Frontier Livin'

From Sojourn


Welcome to the frontier Kin, This here is a guide for the basics of the lodge, helping you survive in the wilderness of amethyn. This book is penned as a survival guide, for the actual civil stuff. Go and take a look at the hunters codex. Beyond that, be on your wits and you'll do fine! - Matriarch Smail

Tools O' trade

When you arrive to the lodge, take a moment to gather your bearings and then gather your gear. The lodge provides tools and weapons to help with your survival on the frontier. The most notable and useful include:

  • Hammer: Thanks in part to luck and somewhat a lack of general chemistry knowledge, most of our medicines can be produced by simply hitting it with a hammer. So picking one up is vital to help with processing medicines.
  • Cable Coil: This Guild made wire is strong, resilient and generally useful. Keep a roll of this around to help with production of arms, including Upgrading armors.
  • The Skinning knife: The most important tool in the hunters arsenal. Considered almost as valuable as a hunters life, these knifes should not be given away to anyone outside the hunters. The knifes are the sharpest blade on the planet but its forging process makes it too fragile to use as a weapon. Each knife is gifted to the hunter on their joining by the matriarch, either directly or indirectly.

Medicine made Easy

"When your fighting beasts of the wild everyday, You can't exactly find yourself a doctor in the middle of no where. So through several months of exploration, I found a solution that is both simple and doesn't rely so heavily on a doctors degree to produce" - Matriarch Smail.

After gathering the gear needed to process and prepare. its time to prepare medicines and for that a selection of domesticated animals exist to help procure medicine. be sure to use your knife!

Farming and Ranching: First step is to grow the crops you need for breeding the animals of the lodge. Each animal has specific dietry needs, but will begin to reproduce new offspring once fed. See below for more information.

Name Description
Reject Tatonka & Tangu A Cow who escaped the colony and underwent moo-tation. These two headed bovines consume wheat to reproduce and are the most valuable beast on the lodge.
Reject Clucker A chicken who managed to escape the colony and mutated. These single feather chickens produce nutritious eggs and their single feather contains enough painkiller to help with injuries on the field. Feed them poppies to make them reproduce
Reject Ceburus & Chimera The lodges hunting dogs, based heavily on the more wild hell diver. These beasts feast upon mushrooms, with liberty cap being among their favorites. Thanks to long term breeding, they are now safe for ch'mant to approach.
  • Making the medicine: There is a lot of crafts availible to the lodge and more being added over time. it would take a lot of space to detail each an every crafting method, so I will just cover the most basic and essential. down below is a guide on hwo to produce the two main medicines of the lodge, Tatonka tongue and Tatonka powder pouch.