Psionics and You
Psionics are a recent development (as in they first came to be publicly on August 18th, 2650) from Soteria research that has pushed the boundaries of what the human, alien, and abhuman mind is capable of. This expansion of the power is done through a process that grows a muscle-like brain in the head that contains the power and abilities a psion may use. However, this is not without its drawbacks. While the ability to manipulate objects, project your mind, or create kinetic objects may seem like a straight boon, the act of being a psion does strain the body. The process of cultivating a psionic organ takes about a fifth of the average body's vitality (20 max HP) and requires a very slight increase in food intake. Equally, some psionic powers may have draw backs, due to how the effect changes the flesh in a way that is direct and in some ways clumsy.
Yet, despite this, psionics are extremely powerful, more so depending on the physical or mental abilities of the psion. Some psionic abilities rely on the physical robustness or toughness of the user, while others go in line with innate skills such as biology or mechanical depending on the application of its effects. Psionic powers contain equal parts utility and offensive ability. For a detailed list, read further below. Becoming a psion requires visiting Soteria between shifts (or having a psion capable of it making you one) while removing your psionic abilities is but one surgical procedure away to remove the enhanced organ. Beware, your body remains weakened even if the organ is removed.
Psions must also always maintain Purity of Body, what is purity of body? It is keeping all mechanical implants, organs, organ modules, or synthetic limbs out of and outside the body. A psion's body cannot be connected to machines in such a way, causing any implants to painfully and viciously be rejected in such a way that it greatly damages the psion. For what reason psions must maintain purity of body is presently unknown, but trying to ascend with any augmentation, including cruciforms, will be hazardous to your health. Of course, this does not apply to bio-implants, which contain no machine parts, nor gene mods, genetic tampering, or biological meddling.
Finally, be aware what is expected of you in regards of the colonie's Laws, as committing a crime with your psionic powers increases the fines and time served. Additionally, be wary of using powers like journey to nowhere, as teleporting an unwilling person is at minimum considered attempted murder.
How do my stats effect my psionic power?
In the case of specific powers, read below. For general stat effects, your psionics are used by a resource pool you can find in the status menu which shows your current and total psi essence pool.
Your total essence pool is calculated as thus: (Cognition / 10), Minimum 1, Maximum 30, rounded down. So, if you have Cognition 24, you have 2 essence points as 24/10 rounded down is 2. If you have cognition 310, you have essence points 30. If you have -15 cognition, you have essence 1.
Essence points are regained naturally every 10 minutes and can be potentially effected by various perks, stimulants, and items. Your essence will always fill to its maximum capacity without you needing to worry about it. If you wish to increase your psi essence regeneration or maximum psi pool, use of objects such as psi inhalants or chemicals such as cerebrix or drug stims will greatly help you regenerate essence or temporarily increase your maximum psi pool, but come with various side effects.
Your cognition also effects the rate at which you restore your psi essence. For every 20 cognition you have, you reduce the amount of time it takes to restore a psi point by 1 minute, up to a maximum of 5 minutes at 100 cognition. Use of psionic grace can reduce this number even further.
You can make cerebrix by combining 1:1:1 of psilocybin, synaptizine, and cryptobiolin, which creates 3 units. You may further refine the process by combining 40:40:40 cerebrix, water, and silicon to create a cerebrix inhaler, which restores 1 psi point instantly with no side effects and may be recycled for one glass and one plastic sheet.
Powers: Your guide to being a mind wizard
Psionic powers have a description you may view in game at any time under the psionic powers tab. The name of the power and its associated cost are in parenthesis next to it, by mousing over the power in the bottom left corner (below your typing window) you'll see a full explanation of what the power does. Powers are listed here as well, for quick and easy reference.
Basic Powers
These powers are available all psions and range from powers that require only a little bit of essence up to powers that require a high cognition to have of an essence pool. Greater powers may come with restrictions or other unusual effects.
Power Name (Cost) | Effect | Notes |
Psychosomatic healing (1) | Heal yourself, but take heavy amounts of agony and become stunned. | Heals 30 brute and 30 burn.
