Church of Absolute

From Sojourn

The Church the Absolute

The Church of the Absolute is a faction representing their faith on the colony of Nadezhda, and they handle a wide variety of tasks both spiritual and mundane. The church is considered by many quite mysterious due to the nature of their customized technology and the implant all of its followers carry. The church contains multiple divisions and is by and large the most independent of any group on the colony. They are led by their "cartographer" and prophet, Augustine Browne, a member of the High Council. Due to a past steeped in conflict with the Sol Federation, they generally favor peace and independence, a mantra that is at odds with their advanced weapons designs and production of arms and armor. The church has existed now for forty-four years and was once quite widespread in frontier space, giving them some level of legitimacy until the attack by the Sol Federation resulted in many casualties and an exodus to the colony.

Divisions of the Church


The Saints are the church's charity and public relations branch who focus on keeping the colony more welcoming to them. Charity is their day to day mantra and many Saints do volunteer work to upkeep the colony. This often takes the form of members growing and producing vegetables and fruits to feed the members in the colony who struggle to make ends meet. The Saints also work as community service members and diligently clean the colony at no cost using supplies produced by their biogenerator. A part of this secondary cleaning service also includes the removal and cleaning of any slain animals to avoid potential health hazards. Many members of the church, in particular those of the Tessellate path, also provide medical aid through practical use of church produced medical supplies and the use of their healing litanies. Conversely, the Saints also handle the merchant accounts of the church where they sell supplies to other factions such as medical equipment to the Soteria, holsters to security, general clothing and raw food supplies to the Lonestar, and weaponry for the discerning colonist. Despite their heavy focus on charity work, the Saints provide many supplies to the colony itself at a cost, leading to them having rather lucrative and deep pockets that are third to Soteria and Lonestar, respectively.


The Numericals are the research division of the church and responsible for most of its technological designs ranging from the cruciform to the biogenerator systems. The Numericals are by far the smallest division and overseen by Augustine herself who approves new creations be they weapon designs or the formation of new prayers and litanies. Many Numericals are former or current Soteria scientists who followed Augustine after she departed from the Institute itself. Their position presently in the Soteria is... Tenuous at best, as their usefulness and the Soteria's limited hiring pool force director Mkne to make allowances. As Numericals are small in number, they are rarely seen on the upper levels of the colony due to its various dangers and their high value. Those that are found will always state (or claim) that they do not quite understand the full workings of church technology and it is only Augustine's guidance that allow their inner workings to function.

The Testament

The Testament is the arms and armor manufacturer of the church who produce weaponry from designs created by the Numericals and later sold by the Saints. The Testament designs are factored into the Old Testament and the New Testament, with the old weaponry being created pre-Exodus and the newer designs being created upon or after arrival to the colony itself. The Testament sells the weapons and limited-use design disks in abundance to most buyers which makes church armaments quite prolific, if quite expensive. A secondary and less known task of the Testament, is to create armor for church disciples that come in various forms. Such as steel plated Vector and Prime armor, to sleeker, more subtle protection such as the Prime coat, Divisor great coat, and the stylish church branded sports jacket. Such defensive designs are almost exclusive to active church members however, as are their most advanced weapon designs such as the crusader great sword and tower shield. While not all members of the Testament follow the Divisor path, as some Monomials do, most Divisors choose to work in this division at some point.

Commandments of the Absolute

The Church of the Absolute is in and of itself non-denominational and accepts most forms of worship from external religions should they be palatable by the general population. The Absolute views all religions and all paths as variables headed to one specific end and that all people, knowingly or unknowingly, will follow this path. However the church does have a set of commandants all members are expected to follow without question.

