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Full Body Prosthetics or FBPs are a true biological and robotics marvel. Their only practical use of right now is of being mobile hospital beds for those who have sustained major mortal wounds and are unable to pay for more advanced surgery procedures. Basically, a robot human(oid). Uses in other fields are arguable.

Quickstart Guide


  • There is no naming scheme, height reference, species body parts or anything of the sort.

You can be sophisticated robot or a human brain in a synthetic body. It's alright for you to be a synth, or a protogen, or anything of the sort.


Writers note: I have noticed that IPCs/FBPs/etc are really fucking buggy lol

  • You are immune to toxin and oxygen damage, the second two most common and the second two most annoying damage types to treat.
  • You can self repair yourself to a certain point. Use cable coil for burns and a welder for brute. You will require synthetic surgery if the damage is "severe denting" for brute and "melting" for burns.
  • Depending on your background setup, you can spawn with a tool implant. This is charged with an M class cell instead of being directly linked to your atom cell for reasons unknown.
  • You are extremely vulnerable to EMPs, ion rifles are your worst enemy as they can kill you very quickly.
  • You cannot gain insight, so you will have more insight than usual when spawning in.
  • You are unable to eat or drink.
  • You can *beep.

BIG FUCKING IMPORTANT WARNING NOTE FOR YOU: please bring them to robotics instead of medical ok that's all thank you


FBPs, or more accurately, robots as an idea have no real history as it is too generic of an idea to be credited towards a single entity or person. Robots have been dated back on Sol as popular media as early as the 1950s.

The first FBP was created at a Greyson institute. It involved a painstaking process of multiple surgeries and (probably) some moral codes fractured into smithereens. After prototyping with posibrains and several failed attempts, they had succeeded. It involved the removal of an unnamed patient's central nervous system, spinal cord, skull and the brain inside it and implanting and neural networking into a robotic shell ran on a gas generator. It also included a robust blood pump, oxygenation system and nutrition pumps. It could not smell, touch or taste and was basically a skeleton plated with metal and with a human brain inside it. Today, some people question on the ethics of the procedure. But it is old (relatively speaking) soviet experimentation, nothing out of the ordinary.

FBPs were then forwarded by Nanotrasen. With their increasingly large budget and the requirement of more manpower, they improved on what Greyson created and made it so that it only requires the human brain, with the insertion of it into a connected MMI. It was a questionable act as they already have cyborgs that could be constructed on site, and would completely remove the point of it. Another notable improvement is the addition of a microcell, basically a specialized atomcell, though based on hawking radiation phoron energy generation instead of an RTG. It also included a retractable charging cable if the cell or energy systems should fail.

As of right now, FBPs most latest design are designed by Soteria and the Guild. Soteria FBPs are usually robust, while the Guild is more specialized for specific skills. Other than basic improvements, nerve wiring was added so now FBPs can feel touch. The phoron cell was removed and instead replaced by an atomcell as it was too expensive and a niche concept.


FBPs have no dedicated form, it will depend on the manufacturer and the purpose of the prosthetic. Military and industrial FBPs will usually have more bulkier, stronger frames while research and data FBPs can have more robust data systems, and others could have tools for botany, culinary and other purposes. FBPs come in many varieties, but most notable are three, being the default from manufacturer lines. Sometimes called droids, robots, bots, etc. The second are synths, usually a normal FBP chassis with a layer of synthetic skin, hair and other modifications to make the shell as close to human as possible. The third and final one are a mix of the two. Protogens are usually one most can name off the bat.


SECOND BIG FUCKING WARNING NOTE: As of the rules, injecting in races from other codebases is against it. Though, the lore makes FBPs with a positronic brain in them (IPCs) being a completely viable idea. Plus Greyson actually has IPCs, though it doesn't mean you could play them.

IPCs or integrated positronic brains are a type of FBP, invented by Greyson, and then later developed by Nanotrasen to fill gaps in their workforce. Usually it can be summed down to an upgraded cyborg, though they are mostly cheap, besides the phoroncell within them, it is the most expensive part of a Nanotrasen IPC, but not by much, considering they have major access to phoron already. IPCs still exist to this very day, though like synths, people express concerns more greatly, stating such as uprisings or planetary control to even purging of all biological populations.


FBPs are usually used by people who cannot afford more pricier surgeries or medical operations after sustaining major mortal wounds, usually by exosuit operators, shipyard engineers and large scale hazardous miners. Basically, for people who need to get back to work after a life threatening injury and can't afford an operation to fix it.
FBPs have a designed frame/chassis/shell/etc. for every job career available, including military.


Transhumanists usually see FBPs as a way to leave their human bodies as they say their flesh is too weak. Others say because they want to by choice. A small portion choose to be an FBP because of, other... more personal reasons.


FBPs play a large role in faction militaries, as of reasons already stated, military conflicts usually generates a lot of casualties. Transition to FBP cause of life threatening injuries is a major reason why many enlisted become FBPs. FBPs in military scenarios are usually exosuit operators, mechanical divisions and forward assault teams. Most notable though are exosuit operators, as sometimes their FBP is the exosuit itself. Though, the exosuit is not a FBP itself, the act of inserting a human into a synthetic shell is.

Business and corporations

As stated, IPCs are a thing that exist. Most companies will usually buy bulk FBP frames and then insert positronic brains into them to fill in their workforce without the moral and ethical hassles of a human. Transhumanists and robot sympathizers usually speak out against some companies for the poor treatment of IPCs.