Guide to Food

From Sojourn
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Unlike in real life, experimenting with making food isn't really rewarded in space. Not following the established recipes will only lead to either a broken microwave, a burned mess, or just sadness overall. Feel free to make suggestions in outside channels, though.

The Mechanics of Food


As you walk and move about in and around the colony, your starting nutrition bar will start to drain from starting green, down to dark red; if your hunger bar turns black, you've eaten way too much. The effects of fullness and hunger are equally bad, so it is best to stay at a happy medium. So keep in mind how much you've eaten and how long it has been since you last ate, and you will be fine.

Go with the rule that, "If you have a hard time getting it down, don't eat any more". Note that nutrition is typically slow-release, so if you don't fill up immediately, you will in the near future.

Several reagents will increase your fullness:

  • Very effective: Nutriment, found in most foods. The main one and most effective; Corn Oil; Animal Protein, found in meat and Egg Yolk.
  • Somewhat effective: Ketchup, Sugar, Sprinkles, Coco powder, Cherry jelly.
  • Some alcoholic drinks.



If you drop to dark red, you move very slowly and your description reveals your lack of eating habits. You are starving, this is not good! You will move slowly until you eat some food, so head to the Chef for a burger or slice of meatbread!

Some things will decrease your hunger faster:

  • Vomiting
  • Being cold (by exposure to cold environments or because you were in a cryo tube)
  • Recovering from blood loss
  • Taking Lipozine
  • Some viruses


Hydroponics, located just beside the kitchen, exists to produce produce for use in your various dishes. While a great variety of fruits and vegetables can be grown here, the most vital for most dishes are wheat, tomatoes, and potatoes. Growing these is an intelligent start to a good lunch. The department can also produce wheat and milk using spare biomass from unneeded plant matter, which is quite handy upon occasion. See the Guide to Hydroponics for more information.

The Church

If you don't feel like questioning the source of your meat and milk, The Church of the Absolute is an acceptable provider of basic kitchen stock, with their private chicken coop, public surface garden, and massive tank filled with acid to slowly and torturously dispose of any biological material deposited therein, breaking it down into their base components for reassembly into foodstuffs. But hey, they'll likely give it to you for free! So charitable.


The grinder located in the freezer is suitable for chewing up any corpses that happen to fall into your hands, processing them into usable steaks. Pretty much anything can yield at least one good slab of meat, in general. In case the crew objects to eating any random meat that is available, however, the Cook can order a variety of other sources of protein from Lonestar or the Church, or source 'free-range' meat from the Prospectors or Blackshield.

Cow.png Cows - aside from slaughtering for meat, can be milked with a bucket, but they do require feeding them some wheat.

Chicken.png Chickens - ordering some to keep in the pasture as part of your private petting zoo is a good step to take if you know you'll be needing more eggs than the ones you start with. Feed them with wheat to get them to lay eggs. Unattended eggs may hatch into even more Chick.png chickens, so beware of exponential chicken growth events. Note: Any egg that is touched by anyone in any way permanently prevents hatching.

Refer to the list of native and non-native fauna for further sources of delicious meat.


Poisonous reagents are marked in red text. Reagents which have other, non-deadly effects, like intoxication, sleepiness, or the effects of hot or cold sauce, are marked in blue text.

Basic Components

Strive to have at least some of these on hand at all times, so you can fill orders that much quicker!

Icon Food How to Obtain Contains
Cheese Wheel
Mix 40 Milk and 5 Universal Enzyme. 20 Animal Protein
Cheese Wedge
Slice a Cheese Wheel. 5 Animal Protein
Butter Stick
Mix 5 Cream and 5 Salt. 5 Animal Protein
Butter Slice
Slice a Butter Stick. 5 Animal Protein
Mix 3 Egg Yolk, 10 Units Flour 3 Nutriment, 1 Animal Protein
Dough Slice
Cut a Flat Dough with Kitchen Knife 2 Nutriment, .33 Animal Protein
Cut Dough Slice with Kitchen Knife 3 Nutriment, .33 Animal Protein
Flat Dough
Roll out 1 Dough with the Rolling Pin 3 Nutriment, 1 Animal Protein. Sliceable: 3 Slices
Microwave 1 Dough 4 Nutriment, 1 Animal Protein
Harvested from an egg plant (can be mutated from eggplants), ordered from Cargo, or laid by a chicken that has been fed wheat. 3 Egg Yolk
From butchering most animals and people with a sharp object. The meat grinder will not accept people unless tampered with. Animal Protein (Varying amounts); Nutriment (Varying amounts)
Meat.png Synthflesh 5 Blood, 1 Clonexidone. Tastes like shoe leather but at least you won't starve. Animal Protein (Varying amounts); Nutriment (Varying amounts)
Carp Meat
Butcher a Carp (Butchering on a spike gives 3, grinding gives 2, cutting on table gives 1) 3-10 Animal Protein, 3 Carpotoxin, ~9 Nutriment
Bear Meat
From butchering a Space Bear or Mukwah. ~12 Animal Protein, 5 Hyperzine, ~9 Nutriment
Spider Meat
From butchering giant spiders. 7-9 Animal Protein and various toxins
Roach Meat
From butchering roaches with a sharp object. Will not work with the Meat Grinder. There are 5 different types of roaches with differing meats and chemical compositions. See the relevant section. 4-8 Animal Protein and various toxins which Medical might want
Xeno Meat
From butchering a xenomorph 6 Animal Protein, 6 Polytrinic Acid, ~9 Nutriment
Raw Cutlet
Cut 1 Meat with a knife 1 Animal Protein
Microwave 1 Raw Cutlet 3 Animal Protein
Raw Patty
Roller Pin 1 Raw Cutlet 3 Animal Protein
Microwave 1 Raw Patty 3 Animal Protein
Chickenmeat.png Poultry From butchering any bird, chicken, or avian creature 8 Animal Protein
Chickenbreast.png Poultry breast Cut 1 Poultry with a knife 2 Animal Protein
Sus.png Porcine meat From butchering pigs, hell boars, certain tengolos, anything porcine-looking. 8 Animal Protein
Rawbacon.png Raw bacon strip Cut 1 Porcine meat with a knife 2 Animal Protein
Bacon.png Bacon Microwave 1 Raw bacon strip, 1 units Salt, 1 unit Corn Oil 3 Animal Protein, 5 Corn Oil
Raw Meatball
Mix 3 Animal Protein and 5 Flour 3 Animal Protein
Microwave 1 Raw Meatball 3 Animal Protein
Raw Potato Sticks
Cut up one Potato. 3 Nutriment
Tomato Slice
Cut up a Tomato ~12 Nutriment.
Huge Mushroom Slice
Slicing up a Walking Mushroom ~7 Nutriment, 3 Psilocybin
Mix 10 Soy Milk and 5 Universal Enzyme (Catalyst) 3 Nutriment

