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New Damascus

Once a bustling forge world that was rich in oxygen and low in moisture, New Damascus is an arid world slowly bringing itself back from the brink of economic collapse. Originally boasting three resource rich moons, this world produced a large amount of ships, weapons, and other metallic goods for the Sol Federation. Unfortunately the mines eventually ran dry and it left New Damascus in a state of stagnation with local rulers growing more draconian and desperate as they watched their reserves and their populations slowly drop. Since the bluespace crash however, New Damascus has seen a resurgence in it's forges with neighboring systems diverting resources to them due to their proximity. Today, New Damascus has tried to cultivate a reputation for openness and quality of life to draw back expats, however their outlying colonies and stations are still known for being extremely restrictive. Individuals from New Damascus are often diligent, resourceful, rough mannered, and seeking a better future.

History: Colonized centuries ago during some of Sol's initial colonization efforts, New Damascus remained uncharacteristically loyal to Sol, with it's mines delivering much needed returns to Sol's colonization investments. Due to this close relationship between Earth and New Damascus, the world found itself aligned with the Sol Federation early on during the Unification wars with its now massive industrial base providing a constant stream of ships and supplies to the Federation war efforts.

As the Federation grew however, much of the economic success that New Damascus experienced began to dry up as more resource rich systems and planets were discovered and conquered. The fires of the New Damascus forges began to grow cold as dozens of competitor systems began to sprout up across SolFed space. With the bluespace crash however, New Damascus' proximity to Sol gave it new relevance as it was able to maintain the security of its major tradelanes with far more success than some of its frontier rivals. Despite experiencing its own near economic collapse New Damascus has once again been mass producing starships and other goods for the Federation.

Culture: New Damascus is a quintessential consumer culture, with everything from food, entertainment, and religion being serialized and streamlined to the extreme. This over-standardization has found its way into every model apartment, every slum, and every ivory tower on the planet as rich and poor alike are surrounded by the products the planet mass produces and exports across the galaxy.

The only exception to this rule can be found at opposite ends of the economic spectrum as the poor develop slum specific accents due to their lack of exposure to the planet's media, while the wealthy often develop accents more in line with those of Sol natives. Likewise, the poor often find themselves working as street chefs for hungry Foundry workers or as unregulated preachers while their upper class counterparts are able to afford imported foods, luxuries, and even beliefs.

One particular facet of New Damascus culture that transcends the usual economic disparities and class strife is the pride New Damascus natives take in their shipbuilding industries. From keel layers and shipbreakers incorporating their professions into their surnames to shipyard magnates making a point to boast about how many ships their yards are able to complete every solar cycle. While most New Damascus natives are or were manual laborers at one point or another, it is very common for them to have surnames like Keelson and Shipwright.

Demographics: One benefit of New Damascus' regulated society is the high level of accuracy they are able to achieve with their demographics.

Population: 17 Billion Ethnic Breakdowns: 60% Human, 25% Abhuman, 15% Non-human.

Points of interest: With a population of 17 Billion individuals, New Damascus has no shortage of sights to see for any native residents or touring offworlders. These are a few of those locations:

-The 'Homestead' Housing complex; while technically a single apartment building, this sprawling complex could easily be considered a city district on nearly any other world. With its own warehouses, shopping centers, and amenities for its residents, this aging facility marked a turning point in New Damascus city planning as it was able to house thousands of factory workers, their families, and service employees all in one economic ecosystem. While Homestead style apartments can be found near every Starport and foundry on New Damascus, this trendsetter can be found in the old industrial district of Jobar City, a must see for any architectural enthusiast, just watch out for pickpockets.

-The Unification Memorial Racetrack: Built an embarrassing 100 years too early, the Unification Racetrack is perhaps an overstatement of the planet's understated enthusiasm and optimism. Considered to be an unrivaled example of a modern Hippodrome, this racetrack has hosted countless races between various wheeled, legged, and jet propelled vehicles for countless SolFed citizens to watch. While local business magnates often sponsor their own racers it is not uncommon for them to compete against racing teams from across SolFed space and beyond. This is a sure place to visit for any native or visitor, don't forget to try the hotdogs!

-The New Damascus Orbital Shipyard: Countless in number and covered in bright lights to allow constant, uninterrupted work, facilities such as the Baja Shipyards appear like constellations all across the New Damascus sky. While mundane for many residents, and difficult to see in some areas due to light pollution, these artificial satellites can make for a spectacular backdrop on any romantic evening and pair well with a quiet rooftop rendezvous.


