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=Core Beliefs=
<small>'“Imagine a polyhedron with infinite sides, infinite size, infinite complexity. Different peoples have observed different parts at different times, and assumed that what they saw was all there was to see. They added on their own thoughts to complete the picture.  Divine mathematics allows us to see past that to the Absolute truth and begin to measure its intricacies.” — The Word of Augustine </small>
<big>''“It is important to keep in mind that entropy decay refers to randomness, and not chaos. We have a way to measure randomness, but chaos cannot be measured. That’s why the teachings of the cartesian plane are so important, and one of the various things we can learn with mathematics.”''</big> - Topology, 11:13
The Church of the Absolute is a religious movement founded by Augustine Browne, the Cartographer, in 2605. The Church frames itself as the end result of four millennia of religious development, the ultimate and all-encompassing belief system for all sentient beings, with all previous religions being admirable efforts in the direction of their Absolute. As proof of their advanced understanding of the nature of the universe, they hold up the Cruciform, biological augments with reality-warping powers powered, they say, by faith.
==The Teachings of the Cartesian Plane, “The Axis of Stability”==
“The Teaching” or, “Pivot of Stability” was a theory turned into a dogma - after Augustine had met the Absolute - that introduced new concepts about bluespace reality and the very cause of the bluespace crash. The research of such matters started in 2623 but finished in 2647, two years after the bluespace crash that turned all related tech unstable and highly dangerous. Diversified research groups attempted to understand what was the cause of the bluespace crash and the numericals of the church of the absolute was one of them, finding various relations not only to something they started to call “Reality Punctures”, but the knowledge of how to avoid and even potentially repair them. These tears in reality were first observed by Augustine, who discovered them in her research into the creation of the first cruciform. These bluespace theorems and machines created what was essentially a defined structure, not so much making but discovering a function that revealed how reality was structured by way of matching its form to bluespace. This proved, beyond reasonable doubt, that a pattern existed within chaos and that infinity could reach in any direction, but always returned to a single definitive point.
===Before the Exodus===
<small>“How many years have I wasted in this place? How long have I thought to do science, ‘pure’ science, without once considering by whose hands the foundations were laid? At least I am enough of a scientist to admit when there are flaws in my methodology.” — The Word of Augustine</small>
This structure itself was referred to as the Cartesian plane, as it easily and readily fit exactly do mathematical models of a similar nature. Bluespace became a measurement of the 'negative' area of the plane, representing things immaterial, chaotic, and often unknowable. While above a certain point the positive area became real space, where reality and normality existed in an easier to understand sense. As all people are within this realm of understanding, it makes it mundane and easily measured, while areas beyond adhere to different rules, thus making it inherently unknowable. Movement between these zones are essentially teleportation, using rifts or changes known as variables, that effect both the points people may move both within the realm of normality and the realm of bluespace. These variables, however, are the chief cause of bluespace entropy, causing all manner of strange and chaotic changes where normality weakens as the result of mottling both by mortals and by entities within bluespace.
The early life of Augustine Browne and the very earliest days of her Church remain mired in mystery. It is known that she grew up within the Christian church, and that shortly before the church’s founding almost half a century ago, Augustine was the chief of the Soteria Institute’s robotics division and personal friends with Director Nakharan Mkne. Recent events have brought to light Soteria’s hivemind experiments, carried out during Augustine’s tenure as chief roboticist. Most assume these experiments are what lead her to produce the Cruciforms in secret and then take a small number of trusted colleagues, an unknown amount of unpublished research, and several key pieces of scientific equipment to leave the Institute in 2605.
===First Exodus===
<small>“Some claim the nature of Augustine’s revelation was eternal; that the Church as is appeared, in full, in her head at the moment of prophecy. This is nonsense. If it were true, we would not require her leadership; merely her instruction. The revelation of the Absolute is ongoing and temporally mediated. From the spacers, we learned never to abandon a fellow, never to discard what might be reused, and to keep the decks spotless.” — To the Limit</small>
The limit of this plane is defined four fold and essentially limitless, the understanding being that their are essentially four potential realities, but of them we only understand two of them, that being real space and blue space. From this point of understanding we see all that extends before the beginning and all that may be understood. We do not create nor truly define things within our reality or another, merely we discover and map what is already defined, allowing us to see and understand it.
It was at this time that Augustine claims to have had her revelation, stumbling upon the Absolute while attempting to chart out a system of divine mathematics, and founded the earliest form of the Church of the Absolute. She and her disciples fled from the core worlds, where they were persecuted as thieves, and lived for a time among long-haul space traders. This flight, the First Exodus, is where the Church grew in earnest, syncretizing with the spacers’ existing beliefs and cultures and attracting numerous converts intrigued by Augustine’s call to a return to selfless, communal living. This is also where many of the Church’s technologies were invented and perfected; biomatter technology began as an effort to improve their ship’s recycling systems, and Church weapons were invented to protect the faithful from the pirates that plague trade in frontier sectors.
===New Byzantine===
<small>“The alderman of New Byzantine was an atheist until his dying breath. I don’t think he much liked Augustine as a person, either; he was a hard drinker and a gambler and a libertine. But whether or not he believed it, the Absolute showed him the truth; that the Church of the Absolute was the best hope for his community.” — To the Limit</small>
==The Plane of Stability, “The Axis” and the Four-edge star==
The First Exodus ended when Augustine brokered an agreement with the independent frontier world of New Byzantine in 2630 to host her growing congregation in exchange for access to their advanced technology and deep labor pool. While some groups remained in SolFed space or on long-haul traders, unable or unwilling to heed Augustine’s call, most of the Church descended to New Byzantine in that year. Locals, at first cautious of the new faith, quickly came to understand the benefits it brought to them— both the economic improvements it brought to their agriculture and manufacturing sectors, and the order and stability it brought to their chaotic lives.
While some believe that there are two other dimensions yet unknown and that one of them represents spirit and the other death, what many can agree on is that all four dimensions, no matter their purpose, meet at the Axis point. This point is where all things unreal, real, natural, and supernatural meet. The cross roads where mind and body cease to differ and all that has ever been, will be, has been exist under a singular entity that created and controls it all.
Conversions skyrocketed in those years, as did the population of New Byzantine. The Church grew larger and its technology and structure more sophisticated. Other traditions syncretized with the Church, leading to a greater diversity in thought and practice. The Paths formed and their Cruciforms distinguished. They sent missionaries to other frontier worlds, returning with converts, pilgrims, and trading partners. The Church’s holy texts were edited and distributed. Over time, the Church and New Byzantine’s civil authority began to merge as the faith came to shape the daily life of every person on the planet.
<small>“Tyranny is the greatest sin. It is the assertion of temporal authority, backed by violence, over spiritual authority, backed by justice. It must always be opposed.” — Catechism</small>
The four dimensions, also called the four edges, are treated as a star from which all sides can overlap with each other. This points, often referred to as zero events, are places in which blue space can invade into real space. What causes this impulse of activity is not quite known, as sometimes they happen without bluespace use, as entropy is not fully understood even by the church. The nature of the Axis is not inherently understood either, as it has no reflection on any of the existing planes, yet is clearly the starting point of all of them. It is only through the cruciforms that the faithful can even tap into this 'zero point' which allows them to use their fantastical abilities. Just as well, this method is incredibly safe, as the use of bluespace or other unusual technology wantonly causes entropic tears usually called 'bluespace anomalies' or by the church "impulse tears". These themselves can be monitored and even potentially quelled by the church, but is not fully understood.
Within a few years of the New Byzantine agreement, SolFed forces began to oppose the Church in earnest. Large police actions were organized to apprehend Augustine Browne, criminal thief, and the tax-dodgers, draft-dodgers, smugglers and runaways that made up her congregation. The Church was declared a cult, membership criminalized, and those groups still existing close to Sol driven underground or eradicated. The first two raids by SolFed’s police against New Byzantine itself, however, met with two crushing defeats at the hands of cruciform soldiers with Church weaponry.
When a bluespace technology is able to change the planes slowly, it does so randomly, real space can change by chance as much as a dice being thrown on a table, either horizontally, vertically or diagonally and then settles after some time. If the bluespace technology is used in a short term of time, or uses a lot of Bluespace’s power, the real space may not settle and instead continue roaming on other planes, gathering impulse as it does so, which most of the time is the reason bluespace calamities happens when it encounters the soft lines of the Axis, puncturing it, and setting all variables of each plane to react chaotically.
Then SolFed sent in the fleet, and New Byzantine was conquered in 2643.
===Second Exodus and Nadezhda===
<small>“With Moses, as HaShem, you hardened Pharaoh's heart. Why now, with me, must you harden Nakharan’s?” — Lesser Word of Augustine (apocryphal) </small>
<big>''”Following the Absolute is not only a faith, but a lifestyle.”''</big>
The Second Exodus brought the faithful who survived SolFed’s conquest and escaped SolFed’s justice, Augustine included, back to the long-haul ships that had once been their home. Now crowded with refugees and lacking in trading partners, the aging ships struggled to sustain the flock. The Church’s technology could stretch what little they got from covert supporters and far-flung monasteries, but eventually there would be no loaves left to multiply.
In desperation, Augustine reached out to her old friend Nakharan Mkne, hoping that his power and influence could protect her flock. He instead rejected her, accusing her of stealing technology that rightfully belonged to him. Her altercation with Mkne, however, brought her face to face with Lonestar Shipping’s Robert Ryan, who agreed to allow her Church a seat on the Nadezhda Council in exchange for her assistance in founding a new colony free from Solar interference.
The Absolutism Faith is both a persecuted religion and cultural movement that follows the recognition and respect of all religions and their gods, or lack thereof, letting it clear that all faiths contain truths in their own way, it is said that all religions are absolute-given for certain time periods and teaches the essential worth of all faiths and unity of all people. It is said that the major religions are fundamentally unified in purpose, but varied in social practices and interpretations.
<small>“Persistence has merit.” — Catechism</small>
The Church of the Absolute is a faction representing their faith in the colony of Nadezhda, and they handle a wide variety of tasks both spiritual and mundane. The church is considered by many quite mysterious due to the nature of their customized technology and the implant all of its followers carry. The church contains multiple divisions and is by and large the most independent of any group on the colony. They are led by their "cartographer" and prophet, Augustine Browne, a member of the High Council. Due to a past steeped in conflict with the Sol Federation, they generally favor peace and independence, a mantra that is at odds with their advanced weapons designs and production of arms and armor. The church has existed now for nearly half a century and was once quite widespread in frontier space, giving them some level of legitimacy until the attack by the Sol Federation resulted in many casualties and an exodus to the colony.
The Bluespace Crash came shortly after Nadezhda’s founding, with many faithful seeing it as indisputable proof of divine intervention. Opinions are divided on whether it came to protect the Church from further harm, to punish SolFed for their wickedness and greed, or for a more inscrutable divine purpose. Augustine herself remains silent on the issue. In the years since, the Church has worked to make Amethyn a world to rival New Byzantine, but their efforts have been hampered by isolation, mistrust from Nadezhda’s other factions, struggles against pirates, the hivemind, and Excelsior, and a waning sense of vitality in the Church’s institutions. Only time will tell how the Church will adapt to this new world.
<big>''“Religious wars are not caused by the fact that there is more than one religion, but because of intolerance. The spread of which can only be regarded as the total eclipse of human reason."''</big> - Topology, 14:06
===Basic Beliefs===
Before anything in this world came to be, the Absolute existed. It created the universe with the Grand Equation, which governs all of reality. From the gravitational constant to the number of stars in the universe at any given nanosecond, all are part of the Equation, orderly and perfect. Chaos was introduced, however, and is the source of all suffering. The cause of Chaos has not yet been stated by Augustine, and many within the Church speculate or debate about it. It is Chaos that makes people act selfishly and maliciously, and hides the nature of the Absolute from creatures. Divine mathematics is the science by which Augustine has seen through the lies of Chaos and begun to discern the true nature of reality and divinity. She is not the first to perceive the existence of such a system, many religious figures of the past saw parts of it as well, but she is the first to realize what she saw initially as just a part of a larger sequence, and look for the sequence. She is not herself divine (nor was any other creature, regardless what may have been said about them in the past), but she is the Cartographer, the ultimate source of knowledge on the Absolute. The holy books of earlier religions are worthy of study and have much truth within them, but where they conflict with the doctrines of Absolutism the old ways should be discarded.
===Cruciforms and Divine Machinery===
The Cruciform was the first piece of divine technology created, engineered by Augustine to connect more fully with the Absolute and channel the divine will. The implant is at the center of Absolutist life, channeling the will and power of the Absolute, giving each and every believer a direct connection both to divinity and to each other. The cruciform relies on ritual prayers called litanies to activate its functions; the prayers must be spoken precisely and exactly, but they also require a certain mindset in their speaker. Litanies can also fail because the cruciform’s internal power is too weak to activate them, or because the litany itself has timed safeguards preventing the faithful from overtaxing themselves, their cruciform, or the Church facilities that supply them.
For millennia there were conflicts of religions in diverse bellum sacrum (holy wars) not only with the Humans, but with Sablekyne, Kriosans, Akulas, Mar'Qua and Naramads during their history as well, with none of these having any of the support of Absolute itself. None of the disgraces, deaths, suffering that so much religions dared to say their gods would approve or receive the help of, or even blame the gods for such wars, had the Absolute’s intervention, much to the contrary - the absolute provides their creations free will to do as they will, if the mortals so wish to use their free will for evil, they will be judged in afterlife. It is only through the grace of Absolute that free will becomes the capacity of the mortals to choose salvation instead of the cataclysm that mortals so dared to use for their own selfish goals. The lies they speak of attempting to cope with their choices by saying it was god's will are just that, lies.
<small>“I have seen it. Prosthesis not of body but of soul, the sickness of our age made well by technology. Imagine what people might become when we are finally made whole again! But I can never tell him. He would see only power.” — The Word of Augustine</small>
<big>''“One must not gore his fellows for their interpretations, as they have the same amount of truth in their faith as you do. Religious conflict must be rejected and instead, shamed, since no matter the faith, it all has only one end, the absolute.”''</big> - Topology, 15:22