Nadezhda Cultural "Cuisine"

Icon Food How to Obtain Contains
RoachBurger64.png Kampfer Burger Microwave 1 Kampfer Roach meat and 1 Bun. 4 Animal Protein, 2 Nutriment, Roach Toxins
Jagerburger64.png Jager Burger Microwave 1 Jager Roach meat and 1 Bun. 6 Animal Protein, 3 Nutriment, Roach Toxins
Seucheburger64.png Seuche Burger Microwave 1 Seuche Roach meat and 1 Bun. 4 Animal Protein, 2 Nutriment, Roach Toxins
Panzerburger64.png Panzer Burger Microwave 1 Panzer Roach meat and 1 Bun. 8 Animal Protein, 1 Nutriment, Roach Toxins
Fuhrerburger64.png Fuhrer Burger Microwave 2 Fuhrer Roach meat, 1 Bun and 1 Egg. 8 Animal Protein, 3 Fuhrerole, 3 Nutriment, Roach Toxins
Kaiserburger64.png Kaiser Burger Microwave 2 Kaiser Roach meat, 1 Bun and 1 Egg. 10 Animal Protein, 3 Nutriment, Roach Toxins
Bigroachburger64.png Big Roach Burger Microwave 1 Kampfer Roach meat, 1 Jager Roach meat, 1 Seuche Roach meat, 1 Panzer Roach meat, 1 Bun and 1 Egg. 8 Animal Protein, 3 Nutriment, Roach Toxins
RoachCube.png Roach Cube Microwave 1 Kampfer Roach meat, 15 Animal Protein, 3 Egg Yolk and 1 Potato. 10 Animal Protein
RoachlingCube.png Roachling Cube Microwave 1 Kampfer Roach meat, 5 Animal Protein, 1 Seligitillin and 1 Potato. 10 Animal Protein
JaegerCube.png Jaeger Cube Microwave 1 Jaeger Roach meat, 10 Animal Protein, 5 Blattedin and 1 Potato. 10 Animal Protein
SeucheCube.png Seuche Cube Microwave 1 Seuche Roach meat, 10 Animal Protein, 10 Blattedin and 1 Potato. 10 Animal Protein
PanzerCube.png Panzer Cube Microwave 2 Panzer Roach meat, 20 Animal Protein, 5 Starkellin and 1 Potato. 10 Animal Protein
KraftwerkCube.png Kraftwerk Cube Microwave 1 Kraftwerk Roach meat, 10 Animal Protein, 5 Gewaltine and 1 Potato. 10 Animal Protein
GlowRoachCube.png Glowing Roach Cube Microwave 1 Glowing Roach meat, 10 Animal Protein, 5 Uranium and 1 Potato. 10 Animal Protein
GestrahlteCube.png Gestrahlte Cube Microwave 1 Gestrahlte Roach meat, 10 Animal Protein, 5 Toxin and 1 Potato. 10 Animal Protein
FuhrerCube.png Fuhrer Cube Microwave 2 Fuhrer Roach meat, 25 Animal Protein, 5 Fuhrerole and 2 Potato. 10 Animal Protein
ElektroCube.png Elektromagnetisch Cube Microwave 1 Elektromagnetisch Roach meat, 10 Animal Protein, 5 Iron and 1 Potato. 10 Animal Protein

Burgers & Sandwiches

Icon Food How to Obtain Contains
Burg.png Hamburger Use a Patty in a Bun or Microwave 1 Patty and 1 Bun. 6 Animal Protein
Cheeseburg.png Cheeseburger Use a Cheese Wedge on a Hamburger 2 Animal Protein, 2 Nutriment
Baconburger.png Bacon Burger Microwave 1 Patty, 1 Bun, 1 Bacon 6 Animal Protein
Poultryburger.png Poultry Burger Microwave 1 Bun, 1 Fried Poultry 6 Animal Protein
Muffinegg.png Muffin Egg Sandwich Microwave 1 Bun, 1 Fried Egg, 1 Bacon 6 Nutriment
Bigbiteburg.png Big Bite Burger Microwave 1 Hamburger, 2 Patties, 1 Fried Egg 10 Animal Protein, 4 Nutriment
Superbiteburg.png Super Bite Burger Microwave 1 Big Bite Burger, 1 Bun, 2 Patties, 1 Bacon, 1 Cheese Wedge, 5 Units Salt, 5 Units Pepper, 1 Tomato 40 Animal Protein, 25 Nutriment
Spellburg.png Spell Burger Microwave 1 Burger, 1 Wizard Hat 6 Nutriment, 3 or 13 Animal Protein
Brainburg.png Brain Burger Microwave 1 Bun, 1 Brain 7 Animal Protein, 6 Alkysine, 5 Blood*
Roburg.png Roburger Microwave 1 Bun, 1 Robot Head 2 Nutriment, 1 Animal Protein, 5% probability of 2 Units Nanites
Tofuburg.png Tofu Burger Microwave 1 Bun, 1 Tofu 6 Nutriment, 1 Animal Protein
Xenoburg.png Xenoburger Microwave 1 Bun, 1 Xeno-meat 15 Animal Protein, 6 Polytrinic Acid
Carpsand.png Fish Sandwich Microwave 1 Bun,1 Carp fillet 10 Animal Protein, 6 Carpotoxin
Jellyburg.png Jelly Burger Microwave 1 Bun, 5 Units Cherry Jelly/Slime Jelly 5 Nutriment, 5 Slime Jelly or Cherry Jelly, 1 Animal Protein
Jellysand.png Jelly Sandwich Microwave 2 Bread Slice, 5 Units Cherry Jelly/Slime Jelly 2 Nutriment, 5 Cherry Jelly or 5 Slime Jelly, 2 Animal Protein, 0.6 Egg Yolk
Jellytoast.png Jellied Toast Microwave 1 Bread Slice, 5 Units Cherry Jelly/Slime Jelly 1 Nutriment, 0.2 Animal Protein, 0.6 Egg Yolk, 5 Cherry Jelly or Slime Jelly.
Sandwich.png Sandwich Microwave 2 Bread Slice, 1 Meat Steak, 1 Cheese Wedge 3 Nutriment, 20.4 Animal Protein, 1.2 Egg Yolk, 1 Salt, 1 Pepper
Toastsand.png Toasted Sandwich Microwave 1 Sandwich, 1 Butter Slice 3 Nutriment, 3 Animal Protein, 1 Salt, 1 Pepper, 2 Carbon
Toastsand.png Grilled Cheese Sandwich Microwave 2 Bread Slice, 1 Cheese Wedge, 1 Butter Slice 3 Nutriment, 4 Animal Protein
Blt.png BLT Microwave 2 Bread Slice, 1 Bacon, 1 Tomato, 1 Cabbage 3 Nutriment
Butterbrod.png Buttered Toast Use 1 Butter Slice on a Bread Slice 3 Nutriment
Donkpocket.png Donk Pocket Find in boxes, or allow a Warm Donk Pocket to cool. 2 Nutriment, 2 or 6 Animal Protein
Donkpocket.png Warm Donk Pocket Microwave 1 Dough, 1 Meatball 2 Nutriment, 6 Animal Protein, 5 Tricordrazine
Donkpocket.png Warm Donk Pocket Microwave 1 Donk Pocket 2 Nutriment, 2 Animal Protein, 5 Tricordrazine

