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{| class="wikitable" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
!colspan="6"style="color:white; background-color:#A71D1D; | Sergeant
"Take your lumps like a man, Private Twinkletoes".
!colspan="6" | Department:
!colspan="6" | Access:
Mostly Everywhere
!colspan="6" |Supervisors:
Blackshield Commander
!colspan="6" |Difficulty:
Very hard
|} </div>
The sergeant in the second in command of the Blackshield commander. They act as a trusted advisor and internal police force for all of security by maintaining standards and expectations of officers and troopers alike.
The sergeant in the second in command of the Blackshield commander. They act as a trusted advisor and internal police force for all of security by maintaining standards and expectations of officers and troopers alike.

Revision as of 20:20, 20 November 2020


"Take your lumps like a man, Private Twinkletoes".




Mostly Everywhere


Blackshield Commander


Very hard

The sergeant in the second in command of the Blackshield commander. They act as a trusted advisor and internal police force for all of security by maintaining standards and expectations of officers and troopers alike.

Job Description

Your job is run training drills and ensuring that all operatives are ready and able to perform there duties. Your primary goal is to allow for the Blackshield to run as a well oiled machine and maintain the standards expected of the department. You should be getting to know everyone in security and watching for both misconduct and failures in the line of duty. This can include things such as drilling troopers to respect firing lines and kill zones, ensuring they don't stupidly run in front of people who are actively shooting or break a secure position to chase down a retreating enemy and getting riddled with bullets as a result. You should always instruct your troops to remain in a secure position and avoid melee to ensure no injuries happen.

When a trooper, corpsman, or even officer gets shot several times because he ran in front of or pushed past a fellow trooper who was firing, reprimand him and report his failure to the Blackshield commander for later reprimand. If this becomes a reoccurring issue, file a report for the Blackshield commander or high council to review to see if a demotion is warranted. Wasting medical supplies due to avoidable friendly fire is an actionable offense. In the same line of respecting a firing line or a kill zone made by taking cover you should also drill into every operatives head that they are not rambo and a few bullets can and will kill them even with armor. Internal bleeding, embedded shrapnel, and broken bones can turn a slightly wounded blackshield into a dead one very fast. Security forces that refuse treatment or have a chance to retreat when badly wounded and don't should be heavily reprimanded. Better they be alive and being treated instead of dead on the ground for the enemy to loot.

Your secondary function when not drilling members of security in the only correct way to perform combat is to maintain discipline and standards in the ranks. Much in the way a head of staff is required to watch his employees and fire those who fail in their duties the sergeant is expected to listen and report various actions that are unlawful or unfit for security. Actions that should be reported to the warrant officer, Blackshield commander, premier, or high council include but are not limited to:

  • Excessive force, this includes beating a suspect who is down and unconscious or easily cuffed, using lethal weaponry in response to being attacked, or showing a propensity towards violence completely unfitting for professional security.
  • Improper escalation, this includes shooting someone or defaulting to combat for reasons that are not justifiable. Just because someone is committing a crime this does not give security carte blanche to wordlessly shoot them.
  • Thuggish behavior, security forces are not thugs. Members who threaten colonist or actively seek blood shed and violence openly and vocally should be reprimanded immediately. This also includes events such as drunken brawls in the bar or goading someone else into attacking them. Self defense is not an excuse if a member of security actively coerced someone into attacking first.
  • Breaking the law, any member of security found breaking the law should immediately be arrested and reported to the high council with a fax, preferably by there respective head of staff if they are available. This is one of the more serious crimes that a sergeant should always be watching out for.
  • Inappropriate sentencing, this is one of the few tasks a sergeant is expected to do that deal primarily with the marshals. A sergeant should always ensure that convicted prisoners are treated fairly and given correct charges. Though your job is not to act as a lawyer, you merely make sure arrests follow SoP and the law.

Bringing down the Hammer

When, as sergeant, you notice someone committing questionable or objectionable actions you should first and foremost bring it up with the relevant head of staff. If a marshal officer uses excessive force in detainment then bring it up to the warrant officer. If a trooper is careless and gets himself or others injured in a fire fight, inform the Blackshield commander. Your a reporter, not an enforcer. Only member of the blackshield are required to follow your orders and the handling of consequences is above your pay-grade. It is up to the relevant heads of staff or the high council to determine if an action warrants demotion. The only exception is if a security team member breaks the law, in which case, feel free to detain and charge them.

Having the Hammer brought down on you

Much like heads of staff, you are in a position where committing any of the offenses you are supposed to be watching out for will land you with an immediate demotion. Being charged with a serious crime will absolutely result in your removal from that position for that shift and a possible permanent suspension. Consider this your one and only warning.

Dealing with Marshals

Marshal officer are not your subordinates and you cannot legally order them to do anything. If you disagree with them on the handling of a suspect or there charges bring it up with the Blackshield commander or, more importantly, warrant officer. If you feel someone is being heavily mistreated contact the premier or fax the high council to ensure proper oversight. You are not there to make the marshals job harder, nor act as a lawyer for arrested colonist. You are strictly there to ensure SoP and the law is followed appropriately.

Secondly, you do have access to the armory in a similar vein as the supply specialist, however you are not allowed to remove anything from the armory without the supply specialists, warrant officer, or Blackshield commanders explicit permission. Taking items from the shop or armory is a crime and you will be demoted for it.

Jobs on Sojourn


Command Premier, Steward, Blackshield Commander, Warrant Officer, Guild Master, Chief Research Overseer, Chief Biolab Overseer, Prime, Surface Operations Manager, Expedition Foreman
The Marshals Warrant Officer, Officer, Supply Specialist, Ranger
Blackshield Blackshield Commander, Sergeant, Corpsman, Trooper
The Guild Guild Master, Guild Adept
Soteria Medical Chief Biolab Overseer, Medical Doctor, Psychologist, Lifeline Technician
Soteria Science Chief Research Overseer, Scientist, Roboticist
Prospectors Expedition Foreman, Prospector, Salvager
The Church Prime, Vector
Lonestar & Civilian Surface Operations Manager, Bartender, Botanist, Chef, Janitor, Cargo Technician, Lonestar Miner, Colonist
Colony-Bound AI, Cyborg, Maintenance Drone, Personal AI, Ghost, Mouse
The Lodge Huntmaster, Hunter