Old Paperwork Archive

From Sojourn

This page contains old forms that used to be found on Example Paperwork but were removed to declutter it. They are preserved here in case anyone still wishes to use them.


Lonestar Shipping Receipt

[center][h1][u]Lonestar Shipping LLC Receipt[/u][/h1][/center]
[b]Seller:[/b] [field][hr]
[b]Buyer:[/b] [field][hr]
[b]Items bought/sold:[/b]
[b]Seller's Signature:[/b] [field][br]
[b]Buyer's Signature:[/b] [field][br]
[b]Comments:[/b] [field][br]
[b]Employee Commission (if applicable):[/b] [field][br]
[b]Transaction happened around [time] on the [date].[/b]

Lonestar Shipping Invoice

[center][h1][u]Lonestar Shipping Invoice[/u][/h1][/center]
[b]Original Price of Item/Order: (if applicable):[/b][field][br]
[b]Item/Order sold for: [/b][field][br]
[b]80% of the above is: [/b][field][hr]
[b](Optional) The seller is entitled to a maximum amount of*: [/b][field] credits[br]
[b](Optional) The seller has taken: [/b][field] Credits[br]
[small][i] *You are entitled to a maximum of 20% of the profits made. Going over is a breach of contract and will result in your demotion. The receipt of sale is required to be attached to this paperwork for it to bee considered valid.

Lonestar Mining Report

[b]Mining Report[/b][br]
[b]Mined by:[/b][field][br]
[b]Detailed amount of Materials after processing: [/b][br]
[b]Total Shipping Profits of All Materials (Standard Value):[/b][field] credits[br]
[b]Were all items sold via the Lonestar Cargo Shuttle? [/b][field][br]
[b](Optional) What materials and how many were sold to other departments?: [/b][br]
[b](Optional) New total amount of Profit*: [/b][field] credits[br]
[b](Optional) The miner is entitled to**: [/b][field] credits[br]
[b](Optional) Was a prospector or guard present during mining operation?: [/b] [field][br]
[b](Optional) The prospector/guard is entitled to**:[/b][field] credits[br]
[b](Optional) Buyers Signature:[/b][field][br]
[b](Optional) Prospectors/Guard Signature: [/b][field][br]
[b]Transaction happened around [time] on the [date][/b]
[small][i] *This has to be higher than the Standard Value[br]
**You are entitled to a maximum of 10% of the profits made. Going over is a breach of contract and will result in your demotion.

Item Request Form

Item Request Form by MagmaRam

[b]APPLICANT NAME:[/b][field][br]
[b]REQUESTED ITEM:[/b][field][br]
[b]REASON FOR REQUEST:[/b][field][br]
[b]APPLICANT SIGNATURE:[/b][field][br]
[b]SIGNATURE OF Premier:[/b][field][br]

Item Application

Item Application by Malsquando

[b][u]ITEM APPLICATION[/b][/u][br]
Applicant name:[field][br]
Requested Item:[field][br]
Reason for request:[field][br]
Applicant signature:[field] [br]
Signature & stamp of applicants head of staff:[field][br]
Signature & stamp of relevant head of staff:[field][br]
[small][center]By singing this form as applicant you are agreeing that you understand the faction in question does not provide any warranty whatsoever that the item will be free of defects or faults. In no respect shall the faction in questionincur any liability for any damages, injury or loss, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages arising out of, resulting from, or any way connected to the use of the item. The item if provided, remains the providing factions property and is in no way your own[/center][/small] [br]

Requisition Form

[small][i]Lonestar Office of Cargo within the Nadezhda Colony[/i][/small]
[large]Requisition Approval Sheet[/large][/center]
[small][center][i]The following is to be filled out in order to facilitate the delivery process of requisitions from cargo.  Only approved requisitions are to be listed on this form.  All requisitions listed on this form are to be attached to this form.  Requisitions listed may be from a single individual or faction.[/center][/i][/small]
[u]Requester Information:[/u]
Name(s): [field]
Faction(If Relevant): [field]
Ordered Items:
[list][*]ITEM ONE.[*]ITEM TWO.[/list]
Total Cost in Requisition Points: [field]
Location of Delivery: [field]
Date: [field]
[small][center][i]NOTE: Items may be delivered or picked up at cargo.[/i][/center][/small]
Chief Executive Officer/Cargo Technician’s Signature: [field]
Requester(s) Signature: [field]
[small][center][i]NOTE: The below area is to be stamped by a Cargo Technician or the CEO when all items on this list are ordered.[/i][/center][/small]

