
From Sojourn

The Naramadi’s first contact with the Sol Federation went well, on account of their naive and typically positive attitude. Although due to their opportunistic approach, the Sol Federation quickly placed roots upon the world and integrated themselves as the new backbone that supported the once primitive species. This new providence and age of growth from the resources provided also pulled them into a position of owing the powerful group. From there, they have worked endlessly as both military conscripts and a labor force for the Federation in the modern day.

Quickstart Guide

  • Naramad are strong and tough, but incredibly simple minded and due to biological issues make for poor shots. They get +10 to Robustness and Toughness but -10 to Vigilance and Cognition. An extra +10 can be gained/lost to the respective stats if their homeworld is chosen in character setup.
  • Naramad are suited for fast movement and naturally move slightly faster than other races and can call upon bursts of energy to sprint even faster.
  • Naramad have rows of sharp teeth and claws well suited for hunting.
  • Naramad have a heavy and blunt tail, an appendage suited for striking hard but not fully harming others. (Similar to a pulled punch)
  • Perk: Naramad gain the perk "Adrenaline Burst", which grants an increased movement speed and heart rate for 1 minute every 15 minutes. Using this perk has a vocal call out.
  • Perk: Naramad gain the perk "Hydration Reliance", which makes normal water heal identically to tricordrazine for them.
  • Perk: Naramad gain the perk "Born Warrior", which prevents their melee weapons from embedding in enemies.


  • While possessing individual personalities, their general character is simple-minded and optimistic, though they sometimes show a sensitive nature.
  • A majority of the Naramad behave with a mob mentality when influenced by a strong-willed or charismatic individual and are quite faithful to that strong figure.
  • Their animalistic and simple nature and abilities appear on both as strong points and shortcomings; as strong points, it would be as “bravery” and physical strength.
  • Therefore, they are suitable for jobs that require strength and stamina and work extensively outdoors such as soldiers, hunters, and explorers.
  • As for shortcomings, they are unsuitable for jobs which require logical thinking, concentration, and very accurate stereopsis such as crafting and engineering above a certain level.
  • The original species is the Northern Naramad, with various regional differences arising from those who have since derived from Northerners; Southern Naramadi, who achieved civilized culture the earliest by symbiosis with the ancient relics scattering their territory from an early stage, Eastern Naramadi, who are mixed breed of Northerners and Southerners, and Western Naramadi, who have long since become extinct.


Some Sol Federation biologists believe that the varying Naramad anatomy is due to the environments they grew up in, while others believe that their evolution path was influenced or even tampered with by a much older precursor race that could have shaped every part of their beings. Regardless of the truth to their origin, the race is known for having a shorter lifespan than some races, maturing younger than most around 16 and having a typical life expectancy of around 60 years.

At least from their outward appearance, the species lacks any real difference between sexes due to their physique, the distinct lack of secondary sex characteristics and their generally slim and agile humanoid bodies featuring especially long fur around the base of their tail and ears, breasts, wrists and heels.

  • Naramad heads feature a pointed, shark-like snout along with a lack of any visible browline and a distinctly flattened top of their skull that meets swept back and pointed ears. The inner ears cannot typically be seen, primarily due to the angle and presence of thicker fur around the openings.
  • A typical adult’s eyes face outwards on either side of their skull, their eyes naturally displaying shades of grey into pale greens with light browns and golden colors being rarely present amongst the Eastern tribes. While the species have excellent peripheral vision as a result, their overall vision tends to suffer where it leaves most short sighted or unable to perceive depth effectively which aided in the preference of melee and short range weapons over guns and long range projectiles.
  • Naramad mouths feature thick lower lips ranging from the fleshy tones of the North to the purple and black of the South, alongside a dozen fang-like canine teeth that fill their jaws that are able to open exceptionally wide, not unlike a snake.
  • A thick mane covers the back of their long necks, starting around the midsection of the heads and reaching down to their shoulder blades.
  • Their torsos feature a prominent ‘V’ shaped breastbone, though this can often be mistaken as simply a thick lump of chest fur. Due to the varying height of this protrusion between individuals, Naramad clothing and armor is generally constructed with this feature in mind.
  • Naramads possess three slim, rodent-like fingers on each hand complete with opposable thumbs and four toes on each foot, the palms and soles of each respectively being padded and lacking fur.
  • Their long, somewhat muscular tails are thick primarily around the base, tapering off to a pointed tip that is covered by a large, thick tuft of fur.