With a reputation as a resort, this lush garden world has modelled itself as an escape for repressed artists, political exiles, and individuals who would largely be ostracized by most major powers. Neapolis is covered with endless plains of Vermillion grass, migratory forests, and deep violet colored oceans and it's marble white settlements have proven to be highly attractive destinations for tourists and vacationers, but the planet does have a number of drawbacks. The primary issue facing the residents of Neapolis is the lack of settleable land with only a smattering of plateaus being safe enough for permanent settlements in the face of the ever transient forests. Fortunately the second issue- a lack of valuable ores or gasses, has so far been a boon for Neapolitians who have managed to evade major interest from their large- sometimes hostile, neighbors. Individuals from Neapolis are often idealistic, artistic, and sometimes a little naive.

History: First surveyed one hundred and fifty years ago, Neapolis is a relatively young planet that has experienced fairly rapid growth as political opponents of Sol's rapid expansion have found themselves looking for a quiet world to "retire" on. Neapolitan officials have for several years marketed the planet as a vacation spot, with "All the sights and sounds a casual adventurer could ask for!" Unofficially however, the planet has tried to attract people they believe to be "flamboyant" or otherwise marketable as tourist attractions.

This peculiar combination of exiles and tourists has not always made for friendly neighbors however, as for many decades the various fifth columnists often found themselves clashing with the SolFed tourists over the various annexations of Cindarites, Naramadi, and others. Things quickly changed however after a prominent SolFed military officer was ambushed by protestors during his vacation which put Neapolis and it's pet dissidents squarely in the limelight of SolFed's attention. Since then, many of the ideologies held by the exiles have been inexplicably calmed, with various skeptics and conspiracy theorists insisting that many of the leading voices of dissent on the planet were paid off or replaced.

Culture: Neapolitan culture has been shaped largely by the nature of the planet with most things in life being seen as temporary or transitory. Love comes and goes just as easily as the passenger ferries, and political trends slowly creep in and out of sight like the great migratory groves of the coastlands. Whether they are a native, a tourist, amatuer adventurer or budding artist, most Neapolitans have gained a reputation for being not just far calmer than they once were, but also more tranquil than most of their fellow Sol Federation residents.

While many believe the planet is dominated by a sense of pacifism, Neapolis boasts a surprisingly robust defense force that is largely under the control of hardened SolFed loyalists as a means to "balance" things on the planet. While many view colonial defense forces as a dime a dozen, the Neapolitan Defense Force is unique in many of its methods as they try to foster a number of "adventurous" vacation activities which they use as recruitment tools, from big game hunting expeditions to canyon glider racers, almost all of them are used to headhunt promising off worlders. Further, the defense force has done it's best to stay true to the more artistic side of Neapolis with many units having their own artists to field design camouflage patterns and temporary unit insignias.

Speaking of artists, Neapolis has strived to promote many of the arts across the planet, with many of their "favorite" exiles being various artists who find patronage from the planet's wealthy retirees. To this end, nearly every university, academy, and primary school on the planet boasts a robust arts program with nearly every native of the planet being able to paint, sculpt, dance, or perform music. While it is painfully obvious that Neapolis lacks much in the way of industry, it is hardly disputable that everything built or designed on Neapolis has been done so with artistic beauty, from individual homes and vacation resorts to small atmospheric fliers and rovers that are limited in number but coveted the galaxy over.

Demographics: With most of the Neapolitan population being temporary visitors, the precise numbers are often debated, but SolFed is increasingly confident in their number assessments.

Estimated population: ~4 Billion with roughly three quarters of the population residing (or vacationing) on the planet for more than a year, with the rest being seasonal vacationers and tourists.

Ethnic breakdowns: ~50% Human, ~20% Abhuman, ~30% Non-human.

Points of interest: As a vacation hotspot with a rich cultural background, Neapolis has no shortage of destinations, these include but are not limited to:

-The Acropolis is a large city with a population of approximately 3 million residents and visitors perched upon a massive 7 hundred kilometer² plateau. This city acts as the planetary capital and as such has done it's best to display all the planet has to offer, from it's beautiful architecture and it's small host of artists, to its spas and resorts. Many spacers and travellers make a point of having shore leave here, if only so they can buy a painting or interesting outfit to take home with them.