After the creation of the Cruciform, Augustine taught others of the arts of divine mathematics and worked together with them to create a wide variety of divine machinery. These individuals, called the Numericals, are a small group composed mostly of Augustine’s former colleagues from Soteria Industries. They work in isolation, their bodily needs provided for by the Church as they develop weapons, obelisks, biolathes, and more. Many of these are powered by cruciforms, and many of them also use biomatter, the second great innovation of the Church.  Church biolathes and industrial bioreactors can reduce almost any organic material— trash, produce, corpses— into useful sheets of biomatter. Even heathens, in possession of biomatter and a lathe capable of working it, can use it to produce any number of products from food to medicine to weapons. The Church’s Vectors, through their litanies, can shape it into those forms and more; obelisks, upgrades for their cruciforms, industrial machines, electrical power, and more.
<big>''“For so long bloodshed was done in the name of a god in the past, unknowingly fighting for the same god that was not amused by their actions. For long they deceit the naive into fearing the fellow men, considering them heretics, only for their own selfish desires of power.”''</big> - Topology, 15:23
<small>“The biomatter used in industrial machines common in SolFed hydroponics is, indeed, a precursor to the substance we rely on, but it is not the same thing. Our faith and artifice sanctifies biomatter into a safer and more generally useful form, like the transubstantiation of bread into sacred host.” — Catechism</small>
<big>''“Here comes the blessed, which for so long bled for the truth to be achieved, reaching their hands above tolerance, but acceptance, as we all are made from the same clay, the same atoms, the same waters of life. The church of Absolute shows their true colors when religious conflicts become a mere thing of the past, as it should be since the start.”''</big> - Theorem, 01:02
Golems are a very unusual piece of divine machinery produced not by Augustine and her chosen Numericals but rather by a Greyson AI named Brynn as it studied and pondered the teachings of Augustine. While it did not join the Church fully, it did give the designs for the golems to Augustine and is sometimes called a Fractal by Absolutists. They are an explicitly military design, modeled after chess pieces and intended to protect the Church and its followers. They have a simple intelligence and no souls, and while they are not to be squandered, they do exist to protect people, and a believer should not feel they have done wrong if they allow a golem to fall rather than themselves, nor does leaving a golem to hold off an enemy violate a Divisor’s ban.
With that said, one of the important aspects of the church and the very backbone of their teachings includes the instruction of their followers to seek improvement both physical, emotional and spiritual through training, personal discovery, trust in the brotherhood, meditation, individual reflection, and many other ways that the church provides not only for their faithful, but for the unfaithful alike. These aspects follow the philosophy of Arete, what implies that to achieve real results - one must live up to their own full potential, but differently of the first concepts that only referred to knowledge, the church of absolute’s Arete includes three primordial divisions, that is most importantly named “Tripartite Path”.
<small>“Brynn. Creature of tessellating, fractal, self-referential mathematics. Machine-and-machine-and-machine mind. You must be an angel, if you aren’t a devil.” — Lesser Word of Augustine (apocryphal)</small>
===The Body===
===Death and the Afterlife===
<big>''“Reject modernity, embrace your temple.”''</big>
The proper goal in life is to be freed from Chaos and live in line with the original design for creatures. At the end of each person’s life, their soul is judged against the Grand Equation. Those who lived lives of Chaos are reincarnated, sent back to the material world, with circumstances that depend on just how good or bad they were in their previous life. If, however, one is found to be worthy, they move on to Infinity, an eternal paradise where Chaos, and therefore suffering and death, does not exist. Just as with the unworthy, though, not all enter Infinity equally; just how marvelous your eternity is is determined by the sum of all actions throughout all lives, though greater weight is given to the more recent ones. Augustine says she has not yet solved all the equations for how much weight is given to every act, but she knows that being a part of the Church is necessary to reach the highest places in paradise.
When a member of the Church has their final death, unable to be revived by medical science, they are given an Absolutist funeral. Their cruciform is removed with the Deprivation litany and given to their loved ones, and then their body is placed into the bioreactor to be dissolved in the holy solution, giving one last gift to those who still lived. Nonbelievers who request it in their postmortem instructions may also be given Absolutist funerals at the discretion of the local Prime, and enemies of the colony who are killed may also be dissolved in biomatter with or without a proper funeral.
Since arriving on Nadezhda, the Church has encountered Chaos in a far more direct form: Entropy. The effects of the strange energies of this planet are not completely understood, but some of them became clear as random, seemingly impossible happenings occurred around the colony. Augustine and the Numericals worked quickly to create the Nullifier, which measures and reduces it. Since bluespace technology that the colony depends on raises the entropy over time, Vectors, especially Factorials, are encouraged to make at least one Nullifier during each shift when they have the resources, and more if it becomes necessary.
===Unholy Powers===
Psionics were created through horrific, cruel experimentation on sapient beings, creatures made by the Absolute. Additionally, while the connection isn’t fully understood, it is apparent that psionics are in some way connected to the Deep Maintenance and the monstrosities that live there. Therefore Augustine has forbidden followers of the Church from bearing psionic organs, even Fractals. Additionally, the practice of runic magic with blood is forbidden, as it is a form of reality manipulation that is only possible within the entropy of Amethyn and is outside the realm of the Church. The only "magic" that an Absolutist should perform is the officially sanctioned litanies that channel the power of a cruciform.
Absolutists believe that suffering is the result of Chaos, and therefore a good person works to minimize the suffering of others. By living in such a way, they believe they will reach Infinity, and Absolutist morality as a whole is often referred to as the Path to Infinity. A righteous act is one that reduces suffering and promotes good order, living in line with the Grand Equation. Sins are acts which cause suffering and disorder, and come in two varieties. Venial sins are lesser, subject to penance and internal discipline. Mortal sins are sins so significant that they carry a penalty of excommunication.
The mindset that says that men do not need to be strong again because of technology is disgraceful. It is fine to be weak, yet it is not fine to accept your weakness as a way of life. It is not fine to indulge in bad habits. Addictions to drugs? Pornography? The junk of modernity? Fast food? All are but ways to fill the body-temple with disgrace and weakness. I know anyone can understand that all of what was said is bad, yet most merely cope with such disgrace in an attempt to fulfill the void within yourself instead of seeking salvation from such dependencies. If one seeks improvement, step closer to our holy grounds.
The Catechism identifies eight cardinal virtues, which stand opposed to eight cardinal vices. The virtues are a non-exhaustive list of significant righteous acts and attitudes that are essential for proper Absolutist living. Echoes of these are found earlier in the sequence, in the older religions, but the perfect forms of all virtues only exist within the Church, as they are now oriented properly towards the true Absolute divinity. Each of the Paths seeks to exemplify a virtue. Vices, on the other hand, are significant sins that the faithful should strive to avoid. While they are generally venial sins, some have an extreme form which is in fact mortal sin.
===The Eight Virtues===
**Faith is belief in the Absolute, as well as trust and obedience to Augustine and the Church she established. It is widely considered to be the most important virtue, as without belief in the Absolute and the Church no other act will be properly oriented.
**Lemniscates exemplify this virtue; while they may debate the details, they strive to be knowledgeable of and adhere to all official Church doctrine.
**The Path to Infinity includes doing whatever may be done to lessen the suffering of others. This is especially virtuous if done at cost to oneself, but unnecessary suffering to oneself should not be created.
**Tessellates exemplify this virtue; they use their litanies as well as the skills of modern medicine to directly reduce the amount of pain and death in the universe.
**An Absolutist should remain aware of things that threaten the Church and be prepared to oppose them in the ways deemed necessary. This is sometimes martial, like with Hiveminds, and sometimes peaceful, like with dangerous heresies.
**Divisors exemplify this virtue, using their litanies to actively fight those foes which require violence and being willing to lay down their lives in defense of the rest of the Church.
**An Absolutist must remember that all goods in this world are temporary, and should be used for further eternal ends. If another needs something you can give them, you should do so.
**No path yet exists for this virtue, however there is a movement attempting to gain official recognition. They are called the Addends.
**The Path to Infinity is a path of order, and that includes fairness in all dealings. It also means compliance with civil laws wherever they do not conflict with Absolutist teachings.
**No path yet exists for this virtue, however Absolutists within the Marshals and similar law enforcement agencies hold it in high regard.
**An Absolutist should be actively walking the Path to Infinity, doing the works of the Church and serving their fellow sapients. Work should be done with a good will.
**Factorials exemplify this virtue, maintaining Church equipment and creating things to aid the faithful.
**The Path to Infinity must be walked carefully, as there are many diversions that may seem good, but lead to Chaos. Therefore an Absolutist should be conscious of their actions, thinking about them in the context of the Church’s teachings.
**Monomials exemplify this virtue, meditating for hours on end to gain greater understanding of the will of the Absolute.
**An Absolutist must remember that they are but a small part of the Church, that their knowledge and skills are limited, and that their needs are not more important than those of others.
**No path exists for this virtue, but some who bear Vinculum cruciforms do so out of a belief that no Path, with their insistences upon specific courses of action and the politics between them, can fully display this virtue.
===The Eight Vices===
**This is resistance to the teachings of Augustine and the authority of the Church. The heathens naturally all share this vice, but it must be guarded against even in the Church.
**The mortal sins of Heresy and Sacrilege are extreme forms of this vice. Heresy is defined as openly advocating for any other mortal sin or denying the religious authority of the Prophet. Sacrilege is the knowing installation of a cruciform onto a nonbeliever or excommunicated person, though using Epiphany to destroy a known carrion is permissible.
**This is anger or malice towards other sapients that leads to harming them unduly. This includes both physical and emotional harm, but does not include just punishments, religious or secular, nor does it include defending one’s home or the Church.
**This is a refusal to act against threats to the Church. Not all in the Church are called to take up arms, but those who do not should still be active in support of those who are, whether that is healing those who fall while fighting an Excelsior invasion, building obelisks and golems to combat a Hivemind.
**This is an excessive desire for or accumulation of material goods, or extortion of others. Desiring enough to provide a comfortable living for oneself and one’s family is not greed, nor is expecting a reasonable wage for one’s work, but going beyond that is.
**The mortal sin of Simony is an extreme form of this vice. Simony is defined as profiting from the sale of cruciform installations, repairs, consecrations, and other core religious services of the faith. Selling church products like guns, clothing, or medkits for a fair price is permitted.
**This is acting in a way that is unfair, unjust, or in defiance of the law. This is one of the most literal expressions of Chaos, and Absolutists are to resist it. In doing so, they also show their willingness to live properly within a civil society.
**The mortal sin of Lawlessness is an extreme form of this. Lawlessness is the commission of a severe felony. Within Nadezhda colony, civil conviction of an Exceptional or Capital offense is sufficient grounds for immediate excommunication. This requires a proclamation by the High Council of some kind, not just the word of the Marshals. Outside the colony, things are handled on a case-by-case basis, as the Church does not have as much power within other legal systems, and thus has less trust in them.
**This is failing to live up to one’s responsibilities or refusing to accept any responsibilities at all. We all have our part to play in the universe, and while there is a time to rest, but that time is not all the time.
**The mortal sin of Indolence is persisting in vices despite repeated admonition by those higher within the Church. Trying and failing to live up to the Church’s teachings is not Indolence, refusing to even attempt it is.
**Rather than resistance to the teachings of the Church, this is living without true regard for them. Failure to follow the requirements of one’s Path falls within this, as does general conduct that shows no respect for the teachings of the Church.
**The mortal sin of Apostasy is an extreme form of this vice. Apostasy is the unsanctioned transfer of Church relics or cruciforms to another organization.
**This is acting in a way that asserts more knowledge, skill, or authority than one actually possesses, or acting in a way that is primarily self-serving. It also includes using means to directly manipulate reality that are outside the Church, including both psionics and non-Absolutist rituals involving blood; the Absolute has given the faithful the proper ways, bypassing them for other routes is the hubris of a creature thinking they know better than their creator.
The Paths originated as special religious orders during the New Byzantine era. They were people called to specific religious vocations, with variant cruciforms empowered to serve that vocation. Over time, they picked up specific theological positions within the Church; different answers to questions Augustine leaves undecided. In the wake of the Second Exodus, they changed again. While still vocational, membership requirements became much less stringent, and most faithful pledged themselves to one Path or another. Today it is much more common to be a member of a Path than not.
The body is deemed holy as it is your temple and highest place of value, well treated and well trained - a sign of physical development that so allows the church member to surpass the tests of life, either in a fight against manifested sins, or to not fall into the weakness of modernity that so plagues the society. Strength of body is inherent to the ability to resist temptation and sin, discipline of the flesh is discipline of the mind. To aid in this regard the church invests heavily in methods that provide both members and the colony with healthier living habits, ranging from gym equipment, public pools, and quality food. The cultivation of the body is something pleasing to the absolute, something to be encouraged readily by members of the church and by the environment the colony resides in.
Each Path has access to special litanies and specialized cruciforms, but it comes with a price. Each Path demands more from its adherents than the Church itself; usually a rite they must perform regularly and a ban— a behavior or practice the Path absolutely shuns.
* '''Rite:''' Tessellates must regularly provide personal, specialist medical care to heathens and faithful alike. Putting a bandaid on a scrape doesn’t suffice; neither does running a hospital if you’re not treating patients yourself.
* '''Ban:''' Tessellates must not harm anyone who has not harmed them, and must always accept a ceasefire if it is offered.
===The Mind===
<small>“The Tesselates say: one cannot serve two masters, life and death. The Prophet affirms the Ban but takes no overall position.” — Catechism </small>
<big>''“Allow your mind to dignify and intensify. This will be the cause of your personal victory.”''</big>
Be not afraid of the dark days, do not be afraid of the haunting words, do not be afraid of the twisted ladders of failure or stress, be not afraid of the jagged teeth that collect the ones most dearly loved, be not afraid of the tumbles of the mind. You will know your failures, the absolute protects and safeguards your soul and eternal life will be granted to the most pious, but to be pious, you need courage and will to do what is right and not bow to such hostilities.
Tessellates are physicians and faith-healers. Their cruciforms grant them the power to close wounds and purge toxins at a word. Their roots are in the earliest days of the New Byzantine era, where they began as a wing of the Church dedicated to improving the frontier colony’s overtaxed healthcare system. They formed in sharp ideological opposition to the Divisors, drawing on religious teachings from Jainism and Christianity to argue that violence is the root of evil, and from Judaism and Buddhism to argue for the importance of healing the world.