Confirmation Form

Confirmation Form by Malsquando

[center][b][u][large]Confirmation Form[/b][/u][/large][/center][br]
[b]Shipment Destination:[/b][field][br]
[b]Ores/Material in this shipment:[/b][br]
[small]Leave blank or write 0 if none[/small][br]
Iron Ore:[field], Metal:[field], Plasteel:[field][br]
Sand:[field], Glass:[field], Reinforced Glass[field][br]
Gold Ore:[field], Gold Bar(s)[field],[br]
Silver Ore:[field], Silver Bar(s)[field], [br]
Plasma Ore:[field], Solid Plasma:[field][br]
Uranium Ore:[field], Uranium:[field][br]
Diamond Ore:[field], Diamond(s)[field][br]
[b]Supply personal signature:[/b][field][br]
[b]recipient signature:[/b][field][br]
[small][center]By signing this form as recipient you agree that[br] 
all materials listed were present at the time[br]of signing. You also agree that after signing,[br]
you and your department take full responsibility[br]
for the materials delivered.[/small][/center][br]


Employee AWOL/MIA report

Employee AWOL/MIA report by Valido

Must be accompanied, if KIA, by a death in the workplace report form, and a Employee liability report form for the death and loss of the colonist.

[center][b][u]CD-14 Form:[/u][/b][large]Colonist missing while on duty[/center][/large]
[br][b][u]Reason for Colonist missing from duty[/u][/b][i]
[br][b][u]What can be done to rectify this issue?:[/u][/b][i]
[br][b][u]Is executive action required?:[/u][/b][i]
[br][b][u]Head of department:[/u][/b][i]
[br][hr][i][small]Colonist delinquent of duty are governed by the  protocol 348-60-9, and the relevant faction withholds the right to perform any and all acts of reasonable punishment and repossession upon said employee under protocol 348-60-2. Colonist are at minimum docked of pay till such time as recommencement as governed by contract 24-5. Any and all losses caused by the employee colonist loss and excessive loss is defined within protocol 23-13B. The relevant faction withholds the right to deny, permit, override all concordant or orders of command staff from other factions except those given by a lawful order or council vote.[/i][/small][br]

Reassignment Order

Reassignment Order by MagmaRam

[b]ORIGINAL POSITION:[/b][field][br]
[b]NEW POSITION:[/b][field][br]
[b]REASON FOR REASSIGNMENT:[/b] [field] [br]
[b]SIGNATURE OF PREMIER:[/b][field][br]
[b]DATE AND TIME:[/b][field]

Access Change Order

Access Change Order by MagmaRam

[b]ACCESS ADDED/REMOVED:[/b][field][br]
[b]SIGNATURE OF PREMIER:[/b][field][br]
[b]DATE AND TIME:[/b][field]

Dismissal Order

Dismissal Order by MagmaRam

[b]ORIGINAL POSITION:[/b][field][br]
[b]REASON FOR DISMISSAL:[/b] [field] [br]
[b]SIGNATURE OF PREMIER:[/b][field][br]
[b]DATE AND TIME:[/b][field]


Additional Access Form

Additional Access Form by Desisionoflife

[center][b][i]Additional Access Application Form for[/b][/i]
[br]Name: [field]
[br]Rank: [field]
[br][i][b] Nadezhda Colony [/i][/b][/center]
[br]Requested Access: [field][br]
[br]Reason(s): [field][br]
[br][hr][center][b]Authorization Signature by[/b]
[br]Name: [field][br]Rank: [field][br]
[br][/center]If authorized, please sign here, [field], and stamp the document with the faction Stamp.[br]
[br]Guidelines that must be followed. If they are not followed, the form is void and illegal.
[br][list][*]The department in which the requester is requesting access must first be contacted, and the chief (acting or otherwise) must have been talked to and have authorized this.[*]If any criminal activity is done with the help of this extra access, the form will be immediately void, and result in a charge of trespassing.[*]If the chief of the affected Department wishes the form void, it will be so immediately, in accordance with the Chain of Command.[/list]

Additional Access Appeal

Additional Access Appeal by redstryker

 [small][i]Premier Office of Personnel[/i][/small]
 [large]Additional Access Appeal[/large][/center]
 [small][center][i]The following form permits the employee to use the denoted access.  Permissions may be revoked at any time.[/center][/i][/small]
 Employee’s Name: [field]
 Employee’s Assignment: [field]
 Requested Access: [field]
 Reason for Request: [field]
 Date: [field]
 Employee’s Signature: [field]
 Premier Signature: [field]
 [center][u]Liability Form:[/u][/center]
 I, [field], assure that all of the permissions I give will be used for beneficial means toward the residents of the Nadezhda Colony.  I am aware of my responsibilities and will carry them out accordingly.  I am aware that I will be held accountable to anything that I do with these permissions.
 [small][i]Premier Stamp:[/i][/small]

