Difference between revisions of "Standard Operating Procedure (General)"

From Sojourn
(Adds reprimand to possible sanctions, adds sunset time for sanction records)
m (Security has consented to location sharing with other security if injured)
(4 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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Violation of employee labor rights is punishable under Laws §103.
Violation of employee labor rights is punishable under Laws §103.
== Colony Privacy Rights ==
==Colony Privacy Rights==
Under normal colony operation, the invasion of private areas such as locked dorms, bathrooms, personal offices, personal belongings, personal lockers, or other personal space is highly illegal without consent of the owner or a search warrant. Illegal items, such as thermal goggles without a warrant, counts not only as the use of illegal contraband but also a violation of privacy if used in such a way.  
Under normal colony operation, the invasion of private areas such as locked dorms, bathrooms, personal offices, personal belongings, personal lockers, or other personal space is illegal without consent of the owner or an authorized search warrant. Using contraband to invade these private areas, such as using thermal goggles without a warrant, counts not only as the use of illegal contraband but also a violation of privacy if used in such a way.
All employees are recommended to let their Department Head know about their whereabouts or if they decide to take a break and for how long, however they are not required to give their location unless they are leaving the colony.
=== Protected Information ===
Members of Medical, Security, and the Low Council have access to records and information that is often sensitive in nature, such as someone’s criminal history or medical conditions they may have. Under normal circumstances, individuals with access to such records are prohibited from sharing the information therein with those who do not have such access without the consent of the person whose record is being accessed. Additionally, the following elements are considered protected information:
All employees are recommended to let their head of staff know about their whereabouts or if they decide to take a break and for how long. An employee going or on a break never has to reveal their location, unless they decide to leave the colony.
* Details on an colonist’s medical conditions beyond their general health status (e.g. fine, injured, critical, or dead)
* Details of treatments being performed
* The location of colonists on suit sensors
* The results of a security, medical, or psychological evaluation
* Raw information gained as part of security or command investigations, including interviews. The conclusions and charges/sanctions are not protected, but security personnel should take care to not reveal sensitive information about those who are not actually guilty
=== Medical Privacy Rights ===
This protection is not absolute, however, and may be breached under the following specific circumstances:
An unconscious person that called for help previously or is showing a medical emergency on suit sensors (including death) always and automatically consents to their location being made public information unless stated otherwise by the victim party.
Any deceased bodies recovered are to be transported via body bags if available to avoid trauma caused by such a sight on other employees.
* If someone has called out for help or is unable to get to the medical department on their own power (due to being incapacitated or killed), their location may be shared publicly for their safe recovery.
* As a condition of their hiring, security personnel consent to the sharing of their location with other security personnel while on duty if they are injured.
Unless a colonist consents to their information being shared, such as by permission or using a death alarm implant, no one is allowed to notify another colonist of the injured colonists medical status. Soteria Medical Personnel and Corpsman are excluded from this providing it is done in a private location or on a medical channel. This may be extended to other colonists capable of treating a person in the medical facilities, however the location and radio channel previously mentioned still apply. The only person that should be contacted is the relevant Head of Staff in case of serious injury or death. If a Head of Staff is seriously injured or dead other Command Members may be informed.  
* If security personnel present an authorized warrant for protected medical or employment information, it must be turned over. Any charges for misuse of such information or if the request should not have been made will fall on the security personnel involved, not those who transferred the information.
* The Low Council (and the Steward) is free to discuss amongst themselves matters relevant to their duties, either in person or over the Command comm channel. Anyone who hears protected information in such a context is bound by the same privacy constraints as those who have normal access to this data and may not share it freely.
In the event of an unrevivable death of a colonist only the relevant Head of Staff must be informed. Otherwise post-mortem instructions are to be followed and the death should not be revealed to other colonists. A fax is to be sent to the High Council with an autopsy report attached.
* The results of an investigation into alleged harmful conduct towards another colonist may be shared with the alleged victim (e.g. if a colonist alleges that their coworker shot them, they may be told whether there was a conviction that went onto their record, or if employment sanctions were levied against them).
Medical medical records, conditions, or other related medical issues, are never to be discussed with anyone, unless consent is provided.
Informing the Medical Team of an emergency coming in is appropriate as well as the extent of their wounds.
If a treated individual discusses their wounds and status on a public channel - namely common radio - they waive any right to medical privacy for the issue they have mentioned.
Suit sensors and locations should not be announced over any common radio, nor used to demean or supply information against a person’s character.
=== Security Privacy Rights ===
Unless a colonist consents to their information being shared, no one is allowed to discuss the crimes or alleged crimes with any other colonists. This does not apply to Marshals, but should be done in private or over security radios. Any moderate offense or higher must be shared with the relevant Head of Staff. A capital offense or case of extensive damage to departmental assets is to be reported to the relevant HC department head. This may be handled by the Marshals or another Command Member, preferring the relevant Head of Staff.
Any colonist has the right to accuse another colonist of a crime and an investigation should be launched. The accuser's name should be kept hidden and private to prevent repercussions and revenge. Any marshal or someone who has been granted the appropriate authority to deal with internal security issues (most likely a blackshield member) who fails to launch an investigation can be charged with Negligence.
You are always allowed to report a crime you witnessed even if it does not involve you, just do so privately with a Marshal. If you are not able to do so, call for a Marshal to come to you. If you are being attacked, self defense laws apply.  
During interrogation a recording is required to be taken to prove the validity of statements provided and to avoid coercion or false testimony by an officer, the interviewee or reviewing staff. Interrogation tapes are to be kept private and with any case documents, only shown to reviewing members of council in the case of a trial.
While Suit Sensors may be used to look for someone who has committed a crime, they may not be called out over public communication. This rule is only dismissed if the subject is found to be a danger to themselves or others.
Any colonist charged with a crime or accused of said crime loses their right to privacy regarding the crime if they talk about it or mention/discuss it in a public forum - mainly on the common radio channel.
This privacy policy may at times be suspended for the greater security of the station crew. If heightened security alertness is abused by the command staff, such as failing to lower the alert level after an incident, or raising the alert level when there is no incident, please contact your premier as soon as possible.
Violation of employee privacy is punishable under Laws §103. Other crime charges may apply.
==Employment Sanctions==
==Employment Sanctions==
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===Causes for Sanctions===
===Causes for Sanctions===
Sanctions cannot be issued for no reason. One of the following conditions must be met, and any relevant evidence submitted with the paperwork filing the sanction.
Sanctions cannot be issued for no reason. One of the following conditions must be met, and any relevant evidence submitted with the paperwork filing the sanction.
Criminal activity: If an employee commits a Moderate or higher crime, they may be sanctioned. Additionally, certain crimes may permit or require sanctions, listed below or included within the text of the statute.
Criminal activity:  
* If an employee commits a Moderate or higher crime, they may be sanctioned. Additionally, certain crimes may permit or require sanctions, listed below or included within the text of the statute.
** If a member of Blackshield or the Marshal commits a minor crime this may result in dismissal or temporary demotion.
** If a member of Blackshield or the Marshal commits a minor crime this may result in dismissal or temporary demotion.
** Failure to Execute an Order: If an employee violates §102 this may result in dismissal or temporary demotion.
** Failure to Execute an Order: If an employee violates §102 this may result in dismissal or temporary demotion.

