
From Sojourn
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Being an Outsider

An outsider is some random person who ended up near the colony with minimal tools, mostly improvised and without many skills. Unlike a standard colonist, you are not given full rights, meaning people from the hunters and colony have no obligation to help you and if you have something they want, nothing stops them from shooting you and taking it. You have no records, few if any allies, and are severely out matched in materials and skills, so charisma and making friends is your most important skill unless you get lucky and heavily armed. If you somehow make it and get invited inside the colony, services given to other colonists such as medical or security aid may not be guaranteed like it would be with a colonist. All factions are within their right to ignore SoP or treat you differently, though obviously they shouldn't randomly attack/hurt you without a reason. As an outsider, you must tread the line of being completely self reliant and maintaining good relations with the various factions and the colony as a whole.

What makes good outsider roleplay

  • Not being a valid hunting shitter that attacks people with no roleplay.
  • Not being a valid hunting shitter that attacks people with no roleplay.
  • Making friends instead of enemies.
  • Returning bodies to the colony if you find (or make) someone dead. They might have attacked you, but removing them from the round should be a last resort. If they shot first, feel free to leave them to rot.

You and the colony

As an outsider, you are not an ally nor citizen of the colony or hunting lodge, as such you can be treated as little more than another obstacle to be killed and then looted. If you somehow get into the colony, the marshals and blackshield do not need to give you due process nor assistance. Should you cause a problem, it is not only expected but encouraged for marshals to either exile you from the colony immediately at their discretion or simply shoot you dead and mark you Do-Not-Revive if the crime is severe enough. You are not a citizen, you do not get citizen rights. Expect to be treated as less than a person if you cause problems. Personal property of an outsider who is found suspected or convicted of a crime is not guaranteed, if a marshal feels it is necessary, expect to be stripped down to just your underwear and have all items, credits, or supplies taken from you before you are exiled. Marshals have final say on how an outsider is to be treated inside the colony (with order of importance based on rank i.e. officer/specialist -> ranger -> warrant officer), up to and including exile, execution, or confiscation of all items owned or held by said visitor. This can only be overridden by a council vote.

Outside the colony you will most likely deal with prospectors, hunters, or blackshield. None have final say on what happens to you outside the colony, only you do, if someone wants to he can shoot you dead and take everything you have. This is not a license to valid/grief/randomly death match. All interactions with outsiders between anyone else should be role-played to a certain degree. Outsiders/others who open conversations by wordlessly firing their guns will swiftly be job banned and/or given a server ban. Outsiders and hunters/prospectors fighting/stealing from each other is fine, but their should be some level of role-play before weapons are drawn. You are not suicidal, you should not be going on one man rampages, doing so will swiftly get you banned.

OOC: These rules only apply to outsiders, not to hunters or other visiting bodies. Visitors or external groups like that are covered elsewhere on the wiki.

Jobs on Sojourn


Command Premier, Steward, Blackshield Commander, Warrant Officer, Guild Master, Chief Research Overseer, Chief Biolab Overseer, Prime, Surface Operations Manager, Expedition Foreman
The Marshals Warrant Officer, Officer, Supply Specialist, Ranger
Blackshield Blackshield Commander, Sergeant, Corpsman, Trooper
The Guild Guild Master, Guild Adept
Soteria Medical Chief Biolab Overseer, Medical Doctor, Psychologist, Lifeline Technician
Soteria Science Chief Research Overseer, Scientist, Roboticist
Prospectors Expedition Foreman, Prospector, Salvager
The Church Prime, Vector
Lonestar & Civilian Surface Operations Manager, Bartender, Botanist, Chef, Janitor, Cargo Technician, Lonestar Miner, Colonist
Colony-Bound AI, Cyborg, Maintenance Drone, Personal AI, Ghost, Mouse
The Lodge Huntmaster, Hunter