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"It has been said by some that violence is never be the answer. It is not the answer, but rather, it is always an answer. The correctness of it to a given question is where practical morality shows itself. Any given question can be answered through ever escalating violence. A solution can be found through ever mounting force. A solution, however, does not imply the correct solution."

Despite rumors and slurs, the Akula are in fact a race of amphibious repto-mammals as akin to ravenous lemurs as they are to any sort of fish. Reaching at the stars from the harsh wilds of their tumultuous homeworld, the Akula are an ancient species sculpted to brutal elegance by fundamental laws of biology and competition. From the industrialized clans of yore, to the fierce mercenaries, soldiers, poets, and craftsmen found across the galaxy, an Akula is known for his or her dedication to a craft or skill. Often seen as blunt, violent instruments, they frequently find themselves overlooked by other species in favor of more “predictable” options.

Home system and planet - High Tide

Uacilla is a binary star system of dual main-sequence stars, Uacilla Major (Huycau) and Minor (Barastyr). The majority of planets orbit the larger sun, Uacilla Major; Kurdalaegon - The innermost planet, a red terrestrial world devoid of anything but minerals and heat; Donbettyr - The only life-bearing world in several hundred lightyears, a rocky ocean world of near constant storms and two synchronous moons, Huyaendon and Aeldar; And the two gas giants, Tutyr and Faelvaera respectively, and the many moons and captured asteroids thereof from the haphazard system belt. On the other hand, Uacilla Minor only has the small, desolate world of Aminon.

Donbettyr is an old, battered ocean world, with its little land coming in the form of rocky island chains and sparse, windswept continents. Under the waves lives a nearly unimaginable biodiversity which is still undergoing extensive cataloging. Unique geology and wind erosion dot the ocean sides with spires and arches, while the steppes are adorned with literal steps of geological jutting and collapse, and the strange rocky waves of eroded mountains and overhangs. The northern hemisphere suffers harsh prevailing winds and frequent storms, and rarely do three days pass without showers in a constant North-Atlantic squall. While in contrast, the equator is dotted with thousands of islands of every form, though with the massive tidal shifts from the harsh gravity wells of the moons and the entire system, and frequent tsunamis, the cliffs, volcanos, and massive saltwater mangroves are often the only permanent refuge.

The equatorial atolls and mangroves are a hot, wet paradise in the short ‘dry’ season of midsummer, with rich reefs and tropical vistas. The paradise is only a temporary respite from the harsh tropical storms that always linger on the most distant horizons. In stark contrast to the islands, the few distant continents exist largely as dead rocks of moss and lichens, and grassy steppes. The primary continent, Dzerassae, is relatively small by most standards and divided in half by a east-to-west massive erosion valley through the central steppes, and is home to the “Serpent’s Ribs” of several hundred meter half-arches along the valley’s edge. The two largest forests on the planet reside on the north and south of Dzerassae, both temperate and tropical rainforests respectively. The second largest, Batraz lay approximately 1,200km to the East of Dzerassae and was at some point part of joined supercontinent. Batraz is known for its harsh, black cliffs and deep grazing valleys, rich in non-mineral resources. The smallest of the naturally inhabited continents, Tlepsh contains the densest and highest quality mineral deposits above sea level under its barren volcanic wastes.

Biological overview - Less shark, more shark

Akula evolution has been one of the longest and oldest amongst modern sophonts, with their homeworld reaching the Palaeozoic equivalency before the Last Universal Common Ancestor split on Earth. Following the laws of hydrodynamics, the ancestors of most of Donbettyr’s amphibious predators followed a striking resemblance to the various iterations of sharks found in nearly every ocean in the galaxy. These pseudo-reptilian ancient monsters ruled the lands and shoals for nearly a billion years, while the swirling nightmares in the endless seas outpaced the slow evolutions of the land. From stubby, flopping amphibians came the repto-mammals which spread and become the majority of omnivores on the land.