Toughness may mitigate the effect and allow you to resist the pain damage, painkillers and racial resistance will also help. Psionic Attunement halves the stun as well as the agony taken. |
Telepathic projection (1) | Project your mind into the thoughts of others, allowing you to send telepathic messages over any distance. This is primarily words, but may include brief, vague snippets of emotions or other sensory information. | This does not work on lesser life forms, people with mind shielding such as cruciforms, or synthetic minds. |
Psychic Blade (1) | Create a psionic blade in your hand that functions as a knife, the power of which scales with your robustness per attack. Does not function as a viable tool. | This object is temporary, when it leaves your hand for any reason it disappears. It does not require power and cannot wear down or break. The power of the knife is deceptive, with every attack the damage is actively calculated off your robustness (debuffs mid fight such as flashbangs or defiler venom weaken the weapon). At nine or less, you do the same as a knife. At ten to nineteen you deal the same as a butcher knife. At twenty to twenty nine, you deal the same as a machete. At thirty or higher, you deal the same as a longsword. |
Psychic Shield (1) | Create a psionic shield that can block melee attacks. If already created in hand, upgrades the shield to block bullets and beams at the cost of 10 shield health but increases blocking chances by 10%.
If already upgraded, heals the shield by 80 health and increases blocking chances by 5%. If Psionic Psychosis or Toughness is 60 or higher, automatically upgrades the newly created shield. |
Functions exactly like a standard shield.
When upgrading the shield, have it active in hand. If using two shields at once, both are upgraded at the same time. |
Telekinetic Prowess (1) | You gain telekinesis, allowing you to pick up objects and move them around, as well as interact with some objects at range. Careful, as you can hurt yourself and others using this (unless that's what you want). | Can be used to do a variety of things and can only be removed by willingly ending it or through scientific methods. Using this power, once activated, does not cost any psi points. |
End Telekinesis (0) | End your telekinesis. You may reactivate telekinesis by spending another psi point. | Useful for if you get tired of picking up random objects or pushing walls when randomly clicking your screen to face various directions. |
Telekinetic Fist (1) | Create a one hit use psi fist in your hand which deals damage and knock back based on your current robustness when used. | This is a temporary item that will vanish if it leaves your hand. This power vanishes after one attack, but deals damage that scales the same as the psychic blade while dealing 2/4/6 tile knock-back depending on your robustness. |
Pyrokinetic Spark (1) | Expend a single point of your psi essence to create a tiny flickering fire in your hand that will shine light and ignite combustible materials, can be thrown but will extinguish quickly | This can light cobwebs on fire. |
Psychosomatic Fullness (1) | Expend a single point of your psi essence to convince your stomach it's not actually that hungry, burning fat reserves to keep going strong. Taxing on the mind and causes minor burns. | If you have the perk Psionic Attunement, you will take only 5 burn damage as apposed to 10. |
Telekinetic Omnitool (2) | Create an omnitool which has tool qualities based on 80% of your biology and mechanical skills, allowing it to function as a mechanical or surgical tool. It works at 80% speed and cannot be upgraded. | This object is temporary, when it leaves your hand for any reason it disappears. It does not require power and cannot wear down or break. |
Psionic Tool Creation (2) | Using an oddity, you create a permanent tool out of it, sacrificing the oddity to have it randomly become a tool. The oddities stats affect what is most likely to be created, but the choice is still random. | Creates one of six potential tools. The tools are lesser than their high tier counterparts, but have odd qualities and come with themes. Some may be used as weapons but generally are not as effective as actual psi-weapons. These can be modified and upgrade. |
Meditative Focus (2) | Expend two psi points of your psi essence to focus your mind and increase your sanity. | Heals [5 Sanity + Cog/2].