Latest revision as of 08:48, 22 July 2024

General Standard Operating Procedure refers, specially, to general standards that apply to all colonists and employees alike. Including how to act during alert levels, individual rights of colonists, and how foreign factions or organizations are to be treated by all colonists. Violation of these rights and standards may result in charges, if applicable.

Colony Labor Rights

As per the conditions of the Nadezhda Declaration of Sentient Rights, all employees are granted specific legally afforded rights as colonists in the city of Nadezhda.

  • All colony citizens have the right to work, free choice of employment, just and favorable conditions of work, and to protection against unemployment. An employee, barring an emergency, cannot be forced into a position they do not wish to volunteer for.
  • All colony citizens, without any discrimination, have the right to equal pay for equal work. Any colonist may not be denied employment nor a decreased salary based on their race, species, ethnicity, or gender.
  • All colony citizens who work have the right to payment via colony issued credits in exchange for their labor. Any non-credit payments must be agreed to by both parties without coercion, distress, or threat of lower wages.
  • All employees within the colony have the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitations of working hours. Employees, as long as their job needs are being fulfilled, may take time off as deemed fit. Employees who fail to perform satisfactory work standards, such as ignoring work, are not protected by this clause.
  • Each faction has the right to fire an employee for a valid reason, repeated termination may result in a temporary or indefinite suspension. Repeat offenders may be barred from further work in said departments. Any demotion by a head of staff is to be faxed to their High Council member to be considered legal.

Violation of employee labor rights is punishable under Laws §103.