Cakes and Sweets

Icon Food How to Obtain Contains
Donut.pngFrosteddonut.png Donut Microwave 1 Dough, 5 units Sugar, 1 units Corn Oil 3 Nutriment, 1 Sprinkles (3 if Frosted
Jellydonut.pngFrostedjellydonut.png Jelly Donut Microwave 1 Dough, 5 units Sugar, 5 units Berry Juice/Cherry Jelly/Slime Jelly. 3 Nutriment, 1 Sprinkles (3 if Frosted), 5 Berry Juice or Cherry Jelly or Slime Jelly, 1 Animal Protein.
Donut.pngFrosteddonut.png Chaos Donuts Microwave 1 Dough, 5 units Sugar, 5 units Hot Sauce, 5 units Cold Sauce Always: 2 Nutriment, 1 Sprinkles (3 if Frosted), 1 Animal Protein.

Equal chance of containing 3 Units of one of the following: Nutriment, capsaicin, frost oil, sprinkles, plasma, coco,Slime Jelly, banana, berry juice, and tricordrazine.

Muffins.png Muffin Microwave 1 Dough, 5 units Milk, 5 units Sugar 6 Nutriment, 1 Animal Protein
Applepie.png Apple Pie Microwave 1 Flat Dough, 1 Apple, 1 Butter Slice 4 Nutriment, 1 Animal Protein
Pie.png Banana Cream Pie Microwave 1 Flat Dough, 1 Banana, 5 units Sugar, 1 Butter Slice 4 Nutriment, 6 Banana Juice, 1 Animal Protein
Berryclafoutis.png Berry Clafoutis Microwave 1 Flat Dough, 1 Berry, 1 Butter Slice 4 Nutriment, 7 Berry Juice, 1 Animal Protein
Cherrypie.png Cherry Pie Microwave 1 Cherry, 1 Flat Dough, 10 units Sugar, 1 Butter Slice 4 Nutriment, 1 Sugar, 1 Cherry Jelly, 1 Animal Protein
Cake.pngCakeslice.png Vanilla Cake Microwave 5 units Milk, 15 units Flour, 15 units Sugar, 9 units Egg Yolk, 1 Butter Stick

NOTE: Flour and Egg Yolk will mix into Dough inside any reagent container but the microwave, add the egg yolk seperately to prevent accidental mixing.

20 Nutriment.

Sliceable: 5 Slices.

Applecake.pngApplecakeslice.png Apple Cake Microwave 5 units Milk, 15 units Flour, 15 units Sugar, 9 units Egg Yolk, 2 Apples, 1 Butter Stick

NOTE: Flour and Egg Yolk will mix into Dough inside any reagent container but the microwave, add the egg yolk seperately to prevent accidental mixing.

15 Nutriment

Sliceable: 5 Slices

Birthdaycake.pngBirthdaycakeslice.png Birthday Cake Microwave 5 units Milk, 15 units Flour, 15 units Sugar, 9 units Egg Yolk, 1 Cake Hat, 1 Butter Stick

NOTE: Flour and Egg Yolk will mix into Dough inside any reagent container but the microwave, add the egg yolk seperately to prevent accidental mixing.

20 Nutriment, 10 Sprinkles

Sliceable: 5 Slices

Braincake.pngBraincakeslice.png Brain Cake Microwave 5 units Milk, 15 units Flour, 15 units Sugar, 9 units Egg Yolk, 1 Brain, 1 Butter Stick

NOTE: Flour and Egg Yolk will mix into Dough inside any reagent container but the microwave, add the egg yolk seperately to prevent accidental mixing.

5 Nutriment, 20 Animal Protein, 10 Alkysine, 5 Blood*

Sliceable: 5 Slices

Carrotcake.pngCarrotcakeslice.png Carrot Cake Microwave 5 units Milk, 15 units Flour, 15 units Sugar, 9 units Egg Yolk, 3 Carrots, 1 Butter Stick

NOTE: Flour and Egg Yolk will mix into Dough inside any reagent container but the microwave, add the egg yolk seperately to prevent accidental mixing.

25 Nutriment, 25 Imidazoline

Sliceable: 5 Slices

Cheesecake.pngCheesecakeslice.png Cheese Cake Microwave 5 units Milk, 15 units Flour, 15 units Sugar, 9 units Egg Yolk, 2 Cheese Wedge

NOTE: Flour and Egg Yolk will mix into Dough inside any reagent container but the microwave, add the egg yolk seperately to prevent accidental mixing.

10 Nutriment, 19 Animal Protein

Sliceable: 5 Slices

Choccake.pngChoccakeslice.png Chocolate Cake Microwave 5 units Milk, 15 units Flour, 5 units Sugar, 9 units Egg Yolk, 5 units Coco, 1 Chocolate Bar

NOTE: Flour and Egg Yolk will mix into Dough inside any reagent container but the microwave, add the egg yolk seperately to prevent accidental mixing.

20 Nutriment, 5 Sugar, 5 Coco Powder

Sliceable: 5 Slices

Limecake.pngLimecakeslice.png Lime Cake Microwave 5 units Milk, 15 units Flour, 5 units Sugar, 9 units Egg Yolk, 3 units Lime Juice, 1 Lime, 1 Butter Stick

NOTE: Flour and Egg Yolk will mix into Dough inside any reagent container but the microwave, add the egg yolk seperately to prevent accidental mixing.