When it comes down to height, Northern Naramad tend to stand the tallest at 190-205cm while the Southern are a shorter 160-185cm and the Eastern, largely being a mix of the two, can feature a large variation of anything in between. Fur colours tend to follow a similar pattern with the North’s cool earthy and slate-like tones, a stark contrast to the South’s warmer, lighter and often sandy colourations that often combine into unique, interesting combinations in the East.

Homeplanet Norian, A Sculpted Experiment?

The Naramadi homeworld is a resource rich planet with a large amount of untapped minerals and ancient, uncovered knowledge. The landmass is made up for the most part of a single massive pangaea continent that despite its changes over time still retains a somewhat odd, artificial appearance from space with how the lands are separated into such vastly varying regions by not quite naturally formed mountain ranges and massive abandoned structures that look as though they were present long before the developments of the Naramadi themselves.

  • North: Largely made up of mountains, harsh weather and cold, sharp winds that bite into everything that is brave enough to venture into it. Different groups tend to fight heavily over the considerably warmer, sheltered valleys nestled between the huge peaks that offer limited areas of lush plants, ample wildlife and fresh, plentiful water running down from above that allows for perfect grounds to set up farms and raise young Naramadi.
  • South: Primarily made up of a single massive desert broken up with occasional hardy brush and oases, it features a massive river that bisects the area unevenly from the panageas central mountains all the way to the far south where it come out to the ocean within view of a collection of islands that can be seen easily on a clear day. Primarily settlements gravitated to the river with groups occasionally spreading to build villages around oases a little further out. Some went even further yet and set out to master sailing and in more recent years have populated the islands and developed their own ways in part.
  • East: Considered very much a land of plenty, this region is essentially as large as the north though benefits from being made up of expansive plains and large, lush forests and jungles. The latter two areas especially are home to high amounts of unique flora and fauna that can reach massive sizes. Due to this area being largely populated by Naramadi coming from the north and south the settlements are largely insular and tend to be great distances from each other where many inhabitants may never cross paths.
  • West: Largely inhabitable for the planet’s residents, this area grows thinner as it stretches somewhat eastwards and is primarily made up of fungal forests and swamps that are filled with heavy amounts of precursor buildings and other technology left behind.

History and Culture Culture Across the Compass

The Naramad are made up of several different cultures, all originating from the massive Northern region that consists of a large percentage of the present day population that works largely together as a commune and the somewhat smaller South that consists partially of dotted continental islands and large family structures, the difference between tribe and family largely nonexistent. The remaining notable groups consist of the large grassy plains, forests and jungles of the East, its residents largely isolationist with focuses on personal development and hunting and last but not least the ‘Spacer’ Naramad that are a newer group that largely voluntarily chose to take to the stars once the agreement between the Norian people and the Sol Federation had been settled.


This sizable area of land is home to a large population with a heavy focus on working as collectives. Northerners generally hold an (unusually extreme) negative view of all non-Naramadi though due to the common loss of brothers, sisters, and parents, they easily bond with fellow Naramadi and focus on their contributions and how they can benefit their commune to a borderline selfless degree; this closeness of their own and distrust of others has allowed them a much greater skill to read others instinctively. In the past family distinctions were not held too importantly due to the harsh environments and competition, along with the fact that deaths were not too uncommon due to small scale wars and conflicts that would break out between the different groups. Though the land remains harsh, increased technology and development of the modern day has changed the typical death from being a result of the elements to being forced to work within massive mines for valuable materials in less than safe conditions and being taken off world to join SolFed militaristic forces.

Northern Naramadi were considered the best of the different types for military service even with their heavy mistrust due to the sheer amount of them, their considerable hardiness and a willingness to do difficult and somewhat repetitive jobs for the sake of the ‘greater good’. While some appear to at least on the surface seem content with this service, few to none feel the same behind closed doors where there have been several cases that have escalated into full blown rebellions and attacks that have caused injuries and even deaths as a result. These lead to special measures to minimise issues and conflict by allowing almost exclusive Naramadi cells and groups capable of effective basic tactics and war where possible and avoiding Akula direct leadership due to their incredibly testly and tense relations likely stemming from the fact that the large repto-mammals would be used often to deal with the Naramadi who were causing issues. Once their service is finished, it is rare for this group that is so dependant and comfortable around their own to not return home.