-Coastal Forests dominate many of the planet's shores, with large 'herds' of fungal trees moving along the shores of the planet's oceans, rivers, and estuaries over the course of several decades. While these migratory forests feed off of the rich microbial life within the planet's waters, they play host to a large number of animals which are often highly prized by hunters and researchers. Whether you're looking for data, a fur coat, or just interested in seeing the Majesty of nature, this is a sure stop for you.

-Devil's Run is one of the largest canyons within the Neapolitan solar system and while not as large as the Valles Marineris on Mars, it is still nothing to sneer at. Favored by daredevil pilots, this canyon is a notoriously tricky area to navigate as the white marble walls of the canyon can have a blinding effect on pilots while the sudden twists and turns- coupled with the general length of approximately 3,260kms can be a huge challenge for both jet and glider pilots alike. If you're hotblooded enough this might just be the place for you- but act quickly, there's always new legislation attempting to curb the flight attempts here.

Agua Fria

Tucked away in a heavily populated system, this large aquatic world has made a reputation for being a substantial food source and home to a number of research institutes. While neighboring worlds boast sprawling hive worlds and smog-filled industrial continents, Agua Fria has raging oceans, thousands of massive fishing trawlers, and less than a dozen starports scattered across rocky, wave battered islands. This has led to a number of local rivalries and power struggles as each of the starports harness their fleets of fishmongers to compete for market shares as they engage in a desperate contest to feed the massive population of their neighboring worlds. These conflicts are often economic, territorial, and electronic, but since the crash the massive ocean trawlers have begun arming themselves more. These conflicts are becoming increasingly frustrating for local researchers who are being treated with more and more hostility from both the fish mongers and their port masters. Individuals from Agua Fria are often skeptical of those outside their social circle, highly adept swimmers, and usually very business minded.

History: Although the Delta Serpenti cluster was colonized in the early days of Human exploration, Agua Fria remained uninhabited as the other planets and moons within the Nova Trento system were prioritized for their industrial potential. After the Unification wars however, the ambitions of the Delta Serpenti came to an end, and were replaced by a brutal yet pragmatic SolFed administration. Laden with a large number of POWs from the recent Serpenti campaign, the local interim governor selected the inhospitable yet habitable world of Agua Fria and set the prisoners to work. Using the handful of pre-war research outposts as staging areas, the thousands of prisoners were organized into competing fishing crews and promised shorter sentences for their labor. While this practice lasted a relatively short amount of time it has left a lasting mark on the planet's history as the vast number of massive fishing trawlers are still locked in an unending competition as they struggle for naval supremacy and the best deals with the offworld merchants.

Culture: Prior to unification, the various planets of the Delta Serpenti cluster were fiercely independent and some would say headstrong. While this is largely no longer the case, Agua Fria is one of the few places where the pre-Sol customs can still be observed. Individual sailors will often have little loyalty to the vessel and crew they are employed by, but will rather have a strong bond with people they grew up around- occasionally there will be instances where fishing trawlers are operated solely by one extended clan, but oftentimes this is seen more within the ports as Agua Frians will prioritize taking contracts with their friends and neighbors rather than with people from distant cities or foreign trawlers. Some speculate this phenomenon is due to the "founding" crews being organized along the lines of their planet of origin, but this is still hotly debated.

Food on Agua Fria is naturally dominated by the local seafood with many of the common (and often 'lower class's dishes) being seen as rare delicacies across SolFed space. Some examples include the rare 'Ketos Cutlet' which is made from the savory and salty musculature of a local type of megafauna with many trawlers priding themselves on how many megalodon-like Ketos sharks they have caught. Conversely is the common 'Glowstalk Soup' which is a slightly tangy vegetable soup made from the bioluminescent seaweeds that surround the various islands of the planet which makes it easy to aquire for locals and thus common food for the unemployed port dwellers, but it's short shelf life it is a rare find offworld.

Lastly are the massive trawlers that dominate the perception of Agua Fria for both offworlers and natives. Described as being more salt and rust than ship, these vessels usually range in length from 200 meters to 600 meters with many ships being far older than their crews. Trawlers are slow to build and are usually designed to be modified over the years to house it's crew, supplies, and the fish they catch in a manner that is not dissimilar to interstellar mining barges. Given the advanced age of many of these ships, the trawlers often have storied histories of their own and many are named after the various planets within the Delta Serpenti cluster including Nova Trento, Alguma Coisa, and even Agua Fria itself. Life aboard these vessels is difficult with the massive vessels needing to battle the unending storms and raging waters all day and night as the crew compete for the limited space and privacy aboard the ships for the duration of their contract.

