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Laws are the name for the current regulations in effect on the colony at any given time. It also provides common and uncommon offenses and punishments for them. This is not a general guide to security. All new marshals should review the official Guide to the Marshals. The following are all sentences you can apply to prisoners during your work as a member of the marshals. It's important to remember you are expected to follow them as a guideline. For example, you are not required to give a sentence if the problem can be resolved in alternative way that the suspect agrees to, such as community service, or peer mediation. To understand how to go about a proper arrest, or other clarifications such a prisoner rights, alert levels, and more, see Standard Operating Procedure. Note that Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is not enforced by threat of arrest or fine, so security should not be enforcing it. It is up to heads of staff to handle these policies.

Interpretation of the Law

A good working knowledge of the law is important for any person on the station. It can be the difference between a shiny pair of handcuffs and sipping drinks in the bar. More in-depth interpretations of the law is required for such positions as the ranger, officer, premier, and the warrant officer. For certain crimes, the accused party's intent is important. The difference between 'assault' and 'attempted murder' can be very hard to ascertain. It is important to note though, that 'assault' and 'attempted murder' are mutually exclusive. You cannot be charged with 'assault' and 'attempted murder' from the same crime as the intent of each is different. Pay careful attention to the requirements of each law and select the one that best fits the crime when deciding sentence.

If the crime has a victim involved who chooses not to press charges specific to them, security may not decide to press charges anyway. It doesn't matter why. If someone punches someone else, security can still arrest the assailant, but if the victim decides they would rather talk it out instead of them getting jail time, then security should let them do it. Arresting them anyway falls under wrongful arrest. Note, the victim must choose this option. A murder victim cannot voice their choice and therefore cannot choose to drop charges. This does not mean a victim can excuse all crimes committed by the assailant, only the crimes committed directly against them. Security can still charge the assailant for crimes that, while may have happened at the same time as crimes committed against the victim, did not directly involve the victim. This includes crimes against other people and to property belonging to the base/station/etc. The victim cannot speak on behalf of these entities.

  • To ensure you, as an arresting officer, don't fall into the trap of negligence or misuse of power, always follow procedure where possible as detailed by standard operating procedure.
  • In the case of violent crimes (assault, manslaughter, attempted murder and murder), and theft (petty, pickpocketing, and high value) take only the most severe.
  • A single incident has a single sentence, so if, for instance, the prisoner took 3 items off someone, this is a single count of theft.
  • Keep in mind that people that cause major mayhem (and potentially any other criminals) have probably committed more than one crime. Add the time for each case together.
  • Aiding a criminal makes you an accomplice; you can be charged with the same crime as the person you aided.
  • As an arresting officer, follow the Guide to the Marshals to ensure you don't fall foul of legal proceedings.

Some crimes may have a fine tied to them, in this case, the detained person may either serve the sentence given to them, or pay a fine. Fines can be processed using an EFTPOS scanner or by paying cash from an ATM. Do note, however, that your warrant officer will most likely need to set up an EFTPOS scanner for you, as they need to be configured to place fines into the station security account. Otherwise, turn the cash in to a supply specialist for safe keeping, or directly to the the warrant officer who can add it to the security account.


Heads of staff are not above the law, and can be arrested by the marshals for breaking it. The only time that the law can be overridden is when there is an imminent and overwhelming threat to the station, such as during Code Delta scenario. Pardons are only legitimate if they come from a a council vote or Boris Kilmeade himself (that is, someone who ranks above the warrant officer and council in matters of security).

  • If you can't find the incident listed in here you can ask for the council to vote on a decision.
  • The time you took for bringing the suspect in and the time you spend questioning are NOT to be calculated into this. This is the pure time someone spends in a cell staring at the wall.
  • You should apply the suggested sentence unless the warrant officer or council demands otherwise, or the arrested individual has been a continual problem during the shift.
  • If a sentence is 20 minutes or longer, allow the prisoner access to the communal jail area and not confine them to the cell except in cases of suicide attempts.
  • If further criminal acts are made while imprisoned (such as assaulting another prisoner or breaking windows), the prisoner is to be moved to solitary confinement with charges added to their sentence.
  • If prison time for a single holding accumulates to more than 90 minutes, hold the prisoner until judgement by a tribunal unless they surrendered and willingly came to the brig.

Contraband Policy

Minor Contraband

  • Thermals are considered contraband for all departments. Thermals are permitted outside the colony, a red alert level, or in combat scenarios. This goes for the augmentations that can be made by both Soteria and the Church. Anyone found in violation of this will be charged with minor contraband and the item will be confiscated.
    • If either Church or Soteria provided thermals, they are to be fined for minor contraband as well. If a Soteria staff continues to do so repeatedly, then they are to be demoted immediately. Heads of staff in Soteria or the Church continuing are to be detained and demoted after a fax has been sent up to the faction leader.
    • Permits can be temporarily provided to excuse thermal augmentations but requires a roboticist/doctor/prime to write a form for the insertion of thermal augmentation, a gatelog from Blackshield listing the departure and return of the individual, and a form from doctor/roboticist/prime of it being removed. These forms are to be given to the WO, if there is no WO then the BC. If there are neither, hold onto them for later or fax them up to the Council.
  • All firearms capable of fitting in a standard holster, melee weapons, and improvised weapons may be carried by the crew both openly and concealed. All crew members may carry their choice of non-lethal or lethal munitions with no limit as to the amount. Outside of colony walls this policy is removed, any crew member may carry any weapon of their choice, including combat mechs.
    • Weapons carried in a weapon case do not need to be announced, as it is obvious for security members to see, a member of security may request to search the case (and only the case) on any code level and refusal is considered a §201 charge. (Failure to execute an order with serious consequences). The case must be carried in hand and openly visible if it contains a weapon, attempting to hide the case in a bag is considered major contraband.
    • Prospectors may carry their weapons to and from prospector prep, the armory, and the main gate without announcing it over general comms (as per normal) but may not carry anything not already allowed in other areas of the colony. (ex. you couldn't bring your shotgun slung over your back into the bar).

Members of security and the steward may carry any weapon of their choice, including rifles or experimental technology. They, however, are not to carry explosive ordinance or use combat mechs unless a code red scenario is present.