Over the course of a long, creeping evolutionary tree, climbing hunters vaguely resembling modern Akula took to the trees and cliffs, avoiding larger predators while taking to diving for prey of their own. These bizarre, naked shark-lemurs developed into a niche specialization of diving social pack hunters and ambush predators. For five million years, their slow rise to sapience grew, as ever more complex needs and strategies arose.

Two hundred and thirty thousand years ago, the approximate anatomically modern Akula formed. In the time since, they’ve softened slightly from the monsters of both land and sea of old. Averaging between 185cm and 220cm, the modern Akula is a sleek, powerful sculpture of darwinian efficiency. With robust, hydro-dynamically shaped snouts and skulls, and broad diamond teeth, their origin as semi-aquatic predators marks nearly all their features.

  • Starting from the ears, pointed and rear-swept shape allows them to be pinned back and streamlined once on the attack, protecting them from damage and drag.
  • Their eyes focus primarily on distance, adapted to the plains and searching the waters for prey, leaving most to be somewhat farsighted. A protective third eyelid, known as a Nictitating Membrane involuntarily shields the eye from damage and scratching while diving and in extreme frenzies.:
  • The braincase holds a secondary viscous layer of non-newtonian gel, acting as a secondary blood-brain barrier and a shear-thickening pressure buffer. This aids in protecting the brain from concussive waves and shocks through air and water, but offers little against direct blunt trauma.:
  • Moving to the snout, the tip is reinforced against shock, and has fewer electroreceptors than the rest of the nose. The nostrils have a small closure to keep water from rushing into the sinuses when diving and thrashing.
  • These sinuses lead through the skull from the nose to the upper neck, through an olfactory cavity to a set of tubular semi-vestigial internal gills, and out of a pair of small slits located roughly behind where human ears lie on the neck, which are virtually invisible while closed. These gills cannot handle a sufficient volume of water to survive and function underwater indefinitely. However, they serve an unusual function of keeping the brain safely oxygenated while the Akula remains in a “zen” meditation of slowed cardiovascular function while underwater, sensing and waiting for prey.
  • The upper body muscle structure is well suited to climbing the sheer cliffs and tree trunks of their homeworld, though less so for swimming. Females have typical mammalian features, being warm-blooded repto-mammals.
  • The respiratory and cardiovascular systems feature a high oxygen pre-loading, able to more easily double or triple the body’s normal oxygen saturation safely, or slowing down the vascular processes to a crawl. In combination with the pseudo-gills and pre-breathing, an Akula can remain perfectly still underwater for upwards of ten to fifteen minutes without any additional equipment or training.
  • Four digit hands end proportionally balanced arms, though double-jointed, the claws and palms clearly define the inside to be the primary grasping surface.
  • The stomach and digestive tract are not overly picky about protein structures, and are able to extract nutrients from virtually any meat or animal products in the galaxy.
  • The most striking and noticeable feature of any Akula is their large, highly functional tails. At up to a quarter of their total body weight and containing a significant portion of their muscle mass, an Akula’s tail is the key to their impeccable balance and unrivaled swimming abilities amongst sophonts.
  • Reproductive anatomy comes in fairly simple form, as is the reproduction itself. Male and female genital structures are both simple, self-lubricating, and sleek. Females give live birth to animalistic pups after a short seven month gestation period in single or litter births from one to three pups. The pups are unusually independent and instinctual until they finish achieving sapience at roughly age three and transition to exclusively bipedal.:
  • Akula legs are quite powerful and are well developed for climbing and leaping clear of rocks or branches. Digitigrade legs end in three clawed, webbed toes, with a vestigial dewclaw sometimes removed at birth. Despite this power, they are not well suited to long distance running or land speed, but exceptional at marching with heavy loads.