Before the Sol Federation’s arrival that brought in measures and supplies to make it easier, farming and food was especially difficult and as a result the common diet consisted of meat from small farms that were set up or the wild creatures and hardy plants that thrive in the cold, rocky landscapes.


In the lands on the eastern side of Norian’s primary continent reside a highly individual, tough, but very resourceful sub-species of Naramadi. The lands of the east hold a large and rich variety of environments from its many plains to forests and deep jungles, all of which are teeming with a variety of very hostile and highly dangerous monsters, but the eastern Naramadi have lived and evolved to become stronger against the natural forces around them. Their natural and older culture revolved around The Hunt and the gain of personal growth from it. Easterners, once they become of age, create hunting masks and set out into the world. They remember every large nightmare-ish beast they have killed, easily able to tell others of their personal accomplishments. The hunting masks they make reflect this, often starting off as a simple design which changes as the Naramadi overcomes the mental, physical, and possibly spiritual challenges that their life poses to them.

The bonds an eastern Naramadi makes is far different compared to both the northern and southern subspecies. Their natural lifestyle went through the following: First a young eastern Naramadi is born, then as the child is raised they get taught as much as possible by their two parents. From simple tasks such as making clothing or weapons, identifying plants, proper knowledge on preparing food, how to hunt and farm, plus whatever else to provide a general skill set which would allow them to survive in the harsh environment surrounding them without any support. This is done as soon as possible after birth and kept up until they reach the age of adulthood. Once they reach such an age they create their hunting mask and set off into the world. Very rarely do these Naramadi come back to meet their parents until the day they find their hunting partner.

A hunting partner is synonymous as a monogamous mate and there is no stronger bond between all forms of Naramadi compared to that of two dedicated hunting partners who live and die together. Courting rituals are very individual but many common themes among them are the comparison of hunting masks and the designs they bear. With closeness in similarity being the best sign that two eastern Naramadi would form their bond. In a way it is a representation of them as an individual, sort of like a fingerprint. Then, once a hunting partner is found, they carve a place out from the environment around them and set up a home. Once their home is set up the Naramadi couple would have a child, raise the child to adulthood, where the process repeats. They never have more than a single child at a time.

With the arrival and takeover by the Federation however, this culture has been changing and dying out to some degree. Now instead of having homes extremely far from each other and isolated there are instead sparse villages focused around outposts that the Sol/Terran Federation built up. Instead of leaving home and going into the world around them, the new way things are done are joining the Federation’s military force. Masks, while still done, aren’t able to be worn while in the military and are merely a reflection of how much they one were within their culture and once the mandatory service is up it is not unusual for an Easterner to stay within the military within a higher leadership position. While it is impossible for them to truly climb the ranks they can much more easily fall into a leadership position compared to the other subspecies who hold a strong follower mindset.


Modern Southern Naramadi culture is based primarily upon multi-generational family units where the families typically have some kind of specialisation and skill set that is expanded and passed down between said generations, often influenced by the kind of ancient technology that they managed to find and collect; his was a tradition that was present in the earlier times also, though the families possessed more generalised abilities and interests due to the lack of precursor technological influence and fancier equipment that aids in many aspects of present day work.

These people have a large obsession with the mysterious ancient lands to the north west which aided in creating a vitally important rite of passage that involved finding and recovering important artifacts that could be studied or used. While rites of passage are still important to this day, the focus has shifted from items left by ancients to acquiring education though the federation instead. This intense curiosity for the unknown and thirst for knowledge allowed them to be relatively easy to win over when the Sol Federation first made contact, offering even more capability to expand what they knew, though there has been pockets of Naramadi that have displayed discontent at the exploitative conditions that many of their enthusiastic though otherwise untrained people have fallen into.

Due to this kind of mental obsession southern Naramadi pick up their subject of interest extremely quickly and can easily perform far greater than many humans who enter the same field of work. This has proven them to be an invaluable resource to use within the Sol Federation.

Another important part of the southern region is the Iserrero river. It runs from the middle of the continent through the entire southern section, ending at the ocean where many of their settlements have been built alongside the river and a small culture of fishing from the body of water. The population of fish is relatively low within it, providing at most a rarer addition to their diet which is highly enjoyed.

Despite the main group of southern Naramadi living within the more central area, a smaller group broke off and made a variety of basic boats, and proceeded to travel south until they reached the ocean. Another settlement was formed there with a cultural difference. No longer would the usual growth of an individual be marked through finding and bringing back a precursor artifact; instead the focus was upon how well they could sail the ocean. It became the new beast to tame, giving these Naramadi a competitive but relaxed behaviour.