If the user has Psionic Attunement, heals an additional 10 Sanity. If the user has Psionic Psychosis, heals an additional 5 Sanity. |
Psionic Swarm (2) | Spend two psionic essence to call forth a psionic energy cloud that will rip at foes and protect you for a short time. | Lasts 30 life ticks. |
Pain Infliction (2) | Expend two psi points to inflict pain upon whatever person you are currently grabbing in a tight hold. | Must be aggressively grabbing the person. |
Psionic Weapon Construction (3) | Using an oddity, you create a permanent weapon out of it, sacrificing the oddity to have it randomly become a range weapon. The oddities stats affect what is most likely to be created, but the choice is still random. Psionic guns do not come loaded. | Creates one six random guns. All guns are 10% to 20% weaker than than their official versions. All weapons come with a specific style, name, and description that makes them more interesting and reveal their nature. These can be modified and upgraded. |
Psionic Melee Construction (3) | Using an oddity, you create a permanent weapon out of it, sacrificing the oddity to have it randomly become a melee weapon. The oddities stats affect what is most likely to be created, but the choice is still random. | Creates one six random melee weapons. They have unusual but crappy tool qualities and are suited better as decent weapons, though are easily outshone end game weaponry. All weapons come with a specific style, name, and description that makes them more interesting and reveal their nature. These can be modified and upgraded. |
Psychic Call (2) | You call burrowing creatures from all nearby burrows and cracks. What appears is random. None of the things called are inherently friendly to you, meaning you may call things that are hostile and attack you and your allies. | Useful if you need a distraction, cannon fodder, you're a cht'mant looking to (hopefully) call roaches or spiders to your location. Use at your own risk. |
Psychic Banish (4) | You force all burrowing creatures to flee from you, forcing them to go inside their burrows and leave for parts unknown. | Some creatures may actively try to resist the affect. Only works on creatures capable of burrowing and only if a burrow they can reach is nearby. Resisting creatures will still attack if you get close and may give up if they cannot reach the burrow. |
Psionic Armor (4) | You create a suit of psionic armor which provides decent all-round protection for you. Using this power destroys whatever armor, boots, gloves, and hat you are wearing. The suit enhances your cognition for each piece you're wearing but they disappear if you remove it for any reason. | Each Psionic Armor piece gives +5 Cognition for a total of 20.
Each Psionic Armor piece has an armor value of 8. Psionic Armor pieces are all space proof. Psionic Armor Gloves and Boots are both insulated and the boots prevent slipping. The hood provides a mood setting light. Psion Robes however do slow down the wearer. |
Journey to Nowhere (5) | You teleport yourself, whatever you are holding or wearing, and any person you are grabbing to the nightmare realm known as Deep Maintenance. You are not guaranteed safety and the effect weakens you on arrival. While you will always land in an empty spot, you may be surrounded by traps or possibly hostile life forms that will rip you limb from limb immediately. | Do not use this unless you are heavily armored, carrying lots of supplies, and prepared. Taking yourself and an unwilling subject is considered attempted murder. Keep in mind, as a psion, if you die in deep maintenance it is unlikely you will be found and rescued. |
Job Specific Powers
Job specific powers are linked to a specific job and cannot normally be obtained without playing that specific job. Unlike standard or greater powers, these are generally thematic and may cost lesser or more points than either.
Power Name (Cost) | Effect | Notes |
Psychosomatic Restoration (2) | You heal whoever you are presently grabbing for damage similar to psychosomatic healing, but weaker and a little safer. | Heals 30 brute and 30 burn at the cost of double the psi essence. This power, however, doesn't cause pain like its lesser variant. |
Psionic Tranquility (2) | Expend two psi points of your psi essence to calm the mind of another person you are grappling and restore their sanity. | Heals [10 Sanity + Cog/2].
If the user has Psionic Attunement, heals an additional 20 Sanity. If the user has Psionic Psychosis, heals an additional 10 Sanity. |
Cerebral Regeneration (3) | Heals the mind of whoever you are grappling or yourself if you are currently grabbing nobody. When used on yourself, the power cost is reduced to 0. | This power heals 60 brain damage instantly but does not cure the effect that caused the brain damage so additional healing may be needed. Works on people who are unconscious but not dead. The cost is free if used on yourself. |
Peace of Mind (4) | Expend four psi points to put whatever person you are currently grabbing to sleep for a short time. | Must be aggressively grabbing the person. |
Gift of the Psion (4) | You reach into the mind of another you are grappling and attempt to empower them, giving you different effects based on what they are. This power requires massive amounts of essence to use and its highly suggested that you take the time to provide actual psychological help in the mean time. | When grappling someone this power grants different perks based on if the target is a psion or not. In a psion, they gain Psionic Grace and in a non-psion they gain Mind Over Matter. Do keep in mind, using this power logs and messages admins, so be sure to employ actual roleplay and try not to game the benefit too much. |
Xenoarchaeology-Aquired Powers
Some powers can be learned through the use of artifacts acquired through Xenoarchaeology, or through crafting.