Thermal regulation is achieved through metabolic means, panting, and sweating, while cold survival is more of an innate evolutionary factor of Donbettyr life. Unless in water or in heat of approximately 30c and above, the average akula is faced with a dull chill despite temperatures rarely exceeding this threshold anywhere but midsummer on the equator. Conversely, this chill fluctuates little until roughly 0c to 5c. Their skin is non-scaled and variably rough or smooth depending on location, with typical patterns of lighter underbellies and darker patches or stripes along the “upper” surfaces relative to being belly-down in the water. Skin colors tend to be shades of grey, tan or brown, or slightly blue or green-grey. Bright tones do not occur naturally. Hair colors average in the brown, black, grey, silver, and red shades with blonde or other colors not appearing in any unmodified populations.

History and cultures - More bite than bark

One of the most striking factors in Akula biology, evolution, and culture is the duality in all things. A species of ultra violent predators leashed with cultural and religious traditions of restraint and personal responsibility. Nearly a hundred thousand years of myth, legends, and oral traditions weave endless tapestries of empires, nations, religions and ideals which have ebbed and flowed in the tides. Legends and population distribution suggest that before the last Ice Age on Donbettyr, Akula civilization had achieved global circumnavigation and empires before approximately 70,000-85,000 years BCE. Meticulously carved neolithic ruins both above and under the seas suggest advanced societal structures and tool usage on and off at least as long, and potentially as early as 130,000BCE. Despite this, by the time of humanity’s first contact with them, the species was still a form of pseudo-industrial, coal and oil burning society.

During first contact, the broader continent of Dzerassae was divided into a “lukewarm” war that had been underway for two hundred and sixty years as far could be determined. In fact, much of the world was embattled in low-level colonial skirmishes, piracy, and clan rivalry. This, however, was the norm, and for as long as memory and records served, this was how it had been. Tribes, clans, and nations variably skirmishing over resources, territory, or egos. City states dotted the rare useful lands, low rise sprawls tucked away or perched at critical junctures or on ancient ruins over the cliffs.

Cultures and religions vary naturally, especially given the immense stretches of time between them. An eternal stalemate to survive, let alone thrive. A consistent thread throughout, however, is the idea of the Mother Culture, long dead and unknown. The virtues of restraint, clarity, introspection, and the good of the family are a common theme seen as all that separates the Akula from the barbarity of the wilds. Naturally boisterous and reactionary, the species is leashed by self discipline, personal responsibility, and holding back the instincts and inherent violence for the hunt and the battlefield. These ideas are the building blocks of nearly all religions, suggestion a common root.

Owing to the brutal, uncaring desolation and endless seas, the Akula way of life is disciplined and collectivized to survive. An individual’s value can generally be measured not by their riches, but in deeds for their groups’ well-being, or in the refinement of their craft. Clans, packs, and families form strong bonds of in-group loyalty, often with tribal ties between even modern corporations and syndicates. Wars have been averted and waged along the lines of these ties. These traditions extend to the near innumerable vessels and fleets that sail the relentless seas, and the predictable oceangoing ways that have shaped societies for millennia.

Naval warfare, piracy, and privateering are constant staples of Akula history, and the lines where any of the three begin or end are blurred by the alliances, syndicates, and overall chaos of the near-anarchic political world. The few unified nations capable of supporting significant naval power have historically risen and fallen countless times, to the point where nations exist effectively separate from their governing entities, returning to recover their few material possessions and rebuild once the newest warlord has taken power. This eternal cycle has trapped the Akula in a nearly perpetual state of semi-industrialized dark age for several thousand years, after at least three renaissance and enlightenment ages.

The Akula way of life is rough, and often violent. For the most part, societies are largely egalitarian, with men and women expected to pull their weight in labor, defense, childcare, hunting, and farming. Civil rights tend to be limited more by tradition and religion than law, though law tended to be dealt by the gun, the sword, and the rope until the establishment of Sol Federation courts. Decades of strife against the rapid advancement and social degradation and degeneracy have seen the rise of sub-militias and mercenary bands ostentatiously acting as SolFed aligned supplementary Planetary Defense Forces have formed along the ancient tribal, religious, and modern national lines. Despite being one of the oldest and loyalist client species of the Solar Federation, the situation on Donbettyr is only kept stable by the looming threat of SolFed peacekeepers bringing order should any faction act out of line. One can take a shark out of the water, but that does not make it tame.

