Job Strikes and You

From Sojourn
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This page describes lore, rules or features that are no longer in use. This template may be updated later to redirect readers to a relevant current element.

What is a job strike

Job strikes are when you or the character is being punished for either being demoted, doing something really bad, or as punishment for your actions.

A Job strike can lead to staff to require you to update your character's records with required information on said job strike.

Failing to do so is against the Rules

The Basics

Some basic points on job strikes.

  • A Job Strike is out of three.
  • Job Strikes can be given on characters *and* players.
  • A Job Strike lasts 3 months
    • Job Strikes timer resets when getting a new one
  • When getting 3 of 3 job strikes in a Faction/Role/Job/Aspect your character or you the player, are banned from that Faction/Role/Job/Aspect
    • These can be applied outside of just normal characters, such as a discord role, or using a type of chat

What Todo When Getting A Strike

  1. If you get a job strike, the first thing to do is find out why. Ask the admin giving the strike or in Player-Staff-Chat.
  2. If you are still able to, save chat log.
  3. Wait till round ends, this saves staff, and yourself a lot of trouble from giving you time to RP your situation, reflect on what/why you got the strike and if its valid in your eyes or not.
    1. If you feel the job strike is unfair, to harsh, or even wrongly placed(!) make an appeal on the discord using the ticket system, with your saved chat log if you have it, explaining your side!

An Example

  • This is an Example and is completely based on fiction

This is a cut and dry case of a job strike being added and then appealed without any fluff or back and forth to give the reader a basic idea on how this process in an ideal world would go.

A Premier gets demoted for the crime of Assault. Premier is notified of their job strike for being demoted. The Premier saves logs and later after the round makes a ticket request for the job strike to be removed. Logs show Premier acted in self defense and admins approve on removing the job strike.