job.
  • Don't think that just because you're the steward, that you can do anything you want. That's the absolute worst thing to do.

Jobs on Sojourn


Command Premier, Steward, Blackshield Commander, Warrant Officer, Guild Master, Chief Research Overseer, Chief Biolab Overseer, Prime, Surface Operations Manager, Expedition Foreman
The Marshals Warrant Officer, Officer, Supply Specialist, Ranger
Blackshield Blackshield Commander, Sergeant, Corpsman, Trooper
The Guild Guild Master, Guild Adept
Soteria Medical Chief Biolab Overseer, Medical Doctor, Psychologist, Lifeline Technician
Soteria Science Chief Research Overseer, Scientist, Roboticist
Prospectors Expedition Foreman, Prospector, Salvager
The Church Prime, Vector
Lonestar & Civilian Surface Operations Manager, Bartender, Botanist, Chef, Janitor, Cargo Technician, Lonestar Miner, Colonist
Colony-Bound AI, Cyborg, Maintenance Drone, Personal AI, Ghost, Mouse
The Lodge Huntmaster, Hunter