
From Sojourn

"Mags strapped, tacti-cool visor deployed, right, time to defend our rights."




Security, EVA, Maintenance


Blackshield commander



Troopers are the main force behind the blackshield on the station. They are responsible for dealing with colony defense, patrols, and keeping an eye out for any subversive elements.

Know Your Place

  • The blackshield is not a democracy. You take orders from the blackshield commander, who takes his orders from the council, who takes their orders from their respective faction owners. Follow the orders you are provided, and try to not ask too many questions.
  • You are effectively the colony's unofficial military. The factions have agreed upon having you as the first line of defense for the colony. Don't fuck it up.
  • Your essential job function is to prevent the colony from falling apart in chaos.
  • Remember to follow Standard Operating Procedure.

Keeping the Peace

You are the sole guardian between exterior threats and the colonists that each company has chosen to advance its interests.

Oftentimes, you will be informed over your radio that there is a problem in a certain area. If you are nearby, inform the rest of blackshield over your headset using the private channel that you are on your way.

Have your rifle hanging in the suit slot provided by your armor. This will ensure that you are armed if things go sour, but that you are not being threatening and there is no possibility of your weapon being easily stolen. If you notice an obviously hostile force when you arrive on the scene, shoot it until it stops moving or you run out of ammo. If for whatever reason its still moving, get the boot knife. If the area is now safe, begin securing it. If the area is not safe, go back to step one. If the area contains colonist protect them, under no circumstances should you ever shoot a colonist unless they are a direct threat to your or anothers life.

Keep a GPS with your first initial and three letters of your surname as the tag (e.g. Alberto Barbosa's tag would be 'ABAR'). Put it in your belt, so that if a trooper calls for help, you can pull it out and respond at a moment's notice.

If things turn into a lengthy gunfight or you are outmatched, immediately call for backup as efficiently as possible. "<Such and such> the <job title> is <shooting> at <the location>", is hard to spit out while under attack. Try a shorter format in a macro, such as [say ":s HOSTILES AT MY GPS, SEND BACKUP!"]. There will be time for explanation when you are out of harm's way. Keep your people informed and you'll never be a lone gunman.

Blackshield HQ

This is where you do your set up at. If people ask nicely for your equipment just tell them to ask a head of staff instead. Passing out gear to civilians leads to dangerous situations at worst, arrests and misunderstandings at best.

The first step when you arrive in your position is to find an unused blackshield locker either in the main office.. If it has all been claimed, ask the supply specialist for additional resources.


This job is one of the few jobs that will also gain access to guns as a standard required load out. You're expected and encouraged to wear your standard armor, be it just the chest piece and optionally a helmet.

Rifles - Your weapon of choice. It deals high amounts of damage with an extended magazine and has multiple firing modes. Make sure to properly set the safety.

Sidearm - Place this in a holster equipped to your jumpsuit and remember you can quick draw this to shoot if someone knocks your rifles out of your hands or you have an empty mag and need to react fast.

Tactical Knife - The most powerful weapon in your kit your preferred melee option and last resort. You should always keep one shoved in your boot and ready for action.

Sunglasses - You need to equip these. Put them on your eyes. They are essential gear, especially if you want to man the brig and want to avoid the embarrassing result of succumbing to a flash meant only for an unruly prisoner or a flash bang meant to knock out a hostile force.

Handcuffs- Throw these in your pockets as well. You will use these if a marshal officer asks assistance or no marshals are around. A lot. Click on someone to start handcuffing them. You'll both need to stay next to each other for them to work. Pulling people then prevents them from running away. Be careful of bumping into people however.

Important: When you are done with your locker, close it and lock it.


Always have your tools recharged after a fight. Then take your energy gun and pop them in the recharger, and wait for the light to change. Having a charged laser is sometimes the difference between life and death.

Note: Stun gloves require their battery cells to be changed, and do not work in a recharger.

Jobs on Sojourn


Command Premier, Steward, Blackshield Commander, Warrant Officer, Guild Master, Chief Research Overseer, Chief Biolab Overseer, Prime, Surface Operations Manager, Expedition Foreman
The Marshals Warrant Officer, Officer, Supply Specialist, Ranger
Blackshield Blackshield Commander, Sergeant, Corpsman, Trooper
The Guild Guild Master, Guild Adept
Soteria Medical Chief Biolab Overseer, Medical Doctor, Psychologist, Lifeline Technician
Soteria Science Chief Research Overseer, Scientist, Roboticist
Prospectors Expedition Foreman, Prospector, Salvager
The Church Prime, Vector
Lonestar & Civilian Surface Operations Manager, Bartender, Botanist, Chef, Janitor, Cargo Technician, Lonestar Miner, Colonist
Colony-Bound AI, Cyborg, Maintenance Drone, Personal AI, Ghost, Mouse
The Lodge Huntmaster, Hunter