First Contact

Discovered fairly early in human expansion and colonization, Uacilla was happened upon by the survey vessel CEV Old Bull during the first waves of human expeditions through interstellar space. The discovery came as part of colonial prospecting in an expedition investigating planets on the NOMAD IV catalog identified through exoplanet atmosphere spectroscopy to have nitrogen-oxygen atmospheres within the goldilocks zones of their respective stars.

The Old Bull sent for additional resources and vessels while a forward listening post could be established on Aeldar. In the intervening years or months (depending on relative reference frame), teams of xenolinguists and biologists listened and observed while the planet was mapped, sampled, and studied. By the time the Needless Defiance and CEV Ares arrived in-system, the Old Bull had collected enough data to develop a very basic translation system based on primitive radio communications, and rumored abductions. On October 12th, shuttles of the Old Bull and Ares were escorted by drop-ships from the Needless Defiance to every major landmass on Donbettyr. On all identified channels, messages were delivered in the three primary languages translated at the time.

Heavy rainfall prevented initial contact for several hours. Word of the alien landings made its way quickly to skeptical leaders around the world, and life went on. Frontline skirmishes between North and South Dzerassae slowed during the first few days while the logistics of investigating the alien presence were dealt with by the locals. In the northern plains of Dzerassae, the Jaesso were the first to make meaningful contact with Humanity and acquiesced to the human requests to establish a base on their land. Once word of the discovery reached the public of Sol, a colonization effort soon took form. Human settlements formed on the tropical archipelagoes to become centers of tourism and trade while several plant species on the mainlands were exterminated to eradicate their anaphylactic and carcinogenic pollens. The SolFed takeover of Donbettyr required quite little in the way of manpower or violence on the part of Humanity. Instead, over the course of three years, the Last World War was won by human-allied nations and war-bands using basic laser weapons supplied in exchange for loyalty.

Modern Society - Fish out of water

As an old, loyal part of the Federation, Uacillia underwent rapid industrialization and colonization, with Humans and Akula having permanent facilities or colonies on or around every celestial body in the system, and several in surrounding systems. Until the development of Bluespace transportation, Uacilla and Donbettyr laid towards the fringes of Federation space and as such remained a relatively independent entity until the long journey to these far-flung fringes became within reach to the casual interstellar traveler.

Human development of the tropical islands and archipelagos into tourist and luxury destinations flourished the otherwise fledgling economy of the Uacillia system, between the actual tourism and eager investments which brought the industrial might of the Solar Federation to the system in a meaningful way. The oceangoing floating paradise cities that dot the seas are a popular attraction for the galaxy’s wealthy, and the less extravagant areas are within reach of the upper middle classes.

For all the advancement and good that colonization has brought, a significant and seemingly irreparable social divide widens by the day. A stubborn, ancient people, the Akula largely prefer to develop and use tools, machines, vehicles, and weapons which have been designed and built by Akula with inspiration from alien technology before purchasing human made products. Exceptions are common, of course, but the craftsman culture remains alive and well.

Competition within and between social groups is a simple way of life, and even with the low-rise urbanization, population density has never been higher for this territorial species. From corporations, gangs, and even labor groups, brawls are frequent, yet grudges between groups tend to de-escalate as they demonstrate their honor and skill in these skirmishes. These issues are almost universally set aside for festivals and holidays, in keeping with hospitality customs meant to absorb new members into groups.