  • Thou shall always aid and comfort a fellow colonist in need, if said comfort will aid them.
  • Thou shall always aid fellow colonists by reciting thy cruciform litanies when requested.
  • A member of the fold shall never harm another member, unless by inaction would an innocent person die.
  • A member of the fold shall never demand of or treat unfairly a fellow member.
  • A member shall not use the Scrying litany on another member without permission, those in the church must respect each others privacy.
  • A member shall never misuse the Atonement litany, nor those like it, for unjust punishment is a grave sin.
  • None shall desecrate a cruciform or church artifice, such objects are sacred and deserve respect.
  • One's path, be it rite and benediction, must always be respected. Failure to perform them shall result in atonement.

The Paths

The Church of the Absolute, by its very nature, is one of a personal spiritual enlightenment taking influences from various religions due to many converts being from former faiths. These influences over time have built into what is known as the paths, forms and styles of worship that focus on specific areas of faith. The major paths themselves are capable of unique representations of faith in the form of litanies known only by those who walk such paths. The choice of a path is often personal and can be difficult to change as the litanies are derived from the persons cruciform. Due to the complexities and fail-safes built into cruciforms, it is exceedingly difficult to have one replaced without first facing a trial worthy of having it altered. It is not entirely unheard of for a person to walk multiple paths, but it is exceedingly rare. Those who choose a path also have a rite and benediction they are expected to perform when the situation permits it, detailed below. A rite is a specific task that a church member should make an effort to perform on a weekly or daily basis, while a benediction is a customized prayer separate from cruciform litanies in which they speak allowed in specific situations.

Those who choose no path and thus use the Vinculum cruciform are not held to any rites or benedictions, but may choose to perform them if they wish.

Cruciform.pngThe Tessellate Path: Shepherd

The Tessellate path is one of healing and grace, for those who desire unity within the colony through the form of tending to the wounds of others. Those who walk the Tessellate path often see it as their duty to aid everyone, be they within the church or not. Those who walk the Tessellate see mercy as the greatest virtue and its gift the hand of God itself. The Tessellate cruciform users have access to the Healing Word and Graceful Repose litany, both of each heal the wounds of all who heard their words be they within the church or not. Many within the Tessellate path also see healing as the best way to have others support or join the church, often times being the most willing to preach the benefits of the Absolute to bring in new converts.

Rite: Those who walk the Tessellate path are expected to aid those not of the fold, and the act of following fellow colonists on expeditions and excursions to aid and heal them is seen as a holy duty. This may take the form of aiding a team of prospectors or Blackshield, or simply accompanying one or two colonists to ensure their safety.

Benediction: The Tessellate is required to beseech the Absolute before each excursion to ensure the safety and health of those they follow by prayer, usually by speaking it aloud so all involved will hear the words and know they have the protection of the Absolute upon them.

Cruciform.pngThe Lemniscate Path: Herald

Those who follow the Lemniscate path are known commonly as the heralds of the Absolute and are often quite charismatic, channeling the power of their cruciforms into empowering prayers with such willful enthusiasm that the effects last longer than any other word of power. The Lemniscate believe that camaraderie and friendship is the key to unity, not necessarily charity, and see all people within the colony as just as important as any member of the church. An idea that takes the form in their unique words of power which last three times as long as the standard vector or prime would have. The Lemniscate are also, conversely, the most willing to work outside the church itself by volunteering in other factions to spread the good word.

Rite: The rite of the Lemniscate is one of bolstering relations with those outside the church. During the completion any notable event, be it success at the colonies defense, destruction of its enemies, achievement of those on duty, or any celebration, the Lemniscate are expected to put together a feast or general reward for the colony as a whole. This can take the form of ordering (and subsequently paying for) a feast from the kitchens or cargo, creating and setting aside supplies for people to freely take such as arms or medicine, or supplying useful sundry items in the form of gifts such as pouches, belts, or other useful items. This rite may also be performed before such events instead of after as a way of boosting morale.

Benediction: The Lemniscate have a single benediction which is spoken before any challenge is under taken. The words vary depending on the litany that is often tied with it, but the goal is always the same. They pray for the Absolute to guide them on in their tasks, so that they and those around them will succeed on the challenges ahead. Often times this takes the form of asking for perseverance in the face of adversity.