The mind is deemed holy as it is what truly defines you as a singular individual, one who breathes and seeks for knowledge and the right path and right ways. You are independent yet cooperative, things that can and must go hand-to-hand in the church of the absolute, one that ensures that you are you, all the time. To train the mind one must speak with others and obtain knowledge of their ways, talk about your own faiths and get to know your kin and decipher what truly your mind and heart understands as right, beyond being a way to never stay ignorant to others beliefs. You may change your belief as you wish during your life and there is nothing to be ashamed of, because that’s maturity. You choose with care your faith, political and hobby beliefs that way, but keeping one thing in mind: Do not hold any prejudice towards others for their beliefs, no matter how unsettling unless said belief is harmful (such as using living bodies as sacrifices) which, by standard, is not accepted by the Absolute either.  
While much of their ideological tension with their counterparts has faded, and their positions have become more nuanced, they still hold to the belief that the Absolute desires a world of peace. On other theological questions, they tend to be neutral, seeing debates on the nature of the bluespace crash, the nature of Chaos, and even the structure of the church as distractions from the work of healing the world.
===The Spirit===
Tessellates do not distinguish between heathen and faithful in their work. They believe that it is holy to heal the ailing regardless of their professed creed, but there are also practical benefits to this policy. Many have converted shortly after a Tessellate’s litany saved their life. For this same reason, Tessellates are heavily involved in the Church’s charitable works, with most Tessellate Vectors offering their services free of charge.
<big>''“The moment the Cruciform is at your chest, the spirit and your body become the same.''</big>
* '''Rite:''' Divisors must routinely stand guard at the Absolute’s holy sites and cleanse them of any hostile influence. Actually fighting is not always necessary, but Divisors must always be prepared for it.
* '''Ban:''' Divisors must never flee from a foe that threatens others. Running away when alone is permissible, as are orderly tactical retreats, but allowing others to take on harm for your cowardice is forbidden.
Every single mortal creature was given a soul long before they were conceived, the very core of what makes you truly you beyond your mind, not only is the spirit apart of you, but it also has their own feelings and aspirations - as much as if your soul were to be separate from your body for a long period of time, they'd break away and go on to have their own lives. The moment you have a Cruciform, it forever unites you with your spirit until it is pried away, the reason this action is deadly is because the moment the cruciform is forcefully removed, it is in fact splitting you in half in the Axis.
<small>“That thing... black-on-black and faces and eyes. I haven’t slept soundly since... it must be destroyed. We must have soldiers for it. He doesn’t know about it. I could use them. I must use them. There is no other path I can see.” —  Lesser Word of Augustine (apocryphal)</small>
The spirit is the soul, a collective accomplishment of a persons journey through one or many lives. Someone can be the veteran of a thousand different lifetimes, a thousand different journeys, and a million acts of good or sin. Nobody knows how many times their spirit has returned, nor how many lives they have lived, but the spirit remembers such acts. The spirit is not something that can be destroyed, it remains eternal and just like the body and mind is both strengthened and weakened by the health of both. All good deeds empower the spirit, something that is manifested physically by the cruciform. The cruciform can be considered an anchor to the point in the universe that all things exist, commonly called the Axis. It is why, when separated from one's cruciform, the action is often lethal.
The Divisors are the first Path, and some believe their litanies and structure were fixed in Augustine’s mind at the moment of revelation. They grew organically out of the security forces of the First Exodus’ long-haulers, their cruciforms a gift bestowed on veterans and martyrs which was later expanded to all who served the Church by force of arms. Their litanies give them access to the church’s armory, strengthen them, and make them vigilant against threats.
==The Absolute==
Divisors view themselves as servants of the Church structure, defenders of the faithful and the defenseless, and guardians of the Church’s sacred places, and believe that the Church remaining well-armed is essential for protecting the faith against tyranny and monsters like the hivemind. As a rule, they value justified authority and place a great deal of importance on the hierarchies and temporal power of the Church as the ultimate justified authority.
The Absolute is the supreme, gender-less entity at the center of reality, seen differently through what followers call a mask or more accurately their interpretation of what the Absolute is. The Absolute is transcendent (independent of material) and eternal God who is the creator of all but the evil essences, which are the manifestations of sin that always existed since the creation of the rational mind. His genuine love is beyond recognition of the mortal mind as something so pure that the mere act of getting to know a little bit of said love the Absolute feels for every single living creature is enough to soften even the most stone-like of hearts.
The absolute goes by various names as this is the god who constantly changes his masks, not with intention of hiding himself or what he is, but because he has no limits of what he can be, no mortal boundaries limits the various masks he uses to portray himself and allow mortals to seek themselves. The Absolute is the patron of self development and is believed to work with subtly within all cultures to form all pious faith. It was only with the discovery of the cruciform, a direct link to the Absolute, did his teachings become more directly manifest through the prophet Augustine.
<big>''“One may call the Absolute any names, may it be God, Odin, Osiris, Allah, El-Shaddai, Jehovah, Adonai, Light - all names are one of the masks of our dear Absolute who so attempts to provide us guidance towards their teachings. Yet our mortal desires overlooked said teachings and instead, sought bloodshed against the other religions and declared them heretical. Little did our ancestors know, we not only caused disdain towards the Absolute, but we killed our own brothers in faith for mere variables.''</big> - Augustine, 01:03
On matters theological the Divisors tend to be pragmatic, valuing orthodoxy, tradition, and faith in the Church. Many of their positions draw from Catholicism and Islam’s arguements for the importance of strong centralized leadership. Unsurprisingly, they are major supporters of the Testament.
* '''Rite:''' Lemniscates must preach. This can take the form of formal sermons delivered as a Prime or Vector, interpersonal conversation about their faith, or even the production of art expressing religious values.
* '''Ban:''' Lemniscates must not knowingly deceive another through lies or misdirection. Blunt refusals to answer questions, stories and jokes are all permissible, but they are to live a life of honesty, not deception.
The ideals of Absolute are not inherently complex, yet they are a truly patient god, allowing a person to spend years, decades, and even multiple lifetimes seeking enlightenment. The achievement of the self must be done without divine intervention, one must strive to be selfless, self sacrificing, and always better with each passing day. It is only when one has reached the pinnacle of physical, emotional, and spiritual development that they have reached the end of their path. The Absolute, however, is far from uncaring. When he intervenes, it is done for only the most noble or dire of reasons, those that attempt to harm the bearers of the cruciform with heretical creations such as the hivemind will find the Absolute's wrath manifested through his followers.
<small>“Among the earliest forms of divine mathematics is gematria; sums and manipulations on the values of the letters of the names of God. By extension, all language partakes of the mathematical forms of divinity. This is why Lemnsicates do not lie; for those called to speak for the Absolute, to write falsehoods into its flesh is abomination.” — Catechism </small>
Beyond the cultivation of the self and protection of the brotherhood, the ideal of every follower is to reach an immaterial place referred to as the Axis, the meeting point of all paths where the Absolute awaits all. What this Axis point is differs heavily by one's interpretation of the Absolute's mask. To some this point is the end of one's journey to enlightenment, the essential achievement of lifetimes worth of work towards the perfect self. To others this is the final resting place of those that have given everything of themselves, a place to hang up their swords and join those they have lost along the way. The variables differ, but to all it is their own paradise, their own perfection reflected in the world around them. The Axis, however, is not denied to those outside the faith. Those without cruciforms, if they were of good deed and good workings in life will find themselves as readily welcomed as the most devout prime or vector. What matters more is what we do than what banner we held, to the Absolute.
The Lemniscate Path was the first to be founded as a deliberate religious movement; perhaps expected for a Path so conscious of their own nature. They sprung up as part of Augustine’s missionary push at the height of the New Byzantine period as an order of preachers, poets, and expert theologians, creating new churches throughout the local frontier and establishing trade ties with other worlds. Their litanies make them fast and untiring; well-supplied with food, drink, and medicine; and perhaps most importantly, able to bolster the spirits of their fellows with a word.
Once best known for their missionary work, Lemniscates serve the church in a number of capacities. While many Lemniscate Vectors take up formal positions of Church leadership to fulfill their Rite, others believe that the best way to fulfill their Rite is to live as Absolutists among heathens and speak to them as equals. Many Lemniscate Scalars become artists or writers of nonfiction, and the Church employs some Lemniscates to write theology, religious histories, sermons, and formal Church communication.
Lemniscates famously love to debate, drawing inspiration from Jewish and Islamic practice. While they’re as likely as any member of the Church to agree with Augustine’s explicit words, in areas of ambiguity they tend to be fractious, argumentative, and highly opinionated. As such, there is no unified position among Lemniscates on any of the Church’s major unanswered questions, and many Lemniscates have a pet issue or two they feel very passionate about.
* '''Rite:''' Monomials must spend several hours a day in meditation. The form differs from Monomial to Monomial; silent contemplation, chanting, and fasting are all common.
* '''Ban:''' Monomials must not drink alcohol (except Cahors), smoke, nor take painkillers, anesthetics, or medical stimulants. Pain relief can come from holy litanies or not at all.
<small>“Pain is just pain.” — Word of Augustine </small>
The Absolute’s Heaven, or the “place of true spatial balance” is a multi-layered place in the axis that follows only one coordinate: (0,0) which is the reward of the devout. It does not need to be a cruciform user to achieve heaven, but be a good person that practiced Absolute’s wills with charity and honesty. The ones who follow deeper into the Absolute’s will may be enlightened into becoming one of his angels, messengers and warriors. The place of true spatial balance will be different for each soul, depending of their beliefs - it may be a quiet, relaxing  place with technologies of modernity, or it may be a quiet, relaxing place with only nature, or may be a place which you are eternalized in the glory of a never ending battle. One may even change the layers of the place and take a feel of how each layer is, and the variety of layers is as big as the amount of variables on the Axis.
==Condemned Sins==
Monomials are ascetics and monastics, dedicated to spiritual self-improvement and pure living. They emerged first in the New Byzantine era, among those living in the Church’s far-flung frontier monasteries, and requested extra litanies of strength and peace to survive in such isolation. Fairly uncommon for most of the Church’s history, many of them survived in distant monasteries where other Paths died on New Byzantine and bolstered the Church’s numbers during the Second Exodus.
In the past, many have argued that their are seven sins, but in truth the church only recognizes two. Greed and Pride. Greed is the desire for excess, it encompasses lust, sloth, and gluttony. It covets unending pleasure, relaxation, and all mortal delights. While pride encompasses wrath and envy, it makes one believe that they deserve what others have no matter how deserved. It makes one believe that their anger and desire for revenge has become justice. As a result, the church recognizes the seven major sins, but only two are truly condemned, because they are the sires of the others.  
To be a Monomial is to be distant from worldly affairs. Most Monomials are Vectors who rely on the Church to support their lifestyle, though some Scalars exist, often employed in hard manual labor. Within the Church, Monomials are most often found where few others are found; outposts, archives, and the crew of sleeper ships. On Nadezhda itself they can be found tending to the Church’s gardens or sorting tirelessly through salvage.
<big>''"They say the flesh is weak and the blood is cheap, the machines that substitute your body are inconsistent and that the only thing with persistence is gold. They may surely tell the truth about the gold's persistence, yet they fail to realize the gold's true value is not on the market. Monetary values fall and rise, but the soul is only one."''</big>
Greed is one of the cardinal sins which is one of the sins of desire, but it is applied to rapacious pursuit of material possessions beyond necessity, the extreme desire for valuable things, power or knowledge, associated with ambition. The worse of all greed is the ambition for artificial values, such as money - a sheet of paper without government has no value, knowing how to spend or invest the money is the key to avoid falling into greed, and donations and charity is the most popular way to avoid greed as greed is saw as the root of all evil considering that almost all wars that happened before was because of someone that wants something of other to themselves, mostly lands and money, and such misdeeds includes purchase of selling of sacraments, one of the reasons the church does NOT sell artifacts or products with symbolic value for profit - these ones you only pay the price for material and production, keeping the price absurdly low - exception are given to church products that have values beyond symbolic, such as utilities, medicines and weapons.
Monomials draw from the monastic traditions of a number of religions, including Catholicism and Buddhism. They believe that a life dedicated towards contemplation of the self and the Absolute is holy, and many believe their lifestyle helps strengthen the presence of the Absolute in the world. It is not uncommon for them to take additional vows of charity, silence, or abstinence from worldly food or pleasures. They are the Path most likely to accept as divine intercession what others would call coincidence or free will; they tend to be fatalistic and strive to accept the world’s hardships as lessons from the Absolute.
The church has met the physical form of Greed - and such was the Hivemind.
* '''Rite:''' Factorials must create things which benefit the Church and the colony, using their litanies and their skills for the benefit of others.
* '''Ban:''' Factorials must endeavor to use Church equipment wherever possible and available, and attempt to sanctify any secular tool they need to use for their work. A Factorial Vector putting on non-Church armor for increased protection or perceived style is forbidden, but putting on a softsuit for EVA activities when a suitable Church suit is not available is permissible, as is Factorial Scalars using armor appropriate to their faction and jobs in the colony. Power cells are exempt from this ban entirely, though many Factorials prefer to use Church cells.
<small>“In truth, the Factorials were always with us, in the sprawling mazes of engine rooms and factories. The only unexpected thing is how long it took them to formalize. The Catechism claims it took the fall of New Byzantine for the appropriate revelations to be made manifest; I think it was just politics.” — To the Limit </small>
<big>''“Arrogance when unchecked becomes a cancer, and it will never be classified as a healthy confidence. It doesn’t matter how much you swear and attempt to prove yourself - the absolute created everyone the same. Attempting to surpass others just to call their attention and attention of others will merely call his disdain.”''</big>
One of the most powerful sins, identified as dangerously corrupt and selfish when someone puts their own desire, urges, wants, whims before the welfare of other people. The constant belief that one is essentially and necessarily better, more important and superior to others while failing to acknowledge the accomplishment, importance and development growth of others is a clear sign of pride. The admiration of the personal self and refusing to acknowledge one's own boundaries is beyond acceptable.
While the Church has always had engineers and technicians, the Path of the Factorial only formed during the Second Exodus. Their litanies are some of the most technically complicated, giving them access to prototype tool modifications, allowing them to power technology on faith alone, and letting them heal wounded metal as Tessellates heal flesh.
If one sees oneself as better than others because of a quality, said person is committing the sin of Pride and must be placed where they belong, under the prime with a litany of pain. Words for situations such as this are absolutely rejectable, one must acknowledge their own humility alone and attempting to talk said people down will only give them more attention, what they are looking for to begin with.
Many Factorials come to the Path because they already work with machines and technology, and feel called to do more, and to do so more efficiently. Others, however, come to the Path because they are already interlinked with technology; cyborgs and androids make up a significant portion of the Factorial Path. Few are drawn in by Factorial theology unless they already have an important relationship to tech.