Demographics: Being a non-SolFed planet initially, Agua Fria initially had a large Abhuman population, in recent years however, SolFed has been promoting several human migration projects to "stabilize" the population.

Estimated Population: 2.5 Billion with roughly a third of the population working aboard the trawlers, living in the permanent cities, and within the various oceanianic and star ports each.

Ethnic Breakdowns: ~50% Abhuman, 30% Human, 20% Non-human.

Points of interest: Without much in the way of habitable land, Agua Fria is not the most famous for its tourism appeal, nevertheless there are still some pearls hidden on this oceanic world.

-Havana Station was once little more than a collection of huts housing remote research equipment and occasional scientists, Havana Station is now the largest city on the planet. With a population of 30 million people packed onto the small island, Havana Station is often called a "Megacity in a bottle" and it boasts some of the unique and interesting luxuries of the planet. These luxuries include the Triton Opera House which is as much of a theater as it is Aquarium and the so called Red Reef district, inhabited almost exclusively by offworld merchants and wealthy food distributors this luxury housing area is the envy of every Agua Frian.

-The so called Polar Straits are a series of open water channels that criss cross the southern and northern ice caps of Agua Fria due in large part to the underwater volcanoes that dominate the polar regions of the planet. Due to these tectonic tendencies, most of the habitable islands are located at the edges of these ice caps, however these straits are incredibly perilous due to the constant storms and turbulent winds causing large chunks of ice to dislodge and seriously damage travelling ships. These caps are a popular destination for researchers and daredevil pilots however, as the planet's electrical storms are particularly fierce here, and the combination of raging oceans, unpredictable and massive ice build ups, and visually stunning storms is something people across the cluster like to romanticize.

-The famous Trireme nuclear submarine is a rarely seen and somewhat controversial vessel that was custom built by the SolFed navy for so-called peacekeeping duties at the end of the Delta Serpenti campaign. The submarine is a massive 400 meters in length and boasts a massive- yet still classified nuclear payload. Initially claimed to be designed to prevent Agua Fria's original population of prisoners from revolting, it was later revealed to be capable of striking nearly every planet in the Nova Trento system with its powerful IPBM's while safely hidden within the depths of Agua Fria. Today it is largely considered obsolete, both in terms of purpose and technology, but the vast amount of surveillance data and the unrivaled depths it's navigated over nearly a century of service, many scientists are eager for it to be retired so they might view it's wealth of data.


Originally a small mining facility dug into the crust of a gas giant's moon, Kurilskaya has since been turned into a hive of scum and villainy. With a unique culture of crime and an overbearing prerogative of secrecy. The people of this rusting, dust filled facility are ruled by a kleptocratic council of ship captains, marine officers, and ore barons. The pathways and housing Habs are often prone to tremors from mining operations, the landing bays are often turned into impromptu market bazaars, and the local restaurants often serve a variety of seafood which is gathered directly from the station's water filtration systems. Individuals from Kurilskaya are often cut throat, roguish, share a grim sense of humor, and are very secretive about where Kurilskaya is actually located.

History: With a history mired in rumor, hearsay, and outright lies, the exact origin of Kurilskaya’s founding is difficult to pinpoint. Most stories seem to agree that at some point a Solfed mining concern named Sino-Sov Industrial Extractions which was known for its prolific number of mining facilities. Having pioneered a simple and versatile design for modular hostile environment facilities, Sino-Sov was able to establish mines, colonies, and other production facilities on countless worlds only to strip them of parts and decommission the facilities the moment they were no longer profitable. After an ill-fated political gambit came to an end however, Sino-Sov Industrial found themselves broke, and their proprietary facility blueprints leaked to the intranet for anyone with an industrial barge to replicate. Whether Kurilskaya was one of their original abandoned facilities, or a newer, kitbashed replica is unknown, but what is known is that Kurilskaya began making a name for itself as a pirate base, a smuggler’s haven, and in its own words, a freeport. While an exact age for Kurilskaya is hard to pin down there have been rumors of its existence for a century at the earliest and researchers suggest the facility has only just started building its own domestic ships in the past twenty-five years.