Job Change Request

Job Change Request by MagmaRam

[b][u]JOB CHANGE REQUEST: Nadezhda Colony[/b][/u]
[b]APPLICANT NAME:[/b] [field] [br]
[b]REASONING FOR REQUEST:[/b] [field] [br]
[b]APPLICANT SIGNATURE:[/b] [field] [br]
[b]PREMIER SIGNATURE:[/b] [field][br]
[b]DATE AND TIME:[/b] [field]

Termination of Employment Record

Termination of Employment Record by Malsquando If a head fires someone, make them fill this out.

[b][u]Termination of Employment Record[/b][/u][br]
Terminated employee name:[field] [br]
Terminated from the assignment of:[field][br]
Reason for Termination:[field][br]
Signature & stamp of relevant Head of Staff:[field][br]
Signature of any involved Premier:[field][br]
Signature of terminator:[field][br]

Modified Job Transfer Form

Modified Job Transfer Form by Kilakk

[center][b]Position Transfer Application[/b]
Nadezda Colony[/center][hr]
Name: [field]
Position: [field]
Department: [field]
Requested Position: [field]
Department: [field][br]
Reason(s): [field][br]
Signature: [field]
Department Head: [field]
Premier: [field][br]
If authorized, please sign above and stamp this document below.[br]
Nadezhda Human Resources reserves the right to revoke and void this application upon infringement of any of the terms and conditions listed below:[br]
[list][*] All affected department heads must agree to and authorize this application before a position transfer may take place.
[*] The head of staff of the affected faction reserves the right to revoke and void any position transfer/s as a result of this application at any time.
[*] The use of any additional access gained from this application to partake in any criminal offense as defined in colony law is strictly prohibited.
[*] Nadezhda is not liable for any damages, injuries, or loss as a direct or indirect result of this position transfer application.[/list]

Additional Access Application

Additional Access Application by Malsquando

Applicant Name:[field] [br]
Applicant current faction:[field] [br]
Applicant desired access:[field] [br]
Reason for request:[field] [br]
Applicant signature:[field] [br]
Signature & stamp of applicants head of staff:[field][br]
Signature & stamp of relevant  head of staff:[field][br]
Signature & stamp of Premier:[field][br]
[center][small] By signing this form as applicant you are agreeing that you understand and agree to the following; All Heads are within their rights to revoke this access at anytime for any reason, Any crimes committed with the help of this access either by you or another is your direct fault and responsibility and you will be subject legal and disciplinary actions. You also agree that in no way does the relevant faction incur any liability for any damages, injury or loss, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages arising out of, resulting from, or any way connected to the use of this access.[/small][center][br]

Lost of damaged ID replacement form

ID Replacement Form by Valido Should be accompanied by ID loss or damage incident report.

[center][b][u]S-23 Form:[/u][/b][large] Replacement ID card for Lost or Damaged ID card request[/center]
[br][b][u]Current Job:[/u][/b][i]
[br][b][u]Was the card lost or damaged?:[/u][/b][i]
[br][b][u]How was the card lost or damaged?:[/u][/b][i]
[br][b][u]What can be done to avoid this occurring again?:[/u][/b][i]
[br][b][u]What, if any, executive action needs to be taken?:[/u][/b][i]
[br][b][u]Head of losing party's department signature:[/u][/b][i]
[br][hr][i][small]New ID card requests are governed by fair use policy 67C3. The premier withholds right to deny any and all applications for a replacement ID dependent on policy 67c3 and any other pertinent criteria designated by the law at the time of the denial of application. Excessive ID loss or damage as laid out in 67c3 is to be compensated for out of personal income and accounts as specified under 67c6 and not uniform work expenditure allowances.[/i][/small][br]

