
From Sojourn

Sol-Federation Government

The Sol-Fed government from the year 2565 onward is a Stratocracy, The current leader of which is called High General. The government is composed of both a military complex (which holds a majority of the power) and the civilian complex.

Though they tend to be accepting of every race, creed or people this isn’t born from any form altruism or kindness but instead from the usefulness that those races pose to the government itself. The Sol-Fed government is a tiered council system headed by the High General, under which servers the Council of Species, where-in each group of people within the Sol-Fed (Nations/Races) have three total senators to speak for them during votes. Under them is the Assembly of worlds, of which hundreds of worlds gain seats on the assembly by meeting military quotas. Each tier of the government may propose laws or actions, but it must all funnel up through that approval of the next tier to land on the High Generals desk. The High General’s Term tends to last for 20 years which can be changed up and down depending on the Council of Species votes and current crisis if any.

The citizens of the SF are required to spend at least two years within military service either in active duty or as military police, or in the supportive structure for the military complex. Something that sets Sol’s government aside from other governmental systems is the tiered system for their citizenry in which through military service and performing well, a citizen may be moved up tiers in the tiers allowing for more rights, privileges and preferential treatment. While committing crimes, failing at work or at tasks may result in the reduction of tiers. Removing freedom of movement, speech and other such rights.

Sol-Federation Military Complex

The Military complex is broken into two branches that answer directly to The First Admiral who’s right below High General in terms of power.

The first branch is Fleet Command, which handles any and all military actions that involve interstellar conflict and travel and large-scale ship combat.

The Second is Force Command that handles any and all military action on the surface of planets, stations, asteroids and anything in between that involves soldiers leaving the ship, or the garrisoning of PDFs (Planetary Defense Force).

While the Military complex is a majority a volunteer driven army, the only real way to move up amongst the tiers of citizenry is to join the military after the mandatory two years of service. Though there are rare cases that those particularly gifted in RnD or Engineering may be welcomed into the government's subsidiaries as researchers and engineers for a wide range of projects and work.

Sol-Federation Society

Sol-Fed Society could only be described as humanity first. While those who aren’t human aren’t treated any differently by the system itself, the people who are a part of the system and have pull tend to choose humans above aliens who may have been a better fit for certain roles and jobs.

Though even that can be punished if found out by the wrong people, as the jobs your underlings do reflect upon those who lead them. Growing up on Sol-Fed territory one might find that amongst the rabble it is safe, and one could find happiness amongst it if they grow used to doing as they're told and when they’re told to do it without question.

With the tiered system hanging above the head of most citizens you would be hard pressed to find any who would step out of line with any pattern. Yet there are always some who would do so and turn a profit in such a time where even your right to speak freely could be taken at any second. Such underground criminal organizations are rumors at best, and terrorist at worst, usually answered by a swift and violent response from the military police.