  • Marshal officers must carry at minimum non-lethal ammunition, but may choose to carry lethal ammunition as desired.
  • The shooting range is considered a testing zone for science, including the testing and use of combat mechs. Items sent from science to the range for testing must be announced over general comms, including mechs. In the instance of Soteria testing explosives up at the shooting range, it must be a device capable of small explosives only. Larger explosions are to be tested out in the mines.
  • If any weapon or item is used in the commission of a crime, the weapons policy (if applicable) is null and the weapons are confiscated.
  • Any accidents relating to handling contraband are to be reported immediately to marshals and relevant heads of staff. If an injury results from such a mishap, the medical staff should also be informed. If station damage occurs, contact guild staff. You are responsible for any additional damage caused by any weaponry be it explosives, projectile, or melee.
  • In the event rifles, experimental technology, or combat mechs must be moved through general areas of the station this should be announced by the courier on public radio, stating the destination they are delivering it, and again once delivered. Examples include colonists moving rifles to personal lockers, roboticists transporting mechs to give to other departments, or scientists moving weapons outside to the range for testing.
  • The chemicals in the list below are considered minor contraband. These items may be tested upon within the research or medical department and are not considered contraband unless they leave said departments. Chemicals not on this list are not considered contraband unless used in the commission of a crime such as negligence or attempted murder. Some chemicals can be used for medical purposes and do not need to be in a medical department to be used (for example, soporific being used for field surgeries).
    • Zoom
    • Happy pills
    • Space drugs
    • Mindbreaker toxin
    • Warlock's Velvet
    • Voice mimic (nanite)
    • Impedrezene
    • Soporific
    • Potassium
  • All encryption keys that are not supplied to a colonists workplace are considered minor contraband. If sensitive or private information is gained through the use of encryption keys that a colonist should not have access to they should also be charged with violation of employee privacy. This is applied even if it was not the intent of the person using the encryption key. Legal access to an encryption key can be given by any employee of the faction or head of staff, but the head of staff reserves the right to remove any access to any non-employee at any time for any reason. Please note that allies and neutral factions may have their own encryption keys - these are not illegal and should never be taken away.
  • Stolen ID cards are considered minor contraband. All access ID cards and devices that potentially give you all access such as an e-mag are all considered major contraband (unless used and tested in the Soteria Research Wing). Other charges such as trespassing or disrespecting the dead should still apply if taken of a corpse as an example. In case an ID card or device had to be used for an emergency, all charges are void. If an ID card is illegally modified this applies a minor contraband charge. Legal access can be given by any employee of the faction or head of staff, but the head of staff reserves the right to remove any access to any non-employee at any time for any reason.
  • The following hardsuit modules are considered minor contraband (unless you have a permit from a BC or WO) and will be removed from hardsuits and confiscated by marshals/blackshield.

Any module that contains thermals, energy net fabricator, electro warfare, stealth field, teleporter, data jack, voice synthesizer. The security hud module is naturally minor contraband for those that are not a Marshal or Blackshield.

  • Any and all Chameleon items are minor contraband, which should be turned over to the Marshals or Soteria immediately.

Major Contraband

  • Explosives are only legally permitted for use by the blackshield/marshals during a code blue or greater scenario or by the soteria research division for the purpose of testing or blast mining, such as plasma bombs. EMP grenades are also a major contraband.
    • The one exception to the above rule is prospector staff may take and use explosives, such as grenades or plasma bombs, for the express purpose of using them in areas not within or directly next to the colony.
  • Mechs that are not specifically designed or outfitted for combat, such as a Ripley or Odysseus, are not considered combat mechs and therefore not considered contraband. A combat mech such as a durand, gygax, or phazon is considered contraband even with no weapons attached. For a non-combat mech to be considered outfitted for combat it must have a tool built specifically for combat, such as a jury rigged machine gun or welder laser, tools that could be used as a weapon such as a drill do not count.
    • Combat mechs or standard mechs fitted for combat are considered major contraband. Non-soteria staff wishing to own a mech, be it for combat or otherwise must fill out the proper forms and store the mech within their department, personal quarters, or mech bay. Transporting the mech must be announced over public comms and cannot be driven freely across the colony. This policy and associated paperwork applies to any mech, including those obtained through salvage. In the cases of salvage found mechs a equipment form must be signed by Soteria staff (preferably a roboticist or CRO), your head of staff (if applicable), and the premier (if applicable).
  • The chemicals in the list below are considered major contraband. These items may be tested upon within the research or medical department and are not considered contraband unless they leave said departments. Chemicals not on this list are not considered contraband unless used in the commission of a crime such as negligence or attempted murder. Some chemicals can be used for medical purposes and do not need to be in a medical department to be used (for example, soporific being used for field surgeries).
    • Chloral hydrate
    • Polytrinic Acid
    • Zombie powder
    • Demon powder
    • Handyprints
  • Bluespace harpoons, due to the fact they can only be used to either steal items or gain entry to a place you may not have access to are considered major contraband in all cases except when soteria research has one. This does not mean anyone in research can leave their department with one, it is for testing purposes only and only within their department. In all other cases it is major contraband, this cannot be overridden without express signed consent by the CRO and WO.
  • Armor of any form (hardsuit/handmade/salvaged) is not contraband and may be worn freely. Hardsuits with lethal weapons are under the same restrictions as long guns. Anyone may keep them in their personal lockers, use them outside the colony, and may take them through the halls if announced, en route to their storage area or the gate. If these requirements are not met they are considered major contraband and the entire hardsuit and all its components are confiscated.
    • The following modules that are considered weapons are: Mounted energy gun, mounted energy cannon, matter fabricator, energy blade projector, self destruct, grenade launcher.
  • The Command Armory may only be accessed if the surface armory is overrun. Under no ordinary circumstances should it be accessed even by the Steward or Premier.

Modifiers & Special Situations

These may reduce or increase your sentence depending on circumstances relating to the crimes committed.

Modifier Description Effect
Cooperation with Prosecution or Security To aid members of colony security, reveal evidence willingly during processing and/or provide names of accomplices involved in the charged offense. 25% to 50% timer reduction.
Surrender To willingly surrender oneself to security staff; either by the means of bringing oneself to the brig or, in a hostile situation, laying down arms and following direct orders. 25% to 50% timer reduction.

Execution may not be issued to those who have surrendered. Crimes worth of Holding until Transfer may be overturned at WO discretion.

Self Defense To have acted in the defense of oneself; ranging from physical injury of the attacker to death of the attacking party.

For this modifier to apply the party MUST have acted in defense; they are not required to retreat if there is credible threat that the attacking party may harm them or others.

The weapon used and lethality of used ammunition or weapon should be taken into account by the arresting officers to determine this modifier.

Immediate Release.
Victim in a Willfully Dangerous Position For a victim to have willingly consented to put themselves into a dangerous situation such as volunteering in the name of science or to insert themselves into a dangerous situation that is not inherently suicidal.

When charging the offender the victims willingness to insert themselves into a dangerous situation should be taken into offense.

Immediate release or 50% timer reduction on the offender.
Violation of Resident Privacy To be charged with evidence obtained via illegal means; such as through the use of thermal/X-ray vision goggles, searches without a proper legal warrant or any other such violation of privacy.