20 Nutriment, 1 Lime Juice

Sliceable: 5 Slices

Lemoncake.pngLemoncakeslice.png Lemon Cake Microwave 5 units Milk, 15 units Flour, 5 units Sugar, 9 units Egg Yolk, 3 units Lemon Juice, 1 Lemon, 1 Butter Stick

NOTE: Flour and Egg Yolk will mix into Dough inside any reagent container but the microwave, add the egg yolk seperately to prevent accidental mixing.

20 Nutriment, 1 Lemon Juice

Sliceable: 5 Slices

Orangecake.pngOrangecakeslice.png Orange Cake Microwave 5 units Milk, 15 units Flour, 5 units Sugar, 9 units Egg Yolk, 3 units Orange Juice, 1 Orange, 1 Butter Stick

NOTE: Flour and Egg Yolk will mix into Dough inside any reagent container but the microwave, add the egg yolk seperately to prevent accidental mixing.

20 Nutriment, 1 Orange Juice

Sliceable: 5 Slices

Pumpkinpie.pngPumpkinpieslice.png Pumpkin Pie Microwave 1 Pumpkin, 10 units Flour, 3 units Egg Yolk, 5 units Milk, 5 units Sugar

NOTE: Flour and Egg Yolk will mix into Dough inside any reagent container but the microwave, add the egg yolk seperately to prevent accidental mixing.

15 Nutriment

Sliceable: 5 Slices.

Brownies.pngBrownieslice.png Brownies Microwave 10 units Cocoa Powder, 15 units Flour, 3 units Egg Yolk, 5 units Sugar, 1 Butter Stick 20 Nutriment

Sliceable: 5 Slices.

Candiedapple.png Candied Apple Microwave 5 Units Water, 5 Units Sugar, 1 Apple 3 Nutriment
Chocolatebar.png Chocolate Bar 2 units Chocolate Milk, 1 unit coco powder, 2 units sugar OR 2 units coco powder, 2 units Soy Milk, 2 units Sugar 2 Nutriment, 2 Sugar, 2 Coco Powder
Chocegg.png Chocolate Egg Microwave 1 Egg, 1 Chocolate bar 3 Nutriment, 4 Sugar, 4 Coco, 3 Egg Yolk
Cookie.png Cookie Microwave 1 Dough, 1 Butter Slice, 1 Chocolate Bar, 5 units Milk, 5 units Sugar 5 Nutriment, 2 Sugar, 2 Coco, 1 Animal Protein
Fortunecookie.png Fortune Cookie Microwave 1 Dough Slice, 5 units Sugar, 1 Piece of Paper (with something written on it) 3 Nutriment, .33 Animal Protein
Gappletart.png Golden Apple Streusel Tart Microwave 10 units Flour, 1 Egg, 1 Golden Apple, 5 units Milk, 5 units Sugar. 8 Nutriment, 8 Gold, 3 Egg Yolk
Mint.png Mint Microwave 5 units Sugar, 5 units Frost Oil 1 Mint Toxin
Waffles.png Waffles Microwave 1 Dough Slice, 5 units Sugar, 5 units Milk 8 Nutriment, 2 Animal Protein
Roffle.png Roffle Waffles Microwave 2 Dough, 10 units Sugar, 5 units Psilocybin. 8 Nutriment, 8 Psilocybin, 2 Animal Protein
Pancake.png Pancakes Microwave 1 Butter Slice, 10 units Sugar, 5 units Milk, 5 units Flour 8 Nutriment, 8 Psilocybin, 2 Animal Protein
Medialuna.png Croissant Microwave 1 Dough Slice, 1 Butter Slice, 5 units of Sugar, 5 units of Milk 6 Nutriment
Cinnamon.png Cinnamon Roll Microwave 1 raw Dough Slice, 1 Cheese Wedge, 1 Butter Slice, 5 units Cinnamon Powder (grind cinnamon plants), 10 units Sugar, 5 units Milk, 3 units Egg Yolk 6 Nutriment
AmanitaJelly.png Amanita Jelly Microwave 5 Units Water, 5 Units Vodka, 3 Amanitas 6 Nutriment, 6 Psilocybin
Duff.png Spacy Liberty Duff Microwave 5 units Water, 5 units Vodka, 3 Liberty Caps 6 Nutriment, 6 Psilocybin
Icecream.png Vanilla Icecream Combine 10 units of Icecream Base with 5 units Ice 6 Nutriment
Chococream.png Chocolate Icecream Combine 10 units of Icecream Base with 5 units Cocoa Powder 6 Nutriment
Strawbcream.png Strawberry Icecream Combine 10 units of Icecream Base with 5 units Berry Juice 6 Nutriment
Honeyice.png Honey Icecream Combine 10 units of Icecream Base with 5 units Honey 6 Nutriment


Icon Food How to Obtain Contains
Baguette.png Baguette Microwave 2 Dough, 1 unit Salt, 1 unit Pepper 6 Nutriment, 1 Pepper, 1 Salt
Flatbread.png Flatbread Microwave 1 Flat Dough 3 Nutriment, 1 Animal Protein
Cracker.png Cracker Microwave 1 Dough Slice, 1 unit Salt 1 Nutriment. You can also get these by gibbing a Parrot; in that case they have 5.4 Nutriment
Poppypretzel.png Poppy Pretzel Microwave 1 Dough, 1 Poppy 10 Nutriment,3 Bicaridine
Popcorn.png Popcorn Microwave 1 Corn 2 Nutriment, 3 Corn Oil
Twobread.png Two Bread Microwave 2 Bread Slice, 5 units Wine 2 Nutriment.
Microwave 1 Dough, 1 Egg 6 Nutriment, 1 Animal Protein, 3 Egg Yolk. Sliceable: 5 slices. Bread slices can be turned into sandwiches by combining them with any food item.
Bananabread.pngBananabreadslice.png Banana-nut Bread Microwave 3 Dough, 5 units Milk, 15 units Sugar, 1 Banana 20 Nutriment, 21 Banana Juice

Sliceable: 5 slices.

Creambread.pngCreambreadslice.png Cream Cheese Bread Microwave 2 Dough, 2 Cheese Wedge. 5 Nutriment, 15 Animal Protein. Sliceable: 5 slices.
Tofubread.pngTofubreadslice.png Tofu-Bread Microwave 3 Tofu, 3 Cheese Wedge, 3 Dough 30 Nutriment. Sliceable: 5 slices.