Colony Privacy Rights

Under normal colony operation, the invasion of private areas such as locked dorms, bathrooms, personal offices, personal belongings, personal lockers, or other personal space is illegal without consent of the owner or an authorized search warrant. Using contraband to invade these private areas, such as using thermal goggles without a warrant, counts not only as the use of illegal contraband but also a violation of privacy if used in such a way. All employees are recommended to let their Department Head know about their whereabouts or if they decide to take a break and for how long, however they are not required to give their location unless they are leaving the colony.

Protected Information

Members of Medical, Security, and the Low Council have access to records and information that is often sensitive in nature, such as someone’s criminal history or medical conditions they may have. Under normal circumstances, individuals with access to such records are prohibited from sharing the information therein with those who do not have such access without the consent of the person whose record is being accessed. Additionally, the following elements are considered protected information:

  • Details on an colonist’s medical conditions beyond their general health status (e.g. fine, injured, critical, or dead)
  • Details of treatments being performed
  • The location of colonists on suit sensors
  • The results of a security, medical, or psychological evaluation
  • Raw information gained as part of security or command investigations, including interviews. The conclusions and charges/sanctions are not protected, but security personnel should take care to not reveal sensitive information about those who are not actually guilty

This protection is not absolute, however, and may be breached under the following specific circumstances:

  • If someone has called out for help or is unable to get to the medical department on their own power (due to being incapacitated or killed), their location may be shared publicly for their safe recovery.
  • As a condition of their hiring, security personnel consent to the sharing of their location with other security personnel while on duty if they are injured.
  • If security personnel present an authorized warrant for protected medical or employment information, it must be turned over. Any charges for misuse of such information or if the request should not have been made will fall on the security personnel involved, not those who transferred the information.
  • The Low Council (and the Steward) is free to discuss amongst themselves matters relevant to their duties, either in person or over the Command comm channel. Anyone who hears protected information in such a context is bound by the same privacy constraints as those who have normal access to this data and may not share it freely.
  • The results of an investigation into alleged harmful conduct towards another colonist may be shared with the alleged victim (e.g. if a colonist alleges that their coworker shot them, they may be told whether there was a conviction that went onto their record, or if employment sanctions were levied against them).

Employment Sanctions

Types of Sanctions

If someone acts in a way contrary to the interests of their employer, this can result in sanctions against them. These sanctions are reprimand, demotion, dismissal, and firing. A reprimand is just a formal finding of wrongdoing that is recorded for use in future disciplinary proceedings. Demotion entails reducing someone to a lower position within the department, and may be temporary or permanent. Demotion is only possible where the original role includes all skill requirements of the lower role. Thus a Head may be demoted to almost any role within their department or a Sergeant may be demoted to a Trooper, but a Psychologist could not be demoted to a Doctor or similar sidegrades. Dismissal entails removing someone from the department entirely for the duration of the shift. Firing entails removing someone from the department on a long-term basis. Unless successfully appealed, a permanent disciplinary action may only be undone by either a successful appeal to the headquarters of their faction or by rehiring/promotion by a Head of their faction no less than two weeks after the initial firing. Employment Sanctions are recorded in the Employment Records of each individual as they are issued. Reprimands and temporary sanctions remain on someone’s record for a minimum of three months, permanent sanctions remain on record for a minimum of six months after rehiring/repromotion. (This is OOCly mandatory: if your character is the subject of a sanction, you must add this to your employment record.)

Who can impose a Sanction

Faction Heads are given general authority by the Faction Owner to manage their departments, which includes imposing sanctions when they are merited. Sanctions can also be imposed by a majority vote of the Low Council against anyone employed in the upper colony, including a Faction Head. Finally, sanctions can be imposed by the Faction Owner or an investigatory representative sent by them to the upper colony. This last process is primarily reserved for investigations into Heads and their conduct, but may be used in any scenario the Owner deems appropriate.

