
From Sojourn

"Through swift winds our bolts fly, each beast another bounty to be had".




The Lodge


Hunt master, The Matriarch



The Hunters call

"A hunter is never hired for work, they answer their own call to do something legendary."

Hunters who answer the call can come from any creed or lifestyle, they are trained in the hunters ways to be Different. Even a lack of colonist status does not prevent joining the hunters.

The Hunters Codex

The lodge is unique, as it holds its own laws and customs outside of traditional col only law. So it is heavily recommended you at least take some time to read the hunters codex before joining, even if you are experienced to the server itself. The Codex is written by the matriarch herself, and therefore is the final word unless said otherwise.

If you are uncertain or the codex does not cover an issue. use your commons sense, or do what your character would do. better to have tried and failed, then give up.

The Hunters arms

The lodge has been a hard labor of work between various factions and therefore has access to various arms and gear to assist in the hunt. Whilst you are not limited to these items, they serve as a starting base for your future hunts. These include:

  • The Hunters Armor: Many a foul enemy will seek to harm you and for this, the hunters armor is the best protection for the job. Modifiable with bone for resisting brute attacks, leather for energy and metal for ballistics, this simple yet adaptable armor is important as it also acts as an identifying look to our allies.
  • The Hunters halberd: The main weapon of choice for the hunters, based on likableness design. The halberd itself is self explanatory, but best wielded with two hands for maximum effectiveness
  • The hunters crossbow: The most advanced piece of tech a hunter has. This is the ranged weapon of the hunters, capable of firing slag bolts at a high rate of fire , similar to that of a shotgun. Bolts are crafted from steel rods, making the ammo efficient and the weapon sufficient without dependence on outside sources.