
From Sojourn

"I'm whatever you want me to be!".




Actors Office


Surface Operations Manager



As the actor, your job is simple. Entertain the crew. While its easy on paper its difficult to do successfully and more than once.


As the actor you'll have access to a small office where you can get various costumes to aid you in entertaining people. That said, you're not limited to just whats in this office. A unique outfit can bring you some notability and work towards a certain schtick. Are you a funny clown? A sad clown? A clever mime? A well dressed prankster or a homeless mummer? The limits are your imagination and experimentation is encouraged.

Artists Bench: Here, you can make sculptures to sell, donate or showcasing to colonists (for them to adore, or be haunted by depending on what you make). It requires plasteel, steel, glass, wood and plastic. You will need an oddity and fourty units each of materials in order to create a sculpture. What is created will generally also be an oddity.

Alright, I'm an actor, what now?

You decide!

No seriously, this is a heavily roleplayed position and your goals and fun is entirely created by you. You are given somewhat of a bit of leeway to pull pranks and mess with people but remember that you can encounter consequences. See the guide to self antagging for more information on what to be wary of. You have the tools to spice up regular rounds or be annoying, its a fine line to tread and always look for improving peoples play instead of trying to frustrate others.

Potential prank ideas

If you're bored and on the verge of being a dick here is some ideas to avoid causing problems.

If you are really out of ideas and on the verge of being so bored that you'll soon resort to just being a dick, here's a few things a good Clown can do to entertain the crew:

  • Tell bad jokes and puns nonstop
  • Hold two horns (okay one can be duck) and rapidly switch hands while spamming the use key to dualhonk
  • Ride wheeled chairs with fire extinguishers
  • Wear cardboard suit and helmet and be a clownborg, beep boop honk
  • Wear funny outfits from the AutoDrobe
  • Be a pirateclown. Yarr, scurvy dog!
  • Be a gentleman clown. I say, good sir!
  • Be a gladiator clown. Vale!
  • Be a priest clown. Praise the Honkmother!
  • Be a chicken clown. Cluck cluck bagawk!
  • Bolt open the costume storage for the entire crew to use
  • Get/pretend to be a random new job, and be terrible/amazing at that job
  • Build a themed shop in the vacant spot
  • Hide photocopies of your ass around the station
  • Annoy a targeted person of your choice by slipping them non-stop
  • Yell fake claims about antags
  • Make people panic with fake items from the arcade machines
  • Lube the halls
  • Collect shoes from Assistants
  • Make a Conveyor Belt that makes non-stop noise
  • Build a clown restaurant and run the chef out of business
  • Insert donuts into people's pockets
  • Attack Heads of Staff with the laser tag gun
  • Create newsfeed channels and put out outrageous and slightly offensive accusations against people, along with photos
  • Vandalize Improve random departments with crayon and spraypaint
  • Write obscenities right outside the brig and get dog piled by security
  • Make a HonkMech
  • Make some friends and start an underground fight club a circus
  • Become the shaft miner's plucky comic relief sidekick on a quest for ore
  • Build an art installation and protect it from cleanbots
  • Write a book with your best jokes to preserve them for future generations of actors

Jobs on Sojourn


Command Premier, Steward, Blackshield Commander, Warrant Officer, Guild Master, Chief Research Overseer, Chief Biolab Overseer, Prime, Surface Operations Manager, Expedition Foreman
The Marshals Warrant Officer, Officer, Supply Specialist, Ranger
Blackshield Blackshield Commander, Sergeant, Corpsman, Trooper
The Guild Guild Master, Guild Adept
Soteria Medical Chief Biolab Overseer, Medical Doctor, Psychologist, Lifeline Technician
Soteria Science Chief Research Overseer, Scientist, Roboticist
Prospectors Expedition Foreman, Prospector, Salvager
The Church Prime, Vector
Lonestar & Civilian Surface Operations Manager, Bartender, Botanist, Chef, Janitor, Cargo Technician, Lonestar Miner, Colonist
Colony-Bound AI, Cyborg, Maintenance Drone, Personal AI, Ghost, Mouse
The Lodge Huntmaster, Hunter