When inside of psionic catalysts, each power has a resonance that is used in crafting with the E.A.R located in the Soteria Institute.
Power Name (Cost) | Effect | Notes | Recipe | Resonance |
Electro-Kinetic Orb (0) | Creates a kinetic orb in hand that functions like a projectile weapon, expending a single psi point per shot to deliver a potentially lethal ranged blast. | Unlike other physical powers, this orb scales off of your cognition. While allowing you to stay at range, it is more costly to use than psychic blade and doesn't get bonus damage from two handing or having high robustness. | WarmColdClimateHealing | Electro: Quick |
Cryo-Kinetic Orb (0) | Creates a kinetic orb in hand that functions like a projectile weapon, expending a single psi point per shot to deliver a potentially lethal ranged blast. | Unlike other physical powers, this orb scales off of your cognition. While allowing you to stay at range, it is more costly to use than psychic blade and doesn't get bonus damage from two handing or having high robustness. | SuppressionAgeClimate | Cold |
Pyro-Kinetic Orb (0) | Creates a kinetic orb in hand that functions like a projectile weapon, expending a single psi point per shot to deliver a potentially lethal ranged blast. | Unlike other physical powers, this orb scales off of your cognition. While allowing you to stay at range, it is more costly to use than psychic blade and doesn't get bonus damage from two handing or having high robustness. | SuppressionClimateHealing | Warm |
Kinetic Barrier (2) | Expend two psi points to create a psychic barrier a short distance from where the psion is facing. It blocks all movement and projectiles, but not vision. | Lasts for 10 seconds | ProtectionWarm | Suppression |
Psychoactive Manipulation (2) | Expend two points of essence to psionically manipulate an oddity. Unlike other, more refined methods, this process is entirely random. The process could make the oddity or anomaly better or worse. | Can be used to fish for perks on an oddity. | SeekingGreater | Greater |
Chosen Control (4) | Expend four psi points to clear all effects that impede one's control. Remove stuns, paralysis, pain, agony, restrainments, and clears the users body of all chemicals and addictions. | Removes handcuffs and shoecuffs, dropping them on the ground. | HealingSuppressionClimateCarbon | Suppression |
Locate Mind-Essence (5) | Expend five points of essence to psionically detect the thoughts and location of another higher life form. Does not work on animals, cruciform bearers, synthetics, or those wearing psionic protection. Can locate lingering echoes of thoughts in the deceased, allowing you to find bodies. | Gives coordinates as well as area name | ClimateRegicideSuppression | Seeking |
Deep Maintenance Powers
Deep Maintenance Powers are found when combating Deep Maintenance monsters, typically found after sifting through the ashes, or through crafting.
When inside of psionic catalysts, each power has a resonance that is used in crafting with the E.A.R located in the Soteria Institute.
Power Name (Cost) | Effect | Notes | Recipe | Resonance |
Layered Psychic Shield (1) | Creates a layered shield capable of blocking bullets, energy beams, and melee attacks. | Functions exactly like a standard shield.
Unlike the Psychic Shield, it does not upgrade in-hand shields. Shield created is upgrade-able by Psychic Shield. |
ProtectionProtection | Protection |
Nightmarish Mind (1) | Expend a single psi point to realign your mind to that of nightmare stalkers, causing them to not react to your presence, even when you attack them. May have unforeseen consequences. | Sets your faction to the same as stalkers.
