
From Sojourn

Administrators have the broad power of sustaining the administration on the server. They wield the ban hammer, have executive authority to issue orders to denizens, and some are tasked with the Staff Head-like role of writing and maintaining the rules. They are directly beholden to headmins, who may intervene if they believe an admin is acting beyond or in contravention to the server's direction.

Spirit of the Law

Administrators are granted the power to interpret the rules in more broad and creative ways than moderators. In circumstances where a denizen frequently comes close to breaking a rule without actually breaking it, it is the administrator who determines how much, or how close, is too close. For situations where the punishment would normally be minor, it is the administrator who may find an instance to be particularly egregious and escalate the punishment to match.


While the old adage "it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission" may spare a player from punishment, whether it be a breach of the rules, a disregard for lore, or misuse of a bug, it's expected to stop - preferably before administration needs to get involved.

It is the administrator's prerogative to judge when an exception to the rules will contribute more to the server than their enforcement. Unlike moderators, their approval may span over multiple rounds, and ignore lore or bugs. These approvals should be issued conditionally and temporarily, to ensure that they're not taken too far.


Administrators are empowered to enforce all sanctions that are necessary in a situation. Whether this be as simple as banning an unrepentant troublemaker, or as complex as issuing individualized bans, mutes, job-bans and de-whitelistings to a group that's causing issues, the administrators are involved in the process.


The administrator that takes custody of an issue is responsible for it even after the situation has been resolved. In the event of an extended ban, it's that same administrator's role to handle the appeal. In the event that a head administrator has assigned another admin to the case, the administrator with custody is still expected to provide information, evidence or other assistance in the appeal process.