Though a number of mind-altering plants and undersea flora exist, the only accepted methods of intoxication are alcohol and a cactus-like flowering plant known as kolyuchkha and the honey thereof. The kolyuchka plant can be processed into salves, dried and made into tea, or smoked, all of which provide a very mild, mildly addictive calming clarity and numbness. Though these effects are lesser in other species, the plant and its honey are widely exported for its medicinal properties. The thorns were also used for early needles and darts. All other more destructive forms of drugs are violently opposed, with drug dealers regularly being hung from bridges and lamp posts. Users, pushers, and dealers are generally not recognized as having rights, despite the law.

Personal aviation and boating are common pastimes, with many families having some form of hobby craft. As well, nomadic tribes took early on to using motorcycles and hover-bikes which have become cultural icons akin to the horse in human history, and the rough nomadic men and women are often featured as masculine ideals and biker gangs as charming rogue counterparts. Due to vague geological similarities and the traditional nomadic lifestyle, the term “Mongols” has been attached by humans to these bands, though allusions to cowboys are nearly as common.

Family and clan values continue to exist as a driving factor for many, and ancient modesty traditions hold true today. With the exceptions of strict practicality, Akula clothing tends to be baggy and unflattering, with hooded cloaks, coats, and ponchos being ubiquitous on the planet of near constant rain and mist. Dull earthy tones, washed-out cool or dark warm colors with small touches of brighter accents and embellishment are the most common, with outliers often facing communal ridicule for childish tastes and attention seeking. This sort of social shaming is a cultural constant, as with the in-group collectivism, being an outlier or degenerate shames the entire family/clan/tribe/nation/species.

The same cannot be said for the “New Akula” of the oldest human settlements.

The Sudak - New kids on the block

As with wherever humans have tread, change follows. With them came wondrous technology, medicine, and genetic modification. The latter of which has created many things, and in the eyes of the average Akula, nothing good. Through genesplicing and manipulations, the Akula subspecies came to be in a matter of decades.

The Sudak (Sudaek plural) are extremely closely related to, and are considered a subspecies and splice of Akula with Human features, rather than Humans with shark-like features (though in the server are counted as abhumans for the sake of species selection rather than Akula themselves). More fair and lithe than their mainland counterparts, Sudak average 10-25cm shorter and significantly lighter and less dense. Hair and skin tones vary greatly from typical True Akula, with garish bright pigments being the norm, though more traditional colors do exist.

Though being the only biologically compatible species for breeding, mixed couples are rare and result in exile from True Akula clans in the vast majority of cases.

Notable differences between True Akula and Sudak/Sudaek are as follows, in order of visibility:

  • Coloration is often much more vibrant, and rare markings are exaggerated.
  • Slighter builds.
  • Human jointed hands, sometimes with five fingers.
  • Plantigrade, four or five toed feet.
  • Eyes tend to be more open and expressive.
  • (Occasionally) Actual shark gills attached to the throat rather than the smaller gill slits.
  • Smaller teeth, less aggressive teeth and larger molars.
  • More human like mannerisms, with an almost exclusively human neural structure.
  • Generally more positive and “open” personalities.
  • Looser sexual practices and standards.
  • Unusual genital structures.
  • Existence of hermaphrodites or other malformations otherwise purged from Akula genetics.

Some Akula accept the existence of the Sudak, and individuals thereof. They, however, are a small minority against the overwhelming disgust held by the average person. For both physical, ethical, and social reasons, Sudak are considered aberrations and the term Sudak used on a True Akula is tantamount to a harsh slur and a sure way to start a fight. Racial tension remains at an all-time high, with Sudaks/Sudaek often seen as the antithesis to True Akula morals and ideals. That said, the Sudaek have earned a permanent place rooted deep in the SolFed workings in the entire galactic region, being much more amicable with Human preferences and practices. This has earned them a reputation as manipulators and rootless cosmopolitans more interested in status than the good of the people. The willingness to take and issue loans has also earned a great deal of ire amongst various religious groups, on top of already being seen as unnatural mutants, religious anti-usury practices are older than any records found to date and deep-rooted homophobia further widens the divide. Much of this has been found to be a result of uncanny valley, however.