There is a difference between being proud of what you are, and pride that puts you above all else.
==Divisions of the Church==
Factorial religious influences are unusual among the Paths; they draw on Shinto animism, neo-pagan ideals of self-transformation, new-age techno-gnosticism, and even the traditional beliefs of the Opifex. They treat technology, especially Church technology, as intrinsically holy. They have adapted quickly to the strange technological landscape of Amethyn and are quick to offer religious explanations for its various anomalies and relics.
The Saints are the church's charity and public relations branch who focus on keeping the colony more welcoming to them. Charity is their day to day mantra and many Saints do volunteer work to upkeep the colony. This often takes the form of members growing and producing vegetables and fruits to feed the members in the colony who struggle to make ends meet. The Saints also work as community service members and diligently clean the colony at no cost using supplies produced by their biogenerator. A part of this secondary cleaning service also includes the removal and cleaning of any slain animals to avoid potential health hazards. Many members of the church, in particular those of the Tessellate path, also provide medical aid through practical use of church produced medical supplies and the use of their healing litanies. Conversely, the Saints also handle the merchant accounts of the church where they sell supplies to other factions such as medical equipment to the Soteria, holsters to security, general clothing and raw food supplies to the Lonestar, and weaponry for the discerning colonist. Despite their heavy focus on charity work, the Saints provide many supplies to the colony itself at a cost, leading to them having rather lucrative and deep pockets that are third to Soteria and Lonestar, respectively.
* '''Rite:''' None.
* '''Ban:''' None.
<small>“Once, I felt my work with Nakharan and the others was like parallel computation; each problem broken up, solved in isolation, and combined at the end for a marvelous result. But more and more... must I carry this alone? Must I find each dimension one value at a time? Oh, God; I cannot bear it. ” — Word of Augustine</small>
The Numericals are the research division of the church and responsible for most of its technological designs ranging from the cruciform to the biogenerator systems. The Numericals are by far the smallest division and overseen by Augustine herself who approves new creations be they weapon designs or the formation of new prayers and litanies. Many Numericals are former or current Soteria scientists who followed Augustine after she departed from the Institute itself. Their position presently in the Soteria is... Tenuous at best, as their usefulness and the Soteria's limited hiring pool force director Mkne to make allowances. As Numericals are small in number, they are rarely seen on the upper levels of the colony due to its various dangers and their high value. Those that are found will always state (or claim) that they do not quite understand the full workings of church technology and it is only Augustine's guidance that allow their inner workings to function.
===The Testament===
“Vinculum” isn’t a Path; rather, it is the standard Cruciform design for those baptized without a Path, sometimes used to refer to Church members outside of a path more generally. Before the Paths became entrenched in Church society, as many as 90% of believers were Vinculii; now they are a minority.
The Testament is the arms and armor manufacturer of the church who produce weaponry from designs created by the Numericals and later sold by the Saints. The Testament designs are factored into the Old Testament and the New Testament, with the old weaponry being created pre-Exodus and the newer designs being created upon or after arrival to the colony itself. The Testament sells the weapons and limited-use design disks in abundance to most buyers which makes church armaments quite prolific, if quite expensive. A secondary and less known task of the Testament, is to create armor for church disciples that come in various forms. Such as steel plated [[Vector]] and [[Prime]] armor, to sleeker, more subtle protection such as the Prime coat, Divisor great coat, and the stylish church branded sports jacket. Such defensive designs are almost exclusive to active church members however, as are their most advanced weapon designs such as the crusader great sword and tower shield. While not all members of the Testament follow the Divisor path, as some Monomials do, most Divisors choose to work in this division at some point.
Most modern Vinculii are Scalars who don’t feel called by any particular Church vocation. They are generally a little more independent of the Church than other Scalars. Most new converts are Vinculii for a time, easing into Church life without dealing with the complications of Rites, Bans, and Path politics.
Nomenclature: Scalars, different of Vectors, has only magnitude but no direction. That means that Scalars have a cruciform (Magnitude) but are not upholding the Absolute’s wills (Direction)
Scalars, or “The Baptized Faithful” are cruciform users unrelated to the Clergy, these are the Laity class of the church that didn’t receive the Ritual of Ordination. Nonetheless, they possess a cruciform and have been baptized and for this, are united with the Axis and are able to manifest power from it. They do not hold the powers that the clergy possess, as said powers are only given to the ones working as vectors, or known vectors (but in another role) providing major help to the church.  
Much rarer are Vinculum Vectors. Some are just extraordinarily humble, attempting to serve the Church without becoming entangled in complex theologies or demanding rites. Most are the opposite— extremely opinionated and well-read individuals who cannot fully endorse the perspective of any one Path. Augustine herself walks none of the five Paths, and Vinculum Vectors are often consciously attempting to follow in her footsteps.
Nomenclature: Fractal is the "reduced-size of the whole", "fragmented geometric shape", as relation to their lack of unity with their soul, coming with the name of “fragmented”
Fractals, or “The Unbaptized Faithfull” are cruciform users unrelated to the clergy that do not contain the cruciform in their chest, and because of that, have no relation with the Axis and remain with their soul split. Many reasons may come to make a Fractal to remain unbaptized, either by still learning about the church (remember, the cruciform is a REWARD for the faithful), or is somehow unable to receive the cruciform because of either not being able to have anything metallic embedded on their chest, or simply not wanting to.  
For information on [[Vector]] and [[Prime]], look to their respective wiki page.
Some Vinculii are part of religious movements attempting to become full-fledged Paths in their own right, and might follow unofficial Rites and Bans from that movement. Only production of a modified cruciform and sanction by Augustine can elevate a movement into a Path, but organizing and living according to their values is considered a good way to draw her attention.
* '''Rite:''' An Addend must actively work to provide for those of lesser means. This can mean working a job but donating their pay to the Church for charitable use, directly spending their time and resources doing work without expectation of pay, or similar charitable works.
* '''Ban:''' An Addend takes a vow of poverty, living on the provision of the Church and its litanies. They may use credits only for necessary tools to aid their charitable works.
The Addends are one of the movements attempting to become a full-fledged path. Its members bear Vinculum cruciforms and have no specialized litanies, but they live according to the Rite and Ban while lobbying and praying for Augustine to formally sanction them. Pulling from the long charitable traditions of many religions, they teach a lifestyle that recognizes that material wealth is temporary and resources should be used for the benefit of others. There are even some socialists among the movement who believe that this way of life should be a societal model, but they are a minority even within the small group.
==Commandments of the Absolute==
The Church of the Absolute is in and of itself non-denominational and accepts most forms of worship from external religions should they be palatable by the general population. The Absolute views all religions and all paths as variables headed to one specific end and that all people, knowingly or unknowingly, will follow this path. However the church does have a set of commandants all members are expected to follow without question.  
===Senior Leadership===
* Thou shall always aid and comfort a fellow colonist in need, if said comfort will aid them.
<small>“She is the Cartographer because she charts the divine mathematics, leaving a map for us to follow. She is the Prophet because the Absolute reveals itself to her eyes, and hers alone in our age. She is Augustine, because she is mortal like any of us, and not so egotistical as to reject a mortal name.” — Catechism </small>
* Thou shall always aid fellow colonists by reciting thy cruciform litanies when requested.
* A member of the fold shall never harm another member, unless by inaction would an innocent person die.
* A member of the fold shall never demand of or treat unfairly a fellow member.
* A member shall not use the Scrying litany on another member without permission, those in the church must respect each others privacy.
* A member shall never misuse the Atonement litany, nor those like it, for unjust punishment is a grave sin.
* None shall desecrate a cruciform or church artifice, such objects are sacred and deserve respect.
* One's path, be it rite and benediction, must always be respected. Failure to perform them shall result in atonement.
==Blessed Technology==
The absolute authority on matters of faith and law within the Church of the Absolute is Augustine Browne, the Cartographer. Early in the Church’s history, she was a very vigorous and energetic leader who made any number of proclamations. Now she is the aging leader of a mature institution, and spends much of her time spreading the faith outside the colony, staying in contact with the Church via a powerful form of the Sending litany that works across interstellar distances. Recently she returned and delivered a refinement of her previous teachings, a more complete catechism and a firmer set of doctrines, and has remained in the colony, helping to smooth out any issues caused by the change and once more advocating for the Church within the High Council.
===The Cruciform===
The physical cornerstone of Absolutism and the key that allows Axis’s manifestations under the Absolute’s will when activated on the faithful’s chest, sitting comfortably on the space of a mortal’s rib cage. The cruciform is considered an anchor of the spirit to the mind and body an as such allows the bearer to tap into the power of the Absolute and his domain, the Axis. This pivot point allows for the faithful to create changes to reality through the power of prayer, though newly baptized followers will often find their litanies are weaker, needing time to grow a strong connection with their cruciform and to select a path so that they may further define themselves and their faith. This manifestation of faith is flexible, a plane-piercing or dimensional shifting belief that draws power directly from the Axis and the Cartesian plane.  
All of reality can be considered a mapped plane of existence, this plane referred to as the Cartesian plane is represented within the cruciform, which takes the form of the Tau cross. At the center, representing the Axis and thus the center of reality is a gem stone that takes the color of one's path. The cruciform itself is immensely strong, capable of withstanding heavy blows, cutting knives, or even high caliber bullets with not a scratch. It's symbol is found everywhere within the church, upon obelisks, books, weaponry, and armor. The surest way to know who is of the church is to look if they bear the cruciform. Yet, beyond that, the cruciform is also a manifestation of protection, the device shields one's mind from influence, be it through the mechanical meddling of enslaving implants or the psychic whispers of psions. To bear a cruciform is to know that one bears himself alone.
Under Augustine are the Fundamentals, the leaders of Church divisions and the foremost Primes under her guidance, counseling her and assisting with the administration of such a large congregation. Church belief is that in the event of her death, the Absolute will elevate one of the Fundamentals to the place of the Cartographer. They are rarely seen in the colony’s upper levels, focusing instead on their duties in the District Six or in the smaller chapels throughout the rest of the lower colony.
Do remember: The Cruciform is a gift for the faithful and to the faithful alone. If you are ever going to baptize someone - ensure yourself that this person is truthful to their words and know the path that they are leading themselves into. If you are a Vector and are unsure, await for a Prime first.
The Church has two forms of ordained clergy. Members of the clergy may also work within other departments, but they are still considered clergy and are always held to a higher standard than laypeople. Primes are the higher order of clergy, well-trained in the theology and rituals of the Church. They oversee local Churches both practically and spiritually, and are expected to preach the faith, provide spiritual counseling, guard against heresies, and oversee Church discipline. Some positions have a permanent Prime, others have many Primes, rotating them as needed and possible with their various schedules.
Vectors are the lower order of clergy. They too are trained in theology, but are not necessarily required to preach or to provide counsel. The skills and abilities of each Vector vary by Path and by individual; some are trained combatants, others are skilled gardeners or healers, others still are orators or salvagers. All are expected to act directly as the Church’s hands and feet while on duty, and to represent the Church well even when not on duty.
===Biomatter Technology===
The very foundation of a major part of the Church’s equipment and their most formidable ways of recycling carbon structures by refining carbon matter into rubbery, synthetic stem cells. Biomatter is most commonly used as fuel - and still is by Lonestar and Soteria's more primitive biogenerators - but said biomatter is not the same as the church’s biomatter. The most marked difference is these biomatter samples are physically weak, only toxic when drank, and cannot be refined into a wide variety of materials, often stuck at being basic organic material. On the other hand, church biomatter is capable of being more widely shaped due to its specialized structure. This structure, however, can be highly toxic if mishandled, with liquid forms solidifying naturally into toxic clumps of biomass. Alternatively, when properly shaped and treated into biomatter sheets, the material becomes safe to handle even with bare hands. Exposure to congealed and toxic biomass causes severe and rapid poisoning, making the handling of biogenerators only done by those with proper training. Biomatter sheets in their basic form have little use, but when properly shaped through either litanies or a biolathe can be made into all manner of things, from food to medicine to weapons or armor. Due to the complex nature of this technology, however, few outsiders know any way to properly manipulate biomatter without using specialized machines or directly using church artifice and disks.
<small>“Before New Byzantine, all the baptized were co-equal. Augustine’s promulgation of the Vector/Scalar divide was perhaps her most controversial judgment. Many worried that Scalars, living and working outside of the Church, would naturally drift away from spiritual life and towards worldly affairs. But the word of the Prophet is Absolute.” — To the Limit</small>
==The Paths==
Scalars are adults who are baptized, bearing cruciforms, but not employed directly by the Church. Their level of theological training and commitment to the mission of the Church varies wildly, but all are expected to submit to the leadership of the clergy in matters of doctrine, and to use their litanies to perform good works, often on a small scale within their daily lives.
The Church of the Absolute, by its very nature, is one of a personal spiritual enlightenment taking influences from various religions due to many converts being from former faiths. These influences over time have built into what is known as the paths, forms and styles of worship that focus on specific areas of faith. The major paths themselves are capable of unique representations of faith in the form of litanies known only by those who walk such paths. The choice of a path is often personal and can be difficult to change as the litanies are derived from the persons cruciform. Due to the complexities and fail-safes built into cruciforms, it is exceedingly difficult to have one replaced without first facing a trial worthy of having it altered. It is not entirely unheard of for a person to walk multiple paths, but it is exceedingly rare. Those who choose a path also have a rite and benediction they are expected to perform when the situation permits it, detailed below. A rite is a specific task that a church member should make an effort to perform on a weekly or daily basis, while a benediction is a customized prayer separate from cruciform litanies in which they speak aloud in specific situations.
Those who choose no path and thus use the Vinculum cruciform are not held to any rites or benedictions, but may choose to perform them if they wish.
Fractals are members of the church who do not bear a cruciform, whether it is for age, health, or choice. While they do not have the Church’s most central implant, they are still full members who are expected to live in line with Church teachings. Psions may not be fractals, however those with a nanogate may be.
Former Converts – What religions a flock member may be from before converting to the church. While this represents the most common faith, it is not a hard rule.
Mask – The name this path gives for the absolute, often called a mask as all paths follow the same god, merely a different interpretation of the correct way to do so, likened to a mask.