Meat & Seafood Dishes

Icon Food How to Obtain Contains
Hotstew.png Hot Chili Microwave 1 Meat, 1 Chili Pepper, 1 Tomato 3 Nutriment, 12 Animal Protein 10 Capsaicin, 4 Tomato Juice
Coldstew.png Cold Chili Microwave 1 Meat, 1 Ice Pepper, 1 Tomato 3 Nutriment, 12 Animal Protein, 10 Frost Oil, 4 Tomato Juice
Hotstew.png Bear Chili Microwave 1 Bear Meat, 1 Chili Pepper, 1 Tomato 3 Nutriment, 12 Animal Protein 3 Capsaicin, 5 Hyperzine
Enchi.png Enchiladas Microwave 1 Cutlet, 2 Chili, 1 Corn 9 Animal Protein, 2 Nutriment, 20 Capsaicin, 3 Corn Oil
Egg.png Boiled Egg Microwave 1 Egg, 5 units Water 2 Animal Protein, 3 Egg Yolk
Friedegg.png Fried Egg Microwave 1 Egg, 1 unit Salt, 1 unit Pepper, 1 unit Corn Oil 3 Animal Protein, 3 Egg Yolk, 1 Salt, 1 Pepper
Baconegg.png Eggs and bacon Microwave 1 Fried Egg, 1 Bacon 6 Animal Protein, 3 Corn Oil
Cheeseomelette.png Cheese Omelette Microwave 2 Egg, 2 Cheese Wedge, 1 Butter Slice, 2 unit Corn Oil 8 Animal Protein
Cubancarp.png Cuban Carp Microwave 1 Carp Fillet, 1 Dough, 1 Chilli Pepper 7 Animal Protein, 3 Nutriment, 10 Capsaicin,
Fishandchips.png Fish & Chips Microwave 1 Space Fries, 1 Fish Fingers 3 Nutriment, 3 Animal Protein
Fishfingers.png Fish Fingers Microwave 10 units Flour, 3 units Egg Yolk, 1 Carp meat, 2 units Corn Oil 4 Animal Protein
Meat Steak
Microwave 1 unit of Salt, 1 unit of Pepper, 1 Meat (Any Type) 4 Animal Protein, 1 Salt, 1 Pepper
Porkchops.png Glazed pork chops Microwave 1 Porcine meat, 1 unit of Salt, 1 unit of Pepper, 5 units of Barbecue sauce 8 Animal Protein
Roast.png Poultry Roast Microwave 1 Poultry meat, 1 unit of Salt, 1 unit of Pepper 10 Animal Protein
Chickenbreast.png Chicken steak Microwave 1 Poultry Breast, 1 unit of Salt, 1 unit of Pepper 6 Animal Protein
Friedchikin.png Fried Poultry Microwave 1 Poultry Breast, 5 units of Corn Oil, 5 units of Flour, 1 unit of Salt, 1 unit of Pepper 6 Animal Protein, 5 Corn Oil
Tonkatsu.png Tonkatsu Microwave 1 Raw Porcine meat, 3 units Egg Yolk, 5 units Flour, 2 units Corn Oil, 1 unit of Salt 8 Animal Protein, 1 Salt
Benedict.png Eggs Benedict Microwave 1 Bread Slice, 1 Butter Slice, 1 Bacon, 1 Boiled Egg, 3 units of Egg Yolk, 1 unit of Salt, 1 unit of Pepper 15 Animal Protein, 1 Salt, 1 Pepper
Meatpie.png Meat-Pie Microwave 1 Meat, 1 Flat Dough 20 Animal Protein
Meatbread.pngMeatbreadslice.png Meatbread Microwave 3 Meat, 3 Dough, 3 Cheese Wedge 10 Nutriment, 34 Animal Protein

Sliceable: 5 slices.

Wingchu.png Wing Fang Chu Microwave 5 units Soy Sauce, 1 Xeno Meat 6 Animal Protein, 6 Polytrinic Acid
Dumplings.png Dumplings Microwave 1 Cabbage, 1 Dough Slice, 2 Raw Bacon strips, 5 units soy sauce, 1 unit Salt, 1 unit Pepper, 1 unit Corn Oil 10 Animal Protein
Sashimi.png Sashimi Microwave 2 Carp fillets, 5 units soy sauce 4 Animal Protein
Xenopie.png Xeno-meat Pie Microwave 1 Flat Dough and 1 Xeno Meat. 10 Animal Protein, 10 Polytrinic Acid
Xbread.pngXbreadslice.png Xenomeatbread Microwave 3 Xeno Meat, 3 Dough, 3 Cheese Wedge 10 Nutriment, 20 Animal Protein.

Sliceable: 5 slices.

Monkeydel.png Monkey's Delight Microwave 1 Monkey Cube, 10 units Flour, 1 Banana, 1 unit Salt, 1 unit Pepper 10 Animal Protein, 6 Banana, 1 Pepper, 1 Salt
Sausage.png Sausage Microwave 1 Raw Bacon Strip, 1 Raw Meatball, 1 unit Salt, 1 unit Pepper 12 Animal Protein
Taco.png Taco Microwave 5 units Flour, 1 Corn, 1 Cabbage, 1 Cutlet, 1 Cheese Wedge 4 Nutriment, 3 Animal Protein
Soylentgreen.png Soylent Green Microwave 10u Flour, 2 Human Meat 10u Animal Protein


Icon Food How to Obtain Contains
Aesirsalad.png Aesir salad Microwave 1 Ambrosia Deus, 1 Golden Apple. 8 Nutriment, 8 The Doctor's Delight,, 8 Tricordrazine, 1 Bicaridine, 1 Synaptizine, 1 Hyperzine, 1 Space drugs, 3 Gold.
Herbsalad.png Tossed Salad Microwave 2 Cabbage, 1 Tomato, 1 Carrot, 1 Apple. 8 Nutriment, 5 Imidazoline, 2 Tomato Juice, 1 Carrot Juice
Validsalad.png Valid Salad Microwave 3 Ambrosia Vulgaris, 1 Potato, 1 Meatball. 6 Nutriment, 5 Animal Protein, 3 Space drugs, 3 Kelotane, 3 Bicaridine, 2 Potato Juice


Icon Food How to Obtain Contains
Beetsoup.png Borscht Microwave 10 units Water, 1 White Beet, 1 Cabbage "Wait, how do you spell it again..?"