In direct contrast, the belief in being evolutionary superior and more refined permeates the budding Sudaek culture, fueled by early persecution. Seeing their ancestors as brutes and bigots, Sudaek generally identify more with human culture and customs. Tropical life with the openness of their vacationers’ paradise and the comforts of cutting edge technology, they’re typically quite outgoing, bubbly, and “comfortable” in many aspects, even by Human standards, let alone the refined stoicism of their mainland cousins. Favored for their more positive demeanor and less intimidating features, the Sudaek have a disproportionate public representation in media, marketing, and customer focused roles throughout the Federation. The face of Donbettyr is that of a smiling Sudak girl in a grass skirt on a tropical vista, as opposed to the stoic, robed and gun-toting Akula warrior poets of the Serpent’s Ribs.

Akula and the Galaxy - Sharks in space

Despite their long presence in the Federation, the Akula remain a minority against the human and abhuman Federation. Saddled with a storied reputation as brutes and warmongers due in large part to the quite famous images of the “New species of laser-shark berzerkers” from the earliest colonization, Akula have a limited public image outside their galactic region beyond engineers, miners, military, and exploration roles. At large, a significant deal of confusion between the Akula and Sudaek exists in the public eye, with the Sudaek being more prominent in media and often identifying themselves as Akula to avoid the somewhat insulting name, and true Akula remaining insular to human and Akula groups.

On top of this, is the confusion that True Akula are exclusively warriors or workers, while the Sudaek are the poets, artisans, and craftsmen. The rarely understood truth is that Sudaek are much more in the service, banking, media, and humanities. As well, reputations for sexual diversity and freedom blanket the public perception, much to the dismay of the prudish, modest traditionalists that make up the majority of the species… And to the disappointment of many would-be suitors.

Akula-Human relations are the strongest inter species tie for the polite xenophobes. Abhuman races are generally politely tolerated and respected if they earn it, but not something to bring home to the family. Pure humans can become recognized as part of families, tribes, and clans, and while it may be begrudgingly given by some, being accepted by a group is a significant honor and comes with the perks and protections thereof. Much like being a citizen of ancient Rome, declaring oneself a member of a band or clan carries a significant social sway and responsibility.

Relations with other species are less favorable. The most common first contact method any species has with Akula comes as the spearhead of SolFed annexation or from pirate raiders beyond the edges of civilization. As such, Akula Breacher Teams are renowned, feared, or reviled depending on who hired them.

The Mar'Qua, for example, have had overwhelmingly negative encounters and relations with Akula, despite a vague biological similarity. Both sides claim objective superiority over each other, and Mar'Qua media representation of Akula as nothing more than monsters has created significant tension between the species on top of extreme differences in culture and morals. Body language readability and the stoicism of Akula until their indignation boils over lends to the belief of being short-tempered and spontaneously violent by the uninitiated layman. Mar'Qua in in turn, are seen as blind, pompous, and willfully ignorant.

Likewise, relations with the Naramadi are tense at best, and openly hostile at worst. Virtually all contact between the species comes from conscription into the various branches in the SolFed military. Significant human oversight and mediation is needed to reduce the number of “accidents” incurred against Naramadi, with mixed units requiring Human officers to prevent fragging. Inherent social and biological differences between species draws harsh ire from Akula troopers, who are self-motivated and see service as a duty and regular part of adulthood, in direct contrast to the impression of Naramadi being individually cowardly and requiring harsh leaders to motivate them into brutal combatants. As such, Naramadi are considered immature and akin to dull, merping, overgrown pups suitable for distractions and cannon fodder. Few acts of intelligence and heroism are sufficient to earn Naramadi recognition as fellow warriors instead of attack dogs.

Expansion outwards from their wet home has been slow-going compared to most other species in the Federation. Conversely, it’s also been the most ethnically homogeneous non-human expansion in the Federation, with Akula staking claims to a number of second and third tier habitable planets. The few Akula colonies are far-flung and highly selective for conditions similar to Donbettyr. On the other hand, many have found their way across the galaxy as traders and workers, and indeed, some as soldiers and mercenaries.

