
From Sojourn


Faxes are a way for Heads of Staff and Colonists to speak with faction owners, be it their own or others. However, we have rules about faxes to prevent admins and players being tied down and thus halting roleplay to get a pass from a faction owner or admin. Primarily we have only three major rules and penalties for incorrect/unnecessary faxes.

In general, you should never expect a fax to be replied too unless its labeled high or critical importance, labeling a fax this way and having it be neither high priority or of critical importance will result in IC punishment.

Unnecessary Faxes

These are faxes asking permissions, questions, or voicing concerns over things that do not require it. For example, a Head of Staff requesting an answer to a decision they otherwise could easily answer. Asking for clarification or advisement on a situation already covered in colony laws, Standard Operating Procedure, or one in which a Head of Staff could reasonably decide themselves. These faxes will be given an automated reply stating that this fax does not require a reply, if you happen to be a Head of Staff, it will also include whether you have just received a Strike on your record that can lead to a permanent demotion.

Time-Wasting Faxes

A time-wasting fax is any fax that is labeled High or Critical importance when it did not need to be labeled as either. An automated reply will be given instructing the person that their fax is a waste of time and informing them that they are not only being charged with §111 (Sending a time-wasting fax) but that they should report to security immediately to handle jail time or fines. A time-wasting fax is not a fax that is labeled Low or Medium importance or contains reports, progress, or general information about ongoing events. These types of faxes are preferred and generally appreciated, but you should still not expect a reply, though one is possible. Heads of Staff sending a time-wasting fax will receive a job Strike in addition to IC charges.

Incompetently Written Faxes

Faxes must contain all of the proper formatting, information, title, and a signature. While format is flexible, information must be legible, clear, and properly labeled. Faxes which are none of these things are considered a time-wasting and unnecessary fax, which can and will result in IC charges and/or job strikes. At bare minimum, faxes should contain all relevant information and the signature of the sender. See Example Paperwork for examples of properly formatted fax layouts.

OOC: Job Strike are a counter of 0/3 which is noted on your character, after 3 job strikes, which can be earned by bad faxes or legitimate demotions from a head of staff, your character is permanently fired from that department until an appeal is made. Job strikes last 3 montha, with the timer resetting with each strike.