Culture: Kurilskayan culture is tied heavily to their ships, with the basic family unit consisting of the 5-10 people needed to crew one of these ships. These crews are tight knit and incredibly loyal to each other- more so than one would expect from pirates or smugglers, and they will usually stay with their ship until the bitter end. As a result of this shipborne culture, most Kurilskayan families usually take the name of their ship, or the name of the ship’s captain, as their surname with larger, multi-ship clans being extremely rare due to the hazardous nature of piracy and smuggling.

Religion among Kurilskayans is largely a mixture of the Eastern Orthodoxy and Shintoism practiced by the initial inhabitants of Kurilskaya. Nearly every crew, individual, or ship has its own small shrine, filled with artistic and highly prized Icons dedicated to the various spirits and ghosts that are revered by the shrine's owners. To this end, many Kurilskayans consider their ship to have its own spirit, along with the "grim old god" of space, and it is particularly common for Kurilskayan marines to attribute guardian spirits to their own armor and weapons.

Politically, Kurilskaya is ruled by a council of influential ship captains, mercenary commanders, and industrial magnates. Most finance their political campaigns with the loot they can pirate or the goods and ores they are able to produce domestically while others trade favors for votes, currying favor with the various crews and port-bound Kurilskayans any way they can. This council often finds itself subject to cut throat political maneuvering and a heavy focus on certain industries and vocations instead of others, such as ship captains holding far more influence in the council than their marine counterparts- at some points in Kurilskayan society this even manifested in ship captains being the only ones who could vote, and is still seen today with captains passing on their surname to their crews.

Demographics: Kurilskayan demographics are difficult to pin down with most natives answering that most inhabitants are "Kurilskayans" with varying numbers being "captured" or "immigrants", with seemingly no distinction being made between species or the willingness of their arrival.

Estimated Population: ~1 Million to 1.5 Million permanent inhabitants with an unknown number consisting of non-resident ship crews. Ethnic Breakdowns: ~80% Human and Abhuman (largely of Slavic and Eurasian descent), ~20% Non-human (primarily Akula, Cindarite, and Naramadi).

Points of interest: With such a small population, and a largely subterranean facility, Kurilskaya is not a place to visit for its historical landmarks but does have a few quaint sights:

-The Kurilskayan Verfe is by all accounts a small, hazardous, and inefficient shipyard hidden in the depths of Kurilskaya's honeycombed hangars, but to inhabitants of Kurilskaya the shipyard is a point of pride and joy. Starting as a large hangar bay used to service captured merchant vessels, the bay was gradually expanded and improved to the point that it's owners were using it as a drydock to domestically construct some of the first Kurilskayan ships. To own a ship built in the Kurilskayan Verfe is a point of great pride for Kurilskayans.

-Black eyed Igor's Starport Emporium, more commonly known as the Igorium, is a large cavernous Starport warehouse that has been converted into a massive market for visiting spacers and native Kurilskayans to buy and sell incoming goods. Filled with hundreds of merchant vendors and thousands of customers, goods from all across civilized- and uncivilized space. From second hand ship components and weapons to "homemade" combat stims and exotic animals. Market goers are bombarded with a variety of goods and food options, with dozens of street chefs serving food at any given time, as well as several restaurants and bars that have been built into the outer walls of the warehouse. The Igorium is also home to a small bar and club called 'Kafe Novi Vek', or The New Age Cafe which is a favorite among pirates, but it is fierce rivals with the 'Leaky Sampler' which is run by the Yllek family.

-Mayak 7 is one of the original dozen district modules constructed during Kurilskaya's founding. It is home to something of a "Chinatown" within Kurilskaya, boasting a number of traditional shrine's, markets, restaurants, and houses that have been designed to mimic the architectural styles found on Earth. Be sure to visit the Joseon Armor Workshop in the lower levels of Mayak 7 as their heavily armored hardsuits are extremely popular among Kurilskayans.


Translated from the ancient Greek term for "The Sea, Thalatta is an aptly named cityship that is ever sailing through the great cosmic sea. Built centuries ago by a small sect of religious castaways, the ship has been making a slow journey through the Milky Way in search of a promised land for it's voidborne occupants. With no objection towards cybernetics, the thousands of occupants of the Thalatta have been slowly adopting the use of implants and robotics to both prolong their lifespans and better synergize with their ship. This has led many outsiders to speculate that the Thalatta and it's occupants will slowly begin mixing their religious beliefs and technology with scary and unimaginable ends. Ironically while the original beliefs of the Thalattans seem mundane and inoffensive, it may be that another conflict of belief between the Thalattans and their neighbors is inevitable. Individuals from Thalatta are tech savvy, reverent towards fellow believers, and skeptical of outside authority- especially when it's perceived as being luddic or atheistic.