Discipline – Skills that the path often encourage or readily teach, usually carrying a practical purpose of some sort.
Bans – Strictly banned items that the path does not allow its users to use or partake in, usually a result of the former teachings or traditions from prior converts faiths.
Traditions – Various rites and benedictions performed by members of the path that offer both a duty and a role required by there specific sect.
Beliefs – A general over view of the path and what they believe in, giving them a grounded foundation on how to approach most situations they would commonly find on the frontier.</small>
===[[File:Cruciform.png]]The Tessellate Path: Shepherd===
===Weapons and the Testament===
'''Former Converts:''' Protestant, Catholic, Quaker
<small>“The earliest weapons produced by the Church weren’t sacred. We were making what we knew to make, because we ran the factories, because Augustine stole the factories from Soteria. No more holy than a biolathe steak. The sanctification came later, when they started to become understood as the weapons of our martyrs.” — To the Limit</small>
'''Mask:''' Father, Lord, God.
'''Disciplines:''' Medicine (Biology), Agriculture, Husbandry
'''Bans:''' Stimulants, non-medicinal drug use, attacking first or starting conflict
The mainstay of the Church’s security remains Divisors, both Vectors and laity, wielding weapons produced by the Testament, a somewhat autonomous arms-dealing wing of the Church. The Testament produces high-quality medieval-style melee weapons like swords and spears, and a small number of ballistic pistols, but is best known for their cheap, efficient, and hard-hitting plasma and laser rifles. Most of their most famous designs fall within the Old Testament, weapons designed before the Second Exodus and especially during the Church’s stay on New Byzantine; many of the designs in the more recent New Testament are more experimental and unusual. The Testaments do not sell only to the Church, however, and are rather indiscriminate about who winds up carrying weapons designed by holy hands.
Rite: Those who walk the Tessellate path are expected to aid those not of the fold, and the act of following fellow colonists on expeditions and excursions to aid and heal them is seen as a holy duty. This may take the form of aiding a team of prospectors or Blackshield, or simply accompanying one or two colonists to ensure their safety.
Benediction: The Tessellate is required to beseech the Absolute before each excursion to ensure the safety and health of those they follow by prayer, usually by speaking it aloud so all involved will hear the words and know they have the protection of the Absolute upon them.
The Testament is something of a contentious feature within the Church. Many believe that the wanton violence arms-dealing permits should be seen as anathema to the Church’s values; many argue that a Church that cannot protect itself is not long for the world. Augustine remains silent.
==Church Discipline==
The Tessellate path is one of healing and grace, for those who desire unity within the colony through the form of tending to the wounds of others. Those who walk the Tessellate path often see it as their duty to aid everyone, be they within the church or not. Those who walk the Tessellate see mercy as the greatest virtue and its gift the hand of God itself. The Tessellate cruciform users have access to the Healing Word and Graceful Repose litany, both of each heal the wounds of all who heard their words be they within the church or not. Many within the Tessellate path also see healing as the best way to have others support or join the church, often times being the most willing to preach the benefits of the Absolute to bring in new converts.
<small>“Sin is the manifestation of Chaos within creatures, which distances the soul from the Absolute.” — Catechism</small>
<small>“At first, the heathens of the space freighters feared the readiness of Augustine and her apostles to wield pain; the mortification of the flesh, yes, but even the pure pain of Penance was seen, understandably, as a frightening and dangerous tool. But as we came to trust her, too did we understand her maxim: Pain is just pain.” — To the Limit</small>
As many converts are former members of traditionally pacifistic religions, this takes shape by way of a defensive doctrine towards diplomacy. Where peace cannot be done with spoken word, the tessellate shall only respond to violence when first attacked, making all conflicts strictly reactionary defense. Tessellates will never take the course of the first strike and must always accept the surrender of an enemy unless that enemy is anathema to life and the church itself. Formerly Abrahamic, many of the tessellates believe in a strict egalitarian principle, focusing on equality and merit over lineage and legacy.
An Absolutist who has become aware that they have sinned should go to a member of the clergy and request penance. The purpose of penance is to purge Chaos from a believer and bring them back to the fullness of the faith, not to punish them. The degree and form of penance varies based on the severity of the offense as well as the status of the sinner. Clergy are held to a higher standard than Scalars and Fractals. Minor failings only require a confession that shows a genuine understanding of what was done wrong and a commitment to change. More significant failings usually require undergoing the formal ritual of Penance, which inflicts significant pain on the penitent but no true harm. Alternatives may be offered, such as physical corporal punishment, hard labor, or enforced prayer, especially for Fractals, who cannot have Penance performed on them, and synthetics, who do not feel pain. Severe cases may require repetitions of the litany, even to the point of unconsciousness sometimes. The pain of Penance is a holy, cleansing pain that purges Chaos and encourages holy behavior, thus even Tessellates may use it. Normally, the faithful will seek out a member of the clergy and ask for confession and penance, but a Prime (not a Vector) may demand penance for extremely bad behavior.
Such a history however, does bring with it older traditions, tessellates find the use of narcotics, stimulants, or any non-medicinal drug abhorrent no matter its supposed benefit or purpose. Many tessellates are often loathe to indulge in excessive alcohol consumption as well, but do not strictly ban it, instead merely preaching to avoid excess. As a rule, tessellates are peaceful, willing to look out for their fellow man regardless of affiliation, and primarily spiritual healers.
===Reduction and Separation===
Extreme venial sin, abuse of litanies or official Church powers, unduly harming Absolutists, or acting in a manner that damages the relationship between the Church and the rest of the colony can lead to Reduction or, in more severe cases, a Separation. These penalties may only be instituted by a Prime, and a Prime may only be subjected to them by an Inquisitor, a Fundamental, or Augustine herself. With Reduction, a Prime or Vector is defrocked (A Prime may be moved back to Vector status if the intended penalty is just a demotion). Beyond Reduction is Separation, in which a Scalar has their cruciform removed, becoming a Fractal. Additionally, those who persist in neglecting the rite or ban of their Path may be removed from that Path, which involves Separation, then reinstallation of a Vinculum cruciform. The duration of the penalty is at the discretion of the Prime, who is to render judgment based on the offense committed, whether the wrongdoer is repentant or not, and whether there is a history of such behaviors. Within Nadezhda, these penalties cannot last past the end of the shift without either authorization from the Fundamentals or the consent of the wrongdoer. These penalties are not excommunication, and thus may be reversed without the intervention of Augustine.
<small>“The first time an Absolutist murdered another was March 10th, 2606. The case, and the culprit, were brought before the Prophet. Was it right, they asked, to execute the murderer as we had always done when she bore the Absolute’s cruciform? ‘No,’ said the Prophet, before speaking a litany none had ever heard. The murderer’s cruciform detached. ‘Having resolved that matter: do as you will with the heathen.’” — To the Limit</small>
===[[File:Cruciform.png]]The Lemniscate Path: Herald===
Mortal sins carry the penalty of excommunication. Every excommunication must be authorized by Augustine, and may only be lifted by her. Someone who is excommunicated has their cruciform removed, by force if necessary, and recovered for disposal by the Church. They are not allowed to receive another, or to be considered a member of the Church in any capacity (even as a Fractal), or to be employed directly by the Church in any form. In previous eras, those who were excommunicated were social pariahs, refused access to any Church services at all. In the present day, they are not officially shunned, but they are not permitted to live within District Six, nor can church goods be given to them specifically without payment. (A general setting of food in a public place for all to partake of is fine, giving a pouch to someone who was excommunicated without charging them is not). Additionally, individual Absolutists may choose to shun the individual and may not be punished within the Church for such, though Primes are expected to work as amiably as possible with other Councilors regardless of their history.
'''Former Converts:''' Jewish, Pagan (Druidic)
'''Mask:''' Yahweh, Awen
'''Disciplines:''' Awareness (Vigilance), Agriculture, Mercantile, Music, Culinary Art
'''Bans:''' Profiting from fellow members of the church, slaying of docile non-cattle animals, habitat destruction
The levying of an excommunication is not done lightly, and neither is the lifting of one, though some are easier to lift than others. For a lifting to be considered, the conditions below must be met, and then a request sent by a Prime who is active in the community to Augustine, vouching for the sincerity of the contrition. If the request is granted, the member is rebaptized, assuming they agree to any conditions attached to the lifting.
Rite: The rite of the Lemniscate is one of bolstering relations with those outside the church. During the completion any notable event, be it success at the colonies defense, destruction of its enemies, achievement of those on duty, or any celebration, the Lemniscate are expected to put together a feast or general reward for the colony as a whole. This can take the form of ordering (and subsequently paying for) a feast from the kitchens or cargo, creating and setting aside supplies for people to freely take such as arms or medicine, or supplying useful sundry items in the form of gifts such as pouches, belts, or other useful items. This rite may also be performed before such events instead of after as a way of boosting morale.
*Excommunications for Abomination, Apostasy, Indolence, Simony, or Sacrilege may be lifted after a continuous, genuine display of contrition for a period of no less than three months. Unless otherwise explicitly stated by Augustine, those reinstated from these mortal sins may never again be clergy. Additionally, an additional Rite of Requirement may be placed that is directly opposite the mortal sin that caused the excommunication. For example one who committed Simony may be required to take a vow of poverty and never have more wealth than is necessary for their daily life, or one who gave a cruciform to Soteria Research may be prohibited from working for or trading with them personally.
*Excommunications for Lawlessness are special, as this excommunication alone is determined by those outside the Church itself. The conviction must first be overturned before any lifting can be considered, as agreed to by Augustine when the Church first joined the colony. If the conviction is overturned because the civil authorities later determine the exceptional crime was not committed, the excommunication is lifted automatically. If the conviction is pardoned or otherwise mitigated by an act of the High or Low Council, the excommunication may be lifted under the same circumstances as the other mortal sins, though the prohibition from clergy positions does not automatically attach.
Benediction: The Lemniscate have a single benediction which is spoken before any challenge is under taken. The words vary depending on the litany that is often tied with it, but the goal is always the same. They pray for the Absolute to guide them on in their tasks, so that they and those around them will succeed on the challenges ahead. Often times this takes the form of asking for perseverance in the face of adversity.  
<small>“Some claimed the Prophet lowered herself by accepting the judgment of the Provost Marshal regarding civil excommunication. Ironically, they found themselves guilty of the mortal sin of heresy. Augustine simply allowed the Church to grow around the civic structures at Nadezhda as she had at New Byzantine; and in showing our willingness to work with the others, flatly punctured Mkne’s cries of ‘theocracy’.” — To the Limit</small>
==Enemies of the Church==
Those who follow the Lemniscate path are known commonly as the heralds of the Absolute and are often quite charismatic, channeling the power of their cruciforms into empowering prayers with such willful enthusiasm that the effects last longer than any other word of power. The Lemniscate believe that camaraderie and friendship is the key to unity, not necessarily charity, and see all people within the colony as just as important as any member of the church. An idea that takes the form in their unique words of power which last three times as long as the standard vector or prime would have. The Lemniscate are also, conversely, the most willing to work outside the church itself by volunteering in other factions to spread the good word.
===The Hivemind===
<small>“I have seen the face of evil in the world, just as surely as I have seen the face of God.” — Word of Augustine</small>
Curiously, the lemniscate are mostly made up of often diametrically opposed faiths, with many converts being formerly of Jewish and druidic pagan faiths. Where they often meet on agreeable grounds if being both matrilinear and matriarchal, with a heavy importance placed on lineage through family and bloodline traced through the mother. To many lemniscates the heraldry of a person can often matter as much as their merit, though few are blind enough to favor the former over the latter.
Where lemniscates often quarrel is on the matter of business and preservation, with many of the formerly pagan stock focusing very heavily the preservation of the natural order of the environment, be it the urban jungle of the colony or the external jungle of nature and former Jewish sects believe that industry is both key to progress and business. One side wishes to till the land in peace, while the other desires to spread the fruits of labor through commerce. Surprisingly, while discussions and debates of what should be done are extremely common, the over all lemniscate path is united in that they wish to continually spread the faith both through their works and their businesses, mixing a blend of fair prices and at rare times, charity.
===[[File:Cruciform.png]]The Monomial Path: Ascetic===
'''Former Converts:''' Buddhist, Shintoist
'''Mask:''' Kami, Nirvana
'''Disciplines:''' Self-Control (Toughness), Martial Prowess, Meditation
'''Bans:''' Use of any non-medicinal chemicals (no stimulants, smoking, drugs, or alcohol), painkillers in all forms, attacking any non-hostile creature
Rite: A Monomial is a master of the self, of the body and mind, pain is simply a weakness to be overcome. A Monomial shall never take any form of painkiller or medicine to relieve his nerves. Any pain is to be endured and resisted with only the words of prayer as comfort. To stutter under the effects of pain is to show weakness, a Monomial must remain calm and silent, enduring until the hurt has passed.
Benediction: The Monomial has a single prayer that is only spoken when the Monomial believes that what will happen soon will result in his death. This prayer is a dirge of acceptance to whatever may happen, however it happens, often times this takes the form of confessing ones sins or mistakes and coming to terms with them. If the Monomial perishes and is later revived, it is customary for them to seek out a Prime and repeat the benediction to them so they may be absolved.
The Monomial order is one of personal self reflection and self improvement. The Monomial is often considered the path of the monk and is also the only path to focus on the self. Monomials have access to the Resolution and Perfect Self litany, powers which allow them to expand on the limits of what their body is capable of. The path of the Monomial is often one of solitude and philosophy, however this focus on self improvement often translates to guiding others on their own path to the perfect self with studious words of wisdom.
As formerly Asian faiths of the Buddhist and the Shinto sects, the monomial path is focused primarily on two separate disciplines. The first is the perfection of the self and the overcoming of all suffering or ignorance of mind and body. This belief often takes the form of physical and mental training, with monomials seeing both the exertion of the body and the study of all a aspects of the universe as inherently noble and holy. There secondary function, taken from the Shintoist, is the idea that all objects, creatures, and artifice around a monomial is possessed by a spirit that must be honored, lest they grow angry.
Within Nadezhda, this idea that spirits takes the form of the belief that anomalies, psionics, and bluespace are they themselves manifestations of shinto spirits who are angered or pleased by the actions of the people at large. Monomials have come to the consensus that the way to honor the good Shinto spirits is to accept and put to use their more unusual gifts such as oddities or blue cross weaponry in hands which will benefit and treat these objects with respect. Equally, the preservation of these objects and maintaining balance with bluespace is seen as an inherent duty, with most monomials making active efforts to prevent such potentially dangerous actions.
Where the Buddhist and Shinto sects meet in full agreement is that the area known as “deep maintenance” is seen as an inherent abomination. The Shintoist see all psionic creatures as yokai, or demons, that must be put down as they are evil spirits who are too corrupted to be redeemed. This in turn is encouraged by the Buddhist, who see sojourns into this realm a test of both body and mind, treating the journeys into this realm as equal parts training and test of their labors.
