Identifying Antagonists

From Sojourn

Due to confusion over how much knowledge people would have about various items and the various antagonists, the following is the rules concerning identifying antagonists.

This page is considered part of the Rules.


As always, if someone comes along spouting IC "knowledge" of things on this page normally deemed secret, or any other lesser-known details of the setting, including Sojourn-specific things, your characters are free to respond to them in much the same way as if they were talking about "chemtrails" or whatever the lunatic theory of the day happens to be.

Suspicious Items

Suspicious items are purposefully hidden from the general public and from most colonists, which is necessary for some antags to fully complete their tasks. These items are mostly considered contraband. Certain items however are identifiable to those with certain training. Suspicious items are occasionally available on the black market, and if identified, possession of such devices does not necessarily imply malicious involvement.

Recognizing an object does not mean you know it's from a nefarious group, only what it is, and what it does. Some items are also simply modified versions of existing items, and some items are disguised.

AI and Cyborgs

The AI is only able to glance at things with it's camera, making identification hard at distances. All items disguised as other items are therefore unidentifiable unless blatantly in use (e.g. Emag, hack tool, mysterious package, lighter, etc.)

AI's are able to tell when obvious contraband is used though (e.g. Revolvers, energy swords, etc.) In keeping with conventions, AI's are allowed limited knowledge of contraband, but are only to offer this information if directly prompted.

Cyborgs follow the same rules as their human counterparts, but can ask the AI for any suspicious objects.


The following is a list of Syndicate items and who would be able to tell what is what. If the item is not listed, the default is only the Premier or Warrant Officer would have any vague knowledge.

Sleepy Pen

It's just a pen. If R&D took it apart and investigated its contents, they would find that it is a low-capacity hypospray hidden inside a pen case.

Chameleon Clothes

Seeing one of them changing would be pretty weird and probably known as holoclothing, and suspicious if it's to a restricted item, which is definitely chameleon clothing. Security and Science should be both very aware that it is minor contraband outside science.

Agent ID card

It's a normal ID to most people. It's normal to Heads unless they investigate it closely (and have a reason to do so), in which case it's an illegally modified ID card, thanks to electronic warfare abilities and able to copy access off any ID card scanned by it.

Voice Changer

It's an ordinary gas mask, until someone talks with it on without an ID or switches IDs infront of someone while talking. With investigation, R&D could find out what it is and how it works, though anyone could tell what it does if they see it in action. Noticing distinguishing features (or a lack of them) which aren't covered by the mask, and are wrong for the person whose voice is being imitated, would tip someone who knows that something is going on. Do not recognize features that are listed in the character's flavor text but would not be visible with their current attire, just because our server has flavortext always visible does not mean you should be abusing it.


It's an odd and suspicious device. Security knows it's illegal. Research can take it apart or otherwise investigate it to find out exactly what it does and how it works.

Cryptographic Sequencer

Everyone can immediately see it's a modified ID card (which is illegal), engineers, security, and scientists would know that it would screw up electronics like in doors if they investigated it closely.

Traitor Radio Key

It's an ordinary radio key, until you put it in a radio, in which case you'd be able to tell that it goes onto an unknown radio channel. This isn't illegal by itself (there are a LOT of empty channels that don't usually get traffic). Listening in on encrypted channels, like department channels, is.

Hacked AI Upload Module

Everyone knows it's a circuitboard. Soteria personnel could tell that it's a modified AI upload module, which is very illegal. Roboticists would be able to tell how it's modified, and that it uploads corrupt, overriding laws. Security would not know any of this unless told.


Everyone knows it's not of colony origin, engineers know it's going to suck power out of the grid and is therefore illegal.

Freedom Implant, Compressed Matter Implant, Explosive Implant, Uplink Implant, Slave Implant

If seen on a body scan or investigated by Soteria personnel outside the body, it is obvious what these are.

Hostile Groups and Inviduals

Mercs, pirates, and criminals exist. They do mercenary, piratical, and criminal things. There are about a million different groups and factions of them, and crew are unlikely to know anything about the band that just showed up unless they've dealt with them specifically before.

Crew will generally be aware that people in the underworld carry and use a variety of black-market gear, and unidentified hostiles are more likely to be common or garden criminals such as these than they are to be any actual organized group such as the syndicate, spider clan, mondkyne smugglers, or whatever else you might immediately metagame from seeing an emag.

Void Wolves

Void Wolves are a common faction of smugglers found in frontier areas who are not a collective group but a collective identity. By using the same armor and name many groups can collectively avoid identification by appearing as one cohesive mass. So a void wolf may be a human Serbian underneath his armor working for a crime family while another group might be mondkyne smugglers working for a small time gang of less than eight people. The only consistent traits are they are hostile, wear similar looking armor, and rarely have peaceful intentions.

