Neighbors and Factions

From Sojourn
Revision as of 04:18, 30 January 2021 by Nightmare (talk | contribs) (Adding in Kriosan Confed section)

Throughout Federal, Exodite, and Confederate space, there are a number of corporations who specialize in one or more types of product, some of which Lonestar Shipping Solutions frequently does business with, some are primarily criminal organizations, and some restrict what they will openly sell to the colony to specific lists of products for legal reasons. Here follows a list of known manufacturers, their backgrounds, and some of their best-known products.

Greyson Positronics

Greyson Positronics began as a Martian cybernetics research firm funded primarily by interest groups from a democratic Taiwanese, Pre-Federal government on Earth known as the Republic of China, in the hopes of securing a military advantage over the much larger authoritarian Communist regime which dominates the Chinese mainland. Being one of the main exporters of electronic components, Taiwan was able to spearhead the development of autonomous drones and artificial intelligence systems, including the first Integrated Positronic Chassis; a modular, cybernetic unit with inbuilt fabricators, allowing the tool configuration of the unit to be changed on the fly with the use of a multitool by a trained roboticist. Some time afterward, Greyson Positronics developed the Master Control Mainframe: A positronic brain mounted in a supercomputer chassis, capable of autonomously controlling, debugging, and maintaining the electronic systems of an entire facility, as well as being assigned IPC units, which it could coordinate to perform physical maintenance detail. The MCM, unlike the ICPs, was not slaved to any directives. It had the free will to do what it wished within the bounds of company policy, was given an incredible amount of responsibility, and was generally treated by the company that created it as being just as valuable an employee as a human would have been with the same responsibilities. This MCM unit, which is still active to this day, is known as 'Hal Greyson,' and formed a close working relationship with the Greyson family who built it. After the unsuccessful attempts by the Sol Federation to assassinate the Greyson family and subsume its assets, Hal Greyson orchestrated the first exodus from Federated space, in a move that crippled the Solar economy, for which SolFed propaganda continues to demonize them to this day. Greyson Positronics now resides on the distant planet Xianjian, as a primary manufacturer for the transhumanist Xianese Democratic Republic. It also has several autonomous facilities on various non-chartered planets along the Perseus arm, including Amethyn, which are maintained by Secondary Control Mainframes, in order to conserve resources and manpower. These facilities are immensely hostile and treat all non-greyson machines as a direct threat.

Nanotrasen LLC

When Greyson Positronics departed from Federal jurisdiction, it left behind a number of small subsidiary companies, which provided it with basic tools, standardized uniforms, pens, radios and headsets, and all manner of other small electronics and assorted items that could fall under the category of 'office supplies,' 'convenience,' and 'general goods.' Without the resources and guidance of the megacorp they supplemented, these subsidiaries decided to make the best of the situation and do what seemed most logical; Pool their resources together into a limited liability conglomerate under the leadership of one Jackson Trasen, a wealthy shareholder from Mars with some experience in corporate management. Such things as fire alarms, airlock electronics, office supplies, hydroponics trays, and most of the run-of-the-mill machinery, even on Nadezhda, contain circuitry and stock parts originally designed by the companies now united under the name Nanotrasen. More broadly, it is a safe assumption that any common object or device that does not bear the manufacturing mark of another company is produced by Nanotrasen.

Scarborough Arms

Scarborough Arms is the second largest manufacturer of ballistic weapons and armor in the galaxy and, due to operating from Exodite Coalition space, well beyond the reach of Federal Jurisdiction, it enjoys the privilege of doing business with any and every individual with the money to buy their merchandise. Their weapons are widely acknowledged to be affordable, effective, and reliable, and are distinguished readily from competitors' wares by their sleek black finish and the Latin phrases stamped upon them. Scarborough Arms was first founded with the formation of the Kriosan Confederacy, during the war between Elysium and Krios. It is they who designed the orbital defense railgun batteries of the 'Fortress World' in order to defend themselves from the Elysians' immense naval power, and who provided the necessary ballistic science expertise to Nadezhda to develop the M12 Omnirifle.

Kriosan Confederacy

The Kriosan Confederacy is the only known neighboring nation near the planet of Amethyn, of which the colony Nadezhda is on. Formerly under the control of the Sol Federation, the Kriosans rebelled and won at a heavy cost. Now, they are a small yet growing nation with control of several nearby sectors. Whilst relations have been rocky with them, currently the colony maintains a trade agreement along with a defense pact with the Confederacy, the resulting trade agreement granting Kriosans to build several outposts within the system of Amethyn. The defense pact stands for both the colony and the Kriosans, with either assisting one another when they are in need. The first case of this occurring was the Kriosans sending a drop pod with a specialized combat mech during a Excelsior assault.

Void Wolves

Void Wolves are not so much a faction but an identity, a catch all mask that is used by frontier pirates to avoid detection and classification by the various groups and empires they prey upon. While one could identify which group a Void Wolves belongs to with enough study, this commonly accepted mask works to make many of the disparate, often warring, pirates blend together enough to make them seem as a cohesive whole. One can usually be spotted by their common use of traditional void suits modified with armor plating and the use of energy swords, energy pistols, shields, and breaching kits. A more unsavory aspect of Void Wolves operating in the local region are the use of vat grown humans bolted with remnants of armor and equipment used to guard or assault locations. These 'meat puppets' are no more than organic machines with their weaponry and armor nailed to there flesh and used strictly as cannon fodder.

Of the Void Wolf factions operating around Nadezhda, the known groups are:

The Iron Lords

Leader: Jun Juro
The Iron Lords are a group of Void Wolves allied to the colony that provide enforcers for other Void Wolf factions, their primary asset to the colony is being look-outs and reporters of potential threats and problems. The Iron Lords have three well equipped ships, weapons, and quite a few hardened criminals working under them. According to rumors, it's leader Jun had a previous acquaintance with Over-Boss Jeremiah Hogg, though the details are unknown at present.

Xanaroth Syndicate

Leader: Barbara Xanaroth

The Xanaroth Syndicate is a group of smugglers and traders operating on the frontier and provide a wide range of goods, if the money is worth it. They are allied to the colony and presently work very closely with Lonestar, transporting equipment from cargo using their trade routes, a risky but incredibly profitable venture. The syndicate has a massive range of lightly equipped and speedy ships, giving them a wide presence as a frontier merchant.

Urianth Construction Company

Leader: Inuaq Ar’u

The 'free traders' of the frontier, the Urianth Construction Company builds on both planets and ships and has a small number of highly skilled engineers, atmospherics technicians, and construction experts. This particular group is known quite well for working with a wide range of factions and are allied with the colony, providing schematics they have either designed or 'appropriated' by their men. Though no proof exists, some have noted that of the known faction capable of providing vat grown cannon fodder, the Urianth is the most equipped.


Leader: James Preston

A relatively unknown group that seems to be spying on the colony and has reported to have worked with Excelsior more than once. Of the Void Wolf groups, they are the largest, most ruthless and don't seem interested in allying with the colony. They are considered shoot-on-sight by most Prospectors and Marshals.