Further examples include cases of trumped-up charges as an excuse for a search in hopes of finding contraband.

All charged crimes or cases of contraband should be immediately dropped.

The arresting officer should be charged with Violation of Employee Rights for infractions on privacy.

Entrapment To be charged with a crime the offender was induced to commit by a fellow colonist and, without their help, either would not have or could not have committed.

Other forms of entrapment may vary; such as officers placing objects in public areas and waiting for them to be stolen or other colony residents operating similar traps.

Charges should be either reduced by up to 50% on the offender or charges should be completely dropped.

In cases of security operated entrapment offenses the officers running the operation should be charged with Violation of Employee Rights.

Repeat Offender To be charged with repeat offenses of the same crime/violation.

Examples include repeat offenses of vandalism, assault or contraband distribution.

For each repeat offense the timer for the crime should be multiplied by 2. 20 minutes would become 40 minutes, etc.

Once a timer reaches 90 in the case of repeat crimes the offender should instead be held until shift transfer

Offense by Trusted Colony Command To be a trusted member of the colony's command structure, such as Steward or Premier, and to be charged with any medium or high level charges. Immediate demotion in addition to any levied charges against the offender.

Note: A fax should immediately be sent to the High Council upon the offender’s demotion.

Immediate Threat or Severe Health Threat to the Prisoner To be arrested or in prison in the brig during an emergency which may negatively impact the offender’s health. The prisoner must be relocated to a safe location. In the case where a safe location cannot be found the offender must be immediately released.

If the prisoner is serving time until transfer or until judgement their charge must be reapplied after the emergency situation has ended.

Medical Treatment Any injured prisoner may have this modifier applied to them. Under SoP prisoners are allowed and should be provided medical attention if sick or injured. Medical personnel should be called to brig or the prisoner may be treated by an officer with proper knowledge in brig medbay.

In cases of needed surgery or serious injury medical staff must be called and the prisoner escorted to medbay to undergo treatment.

Brig timer is to be left running during this unless in the case of self-harm; in which the timer should be paused until the prisoner is escorted back to their cell.

Forced Labor To be a prisoner opting and consenting to do unpaid labor in return to lower their timer or repay their debts. The person holding the debt, such as a victim of theft, should determine the debt before the prisoner starts his forced labor sentence. Cargo scanners may also be used upon Lonestar’s consent to price the value of an object and repay the debt by turning in valuables equal to that of the debt.

A marshal or trooper should supervise the debtor if possible. If not the debtor may be charged with Resisting Arrest and placed back in brig until their debt can be paid as per Defaulting on a Debt charge.

Quick Reference Guide

This table is to describe crimes on a charge severity basis. In regards to crime stacking; crimes with the same ending numbers CAN NOT be stacked unless stated otherwise within the crimes description.

Examples include: You cannot charge someone with both 101 and 401; Vandalism and Sabotage. One cannot be charged with 104 and 204; Battery and Assault.

Proper charges, for example, would be as such: Offender charged with 101 for trespassing into a department, 105 for stealing an item from the department and 204 for attacking an employee trying to stop them non-violently.

Code # Minor Offenses (1XX) Moderate Offenses (2XX) Major Offenses (3XX) Exceptional Offenses (4XX) Capital Offenses (5XX)
X01 Vandalism Failure to Obey Safety Protocol Negligence Sabotage Terrorism
X02 Failure to Execute an Order Obstruction of Duty Failure to Execute an Order with Serious Consequences - Mutiny
X03 Violation of Employee Rights Illegal Detention, Arrest or Holding Fraudulent, Excessive or Incorrect Charges - -
X04 Battery Assault Attempted Murder Manslaughter Murder
X05 Theft Extortion, Blackmail and/or Bribery - Grand Theft -
X06 Minor Contraband Major Contraband Illegal Modification of AI/Cyborg Operating Excelsior Equipment -
X07 Suspicious Conduct Escaping from Confinement / Debt Illegal Blocking of Areas - -

X08 Trespass - Infiltration - Grand Trespass
X09 Rubbernecking Resisting Arrest or Sparking a Manhunt Organizing a Breakout - Escaping from HuT Sentence
X10 Threat of Murder or Serious Injury Excessive Use of Force Severe Use of Excessive Force Mistreatment of Prisoners Wrongful Execution
X11 Forgery - Abuse of Confiscated Equipment Exceeding Official Powers -
X12 Violation of an Injunction Disrespect of the Dead Animal Cruelty - Slavery
X13 Sexual Harassment - - - Sexual Assault

Quick Reference Punishment

Offense Type Minor Offenses (1XX) Moderate Offenses (2XX) Major Offenses (3XX) Exceptional Offenses (4XX) Capital Offenses (5XX)
Quick-Reference Punishments Fines suggested; timers applicable.

See crime for timer.

Some fines offered depending on crime; timers suggested.

See crime for timer.

Timers only. Timers applicable to some crimes; HuT is commonly standard punishment. HuT with possibility for legal execution or permanent exile depending on the crime.

Specialty Charges

Speciality Charges refer to charges out of the ordinary; such as cases of friendly fire, defaulting on ones debt or attempting/threatening to commit suicide. These crimes are either minimum and typically handled non-judicially, have special precautions or levying methods or require specific handling.

Specialty Charge Description Repercussion / Procedure
001 - Defaulting on Debt To default on one's debt in being unable to pay it. Relates to charges of theft or if the offender is unable to pay for services; for example, medical services. The debtor should be either detained passively by an officer or temporarily held in processing until their fine can be paid by automatic crew wages.

In cases where the debtor volunteers or does not earn wages, such as being an unemployed/off-duty colonist, see forced labor modifier to cover debts.

002 - Friendly Fire To accidentally commit friendly fire during a firefight as a member of the colony or it’s security team. A fine of up to 1,000 credits may be issued depending on the severity of injuries. Low injuries such as bruises should not exceed 500 credits. Injuries such as fractures or injuries that leave a patient in codification condition should be 1,000 credits.

Charges of battery or assault may be levied against the offender as well as the Friendly Fire charge at request of the victim. Victims of friendly fire incidents may wave charges on the offender.

All fines are to go to the victim of the friendly fire incident. In cases where the victim dies to friendly fire see Manslaughter.

In the case of a member of Blackshield committing Friendly Fire their timer or fine should be doubled.

003 - Suicide Attempt To physically attempt to or credibly threaten to end one's own life either through radio communications or while in brig. Place prisoner on ‘suicide watch’. The prisoner should be straight jacketed to their cell bed for the duration of their timer.

Upon their timer ending the prisoner should be held until medical personnel can arrive to escort them for psychiatric examination.