Whether it be after military service or simply due to curiosity driving them towards the stars there are some that become comfortable enough with life on large stations or the many spaceships that they choose to remain there. While those who initially resided on the planet often retain their ideals and traditions, children born from enlisted couples or otherwise away from their home planet possess much freer thought and different ideals, aided by an in depth Federation education and opportunities that allow them to study into fields and specialities that they would otherwise be unable to access and explore.

The drastically different surroundings and differing focus on education tend to leave these Naramadi as weaker to their planet born counterparts, and though their genetics allows them some natural strength and speed their diet is often supplemented with vitamins and calcium rich foods and drink.

Naming Scheme

The naming scheme for Naramadi is an odd but simple one. The naming scheme for southerners follows the odd rule of very few hard consonants and a lot of vowel usage. It sounds smooth to human ears with a flowing tone. Such as Cayrel, Koleos, Valvatorez. The naming scheme for northerners is having shorter and harsh, consonant, filled names. Such as Brock, Nash, Wren. Eastern naming convention is simply a sort of combination between the both, as individuals each name would commonly end up unlike others around them. It is always entirely original, with the end result being an alien amalgamation of consonants and vowels which have not been seen elsewhere. and very alien sounding to human ears.

Dietary Preferences

A natural Naramadi diet would be that of an omnivore. Their main diet upon homeworld is basic grain-based food or meat from local wildlife. For the southern ones the meat primarily comes from fish from the large river running through the region. Fruit and alcoholic beverages are exceptionally rare for both north and southern Naramadi, Things such as fruit and alcoholic beverages would be a major deal to them. Fruit is extremely rare on Norian, especially for southern and northern Naramadi. The one place where it can be reliably found would be on the eastern side of the continent within the jungles.

The Sol Federation easily stepped into a position of control over both the northern and southern regions with bringing their modern day technology that eliminated the previously lasting problem of food supply and shortages as without the Federation supplying the major Naramadi populations their current population would fail to be able to sustain itself especially the northern region, where many of them would die off and their higher form of living fall should the supply chain be cut.

Religious Stance

None of the Naramadi subspecies are naturally religious, though due to their more follower mindset it isn’t uncommon for some to fall into the path of a powerful religion due to its overbearing nature, fairly often resulting in them taking a serious position of support for it and the normally highest priority in their life being taken over. Their old way of thinking doesn’t entirely leave them, instead having that same nature transferred over to those new individuals that are considered their “family” for better or worse. Even without a powerful influence from things such as religion a large enough segregation from others can lead even those somewhat focused on the traditional ways to take up a very different central objective in their life.

First Contact: An Acceleration Into Space

The Sol Federation initially first discovered the Naramadi homeworld with the passing of a scouting probe that traveled by the planet. Long range images of the planet brought a lot of interest to the joint Human and Mar’qua exploration fleet with the odd shape of the singular continent. Quickly drawing them towards it, the long range scans confirmed breathable atmosphere and various forms of life upon the world; due to the rarity of habitable worlds a course was quickly set towards the planet.

Once the exploration vessel was upon the world a smaller scouting vessel was sent out upon the world to perform a close aerial scouting. Starting by the southern continent the native population were immediately visible to the team and it was decided that first contact should be made. The scouting crew landed by the largest settlement and the small crew from the craft was nearly immediately greeted by several curious but apprehensive Naramadi. Despite the language barrier basic forms of intelligent communication began with basic mathematics where the specialized Naramadi quickly showed their intelligence in return by showing higher level forms and gifts of food from their homes to the crew. The Mar’qua and Human crew quickly brought out the food they had themselves where fruits and energy bars switched hands with the odd forms of native vegetables and meat. With neither food being toxic to either species and the Naramadi greatly loving the fruit and moderately receptive to the other food provided, this led to an excellent starting relationship between the Sol Federation and Naramadi.

Within a few weeks of contact with the southern Naramadi the northern subspecies was discovered. First contact with the region went far worse with the inhabitants avoiding the visiting parties, but the observation of their lack of food and thin bodies brought the exploratory crew the idea to make a very tentative trade of food came to them. From there relations went far better with them suddenly becoming much more welcoming as long as food was provided.