History: Constructed over two centuries ago in the days leading up to the unification wars, the Thalatta faced many challenges to its existence before it even launched. The occupants were members of a small religious sect that had been outspoken of it's criticism of the lead up to war, and the religious beliefs- which were mainly that of inward focus and meditation, had gotten many of the adherents labelled as cultists for 'checking out' of SolFed society. The ship wouldn't have launched at all if it hadn't been for some members of the SolFed government deciding it would be easier to let them leave in an unarmored colony ship than to imprison them for treason.

As the Thalatta began its journey through space, the crew found that they had already acquired a certain reputation as being odd, silent, even mystical individuals as rumor and hearsay spread far faster than their ship. Eventually however, as the tempo of the unification wars picked up, the Thalatta and it's crew slowly changed. The ship was modified at every port, with new sections being welded on, parts replaced, and components modified, after nearly a century of trying to outrun the war the vessel had been transformed into something completely unrecognizable with a bizarre triple hull, oversized enges, and countless burns and pockmarks across it's bulkheads.

The crew and their beliefs changed as well, as their search for inner perfection and peace became focused on improving and perfecting the world around them, as they came to believe that the best way to purify themselves was by propagating similarly 'pure' things. These things started off as ship components, shuttle designs, and even clothing before expanding into cybernetics and robotics. These changes eventually came to a head as they watched the unification wars end and their focus shifted entirely towards their ship and its improvement and maintenance.

As the Unification Wars came to an end, the Thalatta found itself on the very fringes of SolFed space, forgotten by the central human government but having left a trail through the various former nations it had fled through. Many historians, researchers, and theorists speculated about the status of the vessel over the following decades as it has continued to venture off into uncharted space before returning, leaving no clues as to what exactly it is doing or how it is seemingly unaffected by the bluespace crash.

Culture: Thalattan culture is dominated by persistent spiritualism and a pursuit of improvement in all things. While every child is assigned a field of study or specialization once they reach a certain age, all Thalattans are expected to have a mastery of their religious beliefs, allowing every soldier (denoted by their surname of Securitas), technician (Teknica), or researcher (Poly-Teknicas) to act as an equivalent of a priest or missionary should they need to. Furthermore, surnames act solely as a reflection of profession rather than of family connection, however a large number of Thalatta expatriates adopt names that are native to the culture they are travelling to, taking to heart the idea that the "squeaky wheel gets the grease" and naturally, squeaky wheels would be a design flaw.

Food and clothing onboard the Thalatta are kept intentionally simplistic, with most meals consisting of nutrient pastes with exceptions being made for simple fruits and breads, clothing is equally simple, with most being simple colored jumpsuits to denote the wearer's profession. While most Thalattans are not particularly known for being pilots or spacers, they all understand the importance of devoting most of their resources towards the ship.

Lastly is the matter of hierarchy, with power being determined by age and profession, with the elder navigators and engineers generally being considered the most qualified for leadership positions followed closely by researchers and scholars. Together, the senior ranking officers of the Thalatta's crew elect each captain and first officer, with elections for each being staggered so that each leader can introduce and acquaint the successors to their positions.

Demographics: According to the Thalattan Public Archives (which are often held in doubt) the ship has a crew of approximately 783 thousand individuals. While the Thalattans claim that ~80% are Human, with a mere 20% being Abhuman and Non-human, the SolFed government often notes that due to the extensive cyberization and genemodding that has been carried out, the actual percentages would be closer to 90% Abhuman, with 'pure' humans and Non-humans combined being a measly 10%.

Points of interest: With a length of about 2,500 meters from prow to stern, the Thalatta has a handsome collection of interests the average visitor might wish to see, these include:

-The Observation Deck runs along the spine of the vessel and provides crew members with a spectacular view of the stars. While not part of the original vessel, this deck has been modified extensively and outfitted with an impressive holographic projector suite allowing maps, charts, and virtual cosmic vistas to be displayed for viewing pleasure. This has given the Observation deck a dual purpose of both entertaining visitors, and educating crewmates about the past journey of the Thalatta.