Causes for Sanctions

Sanctions cannot be issued for no reason. One of the following conditions must be met, and any relevant evidence submitted with the paperwork filing the sanction. Criminal activity:

  • If an employee commits a Moderate or higher crime, they may be sanctioned. Additionally, certain crimes may permit or require sanctions, listed below or included within the text of the statute.
    • If a member of Blackshield or the Marshal commits a minor crime this may result in dismissal or temporary demotion.
    • Failure to Execute an Order: If an employee violates §102 this may result in dismissal or temporary demotion.
    • Command personnel (Factions Heads, Premier, and Steward) may be demoted for the duration of the shift if they commit any crime of Severe (300) or higher severity by the Warrant Officer under the Offense by Colony Command sentencing modifier. The Faction Owner or a vote of the Low Council may institute a higher sanction, impose sanctions for a Moderate crime, impose a sanction if the Warrant Officer is absent or decided not to, or repeal a sanction placed by the Warrant Officer. A Head, even after demotion, may vote if another Councilor raises the matter of repealing their sanction, but may not raise the matter themselves.
  • Failure to fulfill assigned duties: If an employee fails to fulfill duties assigned to them by their job or by a superior, they may be sanctioned.
  • Violation of Standard Operating Procedures: If an employee violates SOP, willfully or accidentally, they may be sanctioned. This applies to both violations of general SOP, such as privacy rights, and departmental SOP unique to each department.
    • Failure to meet non-skill related employment requirements, such as the requirement of no 400 or 500 level convictions for a Marshal. This is unique in that only removal from the position permanently may be applied here, and the individual is ineligible for rehire for as long as the requirement is not met.
  • Actions severely against faction interests: A Head or higher faction representative (but not the Low Council collectively) may apply sanctions if an employee takes actions that are severely against the interests of the faction at their discretion, however a much higher standard of scrutiny will be applied to such discretionary actions.
  • Low Council members may be sanctioned for failing in their responsibilities to the Council listed in Command SOP - actions such as interrupting voting, being disruptive of a council meeting, or other actions such as incompetency.
  • Low Council members face summary demotion if they choose not to vote in any Low Council vote.

Discretion and Severity

The choice to impose or not impose sanctions, and what sanctions to impose, is generally within the discretion of the Heads, however such discretion comes with a responsibility to do so when necessary and be proportional in sanctions imposed. Minor infractions, such as simple failure to follow an order or moderate crimes, should not result in permanent sanctions unless repeated over the course of multiple shifts. Major or repeated infractions should not be ignored, especially when they negatively affect other members of the faction. If a Head is found to be abusing their powers of discretion, investigators may be sent to explore possible sanctions against them.

Executing Sanctions

All employment sanctions must be documented with paperwork, usually an LC-05 form but any form that conveys the same information may be used. If the employee plans to contest the sanction, this should be indicated on the form. This, along with all evidence and testimony supporting the sanctions, must be faxed to the Faction Owner, and a copy provided to the sanctioned employee. If sanctions are imposed on a Prime, an Inquisitor should also be requested as part of this fax. Then, the employee is to surrender their ID (or have it taken by Marshals if in Marshal custody) and it is to be stripped of all access not granted by their new role. If they wish to contest the demotion, they are to be permitted to write an appeal and fax it to the Faction Owner so that it may be considered when determining whether the sanction is warranted. Attempts at sanctions without submitting the proper paperwork is considered a violation of §403 - Exceeding Official Powers. Agents of Faction Owners may apply the sanction of Reprimand via faxing the appropriate form to the individual being reprimanded and submitting a copy to their headquarters. They must physically come to the upper colony and investigate the situation to the best of their ability before applying any more serious sanctions.

Competency Requirements

Many jobs within the upper colony have listed competency requirements. Individuals who take such a job are expected to meet or exceed the competency requirements of the job unless they are a trainee. Significant failure to meet these requirements is grounds for sanctions under failing to complete assigned duties. Proficiency requirements are rated as one of three levels, detailed here:

  • Basic: Basic proficiency is understanding of the fundamental concepts and principles. It can be acquired through general education or minimal training, and those with it can handle routine and straightforward tasks involving that skill. For example: A basic proficiency in law would involve knowing the general principles of the colony’s legal system and the general types of things that are crimes.
  • Moderate: Moderate proficiency is a more thorough understanding of the subject matter, often requiring specialized training or experience. Those who have moderate proficiency in a skill can handle more complex tasks and may be involved in low level decision-making. For example: A moderate proficiency medicine would involve knowing the functions of core medical machines and how to operate them, as well as some treatment methods for most common ailments.
  • High: High level proficiency is a thorough comprehension of the principles and details of the subject, and often requires extensive education and/or experience in the field. Those with high proficiency in a skill are not expected to know every detail off the top of their head, but they are expected to know where to find information they may lack. For example: A high proficiency in Absolutist doctrine would involve knowing what things are and are not sinful, the structure of the Church, and the beliefs of the Church regarding the afterlife.