8 Nutriment, 3 Sugar

Mushroomsoup.png Chantrelle Soup Microwave 5 units Milk, 5 units Cream, 1 unit of Salt, 1 unit of Pepper, 1 Chanterelle. 8 Nutriment
Meatballsoup.png Meatball Soup Microwave 10 units Water, 1 Meatball, 1 Carrot, 1 Potato 8 Animal Protein, 5 Water, 5 Imidazoline, 1 Carrot Juice, 2 Potato Juice
Milo.png Milosoup Microwave 10 units Water, 2 Tofu, 2 Soy Dope 8 Nutriment, 5 Water
Mysterysoup.png Mystery Soup Microwave 10 units Water, 1 Burned Mess, 1 Tofu, 1 Egg, 1 Cheese Wedge Always contains 4 Animal Protein, 3+ Toxin, and 1+ Carbon.

Possible other reagents: Nutriment, Capsaicin, tomato juice, frost oil, Water, tricordrazine, banana juice, blood, slime jelly, and/or imidazoline.

Nettlesoup.png Nettle Soup Microwave 10 units Water, 1 Nettle, 1 Egg, 1 Potato 8 Nutriment, 5 Water, 5 Tricordrazine, 10 Sulphuric Acid
Tomatosoup.png Tomato Soup Microwave 10 units Water, 2 tomatoes 5 Nutriment, 10 Tomato Juice. Drinking this makes you feel like a vampire. A tomato vampire.
Tomatosoup.png "Tomato" Soup Microwave 10 units blood, 2 Blood Tomato. Smells like copper.

2 Animal Protein, 10 Blood*, 5 Water

Vegsoup.png Vegetable Soup Microwave 10 units Water, 1 Carrot, 1 Corn, 1 Eggplant, 1 Potato 8 Nutriment, 5 Water, 5 Imidazoline.
Wishsoup.png Wish Soup 20 units Water. 25% chance of 8 Nutriment
Stew.png Stew Microwave 10 units Water, 1 Meat, 1 tomato, 1 potato, 1 carrot, 1 chanterelle mushroom 6 Nutriment, 4 Animal Protein, 4 Tomato Juice, 10 Imidazoline, 5 Water.
Beefcurry.png Beef Curry Microwave 1 Chili, 1 carrot, 1 tomato, 5 units Flour, 5 units Soy Sauce, 1 raw meat, 1 Butter Slice, 1 Boiled Rice 8 Animal Protein, 2 Capsaicin
Chikincurry.png Poultry Curry Microwave 1 Chili, 1 carrot, 1 tomato, 5 units Flour, 5 units Soy Sauce, 1 raw poultry breast, 1 Butter Slice, 1 Boiled Rice 8 Animal Protein, 2 Capsaicin
Mashedpotatoes.png Mashed Potatoes Microwave 2 Potatoes, 5 units of Milk, 1 Butter Slice 8 Nutriment
Katsudon.png Katsudon Microwave 1 Tonkatsu, 1 Boiled Rice, 5 units Soy Sauce, 3 units Egg Yolk 10 Nutriment


Icon Food How to Obtain Contains
Burnedmess.png Burned Mess Created when you try to microwave an invalid recipe. It may also break or dirty the microwave. 1+ Toxin, 3+ Carbon
Boiledcore.png Boiled Slime Core Created when you microwave 10u Water and slime extract. Slime Jelly


Icon Food How to Obtain Contains
Margheritapizza.pngMargheritapizzaslice.png Margherita Microwave 1 Flat Dough, 4 Cheese Wedge, 1 Tomato 40 Nutriment, 6 Tomato Juice, 5 Animal Protein.

Sliceable: 6 slices.

Meatpizza.pngMeatpizzaslice.png Meatpizza Microwave 1 Flat Dough, 3 Meat, 1 Cheese Wedge, 1 Tomato 50 Animal Protein, 6 Tomato Juice

Sliceable: 6 slices.

Mushroompizza.pngMushroompizzaslice.png Mushroom Pizza Microwave 1 Flat Dough, 5 Mushrooms, 1 Cheese Wedge, 1 Tomato. 50 Nutriment, 6 tomato Juice

Sliceable: 6 slices

Vegpizza.pngVegpizzaslice.png Vegetable Pizza Microwave 1 Flat Dough, 1 Cheese Wedge, 1 Eggplant, 1 Carrot, 1 Corn, 1 Tomato 30 Nutriment, 6 Tomato Juice, 14 Imidazoline, 5 Animal Protein.

Sliceable: 6 slices.


Icon Food How to Obtain Contains
Boiledspaghetti.png Boiled Spaghetti Microwave 5 units Water, 1 Spaghetti. 3 Nutriment, .33 Animal Protein
Pastatomato.png Tomato Spaghetti Microwave 5 units Water, 1 Spaghetti, 2 Tomatoes. 6 Nutriment, 10 Tomato Juice
Meatballspag.png Spaghetti & Meatballs Microwave 5 units Water, 1 Spaghetti, 2 Meatball. 4 Nutriment, 10.33 Animal Protein
Spesslaw.png Spesslaw Microwave 5 units Water, 1 Spaghetti, 4 Meatball. 4 Nutriment, 16.33 Animal Protein