If you are a Cht'Mant, or have genetical changed your faction, then this overrides it. |
QuickSeeking | Night |
Rust (1) | Expend a single psi point to wither an object, making it rust away and weaken. | Only makes the item in your active hand old. | QuickQuick | Rust |
Psionic Suture (1) | Expend one of your essence to create a psionic suture in hand, able to stop bleeding. If you are more psionically gifted, it can even help heal wounds. | Only dropped by flesh behemoths. If you have Psionic Attunement, you gain 1 more additional use on the summoned suture. |
HealingNull | Healing |
Psionic Purify (1) | Expend a psi points of your psi essence to clear out any chemical in your body, helpful or not. | Only dropped by flesh behemoths. When inside a psionic catalyst, it's named Psionic Purify. Clears all chemicals on body, in blood and ingested. | QuickNullDark | Healing |
Discombobulate (1) | Spend an essence to violently destroy a pile of trash. | Only dropped by the ponderous. When used, it throws rods and glass as well as items inside around. Also makes a small smoke screen. If you have Psionic Attunement, it removes the psionic cost. |
WarmClimate | Warm |
Decay (2) | Expend two psi points to wither and rust every object a person you are grabbing is holding or wearing, rendering each object worse and weaker. | It is able to delete power cells, makes the person wear plasma-infected clothing and deletes ammo inside of boxes or mags. | QuickRust | Age |
Kings Decorum (2) | Expend two psi points to expel gore, blood, and smoke to decorate the world as the king desires. | Makes a smoke screen and shakes the camera of anyone around you. | AgeRustCarbon | Regicide |
Reorganize (2) | Expend a small amount of essence to compress a scrap pile into a condensed cube for easier transportation. | Only dropped by the ponderous
If you have Psionic Attunement, only costs 1 psionic cost. |
QuickSuppression | Suppression |
Bring Darkness (3) | Expend three psi points to break all the lights connected to the power grid near you. Does not work on independent light sources, sunlight, or grant you sight in darkness. | Breaks all lights in the area you are in, also spawns blood messages that drain sanity. | AgeNight | Dark |
Mindjack (3) | Expend three psi points to force a lesser creature to ally with you, changing it to not only ally with colonists but to turn on its former friends. Does not work on creatures incapable of proper violence, such as rats. | Only dropped by Hound of the Crown. When inside a psionic catalyst, it is named "Enslavement". Sets faction of the mob to be "mindjacked". Sets mob to be a colony ally and friendly to colony. | RegicideAgeCarbon | Greater |
Psionic Temperature Regulate (4) | Expend four psi points to eather heat or cool your body. | Only dropped by flesh behemoths | ColdWarm | Climate |
Scrap Together (4) | Expend some essence to collect trash from deepmaints and pile it in front of you. | Only dropped by the ponderous
If you have Psionic Attunement, only costs 3 psionic cost. |
QuickSinking | Seeking |
Psionic Ascension (5) | Expend five psi points to ascend someone standing in front of you, making them a psion. The process is extremely damaging to the mind and you must stand still during it. | Does not force the person to become a Psion. Deals brain damage to the person that uses the Power, not the newly ascended person. | SteelRustAgeQuick | Carbon |
Cerebral Hemorrhage (5) | Expend five psi points to destroy the brain of anyone you are grappling. Lesser creatures will be instantly slain in a messy fashion, unless they are harmless. | Only dropped by The Dreaming King. Deals 60 brain damage to any human type mob. Directly proc calls gib on mobs that are not human type. | CarbonRegicideNight | Sinking |
Seek the Dream (5) | Expend five psi points and wither your body and mind to call three dreaming daemons from somewhere else. They are not inherently allied to you. | When inside a psionic catalyst named "Dream Seeker". Removes 20 stats other then Viv and Ana. Makes everyone within 10 tiles of you have screen shake. | SeekingNight | Seeking |
Void robe (6) | When applied, it creates an ultra-light protected cloak, spurring the wearer to new adventures in the kingdom of the king of dreams! Each part of the kit enhances the psion's thinking abilities and accelerates his step. | Each Void robe piece gives +5 Cognition for a total of 20.
Each Void robe piece has a variation in armor level. Void robe pieces are all space proof. Void robe gloves and boots are both insulated and the boots prevent slipping. The hood provides a mood setting light. Void robe set speeds up the wearer |
ProtectionSuppression | Protection |
Durable shell (8) | Creates a set of very strong armor, using your mind and the environment as the material. Each piece of armor replaces the clothes you are already wearing, and provides additional strength to your body, in exchange for your psionic abilities. | Each Durable shell piece gives +5 Toughness for a total of 20.
Durable shell robe piece has an armor value of 15 as well as a 100 bomb armor. Durable shell pieces are all space proof. Durable shell gloves and boots are both insulated. The helmet provides a powerful light. Durable shell robes however slow down the wearer. |
SuppressionProtectionProtectionProtection | Protection |
Merge Flesh and Steel (10) | Expend a massive pool of ten psi points and your own body to become something greater. To grasp at perfection, one must make sacrifices... | When inside a psionic catalyst, it's named "Heretical Ascension". Does not allow you to play/control the greater being. | CarbonRustAgeQuick | Steel |
Psionic Perks
Psionic powers may be effected by perks, which can be gained by background character options, oddities, or other effects in round. Psionic perks are usually pretty limited towards what they effect, but can drastically change your play style depending on what they do and what you have. Below is a list of perks that psions may potentially have.