Colony Dress Code

All colony members are to wear clothes that would classify as acceptable casual clothing. This means dressing in a reserved or acceptable manner. Exposure of oneself in an illegal manner will result in a Public Indecent charge.

Some jobs, such as Security, Medical personnel, Research personnel, and LC command staff, are required to follow the following uniform guidelines:

  • Marshal and Blackshield staff are enforced to wear department specific uniforms. One may wear a non-departmental jacket, armor piece, or other clothing over their uniform - but this must be professional. Sporting darker colors and clothing typically deemed acceptable for a professional environment. An armband, such as a security armband, should be attached to any non-standard uniform jackets.
  • Soteria Research and Medical staff are to wear sterile lab clothing while working in Medical's facilities. Such as in a surgery bay, genetics, virology, chemistry, or other environments that require work with biological entities, patient care, or in a possibly dangerous work environment.
  • The premier and steward are required to wear their clothing while on duty, it is suggested though not enforced they wear their official uniforms.
  • Failure or refusal to adhere to dress codes is valid ground for punishment up to and including termination by a head of staff or high council in the case of a premier or steward.

Right to Leave

At any time, all colonists have a right to leave and a right to re-enter the colony. This right may be suspended in the case of outstanding warrants, emergency, or active lock-down procedures due to internal or external threats.

  • Every Colonist has the right to enter and leave the colony through the front gate. As a note, Blackshield has the right and power to deny a colonist leave of the colony if they have reason; such as an outstanding warrant, or placed injunction barring their right to leave. Heads of staff are exempt from this unless explicitly said otherwise by either the Low Council.
    • Colony members must give Blackshield time to respond to the gate upon request of it being opened. If the gate is not opened in at least 5 minutes, colonists may force the gate doors open as means to leave. Colonists doing this must report having done so due to Blackshield refusal. This clause is waived by a legal refusal of a right-to-leave as mentioned prior.
  • Breaking the Gatehouse or perimeter fence without very good reason is a crime of Infiltration and Sabotage. Other such illegal forms of entering the colony is a crime of infiltration and sabotage, and possibly more depending on circumstances.
  • Blackshield may search you on your way out. Blackshield is required to search you on your way in.
  • If a medical-evac is performed for your recovery outside the colony, Blackshield is to charge a fee of at least 800 credits per person rescued. This does not include any medical fees charged by Soteria.

Alert Levels

Alarm levels should keep in mind on-going issues. The declaration of a hivemind, for example, warrants a code red emergency. If no heads of staff are capable of modifying the alert level, the colony should still operate as if a code red was declared.

Code Green - All Clear

Default operating level. No immediate or clear threat to the colony. All departments may carry out work as normal. This alert level can be set at the Communications Console with a head of staff level ID. Privacy laws are in effect.

Code Blue - Potential Threat

Code blue scenarios can include but are not limited to:

  • An active manhunt for a criminal within the colony.
  • Station wide power failure.
  • Station lock down or quarantine.

Notable threats outside the colony that pose a potential threat. This can include a large pack of animals, dangerous but singular animals like renders, or wildlife acting in strange and unusual ways. Code blue should only be called if the threat is ongoing and not something a single person with a rifle could solve easily. Code blue scenarios rarely require active action by non-relevant staff and should be adhered to depending on the scenario. Heads of staff in departments that pertain to the ongoing situation should have their orders and recommendations heeded by even non-departmental personnel, such as in the case of a manhunt or medical quarantine.

During a code blue scenario or higher, acting security staff are authorized to utilize restricted items for the duration of the emergency. This may include explosives, combat mechs and other mechs rigged for combat, and other forms of Minor and Major Contraband as required to handle whatever emergency or situation has occurred.

Code Red - Serious Threat

Code red scenarios can include but are not limited to:

  • Serious external or internal threats to the colony such as massive roach groupings, numerous xenomorph attacks, void wolf attacks, or large groupings of synthetic life forms.
  • The appearance of a blob somewhere on the colony.
  • Any sign of a hive-mind, be it radio signals or visual confirmation.
  • Malfunctioning or rogue AI.
  • Terran Federation activity.

Code red scenarios almost always involve the entirety of the colony and under such circumstances priority of orders is often given to the Warrant Officer, Blackshield Commander, or Premier (in order of importance). In code red scenarios colonists are considered able to volunteer for assisting the blackshield be it with combat, mechanical, or medical skills. All orders from a blackshield member to a volunteering colony member are considered valid and must be adhered to. During a code red scenario all colonists are to activate their suit sensors as an emergency precaution. Failure to do so may be considered suspicious conduct at the discretion of a Marshal. During code red, all contraband policies towards weapons, including mechs, are lifted unless otherwise stated by the commanding head of staff.


