User:LillyTrilby/Event Proposal
From Sojourn
Mid-Round Small Scale Events
When running a small event mid round with spikes in pop or when requested by the players for something to do, use this checklist for weather or not the event/proposed idea is worth/can run. If your event requires a larger scope that has many players involved request additional event operators to help.
Event planning channels are your friend, as well as in game chats such as Msay.
Remember to always log your event and add as much detail as you can so that later review can be conducted without requiring constantly checking logs.
- Ask the administration team (Moderator+) if the round is able to be meddled with, if their is no administration team online, ask on the discord. If no relevant staff reply in a timely-manner* the event may be run if voted by the players but the event runner will be held accountable solely for all incidents pertaining to the event and may lose their position for even one unacceptable infraction when running events with no oversight.
- If your event has build mode editing be sure to screen cap and log the edits you have done to the map.
- If your event requires you to load in a non-merged template, then see about asking a mapper or Code-Staff head if the template that you are producing is good to use. When checking a template the reviewer should be looking out for space tiles, debug items, or other red flags that could ruin a round. If unable to get a map-reviewer in a timely-manner* that ask the same administration (Moderator+) to review it over. If you are running without oversight and require a map template to be used, then ensure the template is saved for review later.
- If your event has lore implications and does not directly use what is already on wiki pages or past events, ask a lore person or Lore-Staff head for it to be approved. If unable to get a lore-person, or other appropriate staff, in a timely-manner* ask the same administration team (Moderator+) to review it over for any red flags.
Some small bullet points to to think about when running smaller scope events
- Does this affect more people then indented and or that I can handle? If so ask for additional event opts to help or limit the scope of your mid-round event.
- Are players not having fun? If players are clearly not enjoying the event do not ramp it up but rather let it slower peter out.
- Does this impact players that are going to spawn into the round? If this is the case, use tools to set up OOC announcement on server that the round has an ongoing event or had one.
- If your event requires antags (Such as placing players into mobs or humanoids) ensure that you ask Event Ops before random players as having access to communication is key when in an event.
- Mid Round events are not major! Keep it simple! If an event is getting out of hand or resulting in a lot more conflict/chaos then indented take a step back and let the event cool down.
- Many events once done have faxes sent to report what happened or other things, be sure to stick around post-event to help log faxes.
- Timely-manner is typically 5-15 minuets.