Without the restraints of the Solar Federation, it’s impossible to know the path this species will take, between stagnation, genocide, or expansion into Andromeda, only time will tell.


For Akula players A “True Akula” features:

  • Digitigrade legs with three toes with claws, and a vestigial dewclaw.
  • Four-digit hands with claws and double joints.
  • A single small closing slit near where human ears would be for exit-only vestigial gills.
  • Single-rows of large, broad teeth.
  • Modesty in clothing.
  • Extreme traditionalism and family/clan values or rebellion against that tradition.
  • Cold resistance, but always feel slightly cold out of water.
  • No mutations due to disposing of mutant children before or at birth for over a hundred thousand years.
  • Nictitating membranes.
  • Biting is seen as extremely vulgar.

You are a member of a species of consummate professionals with ancient traditions of meditation and restraint. Passions are embers or thermite fires, behind masks of predatory stoics. Your people are exceptionally traditional and bigoted, but polite and respectful, showing a dignity to animals and people, even the people that are considered no more than savage animals. You are an ambassador of your people, your family, your clan, and your species, and you actions are your net worth. Arguments and petty squabbles are below you, and your slates cleaned of grudges once your long, controlled fuse runs out and you put someone in their place.

You are an alien, you are not trusted, your people face significant prejudice and a reputation as mindless monsters without culture. Your family history is likely older than the Roman Empire and your clan sailed the waves while woolie mammoths still roamed the Earth.

Naming and general cultural hints should fall in the broader Eurasia inspirations, Slavic, Caucus, Tartar, and Mongolian. Regular human names are uncommon, but not egregious. Muted tones and high standards are running themes. Mutations are virtually non-existent and body modifications are grounds for exile. You’re most likely from a brutal under-developed world, or born in space. You’re always a bit cold without your modest, practical clothes, jackets, cloaks, or scarves. Your colors are expected to be fairly natural and sharky, though very grey greens and blues are fine. Bright neon tones are not socially acceptable, though outcasts can be found in space trying to escape these norms and dogmas.

You are not reproductively compatible with any humans or abhumans except Sukaek, and that is wildly taboo, and produces only True Akula or only Sudaek offspring depending on the mother’s species. Interracial couples are excommunicated from Akula social groups. The sexual revolution was crushed with an iron fist.

Your effeminate, weak, mutant cousins are social, biological, and ethical chromosomatic aberrations. The sight, smell, and sound of them makes your eyes roll and twitch with disgust at these domesticated playtoys of the rich and powerful. Being called a Sudak is fighting words and a curse against your name.

For Sudak players A “Sudak” or genespliced Akula features:

  • Typically plantigrade, human style legs and feet.
  • Normal, five digit hands.
  • Optionally, actual shark gills.
  • Smaller teeth, optionally with disposable teeth.
  • Genemodding.
  • Optionally, colorful hair or markings, possibly even with scales or fur.
  • Free spirits.
  • Cute.
  • Unusual genitalia or atypical combinations.
  • Generally socially comfortable.

You are the anime shark-girl of everyone’s dreams. Essentially a human with a snout, a tail, gills, and pointed animal ears, you’re free to be as colorful, garish, and degenerate as you’d like. You’re less physically imposing, still unusually durable, but only the most trained and dedicated, genemodded bodybuilding Sudak compares to the nature of True Akula. In exchange, you’re not burdened by the staunch traditions and etiquette, backwards religions or bigotry. You can be as free a spirit as you’d like.

You cannot pass as a True Akula unless taking significant and active measures to blend in, and even then you’ll look noticeably effeminate and child-like to your shark-monster cousins, even if you don’t to human eyes. You fit somewhere more akin to other abhumans, despite being biologically very Akula.