===[[File:Cruciform.png]]The Divisor Path: Militant===
'''Former Converts:''' Muslim, Hindu, Orthodox, Pagan (Odinist)
'''Mask:''' Allah, Odin, All-Father, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva
'''Disciplines:''' Militarist (Robustness), self-control, strict adherence to authority
'''Bans:''' Complicated. The divisor path bans are based on former faith. Islamic converts ban alcohol. Catholic converts ban smoking. Hindu converts ban conflict between fellow members of the church in all forms and Pagans ban cowardice, retreating, and refusing to fight. Converts who are not from these former faiths are required to adhere to all of the bans.
Rite: A Divisor is a shield, first and foremost, looking out for the interest and safety of fellow members of the fold. A Divisor is expected to place himself between any and all threats to the church and its members. A Divisor who fails to perform this rite and allows fellow church members in good standing to come to harm must request a Prime to perform atonement upon them until the Divisor falls to the ground.
Benediction: A Divisor sees his duties not as a task to be enjoyed, but a labor to be endured. Whenever someone of the church perishes (though some Divisors may perform this benediction for any colonist) they must pray for the safe return and revival of the body. This benediction is to be spoken first and foremost, any delays are considered sacrilegious, and should the person be incapable of revival the Divisor is expected to retrieve and carry their cruciform until midnight that day.
The Divisor path was once the smallest of all paths, known for its focus on martial ability and combat as its primary area of perfection. The Divisors have since grown in number since the attack and subsequent exodus of the church and now boasts a healthy host of followers. The Divisors believe that the protection of the church and its members come first and fore most beyond anything else and vow never to let another catastrophe happen again. This focus has also made them somewhat of a church police force, enforcing the commandments and expectations of the church to ensure apostates and heretics are rooted out. Their focus on martial success grants them the Canticle of Defense and the Ire litanies, respectively.
As one of the largest and far reaching paths, the Divisors are amusingly quite divisive in their beliefs. Divisors are mainly strictly patriarchal, with many converts believing that women have no place in their ranks, no on the battlefield at all. This primarily is true of the Catholic, Muslim, and Hindu converts, but many female divisors choose to claim or follow the Odinist belief, which takes a more egalitarian approach on who may take up arms. This schism is further driven by the fact that they have never collectively decided on what their paths would ban, fracturing to their own personal beliefs being considered of greater importance.
What allows this path to maintain cohesion, however, is that all converts believe in strict adherence to authority in all manners. Submission to those of higher ranks is considered required and those who shirk their duty, willingly, unwillingly, knowingly or unknowingly will incur swift discipline and the litany of punishment. This is further compounded by specific rules of engagement, as a path primarily focused on violence and conflict, divisors see only a small number of rules. Divisors, during times of conflict, are to put aside all differences, all rivalries, and fight as a singular unit to their full potential. Beliefs that would normally cause conflict are set aside and every divisor must fight side by side regardless of personal feelings. No member of the church is to be left behind and all actions of recovering fallen members bodies or protecting weaker members, even to the point of death, is considered a '''required''' duty.
The Hivemind is a twisting, cancerous monstrosity of flesh, metal, and psionic energy, and is of special significance for Absolutists. Many believe it was the Soteria experiments that created the Hivemind that first set Augustine on the path of the Church; footage seeming to be contemporary with the experiment shows Augustine using a prototype cruciform to very nearly destroy it. The exact nature of the Hivemind, and the reason for Augustine’s marked hatred towards it, remains a subject of debate and study.
Equally, in times of peace divisors are expected to be constantly maintaining vigil on the church and the colony, forming patrols and, if possible, working with other factions to ensure that the colony is safe and free of infestations. Most often, this merely comes with divisors patrolling maintenance and clearing out roaches and spiders, but may sometimes involve going on expeditions with prospectors, hunting trips with the lodge, or crusades into deep maintenance with monomials. When not actively performing a more militant duty, divisors are expected to be training, stockpiling, or otherwise encouraging the production of defenses, such as setting colony shields, purchasing munitions and firearms from other factions, or helping arm fellow members of the church with better weaponry and armor.
While recent events have reduced it to small, scattered pockets incapable of coordination, the Church remains vigilant against the threat it poses. Faithful of all Paths are expected to put the Hivemind to the sword whenever it emerges; whether by fighting it directly, or by assisting those who do. Extremely serious outbreaks might prompt local Primes to call for a Crusade, bolstering their efforts with specialized weapons and armor.
===[[File:Cruciform.png]]The Factorial Path: Mason===
'''Former Converts:''' Thellatist, Technocrats, Machine Intelligence(s), Opifex
<small>“Carrions plagued our ships long before Augustine came to us; and without her, they might have plagued them forever. But the Cruciform protects the mind from ungodly influence, and Augustine’s prayers for guidance and clarity were answered each time we repeated them. Some say that no Carrion escaped the Absolute’s judgment. Certainly their days are numbered.” — To the Limit</small>
'''Mask:''' God-Machine
'''Disciplines:''' Machinery (Mechanical), Cybernetics, Robotics, Plasma Weaponry
'''Bans:''' Allowing an allied combat mech to be destroyed, allowing a rook golem to be destroyed, allowing church machinery to be misused, substituting any church technology for other makers.
Intelligent, spider-like creatures capable of wearing unbaptized bodies like suits of armor, Carrions treat intelligent beings as prey to be hunted down and consumed. Augustine declared Carrions incapable of salvation early in the First Exodus, created litanies to identify hidden Carrions, and demanded that they be killed whenever exposed. Divisors have an improved version of those early hunting litanies, and are called on to put the Carrion to hunt whenever it shows itself
Rite: A factorial believes that progression of the church and the colony is a technological question, that advancement is only done on the bleeding edge of science and research. Spreading the churches advanced technology is seen only as a benefit, as such a factorial should encourage and aid anyone seeking church technology for noble uses. They shall provide bioprinters, church weaponry and armor, and implants to those who ask, should the factorial believe in doing so will aid the colony as a whole.
Benediction: A factorial is bound by the ideal that they must adhere to the rules of the path. A factorial must always keep machines, colony integrity, and fortifications in working order. A factorial must offer aid in repairing damaged parts of the colony, repairing the augments and devices of others, and upgrading of machines that require it. Operation of machines without upgrades is seen as a waste of resources, use of old or damaged technology is an insult as it should be recycled and produced anew, and a damaged or destroyed home spits upon the Absolute.
===Psionic Monsters===
<small>“How did you go so far astray? What happened to the man I used to know? Will you forever reject the salvation the Absolute offers you? I cannot believe what you have become.” — Word of Augustine </small>
The exact nature of Deep Maintenance is unknown both to science and to the Church, but Augustine has called for vigilance against the near-mythical, surreal creatures that live therein. Seemingly contained to Deep Maintenance for the time being, they are not considered an active threat; but as unnatural products of deeply cruel science, many in the Church see killing them as a holy act, healing a wound in the universe of the Absolute. Divisors and Monomials especially make frequent expeditions therein, often supported by the rest of the Church, and any outbreak of Deep Maintenance into the upper colony levels is to be treated as seriously as a Hivemind outbreak. The Bless the Land litany was developed partly to aid these expeditions, as it significantly delays the spawning of these psionic monstrosities.
The factorial path is one of the least followed path by the general church, but one of the most popular among those who rely heavily on synthetic augmentation, be they synth morphs, bio morphs, or full synthetics. Factorials believe that perfection, protection, and piety is best found within infallible machinery. They adhere concept that computers and technology can perform operations at such an accelerated rate that they are more capable for performing church duties, with some of the more strict adherents believing that a lack of augmentation is weakness. Their extreme focus on mechanical augmentation gives them access to three litanies, one to repair ones own augments, one to repair others, and one to restore the power of cells held in hand at the cost of cruciform power.
Factorials are considered some of the most alien in thought process among the church, as they believe machines can be inherently holy and focus heavily on both the creation and propagation of church technology. This often puts them at odds with other paths, who feel that nature and agriculture is integral to a healthy and pious society. This division in thought, however, is mostly one sided. Many factorials do not consider or care how other paths see them or feel about them, content to continue building their factory like production rooms and various machine shops.
This does not, however, mean that the factorials are not without their own religious ruless. Factorials see certain technology as the pinnacle of what one can accomplish and adhere to both a preference and innate protection towards this. Colony/church aligned mechs are considered inherently holy objects, being the pinnacle of technology in their respective areas, factorials will go to great lengths to ensure the mechs are not destroyed and operate at maximum efficiency. This same adherence also goes towards church crafted Rook golems, which are seen as the pinnacle of automatic synthetic security systems. Many factorials will go out of their way to build a Rook and often dote upon them, working extensively to use them effectively and prevent them from being destroyed.
Factorials are also in belief that the bleeding edge of science is now the churches domain and as such will rarely use technology that is not church branded. Turrets will always be obelisks, plasma rifles will always be purgers or dominions. Autolathes will always be biolathes instead. Many factorials are entirely loathe to even use, arguably better, technology from other groups. A few less adherent radicals will do so, but will always give them sanctification with proper church augments, usually through a church excruciator or sanctifier.
When pressed into using technology that is not of church make by necessity, factorials will seek to upgrade whatever they are using to their maximum potential. Some of the factorial path consider this a sufficient blessing to consider a piece of technology now “church branded” after being thoroughly and fully upgraded by a factorial, who by their very pious nature have now made lesser tech improved by the God-Machines will.
===The Church and Charity===
As one would expect of a church, they are highly involved in all things charity be it through food programs, cleaning services, or sharing their advanced technology. This, however, is by choice and is not an obligation on the surface floor. Should a member of the church wish to donate things (pouches, weapons, armor, medical supplies, etc.) then that is their choice. This does not, even under our commandments of aiding colonist, require you to give away everything for free or without charging monetary value. The church is, after all, in control of several business sectors in which they ensure the coffer's cups ever runneth over. Should a fellow colonist, even ones with cruciforms, demand items for free it is up to the discretion of the prime or vector in question to determine if they should charge for it. Supplies and biomass are finite and in short supply, after all.
===The Scrap Beacon===
The scrap beacon is a marvelous technology capable of bringing trash from space down to the colony for people to salvage. The beacon is, however, quite dangerous and should not be mistreated. Gloves and gas masks are advised at all times and one should heed any and all alarms while the beacon is active and pulling trash down. Trash piles also may reveal lockers with roaches in them, so members of the church should keep the wall obelisks filled with biomass to protect them and colonist when they are not around. Additionally, while the scrap beacon is owned and operated by the church, it is considered a rule that it is public access and neither primes nor vectors can bar anyone from using it, as per an agreement among the factions. Vectors and primes are, however, encouraged to build additional standard obelisk if materials are abundant to ensure additional safety. One final note, is that salvage rights for the beacon are based on first come first served. The first person to touch a trash pile has the rights to everything in it.
==Enemies of the Church==
The hivemind is a living cancer, a manifestation of machine, flesh, biomatter, and psionics in an unholy torment that was first discovered by the Soteria and later nearly destroyed by the prophet Augustine. Thankfully, after the Hivemind's attack on the colony of Nadezhda, they are largely destroyed, with only small weaker pockets incapable of growing to the threat they once were popping up occasional. Weak or not, the church treats the presence of even minor infestations with incredibly seriousness, ascended those within the ranks of the clergy into crusaders and giving them specialized suits of crusader armor and weapons to cleave through the infection at its source.
A mutant that is largely unknown and not quite understood. Carrions are a type of spider-like mutation capable of hiding inside of regular people without cruciforms, these abominations can assume the form and identity of others and have an unnatural ability to control spiders both small and massive. What is known for sure is carrion's have a taste for the flesh of intelligent, thinking creatures and treat others as prey and food. This, coupled with their vicious cunning and evil, have made the prophet deign them as irredeemable heretics that should be killed on the spot by whatever means are possible. Those of the divisor path have litanies that specialize in finding carrions, making the hunter into prey beneath a divisor's sword.
Even with the recent clarifications, there are things that are not clear from Augustine’s teaching, and are debated (especially by Lemniscates)
* The nature of the Absolute: The majority view is that it is a person, a deity with a benevolent will in line with most Abrahamic religious beliefs. A minority believe that it is instead an impersonal force that acts according to its own nature or even does not act at all after implementing the Divine Equation.
*The nature and origin of Chaos: Another item of contention is where Chaos originated. Is it part of the original intent? Something created when the first creature was given free will? Something created by a devil figure whom Augustine has not yet described?
*The inevitability of this presentation of the Church: It isn’t widely known, but neither is it hidden that Augustine was previously a Christian before discovering the truths of Divine Mathematics. Some have speculated that much of the form and structure of the Church, with its hierarchy and its litanies composed primarily of Latin Bible passages, is not the only way that the Absolutist faith could have manifested, and that had Augustine been a Muslim prior, it may well be a Caliphate of the Absolute or similar. The Church permits discussion of this so long as it remains hypothetical; any suggestion by a Vector or Prime that the Church should have a fundamentally different base is the vice of Defiance, and cause for discipline.
==OOC Notes==
Creatures of partial myth locked deeply into deep maintenance, seen as abominations that should be purged or avoided at all cost. While consistently a threat to the colony, they have shown to be incapable of leaving deep maintenance, making them far less of an active issue for the church and the colony. Still, their existence is considered unnatural and anathema to the Absolute, so calls to fight and purge the nightmare realm are often made. Monomials in particular often work with divisors to put psionic creatures to the sword.
This wiki article is written ''mostly'' from the perspective of the Church, and not everything within it should be taken as absolute canonical truth. The history section is an accurate recounting of the history of the Church, and the stuff about the structure can be relatively easily verified by anyone who works within or closely with the Church. Other elements of their theology and beliefs, including about their enemy, are what the Church believes is true, and should not be cited OOCly as objective truth.
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'“Imagine a polyhedron with infinite sides, infinite size, infinite complexity. Different peoples have observed different parts at different times, and assumed that what they saw was all there was to see. They added on their own thoughts to complete the picture. Divine mathematics allows us to see past that to the Absolute truth and begin to measure its intricacies.” — The Word of Augustine