ID loss or damage incident report

ID loss or damage incident report by Valido

[center][b][u]S-23-1 Form:[/u][/b][large] ID card Loss or Damage ID card incident report[/center][/large]
[br][b][u]Name/Aliases of losing party:[/u][/b][i]
[br][b][u]Current Job:[/u][/b][i]
[br][b][u]Was the card lost or damaged?:[/u][/b][i]
[br][b][u]Other involved parties and occupation:[/u][/b][i]
[br][b][u]Other parties culpability in the incident:[/u][/b][i]
[br][b][u]How was the card lost or damaged?:[/u][/b][i]
[br][b][u]What can be done to avoid this occurring again?:[/u][/b][i]
[br][b][u]Head of losing party's department signature:[/u][/b][i]
[br][hr][i][small]New ID card requests are governed by fair use policy 67C3. The premier withholds the right to deny any and all applications for a replacement ID dependent on policy 67c3 and any other pertanent criteria designated by the law at the time of the denial of application. Excessive ID loss or damage as laid out in 67c3 is to be compensated for out of personal income and accounts as specified under 67c6 and not uniform work expenditure allowances.[/i][/small][br]

Job Change Application

Job Change Application by Malsquando

[b][u]JOB CHANGE APPLICATION[/b][/u][br]
Applicant Name:[field] [br]
Applicant current assignment:[field] [br]
Applicant desired assignment:[field] [br]
Reason for request:[field] [br]
Applicant signature:[field] [br]
Signature & stamp of applicants current head of staff:[field][br]
Signature & stamp of receiving head of staff:[field][br]
Signature & stamp of Premier:[field][br]

Reassignment form

By Superbee29

[b]Reassignment form[/b][/large][/center][hr]
[b]Name:[/b] [field]
[b]Original position:[/b] [field]
[b]New position:[/b] [field]
[b]Signature of applicant:[/b] [field][hr]
[b]Signature of receiving head of staff:[/b] [field]
[b]Signature of Premier:[/b] [field][br]

Additional access form

by Superbee29

[b]Additional access form[/b][/large][/center][hr]
[b]Name:[/b] [field]
[b]Position:[/b] [field]
[b]Requested access:[/b] [field]
[b]Signature of applicant:[/b] [field][hr]
[b]Signature of Premier:[/b] [field][br]

Termination form

by Superbee29

[b]Employment termination form[/b][/large][/center][hr]
[b]Name:[/b] [field]
[b]Position:[/b] [field]
[b]Signature of Premier:[/b] [field][br]

Demotion form

by Superbee29

[b]Demotion form[/b][/large][/center][hr]
[b]Name:[/b] [field]
[b]Original position:[/b] [field]
[b]Signature of Premier:[/b] [field][br]

Inspection log

by Superbee29

[b][large]Inpection log[/large][/b][hr][b]Department:[/b] [field]
[b]Time:[/b] [field]
[b]Colonist status:[/b] [field]
[b]Department rating:[/b] [field]
[i]Comment:[/i] [field][hr][b]Signature:[/b] [field][hr]PREMIERS STAMP HERE[br]

Audit log

by Superbee29 Just a more detailed inspection log.

[large][b]Department efficiency audit[/b][/large][/center][hr][b]Time:[/b] [field]
[b]Department:[/b] [field]
[b]Head:[/b] [field]
[b]Employees:[/b] [list][field][/list]
[b]General efficiency (0-10):[/b] [field]
[b]Audit compliance (0-5):[/b] [field]
[b]Head authority (0-5, if there is a head):[/b] [field][hr][b]Result:[/b] [field] efficient
[b]Notes (if any):[/b] [field][hr][b]Agent:[/b] [field]
[b]Signature:[/b] [field][hr]STAMP HERE[br]


Autopsy Log

Autopsy Report by Susan

[b][center]OFFICE OF THE SOTERIA MEDICAL EXAMINER[/b][/center][br]
[i][center]Nadezda Colony[/i][/center][br]
DECEASED: [field][br]
RACE: [field][br]
SEX: [field][br]
AGE: [field][br]
RANK: [field][br]
TYPE OF DEATH: [field][br]
MARKS AND WOUNDS: [field][br]
MANNER OF DEATH: [field][br]
[i]I hereby declare that after receiving notice of the death described herein, I took charge of the body and made inquiries regarding the cause of death in accordance with Section 38-701b of Soteria Pathology Code, and that the information contained herein regarding said death is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.[/i][br]
SIGNATURE: [field][br]

Soteria Institute Policies

By Gidgit

[center][table][row][cell][b]SOTERIA INSTITUTE POLICIES[/b][/table]COLONIST PSA[/center]

[b][u][center]SOTERIA MEDICAL[/center][/u][/b][b]All critical[/b] forms of healing such as [b]defibbing, surgery, and use of chemicals[/b] are [b]free the first time[/b] they are given to a single colonist [b]per shift[/b]. 