The Eastern Naramadi subspecies was discovered within a year of first contact through sheer chance. Due to the low amount of eastern naramadi and the sparseness within the region none were initially discovered until a deeper exploration of the region brought forth the results of their existence. Their individualistic and practical natures made it somewhat difficult to properly interact and build relations with many of them for a while in part due to the exploration crew being considered wildlife, however there have been no reported casualties as a result.

Sol Federation: Obligate Symbiosis

Never to let an opportunity slide, the Sol Federation was quick to jump upon the resource that is Norian and its inhabitants. Due to the good starting relationship nearly immediate and one-sided trade begun.

The southern Naramadi quickly picked up the advanced technology given to them, according to their specialties. From the makeshift houses within blown out structures they got moved to full, proper, housing within half a year. Their newly provided housing and electricity were a massive step up for the southern variant of the species, and the rate at which many of them picked up the new technology and the inner workings of it astounded the large observing forces. From there the southern Naramadi were quickly put to work to improve the rest of their society. Farming was improved significantly due to modified crops and simple systems put into place to care for it. Suddenly food had become far less of an issue and due to that the population boomed over the years before stabilizing. But this investment from the federation did not come without a cost. The naramadi who lived within the southern region suddenly lost a lot of freedom, their entire society now came under the oversight of the Federation and the various families were put to work, either on world or off world, in a service pertaining to their specialty without payment for a few generations until it was viewed that everything provided was paid off. During this time they were effectively second-class citizens and quick labor without a cost. The sudden boom of naramadi specialists that came without any cost established the species as a somewhat common thing to see upon any Sol Federation vessel. Once the period of indentured servitude to the Federation begun to pay wages, as well as instituting a mandatory 4 year service within the military upon all Naramadi. This was followed with minor complaint but was still a step forwards with relationship between the species and the Federation, even though they they continued to exploit each Naramadi with the only most basic of pocket change during these new years of service.

The northern Naramadi were taken up into the Federation through a different route. Due to their previously nomadic nature and the unmanageable living conditions of the northern region, when Sol Fed offered food and proper housing it was taken up nearly immediately but with a heavy amount of skepticism. Although, true to their word, similar and proper housing as provided for the southern Naramadi was provided to this subspecies as well. Heating, a sustained source of food and water, medical care, and so much more was provided. Even though this slowly took place over a five year period, the Federation placed its control over each and every communal group that was living within the north. Kept separate they lived peacefully enough. And over the years later, since their greatest needs were met, were then able to be grouped far more closely together to help maintain control and care over all of them. Then came the years of repayment. With the suddenly higher living conditions the northern population grow exponentially for a long period, far more than seen within the southern subspecies. The sudden access to free but more unskilled labor was something that could not be passed up. Suddenly a dry-dock for Sol Federation vessels was built, with much of the simple labor being done by the population. Since the northern region of Norian has also the richest minerals within the ground, heavy mining operations were formed. Last, but not least, the northern Naramadi were taken as ground troops within the military once the four year mandatory service became enacted. Although they lacked the high skill the southern Naramadi had shown, they still good capabilities with simple stuff that no human would have trouble with. Except with firearms, only a few northern Naramadi could use them properly, so special modified weaponry eventually became another major production from the southern region. There was always little dissent among northern Naramadi, having been raised up from barely any food to now having the opportunity to travel through the stars was such a sudden uplifting event for them as a whole that nearly nothing could repay their debt. But despite that they now get a fair wage within the modern day and forced into the same mandatory service as their southern brethren.

Eastern Naramadi were encountered far later then the other groups, and not too much could be provided for them and their self-sufficient ways. Even though they had been encountered in time, many attempts to goad the easterners into a pact was a misplaced effort. So then began the formation of many areas within the region into a place fit for farming. Due to the rich topsoil, genetically modified crops, and advanced cultivation tools the operation brought forth far more food then needed for both northern and southern groups of Naramadi. The planet became a restocking point for any vessels passing by the sector, granting a stronger foothold for all Federation forces. Over the years of these operations running at full steam, the few eastern Naramadi who approached the ground forces was given ample supplies in exchange for any and all information about others within the region. From here, small but armed groups were sent out bearing gifts to every inhabitant that could be reached and willing to speak with them. This laid the seed within the eastern Naramadi culture that would eventually bloom. And through the following generations within this region, the Naramadi who lived here eventually stopped caring about living far apart. And instead took up help from the various forces and started living in minor villages surrounding each facility. The higher intelligence and individuality of these ones Naramadi proved to be an interesting resource to exploit, becoming sly commanders within the military or, in general, were some of the craftiest types around who brought many useful ideas to the tables governed by humans. This also caused a change within the eastern culture, no longer was it about going into the wild but serving the 4 years to the Federation.