Vegetable Dishes

Icon Food How to Obtain Contains
Fries.png Space Fries Microwave 1 Raw Potato Sicks, 1 unit Corn Oil 4 Nutriment
Carrotfries.png Carrot Fries Cut up one carrot. 3 Nutriment, 3 Imidazoline
Cheesefries.png Cheese Fries Microwave 1 Space Fries, 1 Cheese Wedge 4 Nutriment, 6 Animal Protein
Meatkabob.png Tofu-kabob 2 Tofu, 1 Metal Rod 8 Nutriment. May break the microwave; still obtainable via silver slime cores.
Chawanmushi.png Chawanmushi Microwave 5 units Water, 5 units Soy Sauce, 2 Egg, 1 Chanterelle. 5 Animal Protein.
Eggplantparmigiana.png Eggplant Parmigiana Microwave 2 Cheese Wedge, 1 Eggplant 6 Nutriment.
Bakedpotato.png Loaded Baked Potato Microwave 1 Potato, 1 Cheese Wedge 3 Nutriment, 3 Animal Protein.
Phelmbiscuit.png Plump Helmet Biscuit Microwave 1 Plump Helmet, 5 units Water, 5 units Flour, 1 Butter Slice 5 Nutriment, 10% chance of 8 Nutriment and 5 Tricordrazine
Meatpie.png Tofu-Pie Microwave 1 Flat Dough, 1 Tofu 10 Nutriment
Plumppie.png Plump Pie Microwave 1 Flat Dough, 1 Plump Helmet 8 Nutriment, 10% chance of 5 Tricordrazine
Amapie.png Amanita Pie Microwave 1 Flat Dough, 1 Amanita 5 Nutriment, 9 Amatoxin, 2 Psilocybin.
Boiledrice.png Boiled Rice Microwave 5 units Water, 10 units Rice 2 Nutriment
Ricepudding.png Rice Pudding Microwave 5 units Milk, 10 units Rice 4 Nutriment
Soydope.png Soy Dope Cut 1 Soybean 2 Nutriment
Soylenvirdians.png Soylen Virdians Microwave 10 units Flour, 1 Soybean 10 Nutriment, 1 Soy Milk
Stewedsoymeat.png Stewed Soy Meat Microwave 2 Soy Dope, 1 Carrot, 1 Tomato 8 Nutriment, 5 Imidazoline
Tofurkey.png Tofurkey Microwave 2 Tofu, 1 Stuffing. 12 Nutriment, 3 Soporific, 1 Animal Protein, 3 Egg Yolk
Stuffing.png Stuffing Microwave 1 Bread, 5 units Water, 1 unit of Salt, 1 unit of Pepper. 3 Nutriment, 1 Animal Protein, 3 Egg Yolk

Combinable Food

Icon Food How to Obtain Contains
Burger.png Hamburger Combine 1 Patty with Bun 2 Animal Protein, 2 Nutriment
Cheeseburger.png Cheese Burger Combine 1 Cheese Wedge with Hamburger 2 Animal Protein, 2 Nutriment
Hotdog.png Hotdog Combine 1 Sausage with 1 Bun 6 Animal Protein
Meatballspag.png Spaghetti with meatballs Combine Meatball with Boiled Spaghetti 4 Nutriment, 10.33 Animal Protein
Spesslaw.png Spesslaw Combine Meatball with spaghetti with meatballs 4 Nutriment, 16.33 Animal Protein
Icesandwich.png Icecream Sandwich Combine 1 Vanilla Icecream with 1 Brownie Slice 8 Nutriment
Sbsandwich.png Strawberry Icecream Sandwich Combine 1 Strawberry Icecream with 1 Cookie 8 Nutriment

Reagents and Condiments

You get these mostly from grinding, blending or mixing.

To grind, put your desired grindable object in the grinder. When enough of a reagent is inside, it will spit out a container of that reagent. Reagents can be ejected early for a partially-full container. Grinding foods reduces them to their component parts.
NOTE: When putting in containers, the container is lost. Don't grind your beakers, folks. Lonestar's more than happy to charge you for more.

To blend, put your object in the blender, ideally with a catch container inside, and hit blend. If it WILL blend, you get some reagents in the container, which you can then eject.

To mix reagents, put them in the same container. You should hear a bubbling sound if it's successful.

Icon Reagent How to Obtain
Animal Protein
Process Meat or protein-containing foods.
Cherry Jelly
Process Cherries.
Coco Powder
Process Cacao Pods.
Coldsaucepack.png Cold Sauce/Frost Oil Process ice peppers.
Coldsaucepack.png Ice Cream Base 1u sugar 1u ice 1u cream.
Cornoil.png Corn Oil Process corn.
Condiment.png Egg Yolk Process an Egg, or crack an Egg into a container.
Process Wheat stalks.
Hotsaucepack.png Hot Sauce/Capsaicin Process chili peppers.
Ketchuppack.png Ketchup Mix 2 parts Tomato Juice, 1 part Water, 1 part Sugar
Mix 1 part wine, 1 part Flour, 1 part Water
Barbecue Sauce
Mix 1 part Ketchup, 1 part Vinegar, 1 part Sugar
Process almost any food.
Extra pepper mills are in the bar. The only way to obtain more is printing through the biogenerator.
Process Rice Stalks.
Mix 1 unit Hydrocloric Acid, 1 unit Sodium, 1 unit Water. Available on salt shakers in the kitchen.
Soy Sauce
Mix 1 units Soy Milk, 1 units Flour, 1 units Salt
Condiment.png Sprinkles Process donuts.
Process white beets or sugar canes. Also can be found in a drinks dispenser.
From a sink, beverage dispenser, chemical dispenser, pond or water tank.
Universal Enzyme
One bottle in the kitchen, more can be ordered from Lonestar. Not intended for consumption.

Vending Machines

If you're hungry and the Chef is not around to make you a meal, you might want to check the nearest vending machine for some quick snacks to fill up your belly. Note that the Chef cannot (or is contractually obligated not to) make these.

Picture Dispenses Description
Candy.png Candy Nougat; love it or hate it. Consists of Nutriment and Sugar, filling you a little.
Ramen.png Cup Ramen Just add 10u of Water, self heats! A taste that reminds you of your school years.
Ramen.png Hot Ramen Made from Cup Ramen once hydrated.
Ramen.png Hell Ramen Add 1 part Capsaicin to 6 parts Hot Ramen
Chips.png Chips Commander Riker's What-The-Crisps. Consists of Nutriment, filling you mildly.
Jerky.png Scaredy's Private Reserve Beef Jerky Beef jerky made from the finest space cows. Consists of Nutriment, making it a filling snack!
Raisins.png 4no Raisins Best raisins in the universe. Nobody knows quite sure why. Consists of Nutriment, making it a very filling snack!
Twinkie.png Space Twinkie A few bite snack consisting of small amount of Sugar.
CheesieHonkers.png Cheesie Honkers Bite sized cheesy snacks that will honk all over your mouth. Consists of Nutriment, making it a filling snack!
Breadtube.png Bread Tube A tube! Of bread! A bread tube! Almost as good as canned!
Syndiecake.png Syndi-Cake A delicious traitorous treat! Available from hacked Getmore Chocolate Corp Vending Machines
Monkeycube.png Monkey Cube 10 Animal Protein; kills you as a monkey grows inside you. Add Water instead of eating it, to get a monkey. Also comes in Stok, Farwa, and Naera varieties, available through Cargo.
Liquidfood.png LiquidFood Ration Sometimes found in Maintenance. 20 Nutriment, 3 Iron
Honeycomb.png Honeycomb From beekeeping
MRE.png MRE (Meal Ready-to-Eat) Every colonist is provided one when arriving topside. Beans, salt, and some sort of chemically supplemented protein in a self-heating pouch. Tastes like trench warfare. If heated up (use in hand), contains a small ammount of Tricordazine, so do not overconsume.
ERPfood.png ERP (Emergency Ration Pack) Sometimes found in the darker corners of maintenance. Includes a spoon, a packet of four crackers (contains Dexalin Plus and Nicotine), preserved stew meat in a can (contains Bicaridine and Kelotane), and fruit in can or paste form (A can of peaches, or a nutrient paste containing Hyperzine and Paracetamol). Tastes like officer-grade trench warfare.