If the treatment is [b]not critical[/b], the colonist [b]may decide to pay[/b] instead of receiving free treatment.  [i]Deciding to pay will retain your first free treatment.[/i]

All situations after that a doctor may charge a patient for treatment should they find themselves getting repeatedly injured. This charge is solely up to the CBO or treating doctors discretion, they may elect not to charge an individual should they believe the person did not put themselves recklessly in danger (accidents do happen), should a patient be unable to pay their medical bills, contact security. Soteria-Science division is subject to this rule as well if no doctors are around.

Corpsman or other medically trained professionals not affiliated with Soteria should utilize their own departmental or personal supplies first, before using Soteria Supplies. If no doctors are present, the supplies may be utilized but should be replaced as soon as possible, this includes using your own personal funds. Otherwise, this constitutes as theft and you may be forced to pay for the replacement.

Prices for Treatment

Reconstructive surgery and defibbing: 500 credits
Use of bruise packs, advanced ointment, burn cream, and bandages: 75 credits. This can add up if charges are used or the supplies are entirely used up.
Use of chemicals made by the chemistry lab: At minimum of 2 credits or maximum 10 credits per unit at discretion of medical staff.
Use of a sleeper: 150 credits
In the event someone cannot pay prior to treatment, you may refuse treatment, but only if this is the second time treating them that shift and the doctor in question wishes to charge them. If the person is incapable of declaring intention to pay (they are dead or unconscious) payment is assumed and a debt incurred. Inability to pay the bill after revival by either refusal or lack of funds requires intervention from security (defaulting on medical bills is a crime).

Medical Treatment
If there are no doctors or corpsman avaliable the Science Division may help out in the treatment center.
Roboticists, who are expected to be trained in surgery, are preferred over Scientists
All Medical SOP applies to the Science Division


On-Death Cyborgification

Cyborgification Contract by Critica

[b]On-Death Cyborgification Contract[/b][br]
I, [field], hereby declare that the certified Roboticist within the registered Nadezhda Colony and Soteria Institute is permitted to extract my brain with intent to Cyborgify upon death.[br]
I am well aware of the risks presented through both the surgery and Cyborgification, and I realize that the Nadezhda Colony is not to be held liable if either of these should fail for any reason.[br]
[b]Signed[/b]: [field][br]

Live Cyborgification

Cyborgification Contract (For Live Cyborgification, one contract per colonist) by Critica

[b]Live Cyborgification Contract[/b][br]
I, [field], hereby declare that the certified Roboticist within the Nadezhda Colony and Soteria Institute is permitted to extract my brain during a live surgery with intent to Cyborgify.[br]
I am well aware of the risks presented through both the surgery and Cyborgification, and I realize that the Soteria Institute is not to be held liable, should these procedures cause pain, disfigurement, dismemberment or death.[br]
[b]Signed[/b]: [field][br]
[b]Roboticist Signature:[/b] [field][br]
[i]Contract must be stamped by a Head of Staff before operation can occur.[/i][br]

AI Contract for On-Death

On-Death AIA Contract by Critica

[b]On-Death AIA Contract[/b][br]
I hereby declare that the certified Roboticist within the Nadezhda Colony and Soteria Institute is permitted to remove my brain with intent to enact an Artificial Intelligence Assimilation (AIA) upon my death.[br]
I am well aware of the risks presented through both the surgery and AIA, and I realize that Soteria Institute is not to be held liable, should these procedures prove to be unsuccessful.[br]
[b]Signed[/b]: [field][br]

AI Contract Live

AIA Contract for Live by Critica

[b]Live AIA Contract[/b][br]
I, [field], hereby declare that the certified Roboticist within the Nadezhda Colony and Soteria Institute is permitted to extract my brain during a live surgery with the intent to enact an Artificial Intelligence Assimilation (AIA).[br]
I am well aware of the risks presented through both the surgery and AIA, and I realize that Soteria Institute is not to be held liable, should these procedures cause pain, disfigurement, dismemberment or death.[br]
[b]Signed[/b]: [field][br]
[b]Roboticist Signature:[/b] [field][br]
[i]Contract must be stamped by a Head of Staff before operation can occur.[/i][br]