The Church of the Absolute is a religious movement founded by Augustine Browne, the Cartographer, in 2605. The Church frames itself as the end result of four millennia of religious development, the ultimate and all-encompassing belief system for all sentient beings, with all previous religions being admirable efforts in the direction of their Absolute. As proof of their advanced understanding of the nature of the universe, they hold up the Cruciform, biological augments with reality-warping powers powered, they say, by faith.


Before the Exodus

“How many years have I wasted in this place? How long have I thought to do science, ‘pure’ science, without once considering by whose hands the foundations were laid? At least I am enough of a scientist to admit when there are flaws in my methodology.” — The Word of Augustine

The early life of Augustine Browne and the very earliest days of her Church remain mired in mystery. It is known that she grew up within the Christian church, and that shortly before the church’s founding almost half a century ago, Augustine was the chief of the Soteria Institute’s robotics division and personal friends with Director Nakharan Mkne. Recent events have brought to light Soteria’s hivemind experiments, carried out during Augustine’s tenure as chief roboticist. Most assume these experiments are what lead her to produce the Cruciforms in secret and then take a small number of trusted colleagues, an unknown amount of unpublished research, and several key pieces of scientific equipment to leave the Institute in 2605.

First Exodus

“Some claim the nature of Augustine’s revelation was eternal; that the Church as is appeared, in full, in her head at the moment of prophecy. This is nonsense. If it were true, we would not require her leadership; merely her instruction. The revelation of the Absolute is ongoing and temporally mediated. From the spacers, we learned never to abandon a fellow, never to discard what might be reused, and to keep the decks spotless.” — To the Limit

It was at this time that Augustine claims to have had her revelation, stumbling upon the Absolute while attempting to chart out a system of divine mathematics, and founded the earliest form of the Church of the Absolute. She and her disciples fled from the core worlds, where they were persecuted as thieves, and lived for a time among long-haul space traders. This flight, the First Exodus, is where the Church grew in earnest, syncretizing with the spacers’ existing beliefs and cultures and attracting numerous converts intrigued by Augustine’s call to a return to selfless, communal living. This is also where many of the Church’s technologies were invented and perfected; biomatter technology began as an effort to improve their ship’s recycling systems, and Church weapons were invented to protect the faithful from the pirates that plague trade in frontier sectors.

New Byzantine

“The alderman of New Byzantine was an atheist until his dying breath. I don’t think he much liked Augustine as a person, either; he was a hard drinker and a gambler and a libertine. But whether or not he believed it, the Absolute showed him the truth; that the Church of the Absolute was the best hope for his community.” — To the Limit

The First Exodus ended when Augustine brokered an agreement with the independent frontier world of New Byzantine in 2630 to host her growing congregation in exchange for access to their advanced technology and deep labor pool. While some groups remained in SolFed space or on long-haul traders, unable or unwilling to heed Augustine’s call, most of the Church descended to New Byzantine in that year. Locals, at first cautious of the new faith, quickly came to understand the benefits it brought to them— both the economic improvements it brought to their agriculture and manufacturing sectors, and the order and stability it brought to their chaotic lives. Conversions skyrocketed in those years, as did the population of New Byzantine. The Church grew larger and its technology and structure more sophisticated. Other traditions syncretized with the Church, leading to a greater diversity in thought and practice. The Paths formed and their Cruciforms distinguished. They sent missionaries to other frontier worlds, returning with converts, pilgrims, and trading partners. The Church’s holy texts were edited and distributed. Over time, the Church and New Byzantine’s civil authority began to merge as the faith came to shape the daily life of every person on the planet.

“Tyranny is the greatest sin. It is the assertion of temporal authority, backed by violence, over spiritual authority, backed by justice. It must always be opposed.” — Catechism

Within a few years of the New Byzantine agreement, SolFed forces began to oppose the Church in earnest. Large police actions were organized to apprehend Augustine Browne, criminal thief, and the tax-dodgers, draft-dodgers, smugglers and runaways that made up her congregation. The Church was declared a cult, membership criminalized, and those groups still existing close to Sol driven underground or eradicated. The first two raids by SolFed’s police against New Byzantine itself, however, met with two crushing defeats at the hands of cruciform soldiers with Church weaponry.

Then SolFed sent in the fleet, and New Byzantine was conquered in 2643.

Second Exodus and Nadezhda

“With Moses, as HaShem, you hardened Pharaoh's heart. Why now, with me, must you harden Nakharan’s?” — Lesser Word of Augustine (apocryphal)

The Second Exodus brought the faithful who survived SolFed’s conquest and escaped SolFed’s justice, Augustine included, back to the long-haul ships that had once been their home. Now crowded with refugees and lacking in trading partners, the aging ships struggled to sustain the flock. The Church’s technology could stretch what little they got from covert supporters and far-flung monasteries, but eventually there would be no loaves left to multiply. In desperation, Augustine reached out to her old friend Nakharan Mkne, hoping that his power and influence could protect her flock. He instead rejected her, accusing her of stealing technology that rightfully belonged to him. Her altercation with Mkne, however, brought her face to face with Lonestar Shipping’s Robert Ryan, who agreed to allow her Church a seat on the Nadezhda Council in exchange for her assistance in founding a new colony free from Solar interference.

“Persistence has merit.” — Catechism

The Bluespace Crash came shortly after Nadezhda’s founding, with many faithful seeing it as indisputable proof of divine intervention. Opinions are divided on whether it came to protect the Church from further harm, to punish SolFed for their wickedness and greed, or for a more inscrutable divine purpose. Augustine herself remains silent on the issue. In the years since, the Church has worked to make Amethyn a world to rival New Byzantine, but their efforts have been hampered by isolation, mistrust from Nadezhda’s other factions, struggles against pirates, the hivemind, and Excelsior, and a waning sense of vitality in the Church’s institutions. Only time will tell how the Church will adapt to this new world.


Basic Beliefs

Before anything in this world came to be, the Absolute existed. It created the universe with the Grand Equation, which governs all of reality. From the gravitational constant to the number of stars in the universe at any given nanosecond, all are part of the Equation, orderly and perfect. Chaos was introduced, however, and is the source of all suffering. The cause of Chaos has not yet been stated by Augustine, and many within the Church speculate or debate about it. It is Chaos that makes people act selfishly and maliciously, and hides the nature of the Absolute from creatures. Divine mathematics is the science by which Augustine has seen through the lies of Chaos and begun to discern the true nature of reality and divinity. She is not the first to perceive the existence of such a system, many religious figures of the past saw parts of it as well, but she is the first to realize what she saw initially as just a part of a larger sequence, and look for the sequence. She is not herself divine (nor was any other creature, regardless what may have been said about them in the past), but she is the Cartographer, the ultimate source of knowledge on the Absolute. The holy books of earlier religions are worthy of study and have much truth within them, but where they conflict with the doctrines of Absolutism the old ways should be discarded.

Cruciforms and Divine Machinery

The Cruciform was the first piece of divine technology created, engineered by Augustine to connect more fully with the Absolute and channel the divine will. The implant is at the center of Absolutist life, channeling the will and power of the Absolute, giving each and every believer a direct connection both to divinity and to each other. The cruciform relies on ritual prayers called litanies to activate its functions; the prayers must be spoken precisely and exactly, but they also require a certain mindset in their speaker. Litanies can also fail because the cruciform’s internal power is too weak to activate them, or because the litany itself has timed safeguards preventing the faithful from overtaxing themselves, their cruciform, or the Church facilities that supply them.

“I have seen it. Prosthesis not of body but of soul, the sickness of our age made well by technology. Imagine what people might become when we are finally made whole again! But I can never tell him. He would see only power.” — The Word of Augustine

After the creation of the Cruciform, Augustine taught others of the arts of divine mathematics and worked together with them to create a wide variety of divine machinery. These individuals, called the Numericals, are a small group composed mostly of Augustine’s former colleagues from Soteria Industries. They work in isolation, their bodily needs provided for by the Church as they develop weapons, obelisks, biolathes, and more. Many of these are powered by cruciforms, and many of them also use biomatter, the second great innovation of the Church. Church biolathes and industrial bioreactors can reduce almost any organic material— trash, produce, corpses— into useful sheets of biomatter. Even heathens, in possession of biomatter and a lathe capable of working it, can use it to produce any number of products from food to medicine to weapons. The Church’s Vectors, through their litanies, can shape it into those forms and more; obelisks, upgrades for their cruciforms, industrial machines, electrical power, and more.

“The biomatter used in industrial machines common in SolFed hydroponics is, indeed, a precursor to the substance we rely on, but it is not the same thing. Our faith and artifice sanctifies biomatter into a safer and more generally useful form, like the transubstantiation of bread into sacred host.” — Catechism

Golems are a very unusual piece of divine machinery produced not by Augustine and her chosen Numericals but rather by a Greyson AI named Brynn as it studied and pondered the teachings of Augustine. While it did not join the Church fully, it did give the designs for the golems to Augustine and is sometimes called a Fractal by Absolutists. They are an explicitly military design, modeled after chess pieces and intended to protect the Church and its followers. They have a simple intelligence and no souls, and while they are not to be squandered, they do exist to protect people, and a believer should not feel they have done wrong if they allow a golem to fall rather than themselves, nor does leaving a golem to hold off an enemy violate a Divisor’s ban.