Cruciform.pngThe Monomial Path: Ascetic

The Monomial order is one of personal self reflection and self improvement. The Monomial is often considered the path of the monk and is also the only path to focus on the self. Monomials have access to the Resolution and Perfect Self litany, powers which allow them to expand on the limits of what their body is capable of. The path of the Monomial is often one of solitude and philosophy, however this focus on self improvement often translates to guiding others on their own path to the perfect self with studious words of wisdom.

Rite: A Monomial is a master of the self, of the body and mind, pain is simply a weakness to be over came. A Monomial shall never take any form of painkiller or medicine to relieve his nerves. Any pain is to be endured and resisted with only the words of prayer as comfort. To stutter under the effects of pain is to show weakness, a Monomial must remain calm and silent, enduring until the hurt has passed.

Benediction: The Monomial has a single prayer that is only spoken when the Monomial believes that what will happen soon will result in his death. This prayer is a dirge of acceptance to whatever may happen, however it happens, often times this takes the form of confessing ones sins or mistakes and coming to terms with them. If the Monomial perishes and is later revived, it is customary for them to seek out a Prime and repeat the benediction to them so they may be absolved.

Cruciform.pngThe Divisor Path: Paladin

The Divisor path was once the smallest of all paths, known for its focus on martial ability and combat as its primary area of perfection. The Divisors have since grown in number since the attack and subsequent exodus of the church and now boasts a healthy host of followers. The Divisors believe that the protection of the church and its members come first and fore most beyond anything else and vow never to let another catastrophe happen again. This focus has also made them somewhat of a church police force, enforcing the commandments and expectations of the church to ensure apostates and heretics are rooted out. Their focus on martial success grants them the Canticle of Defense and the Ire litanies, respectively.

Rite: A Divisor is a shield, first and foremost, looking out for the interest and safety of fellow members of the fold. A Divisor is expected to place himself between any and all threats to the church and its members. A Divisor who fails to perform this rite and allows fellow church members in good standing to come to harm must request a Prime to perform atonement upon them until the Divisor falls to the ground.

Benediction: A Divisor sees his duties not as a task to be enjoyed, but a labor to be endured. Whenever someone of the church perishes (though some Divisors may perform this benediction for any colonist) they must pray for the safe return and revival of the body. This benediction is to be spoken first and foremost, any delays are considered sacrilegious, and should the person be incapable of revival the Divisor is expected to retrieve and carry their cruciform until midnight that day.

The Church and Charity

As one would expect of a church, they are highly involved in all things charity be it through food programs, cleaning services, or sharing their advanced technology. This, however, is by choice and is not an obligation on the surface floor. Should a member of the church wish to donate things (pouches, weapons, armor, medical supplies, etc.) then that is their choice. This does not, even under our commandments of aiding colonist, require you to give away everything for free or without charging monetary value. The church is, after all, in control of several business sectors in which they ensure the coffer's cups ever runneth over. Should a fellow colonist, even ones with cruciforms, demand items for free it is up to the discretion of the prime or vector in question to determine if they should charge for it. Supplies and biomass are finite and in short supply, after all.

The Scrap Beacon

The scrap beacon is a marvelous technology capable of bringing trash from space down to the colony for people to salvage. The beacon is, however, quite dangerous and should not be mistreated. Gloves and gas masks are advised at all times and one should heed any and all alarms while the beacon is active and pulling trash down. Trash piles also may reveal lockers with roaches in them, so members of the church should keep the wall obelisks filled with biomass to protect them and colonist when they are not around. Additional, while the scrap beacon is owned and operated by the church, it is considered a rule that it is public access and primes nor vectors can bar anyone from using it, as per an agreement among the factions. Vectors and primes are, however, encouraged to build additional standard obelisk if materials are abundant to ensure additional safety. One final note, is that salvage rights for the beacon are based on first come first served. The first person to touch a trash pile has the rights to everything in it.

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