Contraband Permits

Contraband permits refer to permits that allow staff who normally do not have legal protection to use an item of contraband a temporary permit to permit its use for said employee. These permits may range from permits for combat mechs, to explosives, to thermal imaging goggles and the like.

Permits for contraband may be issued by a Warrant Officer, Supply Specialist, or a Blackshield Commander if neither of the first two options are available to do so. The low council, similarly, may vote to issue a permit if they so wish. These permits may be revoked at any time for any reason by any of the issuing bodies of said permit.

Some permits may be until shift end, others may stipulate a set time period or be set to expire at the completion of a specific job or task.

Emergency Permits

In a situation which may warrant the immediate use of a contraband item, any permit distributed for utilization may be issued verbally over the radio by the warrant officer, the blackshield commander, a council vote (with a minimum of three voters), or the premier in absence of any of the previous. Terms for the permit should be clearly, understandably written and shown on the document. A permit must be signed and stamped, and faxed to the Provost Marshal after the emergency situation is resolved.

These permits are to be issued in cases such as Blue Alert, authorizing Colonists to temporarily use Thermal Imaging equipment or Combat Mecha in the event of small scale disturbances that are not major large scale colony threats. All Emergency Situation Permits expire immediately upon the situation being resolved, with no exceptions. These permits may be revoked at any point in time for any reason by the relevant authorities who may issue them, and are immediately considered null and void should the person who is issued them commits a crime.

Foreigner Treatment

The authority of the Colony ends currently at the electrified fence. Laws still apply to all colonists even outside the fenced area, however they do not apply to foreigners as long as they remain outside the colony. Circumstances may change this.

Allied Factions / Organizations

Allies of the Colony are granted the same rights as normal colonists. They may enter and leave and are subject to searches at the Gatehouse, Laws and Departmental SOP. Allies of the colony are permitted to not have an ID on them. Any ally of the colony may move freely inside the colony's public areas including the bar and kitchen (customer area), which should always be accessible to them unless they commit a crime there at which point it may be applied to them. Any major or higher paragraph crime must be reported to the High Council immediately and additional measures may be taken against the person. Other injuries are to be charged accordingly. If an allied member turns hostile they are to be detained by any means necessary.

Neutral or Unknown Factions / Organizations

These factions may have been hostile in the past or their allegiances are unknown. Some neutral factions are indifferent or outright will ignore the colony. Any hostile encounter with a neutral organization is required to be reported to the high council immediately. If a hostile member of a neutral organization is taken alive they are to be treated as a Hold Until Transfer prisoner until a decision is made by the Low Council of department heads. This decision must be faxed to the High Council upon its decision.

Colonists going out of their way to potentially or purposefully harm relationships with neutral organizations may face legal charges, such as Terrorism, depending on the severity of the act committed.

If a peaceful or non-hostile neutral faction or person wishes to enter the colony, the council should be informed and are expected to make a decision within 15 minutes of the arrival. It is required that the person is searched and asked for their business inside the colony. If let in they are to be issued with a guest pass and allowed to the areas agreed upon by the lower council, such as common areas. Departmental heads may bar outsiders from their department at any time they feel fit. Stipulations may include the disarming of the individual and confiscation temporarily of specific items agreed upon by council.

Known Hostile Factions / Organizations

Unless a member of a hostile faction wishes to engage in peaceful negotiation or is surrendering, they are considered to be Shoot on Sight. This applies to unarmed non-surrendering hostiles. If their presence is known to any colonist, it should be reported to the Blackshield which in turn should alert all colonists. Increasing the alert status to blue is appropriate. A killed hostile faction member should never be revived unless there is a good reason such as thinking they have important intel or are a valuable target. A critically wounded enemy may be captured alive at the order of the highest ranking combat member or if the council decides to do so. Enemy bodies are not to be dismembered or abused - going against this order is a crime of disrespect for the dead. They may be looted freely by any colonist. Hostile bodies should be left where they were killed unless inside the colony. If they were killed inside the colony they are to be transported for burial outside the colony, Soteria’s morgue, or the crematorium run by the Church for cremation. Any captured hostile enemy, that is part of a proper hostile organization, is to be treated as a "Hold until Transfer" prisoner. The High Council is to be informed of the situation immediately for input on the ongoing situation.