004 - Disturbing the Peace To publicly and deliberately engage in erotic acts, yelling for seemingly no reason such as incoherent screeching, throwing objects around that could hit someone, harassing a colonist or department without provocation, stalking a colonist or refusing to leave a department, yelling over ones headset, or so forth. A timer between 0 to 10 minutes may be issued depending on the severity of the act, a fine of up to 1,000 credits may be issued depending on severity OR an injunction on further coms usage.

Officers must first give warning, either verbal or written, to the offender to cease their action; proceed with arrest after the warning is not heeded.

Minor Charges

Crime Code Name of Crime Description Notes Fine/Timer
§101 Vandalism To deliberately damage or deface colonial or departmental property without malicious intent. Damaging robots counts toward this. This can range from graffitiing the floor with crayons, destroying a wall or floor, or littering in either a public or departmental area. Timer of no more than 10 minutes

Or a fine of 500 credits.

§102 Failure to Execute an Order To ignore or disregard a superior's valid orders as long as they remain legal and within SoP. This charge does not apply for illegal orders, those can be declined. Failure to Execute an Order specifically refers to an offender refusing to perform a task that is legal, doable and within their job specialty. Timer of no more than 5 minutes

Or a fine of 250 credits.

§103 Violation of Employee Rights To deliberately deny an employee certain rights, as defined in Standard Operating Procedure This charge is applied to typically security or medical staff for a major SoP violation due to it going against another colonist’s rights. The colonist or head must push charges for this to apply.

This charge ranges from Security using mesons or thermals without reason, Medical sharing personal medical records, etc.

Timer of no more than 20 minutes

Or a fine of up to 1,000 credits to be paid to the victim.

§104 Battery To have unwanted physical contact with someone, even where the contact is not violent, or to cause damage that is easily treated. Bumping into or accidental contact such as an accidental grab or disarm does not count as battery. Touching someone when they have said not to does; as well as anything that requires multiple bandages or pills counts as Assault. Timer of no more than 10 minutes

Or a fine of up to 500 credits.

§105 Theft To steal items that are owned by another department and/or person. This includes any material, possession, or item residing in a department or owned by a person. This includes people taking items from their own department they do not normally have access to.

If money or items are taken via threat of harassment see Extortion/Blackmail.

If the item is extremely expensive or irreplaceable see Grand Theft.

Timer of no more than 10 minutes or a fine of 500 credits - unless the stolen item in question can not be recovered.

If the stolen item cannot be recovered then the offender may be forced to pay the items cost. If the offender cannot see Defaulting on Debt.

§106 Minor Contraband To be in possession of contraband, including drugs, that isn't dangerous to other members of the crew.

See Contraband Table.

For drug charges, this applies if they do not show any intent to distribute, or lack a prescription written and stamped by the chief biolab officer.

If any threat is made even with a harmless piece of contraband, such as a chameleon weapon, Assault and Extortion should apply.

Permits may be written in specific instances by the Warrant Officer, Brigadier, or the provost Marshal to override this law.

Timer of no more than 15 minutes

Or a fine of up to 750 credits.

Contraband must be confiscated off the offender and placed into evidence.

§107 Suspicious Conduct To wield a dangerous weapon near other staff, to openly carry long arms in violation of SoP, to extensively inquire about critical areas, attempt to conceal one's identity in public, to attempt to impersonate other staff members, or actively stalking other employees. This charge applies to those who draw or openly carry weapons near other staff as non-security when not in a state of alert.

Concealing one's identity with a mask, attempting to do another department's job while capable staff are present or posing as a staff member in another department.

Timer of no more than 5 minutes or aging of up to 250 credits.

Immediate search on the person and known residence should be commuted. Tracking implant may be issued upon repeat offenses or cases where security concerns are raised.

§108 Trespass To be in an area which a person does not have access to, without permission from those who do have access. Public spaces, such as a department lobby, the bar, kitchen or library also apply if asked to vacate the area by relevant department staff. Trespassing is typically accompanied with other crimes such as Vandalism, if doors are broken through or wires are cut, or Theft if items are stolen.

If the offender breaks into the brig, any command quarters, colony bridge or the outer perimeter see Infiltration.

Timer of no more than 5 minutes

Or a fine of up to 250 credits.

§109 Rubbernecking Arriving at the scene of an emergency situation with no other intention than to see what happens or further escalate the issue. This charge does not apply to staff that are in some way aiding in a situation; such as stand-by medical staff.

This charge does however apply to people who have no interest or ability to help. If the offender actively blocks a hallway see Illegal Blocking of Areas.

Forceful removal from the area.

If another crime is committed during this removal; eg resisting arrest or battery, add an extra 5 minutes to the offenders timer.

§110 Threat of Murder or Serious Injury To threaten to kill, maim, seriously injure an employee. For this charge to be applicable intent must be shown or repetitive behavior. Such as: Either threatening openly on coms a colonist will seriously hurt or kill someone, a colonist with precious violent convictions approaching while threatening a colonist, or if a colonist was to chase someone or make threatening gestures.

If gestures include a weapon, see Assault as additional charge. If the offender stalks the victim see Suspicious Conduct as an additional charge.

Timer of no more than 15 minutes

Or a fine of up to 750 credits.

§111 Forgery To falsify official documents, records or orders. Examples of this crime include a fax to issue orders posing as the High Council or a superior, falsifying a medical prescription or falsifying ones records to pose as either more certified or to fake eligibility for job positions. Timer of no more than 15 minutes and an immediate search

Or a fine of up to 750 credits.

§112 Violation of an Injunction To violate the terms of an injunction made by the marshal or other legal professions. Injunctions can be filed for lots of different things, such as a ban on weapons carrying, or the above radio ban. They can be applied by the warrant officer only. If they break the law in some other way, apply that sentence too. Timer of no more than 15 minutes.

No fine may be issued on this charge.

§113 Sexual Harassment To make unwanted sexual advances or obscene remarks towards another employee. This charge is for cases of unwanted sexual comments after the victim has requested they cease or are clearly uncomfortable and do not reciprocate.

For anything escalating from this, such as unwanted physical contact in a sexual manner, see Sexual Assault.

Timer of no more than 10 minutes.

No fine may be issued on this charge.

Injunction of ‘no contact’ between the offender and victim should be placed.

Moderate Charges

Crime Code Name of Code Description Notes Timer
§201 Failure to Obey Safety Protocol To willfully ignore safety measures keeping crew out of a crisis zone. Non-engineers opening fire shutters, civilians breaking down security barriers, or anyone ignoring caution tape without being qualified to handle whatever is behind it, are all examples of this.

If someone is killed because of it, add Manslaughter to the charges.

Being trapped inside a dangerous area and just trying to escape doesn't count toward this.