Live cyborgification contract

Live Cyborgification Contract by fedobear

[center][large][b]Live cyborgification contract[/b][/large][/center]
By signing this contract you will be filed for voluntary cybogification.[br][br] Lobotomy will be performed on your person and your brain will be transported, implanted and synchronized to a functional cyborg shell. You also agree to abide by Soteria Cyborg law and that the research dep., Nadezhda, or any of its affilites are not responsible for the loss of, or damage to any of the following:[br][list][small] [*]Health[*]Life[*]posessions[*]investments[*]relationships[*]sense of fullfillment[*]fun[/small][/list]
[small]The research team withholds the privilege to, [i]at any time[/i], end the cyborg contract in question, thereby destroying the shell in the process, and consider returning the brain to a biological body.[/small][br] [hr]
Subject signature:[field][br]
Current Occupation:[field][br]
Preferred Cyborg name:[field][br]
[small](add additional entries here to document

(part 2)
[small] present name of cyborg:)[/small][field]
Performing roboticist signature:[field]
Head of research department Signature:[field][br][br]
[small][center]-Reminder to notify subject's head of staff and security-[/small][br]
[hr][small]stamp if cyborgification completed successfully:[/small][/center][hr]

Cyborgification Contract

Cyborgification Contract by Desisionoflife

[center][b]Cyborgification Contract for[/b]
[br]Name: [field]
[br]Rank: [field]
[br][b][i] Nadezhda Colony [/b][/i][/center]
[hr]I, undersigned, hereby agree to willingly undergo a Regulation Lobotimization, and I am aware of all the consequences of such act. I also understand that this operation may be irreversible, and that my employment contract will be terminated.
[hr]Signature of Subject: [field][br]
[br]Signature of Premier or Chief Research Overseer: [field][br]
[br]Stamp below with the Premier or Chief Research Overseer stamp: 

Mech Permit

by Nightmare

[center][b][u]Exosuit Permit[/b][/u][/center][br]
[small][i]The listed mech below belongs to this individual, who claims sole responsibility for the mech and whatever actions are done with said mech. This permit does not excuse them from announcing their movements throughout the colony, and if they are found moving through the colony without said announcements, they are not protected by this permit nor Soteria. [/i][br][/small]
[b]Roboticist's Name: [/b][field][br]
[b]Recipient's Name: [/b][field][br]
[b]Rank: [/b][field][br]
[small][i]This form must be signed by the recipient and one of the following; Soteria roboticist or CRO.[/i][/small][br]
[b] Returning Recipient's Signature: [/b][field][br]
[b]Soteria roboticist/CRO's Signature: [/b][field][br]
[b]Time of Signing: [/b][field][br]
[b]Time of Expiration: [/b][field][br]


Arrest Warrant form

Arrest Warrant form by Jakeflex (Original, unupdated version)

[center][b][large] Arrest Warrant [/center][/b][/large][br]
 I, Warrant Officer/Ranger/Supply Specialist [field], hereby declare that [field] is to be arrested for the following crimes, according to Colony Law:
[i] [field][/i][br]
 His/Her sentence is to be no less than [field] minutes, with the following additional charges (if applicable): [i][field][/i][br]
 He/She will be arrested by any Security Officer that spots him/her and that is authorized and/or carrying this warrant.[br]
Signature of the Ranger/WO/SS: [field][br]
Stamp of the Warrant Officer (if applicable):[field][br]

Weapon Permit Application

Weapon Permit Application by JerTheAce.

Under "Weapon(s) authorized" you can just write "Any" if you want, but you still have to supply an actual permit item regardless.

[center][b][u]Temporary License to Carry[/b][/u][/center][br]
[small][i]The following weapon is to be granted for the recipient to carry in accordance with standing security protocols and orders. At the expiration of this contract, which is a maximum of one shift, the weapon must be surrendered to security personnel. If the recipient is convicted of a crime, this permit may be voided at the discretion of the arresting officer regardless of the weapon's use or there-lack-of in a given offense. For a long-term weapon permit lasting more than one shift, contact High Council for details. This permit may never be used to authorized explosive, biological, chemical, or unconventional weapons. Such weapons are explicitly forbidden.[/i][br][/small]
[b]Weapon(s) authorized: [/b][br]
[b]Issued by: [/b][field][br]
[b]Reason: [/b][field][br]
[b]Recipient's Name: [/b][field][br]
[b]Rank: [/b][field][br]
[small][i]This form must be signed by the recipient and one of the following; blackshield commander or warrant officer[/i][/small][br]
[b]Recipient's Signature: [/b][field][br]
[b]Warrant Officer/Blackshield Commander's Signature: [/b][field][br]
[b]Time of Signing: [/b][field][br]
[b]Time of Expiration: [/b][field][br]
[b]Warrant Officer/BlackshieldCommander's Stamp Below[/b]