None of the Naramadi on Norian escaped the effects that Sol Fed brought upon their world, but through their unlikely allies the species stepped forward into the greater universe through the harsh but guiding hand given to them.

Present Day

Since the takeover of Norian by the Sol Federation the Naramadi species and world are now a highly valued asset, population and the various types of resources provide their continual support for the Federation through both mandatory military service, mining operations, or otherwise assisting with the production of various items and resources. The four years of mandatory service comes into effect when a Naramad reaches the age of adulthood though many commonly return back to the homeworld afterwards. Due to the highly valuable nature of this resource, the Federation has takes heavy measures to ensure that no usurpation force comes upon it and the life of Naramadi in every region reflects this increased takeover as well.

Northerners, with regards to their mandatory service, primarily end up as grunt soldiers within the military. From being supply to given modified weaponry and sent to a frontline. Southerners typically ended up in focused support roles, fall into roles as combat medics, technicians, or low level scientists that their inquisitiveness and interest in technical work leads them into. Though since their interest tends to lay in a single area they lack a considerable ability to pick up more than the basics in fields outside of the one they are dedicated to, leading to superb skills within a single field of work. Eastern Naramadi, however, can fall into a large variety of roles depending on each individual and their personal skills and abilities. A common factor between these is some kind of aspiration for positions of leadership or otherwise a path that very much keeps with the native mindset of “cutting away a part of the world for themself.”

The once overriding native cultural practices and traditions have largely become diluted since the take over, falling to the wayside as industrialisation and the sudden jump to a space age has become a primary focus. The Naramadi of both the north and south have done their best to retain as much as they can from the old ways to some success, with the east being hit the hardest where the traditions they once held absolute have for many become more of a philosophy or means to live by over a viable, reachable lifestyle even as they carry it out among the stars.

There is some talk of some southern Naramadi families moving entirely to new planets and setting up new lives there, eastern individuals moving to explore completely untamed lands of their own full of alien wildlife to conquer and even the existence of a sizable space station that was inhabited solely by a sizable northern population, though since the bluespace crash its state is no longer well known with its distance to most other Federation areas.

Relations With Other Species

Common insults against Naramadi such as cheese head, wedge, or similar derogatory comments against their head shape is taken as an insult, possibly a very serious one. It is a very common derogatory term that many soldiers in the Federation military use against the enlisted Naramadi soldiers as they are usually treated as second-class citizens.

Relations with the Akula are tense at best, and openly hostile at worst. Virtually all contact between the species comes from conscription into the various branches in the Sol Federation military and significant human oversight and mediation is needed to reduce the number of “accidents” incurred against Naramadi, with mixed units requiring Human officers to prevent fragging. Inherent social and biological differences between the species draws harsh ire from Akula troopers, who are self-motivated and see service as a duty and regular part of adulthood in direct contrast to the impression of Naramadi being individually hesitant and weak with making decisions. This makes Akula take the position of being harsh and possibly outright uncaring leaders to try and turn them into brutal combatants. As such, Naramadi are considered to be immature and akin to dull, merping, overgrown pups suitable for little more than distractions and cannon fodder and as a result this sort of handling and mindset from the Akula species has left many Naramadi with a highly negative impression of them, especially within northerner sub-species who commonly share their views with each other.

Humans can be viewed in a very broad way due to the sheer amount that have interacted with the Naramadi, often dependant of how the interactions take place and how long they last for; those Humans who shown a warmer and genuine interest in the species and their varying cultures to learn or provide aid being received warmly- even by those more hesitant- after a time in an extreme contrast to those who have only ever interacted with the Naramadi when it came to situations and topics relating to their world being taken over, forced service within the military, and exploitation upon an incredible level.

Despite tense relations in some aspects, it has been difficult for many to deny that through the control of their world and exploitation the Naramadi race has been given the key to traveling among the stars and access to resources none of them could have dreamed of. It depends primarily upon the opinions other Naramadi have around them how each considers their situation and secondarily how they have been personally treated.

Canon Species in the Sojourn Universe
Core Species
Akula - Kriosans - Humans - Mar'qua - Sablekyne - Naramad - Abhuman
Non-Core Species
Opifex - Cht’mant - Cindarite - Mycus - Folken - Minor Factions