Timer of no more than 20 minutes.
§202 Obstruction of Duty To negatively interfere with the duties of the crew. Pushing a security officer trying to make an arrest, ignoring or ripping down caution tape, opening firelocks into a disaster area, dragging injured personnel away from doctors trying to treat them, or any other form of getting in the way; especially during an emergency. Making false or malicious emergency calls that take personnel away from their other duties also comes under this.

If someone is injured because of this, see Assault. If serious damage occurs because of this, see Sabotage. If someone dies because of this, see Manslaughter.

Timer of no more than 20 minutes

Or a fine of no more than 1,250 credits.

§203 Illegal Detention, Arrest or Holding To arrest, brig, or punish an employee without proper cause or reason, or in violation of due process rights such as Habeas Corpus. This is mainly for marshal officers who believe they are THE LAW. Also applies to kidnapping. Excessive/disproportionate time spent processing or questioning may fall under this category for minor crimes. Timer of no more than 30 minutes.

Demotion at the decision of the WO.

§204 Assault To cause severe injury to another employee, or brandishing a deadly weapon with the intent of causing or threatening such an injury. Anything beyond a few punches like in Battery. It has to be bad enough that a few bandages or pills won't fix it.This also includes poisoning with drugs, or using hallucinogens. Use of non-lethal ammunition counts as assault.

See Attempted Murder if the intent was to kill.

Timer of no more than 30 minutes.
§205 Extortion, Blackmail and/or Bribery To attempt to blackmail, extort or bribe an individual either financially or other. This includes using ones position, influence, or finances be they departmental or personal to force another into performing a specific action or give payment against their will. This does not include a head of staff docking someones pay for failing to do their job or refusing to follow orders, all required work is considered agreed on prior to employment and outlined ahead of time.

If a bribery is accepted both parties are to be charged with this.

Timer of no more than 20 minutes.

If physical exchange of an item or credits takes place the item or currency should be confiscated.

Demotion possible at the decision of the department head.

§206 Major Contraband To possess, use, or distribute dangerous contraband items, including drugs. See Contraband Table for what applies to this charge.

See Contraband Policy.

Permits may be written in specific instances by the Warrant Officer, Brigadier, or the provost Marshal to override this law.

The Chief Biolab Overseer can also authorize the possession of normally illegal drugs through prescriptions. Research is allowed to possess any contraband so long as they comply with their Contraband Policy.

Timer of no more than 20 minutes and the confiscation of contraband items.
§207 Escaping from Confinement / Debt To escape from confinement as someone who was serving a non-life sentence or was awaiting judgement. This also applies to fleeing a forced labor contract. For cases of HuT prisoners attempting escape see Escaping from HuT. Reset original timer for offenses committed and add an additional 20 minutes for escaping.
§208 Resisting Arrest or Sparking a Manhunt To not cooperate with an officer who attempts a proper arrest, or to cause a manhunt by hiding from security. Refusing handcuffs is not resisting arrest. Refusing handcuffs and refusing to come to the brig is resisting arrest. So is pushing the officer trying to arrest you, or running away. Actively hiding or running away is what this law is for.

An officer should take into account their reason for not reporting to security immediately as well. For example, a guild master trying to stop the engine from exploding probably shouldn't be charged with resisting arrest if they ignore the fact that security wants to give them a vandalism fine for breaking a wall earlier.

Likewise, if anyone in security has threatened them with harm, not just arrest, they're somewhat justified in hiding.

Timer of no more than 20 minutes.
§209 Excessive Use of Force To use more than the required force to subdue a suspect. Examples of this charge include using force against an unarmed and compliant suspect and usage of lethal weapons without there being imminent peril.

Investigations into allegations of excessive use of force may be launched by any head of staff.

Timer of no more than 30 minutes

Or a fine of no more than 2,000 credits paid to the victim.

§210 Disrespect of the Dead To abuse bodies of dead or previously dead employees. Examples include, the chef using bodies in the morgue as meat, Security beating on a prisoners corpse, or using someone's body for 'experimental surgery'. Preventing a body from being repaired or cyborged also falls under this. Bodies rendered incapable of wound repair count as murder instead. Timer of no more than 20 minutes

Or a fine of no more than 1,250 credits.

Major Offenses

Charge Number Name of Charge Description Notes Timer
§301 Negligence To fail to perform a job to a satisfactory standard, or to create a dangerous situation without taking proper precautions. This can be due to honest, or dishonest mistakes. This is usually because someone ignored Standard Operating Procedure and an accident occurred because of that. The charge also applies to exposing areas to space without placing hazard tape to keep people out, putting excessive power into the grid and reasoning it's the crew's fault if they get shocked, and so on.

If someone is killed because of it, see Manslaughter.

Timer of no more than 25 minutes.
§302 Failure to Execute an Order with Serious Consequences To ignore or disregard a superior's valid orders, which then causes serious damage to property or life. While similar to Failure to Execute an Order this charge is applied if a member of the colony is injured via the refusal of an order or if notable damage to the colony is done via refusing to follow an order.

Examples are medical doctors ignoring the chief biolab overseer while patients are piling up in medbay, etc.

If the refusal to follow an order results in death, see Manslaughter.

Timer of no more than 25 minutes.
§303 Fraudulent, Excessive or Incorrect Charges To charge a crew member in excess to their crime, to give a crew member incorrect crimes, or to give fraudulent charges that are not valid This includes stacking multiple charges for the same offense (i.e. being charged with theft 3 times for 3 items stolen from the same person, being charged multiple times with trespassing for each room unlawfully entered etc. etc.).

This also applies to cases of planet evidence, confiscation of contraband if it is being used in a legal manner under the Contraband Policy or gross errors in sentencing or levied charges.

Timer of no more than 30 minutes.

Demotion for the rest of the work shift at the discretion of the WO.

§304 Attempted Murder To attempt to kill someone but fail, such as swift medical intervention saving them. Attempted murder does not require malice or fore-thought. This includes using lethal ammunition in a scenario that is not justified.

Sometimes paired with Severe Use of Excessive Force depending on the severity.

Timer of no more than 35 minutes.

Tracking implant at the behest of WO or most senior ranking Marshal Officer.

§305 Illegal Modification of AI/Cyborg To modify the laws of a cyborg or artificial intelligence, without need, proper access, or authority. An exception would be a law reset when obviously harmful laws have been uploaded. Only the council or two soteria overseers together can authorize a law change outside of this situation. Timer of no more than 25 minutes.
§306 Illegal Blocking of Areas To make an area inaccessible for those with appropriate access. Bolting doors or departments in which the offender does not have access to, taping off areas larger than needed or sealing off doors longer than needed.

This does not apply to situations that are needed, such as Guild critical repairs, or within SoP.