Perk | Description | Effect |
Psion | You have, through some method you may or may not understand, delved into the secrets of psionic ascension and gained powers beyond your understanding. While your mind has become far stronger, your body has weakened slightly. You require a bit more food to support the specialized organ you've developed.
Additionally, you must always maintain purity of body, any implants, cruciforms, or synthetics will be violently rejected as long as your psionic organ is in your head. |
Given by your psion organ. -20 Max Health, very minuscule hunger increase, an additional organ in your head, and all non-organic implants, modules, or body parts are forcefully and painfully ejected from the body. |
Psionic Psychosis | You lived a life of unsettled violence. Maybe it was circumstance, maybe it was necessity, or maybe you just liked hurting people. No matter the reason, your mind is attuned to bloody violence and your potential as a psion reflects that. No matter your stats or physical body, you always deal maximum damage when using scaling psionic weaponry you create. | Any temporary psionic item that scales off of any stat deals its maximum damage regardless of your abilities. (Telekinetic fist always deals 33 damage and has 6 tile knock-back, psychic blade deals 33 damage per hit, etc. etc.) |
Psionic Harmony | You have achieved inner harmony, your balance of emotion giving you peace of mind and thus expanding your potential as a psion. With this frame of mind, you retain a higher maximum psi pool than others, increasing your capacity by two. | Your maximum psi points increases by 2. This effect stacks. |
Psionic Attunement | You have, through practice or innate talent, mastered your psionic abilities to such a degree that you have greater control of the negative side effects of your powers. Whenever you use a psionic power that has negative side effects, you take only half the penalties a psion normally would. | You take 50% less penalty when using abilities like psychosomatic healing, psychosomatic transference. etc. etc. You also remove the cost of using telepathy and telekinetic prowess. |
Mind Master | Your training as a Soteria psychologist and understanding of psychiatry has given you a deep understanding of how the mind works. As a result, if you became a psion, you have an expanded set of powers that aid you in your work, with additional essence to use your abilities. | Your maximum psi points increases by 5. This effect stacks. |
Psionic Grace | The latent effects of a fellow psion with mastery over the mind has enhanced your abilities. The gifted enhancement allows you to recover your psi essence twice as fast. | The time it takes to recover psi essence is halved. |
Mind over Matter | You felt the grace of a psion touching your mind and bringing about a level of peace and perfection you never quite considered. Now, as a result, your body and mind work beyond any potential they once had. | You gain a +10 to most stats for the remainder of the shift. This perk is only available to non-psions. |
The EGO: E.A.R. T-01-92beta S-23 (aka E.A.R) is dark marble machinery that is used to craft different psionic catalysts.
Crafting is based off different "Resonances" found inside a non-used powered psionic catalyst. To see recipes in game you can look to the EGO: E.A.R Music Sheet or use the tables found on this wiki page.
E.A.R has a maximum of four psionic catalysts, if a recipe overlaps, it will create more then one psionic catalyst.
When adding psionic catalysts, Pillar slot order matters, as when the E.A.R is activated it will go in order from 1st to 4th and grab the Resonance. If a Pillar is unused, it will add nothing. Note that you can skip slots and still have successful crafting.
Note that used psionic catalysts turn the resonance to "Null".
How to use the E.A.R
- Gather many different psionic catalysts. More different types the better
- Click the psionic catalysts onto the E.A.R and slot them.
- Once you're done slotting in psionic catalysts, click the E.A.R with a open hand and activate it.
Once done you're hopefully rewarded with new psionic catalysts.
E.A.R Trivia
- E.A.R has a hidden description that reads as the following "Design and prototyped by a non psionic CRO, many personal touches are engraved in runes, fractal patterns and small engraving of a name starting with a stylized T."
- T in T-01 stands for Tech, S in S-23 stands for Sanity.
- E.A.R stands for Eternal Ascension Resonances.
- The E.A.R as well as Music Sheet names are inspired by a few different manga, while the mechanics are inspired by a gacha game.