Your firebrand temper, or mild demeanor are just as socially valid as anyone else, as are your lusts and desires. As free as anyone can be in times like these, you’re not nearly as affected by the ever present chill, and can comfortably show as much skin as legally allowed. Your kind is known for their hospitality and pleasant, if intense ways. You can live hard, love hard, and play hard.

You and your family are inherently a higher economic strata than your brutish relatives, with your charm and sleek looks. The blood of an ambush predator still runs through you, and without the raw power to use that, your grace, wits, and body, you can navigate the modern hunting grounds of wealth and influence just as well as the ancients hunted the seas. You’re the next evolution in Akula, and you wear the name proudly, even if just to spite the brutes who call themselves the “True” Akula to undermine your kin.

For everyone else: At first glance, the average person might have trouble telling apart an Akula from a Sudak, if even remotely aware there’s a difference. Previous experiences and familiarity largely depend on the character’s background. Service, business, and medical/research types have likely encountered mostly the “cute” and lithe Sudaks/Sudaek subspecies of genespliced Akula, which are generally rowdy humans with tails. Sometimes known for being especially “comfortable” around people.

On the other hand, those in more hands-on professions might have experience with “True Akula”, large, digitigrade shark monsters which keep to themselves or their working groups. They’re seen as warmongers, pirates, and savages, with their culture mostly ignored in all depictions. Often seen as antisocial, this is a defense mechanism against starting pointless arguments or damaging productivity.

Quick Start Guide

Because no one can remember it all.

  • Akula, big space shark people standing on the average of 180-200cm. Pseudo-reptilian reptomammals, no relation to Earth sharks.
  • Modestly covered and usually wearing protective clothing.
  • Robusto.
  • Digitigrade.
  • Acta non verba. Arguments and pettiness are beneath acknowledging.
  • Ultra-traditional, restrained, meditative, and contemplative.
  • Predatory omnivores.
  • True Akula are always a bit chilly when out of the water.
  • Sudak(plural Sudaek), genespliced cutsy sharky folks averaging 160-180cm. Also used as a slur. Free spirited sharks that are essentially fishy humans.
  • Uacilla is a binary star system with Uacilla Major (Huycau) and Minor (Barastyr).
  • Donbettyr, the stormy, rocky homeworld with dual moons, Huyaendon and Aeldar.
  • Dzerassae, main continent with forests at each tip. Batraz, resource rich cliffy continent. Tlepsh, harsh volcano hellscape.
  • Stylistically space-cowboys, Mongolian nomads, and classical Slavs.
  • Mongolian throat singing.
  • Lots of “ae”.

Akula as a species may be the oldest species of sophonts currently active in the galaxy. Cursed with poor public relations, they are a divided people split between loose genemodded free spirits, and ultra-traditional stoics. Sleek and clean death machines, they represent completely opposite ends of political, social, biological, and aesthetic spectrums. Rain-soaked cowboys, gold-hearted firebrands, spacefaring mercenaries, grass-skirted dances, and everything in between. The Akula are a diverse, ancient people slowly sinking their teeth into what the galaxy has to offer, whether the rest of the universe likes it or not.

  • Akula are amazingly tough and thus get +10 to their toughness stat. An extra +10 can be gained if their homeworld is chosen in character setup.
  • Akula are far more comfortable in colder temperatures than humans and have a much stronger appetite by comparison.
  • Akula have a heavy and blunt tail, an appendage suited for striking hard but not fully harming others. (Similar to a pulled punch)
  • Perk: Akula gain the perk "Reckless Frenzy" which increases their toughness and robustness by +60 but reduces every other stat by -100 for 1 minute every 15 minutes. Using the perk has a loud and vocal growl.

Canon Species in the Sojourn Universe
Core Species
Akula - Kriosans - Humans - Mar'qua - Sablekyne - Naramad - Abhuman
Non-Core Species
Opifex - Cht’mant - Cindarite - Mycus - Folken - Minor Factions