-The Wandering Star Cafe was originally the flight control room for a large hangar before it- and the hangar, were cobbled onto the Thalatta’s hull. Today, it is a cozy bar and restaurant reserved for visiting spacers and traders to eat at while they watch their vessels down below in the massive hangar being loaded or unloaded. It is known for its interesting mixed drinks and the surprisingly well furnished hotel across the hall.

-The ‘Heart of the Ocean’ is the religious name given to the Thalatta’s reactor core. Extensively modified and changed over the ship’s long history, this massive super matter reactor dwarfs the size and power outputs ever envisioned by the original shipwrights, and has been meticulously fine tuned and maintained with a deep- oftentimes unnerving reverence. Should anything go wrong with the reactor, many speculate it would cause an explosion large enough to bake a small planet with radiation.

Madinat Yunan

Initially selected for habitation for its rich gasses and potential for being located on an upcoming trade lane, this gas giant had many of its economic dreams dashed, with the gaseous mixture of the atmosphere being poor for fuel production and the trade lane never materializing. The initial colonization efforts soon dried up, and the thousands of colonists that had been shipped to the low orbit habitats soon found themselves stranded without supplies and had only just begun requesting evacuation when the Bluespace Crash occurred. As contact was made with the planet again it was discovered that the habitats were destroyed or abandoned and yet the colonists had found a way to survive and thrive. Forming a symbiotic relationship with a bizarre species of titanic whale-like creature, the colonists had taken to hunting and slaughtering them for food only to discover they were sapient but incapable of communication. The whale-like creatures saw feeding the struggling colonists as a necessity and had offered their weakest for slaughter for reasons yet unknown. The grizzly almost sacrificial nature of it makes many outsiders view madinat's as monsters, but their focus on medical pursuits help belay some suspicions.

History: Colonized in 2635, Madinat Yunan was predicted to develop into a massive economic hub as the gas mixture of the planet and the variety of heavy metals found across it's some twenty three moons were charted to be an excellent source of income and industry, with economists speculating that Madinat Yunan would form a crucial link between the outer sectors of Sol Fed space with some of its close neighbors like the Kriosan Confederacy. Massive shipments of colonists, prefabricated structures, and industrial equipment were shipped to the gas giant and it's moons in the years leading up to the bluespace crash.

Contact with Madinat Yunan was lost on November 5th, 2645 at approximately 12:05 AM as virtually all bluespace travel and communications came to a sudden halt. Sector Governor Duncan 'Duke' Smith had a rescue operation mounted immediately with a handful of military vessels and commandeered civilian transports dispatched to Madinat Yunan immediately. Having travelled completely at sublight speeds, the rescue fleet arrived in 2647 to discover the colonies within the solar system had seemingly collapsed. Nearly every habitation dome and space station within the system were left uninhabited with some falling to infighting over resources, wiped out by technical malfunctions or natural disasters, and others still being abandoned completely without a trace of their colonists. Upsetting still were the dozens of shipwrecks, skeletal remains of massive intersolar vessels that were torn apart mid jump as they had either been arriving or departing from the system.

The flotilla leader had nearly finished writing his after action report regarding the system when sensor reports came in regarding Madinat Yunan itself. A handful of small space stations floating in the cloudy atmosphere of the gas giant were still inhabited and stranger still had managed to stabilize their situation by feeding off of the large gaseous creatures that called Madinat Yunan home. What had been expected to be a tale of tragedy and heartbreak was quickly turned into one of survival and perseverance. What the news reports didn’t include however, was that during the collapse of the system a vessel had managed to leave Madinat Yunan carrying a number of ‘defectors’ towards the Kriosan Confederacy and the voidwolf infested border.

Culture: While many would expect the natives of Madinat Yunan to be strict survivalists, hardened by the few years of incredible chaos they were forced to endure in isolation and bitter about the loss of life and prospects, the common observation appears to be quite the opposite. Natives of Madinat Yunan- both those who chose to stay after the collapse and those who left when they had the chance, are largely optimistic and while they accept that death is a fact of life they still chose to focus on celebrating life and the time they- and the whale like creatures they feed on have, rather than lingering on thoughts of the inevitable end they all face. For this reason, Madinat Yunan is one of the few non-terrestrial planets where certain old Earth holidays are common, such as Easter and other spring festivals. This has led to a small number of religions being popular on some of the atmospheric stations to a larger degree than expected, but most Madinat’s identify as agnostics rather than aligning themselves with any one religion.