Timer of no more than 25 minutes.
§307 Infiltration To attempt to, or successfully, enter a high-security area without authorization. Areas include the gatehouse, colony fence, bridge, head of staff room, virology, toxin storage or other essential high-security areas.

If trespass into the vault, armory or AI upload occurs see Grand Trespass.

Timer of no more than 30 minutes.
§308 Organizing a Breakout To attempt, or succeed, in freeing criminals from the brig or other holding areas. This includes breaking windows, barriers or hacking through doors either to break out of prison or to help a prisoner escape. Timer of no more than 30 minutes.
§309 Severe Use of Excessive Force Critically injuring someone in defense of yourself or others while they no longer pose a threat, or seriously injuring a suspect while attempting to detain them. Severely injuring someone attacking you or others with no obvious threat to life, or panicking and shooting a suspect to near-death. Subjects who cannot be cuffed and have their legs broken as a result do not count if the subject refused to comply after 3 warnings and a witness is available to confirm each warning. Timer of no more than 40 minutes.
§310 Abuse of Confiscated Equipment To take and use equipment confiscated as evidence. Evidence such as even weapons should never be taken and used by security; even in cases of emergency. Timer of no more than 30 minutes.

Demotion for the duration of the shift at the discretion of the WO.

§311 Animal Cruelty To inflict unnecessary suffering or harm upon animals with malicious intent. Monkeys appropriately used for experiments or crew well-being (e.g genetics, virology, weapon testing, etc.) don't count. Shoving them in washing machines, or throwing them through disposals while still alive falls under this. Using them as food is a grey area; cows are generally fine, but pets probably aren't. Creatures typically considered pests (those that are by default hostile such as roaches or spiders) are not protected under this law if they aren't being kept in private areas such as personal dorms. Timer of no more than 20 minutes.

Fine may be issued to cover the animals treatment if still alive. If not a 750 credit fine may be levied on top of the brig timer.

Exceptional Offenses

Charge Number Name of Charge Description Notes Timer
$sect;401 Sabotage To hinder the efforts of the crew or station with malicious intent. This includes causing breaches, sabotaging air supplies, stealing vital equipment, etc. The intent is probably the most important bit here.

If the act is to purposefully cause imminent peril or to aid a hostile faction see Terrorism.

Timer of no more than 45 minutes
$sect;402 Manslaughter To kill someone without malice or forethought. This includes causing death due to negligence or dereliction of duty. Can also be used as punishment for excessive self-defense. Timer of no more than 50 minutes.

Tracking implant upon release at the discretion of the WO.

§403 Grand Theft To steal items that are dangerous, of a high value, or of sensitive nature. This means weapons, explosives, or ammunition, and also includes items of singular importance such as the station blueprints, chief biolab overseers hypospray, or items not easily replaced.

Items from the church, such as cruciforms, circuits, and disks (excluding weapon design disks) are sole property of the church, they may demand them back regardless of how the person in question obtained them. Failure to do so is considered grand theft and failure to execute a lawful order.

Timer of no more than 45 minutes and confiscation of stolen items.

If items cannot be recovered the offender is forced to monetarily compensate for the loss.

§404 Operating Excelsior Equipment To be in illegal possession of or to actively operate Excelsior equipment. This applies to Excelsior batteries, guns or armor. Their lack of safety features, shoddily made structure and use in operation can endanger oneself or other colonists.

The usage of Excelsior tech also is a tell-tale sign of an Excelsior agent or collaborator.

Permits may be written in specific instances by the Warrant Officer, Brigadier, or the provost Marshal to override this law.

See Contraband Policy

Immediate medical examination and confiscation of equipment.

If Excelsior implant is found and removed the subject should be placed under psychiatric evaluation until deemed fit. If deemed fit the offender should be released.

If Excelsior equipment is operated or sold but no implant is found see Terrorism.

§405 Mistreatment of Prisoners To intentionally act, or cause an act that puts a non-hostile prisoner's well-being in danger. Preventing proper treatment from being given to a prisoner, abusing a prisoner, and preventing them from having access to a viable method of communication.

In the event that a prisoner dies because of mistreatment, the charge is immediately upgraded to either Murder or Manslaughter, depending on intent.

Timer of no more than 45 minutes.

Demotion at the decision of the WO.

§406 Exceeding Official Powers To act beyond what is allowed by the chain of command. This is for any head of staff who abuses the power given to them, such as the premier acting like a security officer in a non-emergency, the warrant officer acting as if he is above the law, etc. Heads of staff trying to order a different department or ignoring a council vote also comes under this, as does security staff attempting to give orders to non-security without legal justification. Timer of no more than 40 minutes.

Demotion at the behest of the department head.

If a head of staff is responsible for over reaching a fax should be sent to the High Council to investigate a possible demotion.

Capitol Offenses

Charge Number Name of Charge Description Notes Timer
§501 Terrorism To engage in maliciously destructive actions, which seriously threaten the residents of the colony or even the colony's integrity as a whole. This includes deliberate arson, hostage taking, use of bombs, release of singularity, etc. In cases of terrorism, the provost marshal must be informed. Holding until Judgement.

Execution is encouraged; especially if deaths are caused by the action.

Possible permanent removal from the colony.

§502 Mutiny To openly rebel against or attempt to remove command staff with violent intent to remove the command staff from power. One’s motive is important. If someone is just angry at a head of staff and murders them in a fit of rage, that's just regular murder. On the other hand, trying to take over the colony through violent means, lethal or not, is mutiny. Holding until Judgement.

Execution is an option.

§503 Murder To kill someone, or attempt to kill someone, with premeditated malicious intent. Premeditated malice is needed to prove a cause of murder over Manslaughter'. While Manslaughter is unintentionally causing death through accident, inaction or unintended consequences murder is planned out and premeditated.

If an offender tries to cover up a charge of Manslaughter the charge of murder may be applicable due to pre/post meditative evidence.

If the victim is able to be revived a timer of no less than 90 minutes may be issued. The Council may meet to determine if this sentence be should be upgraded to HuT.

If the victim is deemed unable to be revived, such as through the destruction of a brain or body, execution may be issued at the behest of the Council.

Colony residents who commit murder should not be revived if they die unless stated otherwise by the Council.

§504 Grand Trespass To trespass into an area of high security such as an AI upload or the Marshal armory without any reason to be there; especially when a head of staff or personnel with access to said area is present. This does not apply to emergency situations in which a staff member may not be active. In rare cases, such as a code red incident, it may be required that staff without access enter secure areas. This requires proper reasoning such as a case of imminent threat to the colony itself or it’s inheritance; such as from a rogue AI or hostile invasion. Holding until Transfer.

§505 Escaping from HuT Sentence To attempt or successfully escape from the brig or other holding area when serving a holding until transfer sentence. The offender must have been properly judged by tribunal for holding until transfer to be legally issued. Execution.

