High Council Agents

From Sojourn

This guide is intended for staff to use when handling faxes and other IC matters that would merit higher authority. It is on the wiki for permanence, and so players can reference it as well to see what things mean.

General Guidelines for Staff

  • Do not intervene unless a situation is brought to the attention of the High Council, usually by a fax. It could be a fax about the specific issue or a fax that references the issue, but the lower colony has better things to do than monitor the upper colony’s comms all day.
  • Do not intervene if you don’t have at least a basic idea what the correct lore/procedure is. It is not that hard to pull open the relevant SOP in another window and check that it’s right. You can also confer with other staff via msay. If you truly don’t know or something is unclear and the matter isn’t urgent, it is better to give a delaying response like “We will discuss the matter” or “We will look into it” than to be confidently wrong.
  • Do not reply as the High Council secretary to something that can be handled by a faction representative. Legal questions should be responded to by the Provost’s office, SOP questions should be answered by the relevant faction, etc.
    • The High Council secretary should fax back ratifications of “vote without quorum” faxes unless the thing being voted for is ridiculous. This is especially important with faxes to allow outsiders in, as the Councilor is personally responsible for any crimes the outsider may commit until the vote is ratified.
  • Do not send agents/faxes that are deliberately wrong/mistaken (even during events) without clearing it with a Lore Head or Headmin first. These people are supposed to be generally competent at their jobs, and it is an unavoidable fact that generally what they say will be taken as “The Law” because it comes from a staff character.
  • Agents should usually only be sent if a Head of that faction needs to be investigated. If there’s any other normative reasons for sending up an agent, they will be noted in the faction write-up.

General Guidelines for Players

  • Staff might choose to use a different title than what's listed here for whatever reason, but it is has the stamp of the [faction name] official then it is presumably someone with authority.
  • Agents handle matters ICly, with information that is sent to them ICly or gathered by them after spawning. Staff will not check logs and give agents knowledge, though they may have knowledge of previous faxes about similar matters.
  • On that same note, if you want something acted on by the agents, include evidence. Statements from other witnesses, logs of communications, forensic evidence, things like that. Agents are not likely to act on your say so alone.
  • If a problem is happening at a level lower than Head, and there is a Head of that faction available, expect to be told to bring it to them. Agents are primarily for handling issues with Heads themselves, not for general administration of a faction.
  • An issue faxed about next round is much harder to act on than an issue faxed about the round it happens. If you need additional time to send a fax but it's ending, you can ahelp and ask us to delay the roundend.

Factions and Who’s Who

This section gives a basic rundown of how each faction is governed, what they prioritize, and who is likely to respond to a fax

Lead By: [Name of Faction Owner, it should go on the seal of any faxed message]
Structure: [The general structure of the faction, especially on the levels above the Player]
Agent title: [The title of someone sent up to the surface to investigate]
Fax replier title: [The title of the likely people to respond to a fax]
Faction Priorities: [What this faction prioritizes in their dealings, including on the higher levels]
Additional reasons to send up agent: [If there’s a reason other than investigating a Head that an agent might be sent up]
Important Pages: [Wiki pages important for handling this faction]


Lead By: Boris Kilmeade
Structure: Bureaucracy
Agent title: Agent
Fax replier title: Agent
Faction Priorities: Enforcing the law, keeping the peace
Additional reasons to send up agent: N/A
Important Pages: Laws, Marshal SOP


Lead By: Ayanda Mwangi
Structure: Military Hierarchy
Agent title: Marshal Agent (They are used to investigate both departments)
Fax replier title: Colonel
Faction Priorities: Protecting the colony from external threats
Additional reasons to send up agent: N/A (Though they have a proper ERT type for actual security emergencies)
Important Pages: Laws, Blackshield SOP


Lead By: Jeremiah Hogg
Structure: Barely-organized Gang
Agent title: Underboss
Fax replier title: Underboss
Faction Priorities: Making money, protecting the legal sanctity of Prospector claims
Additional reasons to send up agent: Security isn’t enforcing Prospector claims and aren’t reading their faxes (Underboss will yell at them)
Important Pages: Prospector SOP


Lead By: Nakharan Mkne
Structure: Bureaucracy
Agent title: Administrative AI Shell (Just spawn in a borg and rename it, use if the issue is primarily administrative in nature) or Soteria Ethics Committee member (use if the matter could reasonably be ethics or if it’s a clear SOP violation)
Fax replier title: Administrative AI
Faction Priorities: Increasing their knowledge, protecting their IP
Additional reasons to send up agent: N/A (Though they have also have a proper ERT type for actual medical emergencies)
Important Pages: Research SOP, Medical SOP


Lead By: Jack Ryan
Structure: Bureaucracy
Agent title: Auditor (may be changed soon to IAA)
Fax replier title: Auditor
Faction Priorities: Profit, making trade deals, protecting their mineral claims
Additional reasons to send up agent: N/A
Important Pages: Lonestar SOP


Lead By: Tacitus O’Connor
Structure: Informal Clan
Agent title: Supervisor (You’ll need to adjust the name on the ID if you’re using the Guild ERT)
Fax replier title: Supervisor
Faction Priorities: Keeping the colony physically intact and functional
Additional reasons to send up agent: N/A (Though they have a proper ERT type for actual engineering emergencies)
Important Pages: Guild SOP


Lead By: Augustine Brown
Structure: Ecclesiarchy
Agent title: Inquisitor
Fax replier title: Apostle
Faction Priorities: Enforcing Church discipline, maintaining doctrinal accuracy among clergy
Additional reasons to send up agent: Enacting sanctions against a Prime, or against a Vector if no Prime is present (Unlike normal employees, you have to have special cruciform to remove access from Absolutists)
Important Pages: Church Doctrine, Church SOP

High Council

Lead By: Faction Owners collectively
Structure: Council
Agent title: N/A
Fax replier title: Secretary (Do not reply from the High Council secretary on any matter that could be handled by a faction.)
Faction Priorities: Maintaining the cohesion and governance of the colonly
Additional reasons to send up agent: The HC does not send up Agents for normal purposes
Important Pages: Command SOP