AI Malfunction

AI's and Cyborgs are not normally known to malfunction.

With the exception of overwhelming evidence, outright declaration by the AI, or from the 'Hostile runtimes' message from Director Mkne himself, the AI and Cyborgs should not be presumed hostile. Law resets are not out of the option if the AI is acting odd and there is reason to think its laws might be affected, but this doesn't mean that it's hostile.

Spider Clan

Spider clan ninjas are as mysterious as they are deadly, and as deadly as they are mysterious. The crew know nothing.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that a dude in a black suit and a mask appearing on the station and then cloaking is likely not good, but it also doesn't mean "that's a spider clan ninja who carries a THX-1198 self-sealing biosuit with a cyclic rate of..." and so on. Keep in mind, such suit models can very rarely be found in maintenance, but are generally not as well equipped.


Carrions are a failed experimental bioweapon that escaped and spread. They are small, sapient spider-like beings that kill a human host and "infect" it, operating it like a puppet. They view organic sapients as a desirable source of food and genetic material, and have no compunctions against killing them. They used to be a consistent threat to long-haul space freighters and other similarly isolated groups, but have been hunted to near-extinction by the Church of Absolutism.

Anyone may have knowledge that carrions exist, but for most people they are a distant threat that's more legend than reality. Only Church members, xenobiologists, or the research overseer may know anything about the specific abilities of carrions. Those individuals know that carrions have a symbiotic relationship with giant spiders, and are often seen with them. Church members may know that they are immune to being "infected", and that attempting to baptize a body that is host to a carrion spider will destroy the body, forcing the core to flee. Divisors know that carrion's host body can regenerate from seeming death, and that the core within must be destroyed in order to actually kill the threat, and that they can both summon spiders and create specialized spiders, but they have no knowledge of the specific types of spiders a carrion might use beyond the infection spider.

Cortical Borer

Cortical borers are known as a symbiotic creature, though some of their exact workings are not known. Medical and research staff would know that sugar sets them at ease and makes them much more cooperative, even inside of a host, and salt does the opposite. They would also know that borers can secrete chemicals and try to keep their host alive, usually.

Only Soteria staff would know any specific details about cortical borers, anyone else would at best have heard rumors of brain parasites but would be unaware of their symbiotic nature, weaknesses, or ability to secrete chemicals.


The hivemind are an techno-organic virus that infects people and machines and turns them into corrupt monstrous creatures. In addition to spreading corrupting wires across the ground and through burrows the hivemind generates monstrous fusions of organic and mechanical material. Hiveminds are a known threat and anyone would recognize the strange wires or creatures they create. The hivemind is considered an immediate code red scenario.

All colonists would be aware of these key features:

  • Strange wires are spread from a hivemind node, which is the nucleus of the hivemind infection.
  • Many of the more dangerous aspects of the hivemind include sonic screams which scramble and stun those who hear it. Magnetic blasts which knock people over and toxic globs of sludge launched by infected machines.
  • Dead bodies found by hivemind creatures may be converted into hivemind monsters, further fueling their destructive potential and rendering the person unrevivable in the process. This can include any creature, from colonists to dead roaches.
  • If a hivemind is left enough time to spread and infect enough machines it will eventually create a hivemind tyrant, a huge creature of immense destructive power fueled by radioactive biomass.


Little is known about the history of the Excelsior Commune beyond their seemingly Pan-Slavic roots and its resemblances to the old Soviet Union, a historical government of Pre-Federal Russia that was notorious for a despotic Communist regime, government-engineered famine, and "ethnic cleansing," a process defined as the mass expulsion and/or genocide of ethnic groups that did not conform to or were in direct opposition to the regime. What is known about Excelsior is that they are a technologically advanced and openly hostile group despised by Federal, Exodite, and Confederate peoples alike for their use of military force and subsequent forced indoctrination into the Commune via the use of mind-control implants, which the Commune also uses for covert communications. They also possess distinctive space-worthy armor, tesla weaponry, advanced manufacturing equipment, and experimental machinery capable of generating materials from huge quantities of energy and converting nearly any kind of technological implant into the comm-plants they use for forced conversion. Any usage of Excelsior technology not explicitly authorized by the Brigadier or Provost is grounds for incarceration and a potential full Code Red lockdown pending an investigation. Under no circumstances should you ever use Excelsior weapons, armor, machines, or equipment without explicit Brigadier or Provost Marshal authorization if you are not an antagonist. You may be perma-brigged as a result except under extraordinary circumstances.

Excelsior machines and implants are powered by and with signals from Excelsior communes, allowing the signal to be tracked and potentially exploited by Excelsior members if discovered, hence the fanatical enforcement of preventing such devices from being used at all times.