A tribunal is not required under this circumstance, and is the only case where this is currently so.

Possible permanent removal from the colony.

§506 Wrongful Execution To execute a crew member who later turned out to be innocent. This only counts when a tribunal was held and the order was given to execute someone based on faulty or poor evidence that is later debunked by additional evidence. If the tribunal process is skipped, or is carried out incorrectly such as having no premier sign off, then murder is added to the charges.

The warrant officer is punished and any individuals who deliberately produced false evidence are charged with Murder. Those who unintentionally provided incorrect evidence are charged with Manslaughter and Negligence.

It is also required to contact provost marshal Boris Kilmeade if this happens.

Immediate demotion, suspension from command for a time determined by the High Council and holding until transfer.

Provost Marshal Boris Kilmeade may overrule or specify specifics to this punishment/timer.

§507 Slavery To force someone to work for no payment through force, threats or purposefully neglecting to pay them. To abuse someone and hold them against their will is also applicable; see Illegal Holding. This charge does not apply to the modifier Forced Labor unless it extends over 2 hours or is otherwise stated.

It is very possible that other charges may apply as the person might have been abused in some way or held against their will as well as robbed of their personal belongings. Make sure to charge the individual with all crimes committed.

Timer of up to 60 minutes may be issued or, in cases where other crimes put the timer over 90 minutes, HuT may be issued.

§508 Sexual Assault To assault, or attempt to assault, someone else sexually, including rape If the victim dies because of it, see Murder. A timer of no less than 60 minutes may be issued as well as a mandatory tracking implant.

Upon victim request a council vote may be held, hold until transfer and execution are both options.

Possible permanent removal from the colony.

Contraband Quick-Reference Table

See Contraband

Minor Contraband

Happy Pills Space Drugs

Mind Breaker

Warlock Velvet Hidden Firearms (Firearm not in gun case; hidden in bag)

Slime Jelly

Cryptobilin Impedrezene

Hardsuit Voice Synthesizer, Data Jack, Stealth Field, Electro Warfare, Teleporter, or Energy Net Fabricator

Chameleon Gun or Chameleon Kit Thermal Goggles, Thermal Hardsuit Modules or other types of obtainable thermals

Major Contraband
Bluespace Harpoon

Zombie Powder Demon Powder

Chloral Hydrate

Polytrinic Acid Voice Nanites

Explosives or Explosive Devices

Hardsuit Weapon Modules Unauthorized Combat Mechs

Handy Prints Nanites

Excelsior Equipment
Excelsior Guns and Armor

(Droz, Excelsior “Kalashnikov”,Excelsior Voidsuit, etc)

Excelsior Batteries (Small, Medium or Large Cell Batteries)

Excelsior Mechanical Devices (Excelsior micro-manipulators, circuit boards, etc)

Excelsior Disks

(Excelsior Kalashnikov Disk, Excelsior Circuits Disk, etc)

Excelsior Machinery (Excelsior Long Range Teleporter, Excelsior Turrets, etc)

Excelsior Implants

Blackshield Military Law

As part of a series of reforms for the Blackshield, a set of Blackshield specific regulations are being implemented. While there is some crossover with normal crimes, those listed below will be handled internally by the Commander or Sergeant as necessary.

The sections marked in red are to be handled with judicial punishment, while the white ones are to be handled with non-judicial punishment.

No. Offense Description Notes
§601 Absence Without Leave To be absent from, or leave a place of duty without authorization. Authorization can be revoked at any time, such as on breaks. Distinct from Desertion because someone who is AWoL intends to return, or did not intend to miss duty. This will likely apply to troopers on break that don’t respond to emergencies or comms when needed.
§602 General Article or Conduct Unbecoming General Article (enlisted) or Conduct Unbecoming (commander). To commit conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline or to commit conduct unbecoming of an officer. Basically, the charge applied when they haven’t technically broken a rule, but you know they’re doing something wrong, or they're an officer acting unprofessionally. This also covers fraternisation, which is forming an inappropriate relationship with a subordinate.
§603 Insubordination To knowingly disobey an order given by a superior. Disobeying orders given by superiors, or being uppity to superiors.

Superior includes Marshals when aiding the Marshals with high-risk law enforcement.

§604 Failure to Obey an Order, Procedure, or Regulation To fail to obey or follow an official regulation or order. This includes Uniform Regs/Conduct as well as Arrest/Trial procedure and more importantly includes Obeying an Unlawful Order.

Note that unlike Disobeying an Officer, an offender does not need willful intent to violate this article.

This also includes failing to accept and receive medical treatment.

§605 Mishandling and Negligent Use of Equipment To, through negligence or intent, misuse dangerous equipment in a manner that could harm others, sell or lose Blackshield property or fail to properly secure dangerous equipment. Don't shoot mice with a laser pistol or play with captured hostile gear or sell your department equipment to Lonestar. This also includes friendly fire incidents and negligent discharges.

Note: Friendly fire is a legal charge and may be escalated to Marshals if particularly egregious, but should be handled internally in less severe circumstances if between Blackshield personnel.

If a non-Blackshield ally is fired upon, and they choose to press charges, the soldier will face both Blackshield punishment and legal punishment.

No. Offense Description Notes
§701 Abandonment of Duty To abandon a post or Duty without permission, without the intention of returning. Fairly serious. If committed during lower alerts, confinement until transfer is appropriate. If committed during an attack, or high alert, execution is not uncalled for.

This also applies to Troopers drinking alcohol on duty as well as any Blackshield purposefully aiding hostiles during an attack.

This can be applied to Commanders that shirk their duty and disappear to do as they please, thus failing to command or lead.

§702 Assaulting or Disobeying an Officer To directly disobey a lawful command given by the Commander, or to attack them while they are carrying out their duties, which is pretty much all the time. Can only be applied to Troopers and the Sergeant. Depending on the severity, confinement until transfer may be appropriate, otherwise brig time tends to suffice.

Does not apply when the Marshals have to arrest the Commander, and Blackshield are expected to assist them.

“Officer” includes the Warrant Officer when aiding Marshals with high risk law enforcement.

This can be applied to the Commander failing to follow an order of the Brigadier.

§703 Mutiny/Sedition To openly oppose, seek to radically change, or overthrow a lawful authority. To promote insurrection against the lawful order through speech, organization, or overt actions. If found guilty of mutiny, execution is the standard course of action unless there are major extenuating circumstances. This applies to Blackshield personnel that attempt to overthrow the Premier or other legal leadership of the colony.

Commanders that partake in any mutiny or sedition are to be immediately removed from their position and held for court martial.