  • Milk, Soy Milk, Berry Juice, Soy Sauce, Hot Sauce, Cold Sauce, and Sugar are all measured in reagent units rather than by number of containers. They can be poured directly into the microwave. Be sure to check their pouring amount first.
  • Tired of customers shoveling their food in their face and running off? Snag a syringe from somewhere, and inject your creations with Nutriment, Corn Oil, or Animal Protein you get from your grinder. By increasing the amount of reagents, your food takes that many more bites to finish, which means diners stick around and chat more! This also opens up the opportunity for takeout meals.
  • Alternatively, just grind up everything and make it all into unappetizing Nutriment slurry. Or convenient pills, if you somehow get hold of a ChemMaster or cooperation with Soteria. Don't expect your boss to enjoy this method, however.
  • Sliceable foods can be divided into smaller portions by slicing them. Their reagents are divided equally into the slices. The slices noted here are the maximum number of slices, which you can get by using a precise cutting tool like a kitchen knife, cleaver, or scalpel. Crude cutting tools, like axes, shovels, and saws will result in fewer slices.
  • Condiments are reagents that can be added to food, possibly increasing their nutrition value or adding some fun extras. A chef can create condiments by grinding up things that contain them and isolating them. Condiments let you put ketchup on your fries, salt in your soup, Dylovene on your fish fingers, or Psilocybin on your ghost burger--the possibilities are endless! Foods hold a maximum of 50 units of reagents.
  • Some poisonous foods can be prepared safely if Dylovene is added to the finished product, or if the poisonous reagent is neutralized somehow. Experienced chefs only!
  • Traitor chefs can make some sneaky substitutions:
    • Poisonous apples can be used in all apple dishes, and the final dish will be poisoned. Unlike poisonous mushrooms, cyanide apples can easily kill.
    • Slime jelly can be substituted for cherry jelly, and will poison the resulting food.
    • Anything made with meat can be made with human meat. (It's still necessary to emag the gibber before butchering one's murder victims.)
  • Blood is not necessarily poisonous. It is always the same type as the person the brain was taken from, and if the type is incompatible with the recipient, it will cause a rejection reaction. O-negative blood is always safe, but Soteria usually wants that for transfusions.
  • Units of egg yolk are obtained by breaking eggs into beakers.

Advanced Cooking

Some reagents in the finished products are poisonous, you may want to serve these items safely. This is where a little chemistry can help neutralize or remove the dangerous reagents from your food. Any given piece of food can contain only 50 units of reagents.

When using Dylovene, it's okay to use more than you strictly need. Other chemicals you might use to neutralize poison aren't so forgiving, and some are poisonous themselves.

Reagent How to Neutralize
Blood Blood is not necessarily poisonous. It is always the same type as the person it was taken from, and if the type is incompatible with the recipient, it will cause a rejection reaction.

O-negative blood is always safe. Add one unit of Dylovene for every four units of blood. Alcoholic drinks made with blood, of any type, are safe; just be sure there is no blood left over after the reaction. Blood can also be neutralized with Clonexadone (1 unit Clonexadone to 5 units Blood), or by adding drink ingredients to create a blood-based drink.

Carpotoxin Anything made with carp meat will have carpotoxin in it. Counter it with 1 unit Dylovene per 3 units Carpotoxin. Carpotoxin also reacts with copper and Cryptobiolin to form Rezadone, but overdose of Rezadone starts at 15 units and most carpotoxin-containing foods have five or more units of it.
Amatoxin Found in mushrooms. Add 1 unit Dylovene per 2 units Amatoxin.
Toxin Add 1 unit Dylovene per 2 units Toxin.
Slime Jelly Will poison your customers no matter how much Dylovene you add. Adding Dylovene (around 30 units or so) will keep them from dying of the poisoning before they can get to Medical, but if you're not a traitor, do you really want to serve them such a painful dish? (No, don't answer that. We know customers can be annoying; that's still no excuse to poison them.)
Radium Found in roast diona and will cause radiation poisoning. Add 1 unit of Dylovene per unit of Radium; reacts to form Hyronalin.
Sulphuric Acid Dylovene won't cut it for sulphuric acid, which will burn as well as poison anyone unlucky enough to ingest it. Instead, neutralize each 1 unit of sulphuric acid with either 3 units of Corn Oil (creates Glycerol) or 5 units of wine (creates Acid Spit, an alcoholic cocktail).
Polytrinic Acid You're serious about serving that xeno meat, huh? Well, don't serve it plain. Polytrinic acid will poison, burn, and generally kill your customers in a rather nasty manner. Like with sulphuric acid, Dylovene isn't enough, but unlike sulphuric acid, it's not easy to neutralize. Polytrinic acid will react with foaming agent and either iron or aluminum to create metal foam, and 10 units of polytrinic acid and 20 units of Plasticide will create plastic. When working out how to do this, remember that Plasticide is poisonous and metal foam can be chipped through with a kitchen knife.
Alcohol An equal amount of Ethylredoxrazine reacts with Alcohol (including alcoholic drinks) to make water. If medical is humming along nicely, the Bartender may already have some handy for unruly alcoholics.
Synaptizine Synaptizine is poisonous, but the bigger problem is that it hangs around in the system for a long time. For every unit of Synaptizine, you need 30 units of Dylovene.
Plasma Really, now? You could neutralize plasma by adding 2 rum and 1 vermouth per unit, but eating OR drinking plasma is still a bit of a waste.
Roach Toxins Usually fine and beneficial to eat for Cht’mant aside from Fuhrerole, but VERY toxic to all other species. Dose with Carbon or Dylovene as needed, or in extreme cases, Haloperidol.

Possibilities include: Blattedin, Diplopterum, Starkellin, Seligitillin, Gewaltine, Fuherole, various nanites, soluble Iron and Uranium. Please consult with an experienced Chemist before serving.

Guide Table IconTipsie.png
Starter Medical Engineering Science Security Random