The close relationship with the native fauna of Madinat Yunan has also shaped their current culture significantly, with many people shaping their entire careers around the “flocks” of whale-like creatures. Known as ‘Gale Gliders’ by the locals, these creatures were scarcely documented before the bluespace collapse, but after the months and years of isolation, Madinat’s not only perfected hunting them with repurposed skiffs and shuttles, but also herding them, and even treating them, with many natives of the planet becoming incredibly knowledgeable about their biology. While the situation on the planet has normalized itself, there are large numbers of survivors and refugees who became experts at utilizing every part of these creatures, from the hides and meats to the chemical contents found in every part of the gales’ bodies. Medicine, food, clothing, and various trinkets were, for a while, all produced from these creatures.

One particularly interesting facet of the culture of Madinat Yunan is a love for music, which many attribute to their sense of optimism while others claim was a side effect of the use of echno-location and radar to locate gale gliders for food. Whether the instruments were made of wood grown in hydroponics labs, reclaimed metals from salvage expeditions, or from the bones of gale gliders, many people on Madinat Yunan became musicians, often holding concerts in the cramped aero and orbital stations for their fellow colonists and survivors. In the days since Sol Fed has made contact with the planet, many of the colonies have begun transmitting again, with music being among the first things they began to beam out into space with their repaired communications sets. When asked why music was chosen to be their first message sent to Sol Fed in nearly four years, a local simply replied that “It was to show our spirits had been bruised, but not beaten.”

Demographics: Due to the disorder of the Bluespace Crash, the population of the system diminished by nearly 45%, with most of the survivors consolidating in the habitation stations of Madinat Yunan for the promises of food and shelter. For this reason, the planet has exceeded most of the original growth estimates.

Census data reports Madinat Yunan has a population of ~6 billion individuals, with 40% being Human, 30% being Abhuman, and the remaining 30% consisting of Non-humans.

Points of interest: With a radius of approximately 72 thousand kilometers and dozens of atmospheric stations, there is a lot to see, with many of the surviving original colonists claiming it was impossible to see everything the planet had to offer in one lifetime, even before the collapse.

-Caduceus Station as it is called by locals, was originally intended to be part of a massive orbital ring that would be a crowning jewel for the system. During the collapse however, those hopes were dashed and the station found itself acting as a hospital and point of entry for refugees from across the system with the station leadership placing more and more emphasis on expanding their medical facilities as well as training and recruiting more doctors and paramedics. Today Caduceus Station is essentially a massive hospital, training hundreds and thousands of doctors from across the planet, as well as operating a small fleet of orbital fliers to conduct rescue operations for hunting and salvage parties, as well as for research missions and veterinarian purposes for the gale gliders. Whether you’re a visitor or a native, you’ve probably seen a doctor who was trained here.

-The so called ‘Whale Falls’ of Madinat Yunan are when various debris hulks are caught in the planet’s gravity well and sucked down into the crushing depths below the clouds. While these wrecks can range from small abandoned shuttles to massive derelict space stations, the locals make a point to intercept these wrecks and salvage as much of them as possible before they fall too far. Notably are the whale falls that occur at the equatorial cloud layer which is far more dense than the others, giving salvagers the precious few minutes they might not otherwise have. While the sight of hardsuit-clad men and women attempting to tear a flaming shipwreck apart for components as they hurdle below the clouds is a stunning sight, it is an incredibly dangerous and desperate profession. If you’re planning on watching or participating, make sure you have a skilled pilot.

-Pharos Station is considered by Sol Fed to be the current de facto capital of Madinat Yunan and of the entire system, having been one of the only facilities to retain its marine garrison throughout the collapse. It boasts a population of 400 thousand residents and it’s influence has grown significantly since contact was re-established with the outside universe. While many other stations have been forced to convert their shipyards and dry-docks into tanneries and meat processing facilities, the scaffolds of the Pharos shipyards house only starships, skiffs, and fliers as they once again begin fleet building operations. There is hope that this ‘lighthouse city’ will lead the way in reconstructing Madinat Yunan and the system as a whole. While it may take centuries before it can hope to rival a planet like New Damascus, the colonists of Pharos are already dreaming of those better days.