Judicial Punishment

The most severe form of punishment. If the specific charges overlap with other colony charges, the Trooper is to be turned over to the Marshals for punishment. If not, a courts martial can be assembled for any trooper, corpsman, or sergeant. The Commander can be removed by the Council in the event of such charges, if deemed necessary, or a request for a Major to preside can be sent via fax. Non-Judicial Punishment In lieu of formal punishment of minor crimes and behavioral issues, which can and will go on a trooper’s record, the shift commander and the sergeant are given authorization to carry out non-judicial punishments. These can vary from extra duty and pay withholding to creative punishments such as, for example, assisting the Lonestar chef for the shift if they did something to harass the chef. Most of the time these are meant to correct behavior and shape the trooper to be better.

The Commander cannot face non-judicial punishment like a Trooper, as a higher ranked officer would be required under normal circumstances. As such, judicial punishment would be the only recourse. Faxing for a higher ranked arbitrator is recommended if the Council at the time is not already working to handle the matter.

Corporal Punishment

Corporal punishment is allowed as an NJP variant. While not the first recommended course of action, the option to use it remains on the table if other measures fail. The Sergeant can authorize and carry out non-wounding physical punishment such as joint locks and joint dislocations as necessary. For more severe issues, the Commander may authorize the sergeant to carry out, or carry out themselves, wounding punishment.

It must be kept in mind, however, that the point of the punishment is not the pain or injury, but to use force to correct actions. An abusive sergeant or commander is subject to colony law, and may be charged with assault or battery, or manslaughter if the subject in question dies as a result of the injuries. Abuse of the soldiers just for the sake of flexing the ability to use corporal punishment will be a one strike offense before a dishonorable discharge (read: job ban) and public NJP can be carried out by the perpetrator’s immediate superior to make an example of them.

Commentaries and Clarifications

  • Community Service: For low-level crimes, at the officer's discretion, they may offer community service as an alternative to the standard penalties. If the suspect elects to carry out the offered task, then the normal sentence is waived. Community Service is at the discretion of the officer, and may be something as simple as "fix the mess you made" for a vandalism charge, to "replace that lunch you stole. There is no specific limit on what may be appropriate for community service, but officers who offer something too punitive shouldn't be surprised if prisoners just elect to take the custodial sentence instead.
  • Cyborgification The removal of a person's brain for transplanting into a Cyborg Chassis as an alternative to execution. A prisoner who is sentenced to execution must request or consent to this.
  • Dismissal: Changing ID title to "Dismissed", which has zero access. Requires the judgement of the prisoner's head of staff or the council to be valid.
  • Demotion: Can be demoted down to and including Assistant position. Requires the judgement of the prisoner's head of staff or the council to be valid.
  • Employee: Employee of the colony, as defined by the colonies commanding officers. All non-employee subjects are not protected by these laws.
  • Empowering: Illegal acquiring (not via Head of Personnel or Colony Director) of access.
  • Execution: Prisoner is killed via means of firing squad, lethal injection, or other means. It is required for the premier to be present or an execution may not proceed. It is required to offer the prisoner the option of how they prefer to die. They should also be offered a last meal. It is not required to follow these preferences if they are deemed unreasonable or impossible. In all cases of execution, respective faction owners should be informed of the execution and the crimes leading up to it. (( A PK may be applicable in this situation. See Permanent Death for OOC details. ))
  • Head of Staff: Crew members occupying one of the following positions: Premier, Guild Master, Blackshield Commander, Warrant Officer, Chief Biolab Overseer, Chief Research Overseer, Chief Executive Officer.
  • Imminent Peril: A situation in which there is an apparent and immediate threat of serious injury or death, and it is not possible to escape this threat. Obvious examples are shooting someone trying to stab people. A less obvious example is shooting someone trying to sabotage Atmospherics. Lethal force is justified in such a situation because there's no other options remaining.
  • HuJ / Holding Until Judgement: Held (in the brig) until a tribunal is done, or the shift ends. Whichever happens first.
  • HuT / Holding Until Transfer: Held (in the brig) until the shift ends. This becomes HuJ when a tribunal is being held for the prisoner.
  • Severe Injury: A state in which the victim is in a critical condition and is having difficulty maintaining consciousness.

Demotion and dismissal also require the removal of equipment from the previous job. Uniforms, weapons, bombs, PDA cartridges, etc.

For the purposes of Cyborg/AI laws, crew members that have been convicted, or are being held in detention, are considered to be below even the AI/Cyborgs in terms of rank.

Serving sentences in jail can be replaced with forced labor in some cases.

In cases where the final sentence is more than 90 minutes, it is changed to holding until judgement.

The standard penalty can be applied without a tribunal by Security Officers.

Penalties listed here are guidelines. Tribunals can assign lesser or higher ones, depending on the circumstances.

Legal Standard Operating Procedure

Tribunals are the main way major decisions are made aboard the station and the defendant does not have to be involved. There is not specified length for how long a tribunal must be. Basically it's the same as the old trial, but without a jury and slightly streamlined.An AI may fill in for a premier for tribunals and can be trusted to be accurate, however, an AI may not replace a premier for the purpose of voting for execution.

  • Purpose: For crimes or decisions that require more than one person, or crimes where there is no set punishment.
  • Overview: A minimum of three heads of staff must discuss this issue and vote on the outcome with a premier (or AI substitute) over seeing the tribunal.
  • Process: The premier (or stand-in AI) should call the heads of staff for a tribunal with the situation and proposed outcome. This can be done formally in a meeting room, or informally over radio.
  • Conviction: The tribunal must vote on the outcome, and the outcome must win by a majority vote (over 50%). If there is a tie, the premier's vote wins. For an execution to take place, the vote must be unanimous.
  • Sentencing: If the vote passes, the outcome may be enacted, usually by the marshals. The decision can be appealed once by either the defendant or a volunteer.

OOC Notes

  • It's vital to know that the involvement of faction owners means involvement of admins. However, if that happens, admins will try to keep in character. Ergo, the character is not going to magically know attack logs or fingerprints or anything else they don't know IC, because it's like playing a game with cheat codes. It's fun to screw off for a little while, but then it's going to get really boring.
    • The above also applies in the case of admins playing normal security.
    • The only exception to the above is in the case of potentially removing a character from the station. See Permanent Death for details. Admins are not going to PK someone who they know OOCly didn't actually do the crime. If you are guilty though an a execution happens, the chance of permanent removal is extremely high. Contact an admin to find out if an executed character has been removed forever.
  • Laws ARE NOT RULES for the server its self! That means, so long as you have a believable in-character motive for breaking these regulations, you won't get banned for it, especially if good roleplay is your end goal. Conversely, if you're just going around smashing windows for shits and giggles, you're obviously going to get yelled at by an admin. See the actual server rules for more details.

Guide Table IconTipsie.png
Starter Medical Engineering Science Security Random