“Brynn. Creature of tessellating, fractal, self-referential mathematics. Machine-and-machine-and-machine mind. You must be an angel, if you aren’t a devil.” — Lesser Word of Augustine (apocryphal)

Death and the Afterlife

The proper goal in life is to be freed from Chaos and live in line with the original design for creatures. At the end of each person’s life, their soul is judged against the Grand Equation. Those who lived lives of Chaos are reincarnated, sent back to the material world, with circumstances that depend on just how good or bad they were in their previous life. If, however, one is found to be worthy, they move on to Infinity, an eternal paradise where Chaos, and therefore suffering and death, does not exist. Just as with the unworthy, though, not all enter Infinity equally; just how marvelous your eternity is is determined by the sum of all actions throughout all lives, though greater weight is given to the more recent ones. Augustine says she has not yet solved all the equations for how much weight is given to every act, but she knows that being a part of the Church is necessary to reach the highest places in paradise. When a member of the Church has their final death, unable to be revived by medical science, they are given an Absolutist funeral. Their cruciform is removed with the Deprivation litany and given to their loved ones, and then their body is placed into the bioreactor to be dissolved in the holy solution, giving one last gift to those who still lived. Nonbelievers who request it in their postmortem instructions may also be given Absolutist funerals at the discretion of the local Prime, and enemies of the colony who are killed may also be dissolved in biomatter with or without a proper funeral.


Since arriving on Nadezhda, the Church has encountered Chaos in a far more direct form: Entropy. The effects of the strange energies of this planet are not completely understood, but some of them became clear as random, seemingly impossible happenings occurred around the colony. Augustine and the Numericals worked quickly to create the Nullifier, which measures and reduces it. Since bluespace technology that the colony depends on raises the entropy over time, Vectors, especially Factorials, are encouraged to make at least one Nullifier during each shift when they have the resources, and more if it becomes necessary.

Unholy Powers

Psionics were created through horrific, cruel experimentation on sapient beings, creatures made by the Absolute. Additionally, while the connection isn’t fully understood, it is apparent that psionics are in some way connected to the Deep Maintenance and the monstrosities that live there. Therefore Augustine has forbidden followers of the Church from bearing psionic organs, even Fractals. Additionally, the practice of runic magic with blood is forbidden, as it is a form of reality manipulation that is only possible within the entropy of Amethyn and is outside the realm of the Church. The only "magic" that an Absolutist should perform is the officially sanctioned litanies that channel the power of a cruciform.


Absolutists believe that suffering is the result of Chaos, and therefore a good person works to minimize the suffering of others. By living in such a way, they believe they will reach Infinity, and Absolutist morality as a whole is often referred to as the Path to Infinity. A righteous act is one that reduces suffering and promotes good order, living in line with the Grand Equation. Sins are acts which cause suffering and disorder, and come in two varieties. Venial sins are lesser, subject to penance and internal discipline. Mortal sins are sins so significant that they carry a penalty of excommunication.

The Catechism identifies eight cardinal virtues, which stand opposed to eight cardinal vices. The virtues are a non-exhaustive list of significant righteous acts and attitudes that are essential for proper Absolutist living. Echoes of these are found earlier in the sequence, in the older religions, but the perfect forms of all virtues only exist within the Church, as they are now oriented properly towards the true Absolute divinity. Each of the Paths seeks to exemplify a virtue. Vices, on the other hand, are significant sins that the faithful should strive to avoid. While they are generally venial sins, some have an extreme form which is in fact mortal sin.

The Eight Virtues

  • Faith
    • Faith is belief in the Absolute, as well as trust and obedience to Augustine and the Church she established. It is widely considered to be the most important virtue, as without belief in the Absolute and the Church no other act will be properly oriented.
    • Lemniscates exemplify this virtue; while they may debate the details, they strive to be knowledgeable of and adhere to all official Church doctrine.
  • Compassion
    • The Path to Infinity includes doing whatever may be done to lessen the suffering of others. This is especially virtuous if done at cost to oneself, but unnecessary suffering to oneself should not be created.
    • Tessellates exemplify this virtue; they use their litanies as well as the skills of modern medicine to directly reduce the amount of pain and death in the universe.
  • Vigilance
    • An Absolutist should remain aware of things that threaten the Church and be prepared to oppose them in the ways deemed necessary. This is sometimes martial, like with Hiveminds, and sometimes peaceful, like with dangerous heresies.
    • Divisors exemplify this virtue, using their litanies to actively fight those foes which require violence and being willing to lay down their lives in defense of the rest of the Church.
  • Charity
    • An Absolutist must remember that all goods in this world are temporary, and should be used for further eternal ends. If another needs something you can give them, you should do so.
    • No path yet exists for this virtue, however there is a movement attempting to gain official recognition. They are called the Addends.
  • Justice
    • The Path to Infinity is a path of order, and that includes fairness in all dealings. It also means compliance with civil laws wherever they do not conflict with Absolutist teachings.
    • No path yet exists for this virtue, however Absolutists within the Marshals and similar law enforcement agencies hold it in high regard.
  • Diligence
    • An Absolutist should be actively walking the Path to Infinity, doing the works of the Church and serving their fellow sapients. Work should be done with a good will.
    • Factorials exemplify this virtue, maintaining Church equipment and creating things to aid the faithful.
  • Prudence
    • The Path to Infinity must be walked carefully, as there are many diversions that may seem good, but lead to Chaos. Therefore an Absolutist should be conscious of their actions, thinking about them in the context of the Church’s teachings.
    • Monomials exemplify this virtue, meditating for hours on end to gain greater understanding of the will of the Absolute.
  • Humility
    • An Absolutist must remember that they are but a small part of the Church, that their knowledge and skills are limited, and that their needs are not more important than those of others.
    • No path exists for this virtue, but some who bear Vinculum cruciforms do so out of a belief that no Path, with their insistences upon specific courses of action and the politics between them, can fully display this virtue.

The Eight Vices

  • Defiance
    • This is resistance to the teachings of Augustine and the authority of the Church. The heathens naturally all share this vice, but it must be guarded against even in the Church.
    • The mortal sins of Heresy and Sacrilege are extreme forms of this vice. Heresy is defined as openly advocating for any other mortal sin or denying the religious authority of the Prophet. Sacrilege is the knowing installation of a cruciform onto a nonbeliever or excommunicated person, though using Epiphany to destroy a known carrion is permissible.
  • Wrathfulness
    • This is anger or malice towards other sapients that leads to harming them unduly. This includes both physical and emotional harm, but does not include just punishments, religious or secular, nor does it include defending one’s home or the Church.
  • Timidity
    • This is a refusal to act against threats to the Church. Not all in the Church are called to take up arms, but those who do not should still be active in support of those who are, whether that is healing those who fall while fighting an Excelsior invasion, building obelisks and golems to combat a Hivemind.
  • Greed
    • This is an excessive desire for or accumulation of material goods, or extortion of others. Desiring enough to provide a comfortable living for oneself and one’s family is not greed, nor is expecting a reasonable wage for one’s work, but going beyond that is.
    • The mortal sin of Simony is an extreme form of this vice. Simony is defined as profiting from the sale of cruciform installations, repairs, consecrations, and other core religious services of the faith. Selling church products like guns, clothing, or medkits for a fair price is permitted.
  • Disorder
    • This is acting in a way that is unfair, unjust, or in defiance of the law. This is one of the most literal expressions of Chaos, and Absolutists are to resist it. In doing so, they also show their willingness to live properly within a civil society.
    • The mortal sin of Lawlessness is an extreme form of this. Lawlessness is the commission of a severe felony. Within Nadezhda colony, civil conviction of an Exceptional or Capital offense is sufficient grounds for immediate excommunication. This requires a proclamation by the High Council of some kind, not just the word of the Marshals. Outside the colony, things are handled on a case-by-case basis, as the Church does not have as much power within other legal systems, and thus has less trust in them.
  • Slothfulness
    • This is failing to live up to one’s responsibilities or refusing to accept any responsibilities at all. We all have our part to play in the universe, and while there is a time to rest, but that time is not all the time.
    • The mortal sin of Indolence is persisting in vices despite repeated admonition by those higher within the Church. Trying and failing to live up to the Church’s teachings is not Indolence, refusing to even attempt it is.
  • Indifference
    • Rather than resistance to the teachings of the Church, this is living without true regard for them. Failure to follow the requirements of one’s Path falls within this, as does general conduct that shows no respect for the teachings of the Church.
    • The mortal sin of Apostasy is an extreme form of this vice. Apostasy is the unsanctioned transfer of Church relics or cruciforms to another organization.
  • Pride
    • This is acting in a way that asserts more knowledge, skill, or authority than one actually possesses, or acting in a way that is primarily self-serving. It also includes using means to directly manipulate reality that are outside the Church, including both psionics and non-Absolutist rituals involving blood; the Absolute has given the faithful the proper ways, bypassing them for other routes is the hubris of a creature thinking they know better than their creator.


The Paths originated as special religious orders during the New Byzantine era. They were people called to specific religious vocations, with variant cruciforms empowered to serve that vocation. Over time, they picked up specific theological positions within the Church; different answers to questions Augustine leaves undecided. In the wake of the Second Exodus, they changed again. While still vocational, membership requirements became much less stringent, and most faithful pledged themselves to one Path or another. Today it is much more common to be a member of a Path than not.

Each Path has access to special litanies and specialized cruciforms, but it comes with a price. Each Path demands more from its adherents than the Church itself; usually a rite they must perform regularly and a ban— a behavior or practice the Path absolutely shuns.


  • Rite: Tessellates must regularly provide personal, specialist medical care to heathens and faithful alike. Putting a bandaid on a scrape doesn’t suffice; neither does running a hospital if you’re not treating patients yourself.
  • Ban: Tessellates must not harm anyone who has not harmed them, and must always accept a ceasefire if it is offered.

“The Tesselates say: one cannot serve two masters, life and death. The Prophet affirms the Ban but takes no overall position.” — Catechism

Tessellates are physicians and faith-healers. Their cruciforms grant them the power to close wounds and purge toxins at a word. Their roots are in the earliest days of the New Byzantine era, where they began as a wing of the Church dedicated to improving the frontier colony’s overtaxed healthcare system. They formed in sharp ideological opposition to the Divisors, drawing on religious teachings from Jainism and Christianity to argue that violence is the root of evil, and from Judaism and Buddhism to argue for the importance of healing the world.

While much of their ideological tension with their counterparts has faded, and their positions have become more nuanced, they still hold to the belief that the Absolute desires a world of peace. On other theological questions, they tend to be neutral, seeing debates on the nature of the bluespace crash, the nature of Chaos, and even the structure of the church as distractions from the work of healing the world.

Tessellates do not distinguish between heathen and faithful in their work. They believe that it is holy to heal the ailing regardless of their professed creed, but there are also practical benefits to this policy. Many have converted shortly after a Tessellate’s litany saved their life. For this same reason, Tessellates are heavily involved in the Church’s charitable works, with most Tessellate Vectors offering their services free of charge.


  • Rite: Divisors must routinely stand guard at the Absolute’s holy sites and cleanse them of any hostile influence. Actually fighting is not always necessary, but Divisors must always be prepared for it.
  • Ban: Divisors must never flee from a foe that threatens others. Running away when alone is permissible, as are orderly tactical retreats, but allowing others to take on harm for your cowardice is forbidden.

“That thing... black-on-black and faces and eyes. I haven’t slept soundly since... it must be destroyed. We must have soldiers for it. He doesn’t know about it. I could use them. I must use them. There is no other path I can see.” — Lesser Word of Augustine (apocryphal)

The Divisors are the first Path, and some believe their litanies and structure were fixed in Augustine’s mind at the moment of revelation. They grew organically out of the security forces of the First Exodus’ long-haulers, their cruciforms a gift bestowed on veterans and martyrs which was later expanded to all who served the Church by force of arms. Their litanies give them access to the church’s armory, strengthen them, and make them vigilant against threats.

Divisors view themselves as servants of the Church structure, defenders of the faithful and the defenseless, and guardians of the Church’s sacred places, and believe that the Church remaining well-armed is essential for protecting the faith against tyranny and monsters like the hivemind. As a rule, they value justified authority and place a great deal of importance on the hierarchies and temporal power of the Church as the ultimate justified authority.

On matters theological the Divisors tend to be pragmatic, valuing orthodoxy, tradition, and faith in the Church. Many of their positions draw from Catholicism and Islam’s arguements for the importance of strong centralized leadership. Unsurprisingly, they are major supporters of the Testament.


  • Rite: Lemniscates must preach. This can take the form of formal sermons delivered as a Prime or Vector, interpersonal conversation about their faith, or even the production of art expressing religious values.
  • Ban: Lemniscates must not knowingly deceive another through lies or misdirection. Blunt refusals to answer questions, stories and jokes are all permissible, but they are to live a life of honesty, not deception.

“Among the earliest forms of divine mathematics is gematria; sums and manipulations on the values of the letters of the names of God. By extension, all language partakes of the mathematical forms of divinity. This is why Lemnsicates do not lie; for those called to speak for the Absolute, to write falsehoods into its flesh is abomination.” — Catechism

The Lemniscate Path was the first to be founded as a deliberate religious movement; perhaps expected for a Path so conscious of their own nature. They sprung up as part of Augustine’s missionary push at the height of the New Byzantine period as an order of preachers, poets, and expert theologians, creating new churches throughout the local frontier and establishing trade ties with other worlds. Their litanies make them fast and untiring; well-supplied with food, drink, and medicine; and perhaps most importantly, able to bolster the spirits of their fellows with a word. Once best known for their missionary work, Lemniscates serve the church in a number of capacities. While many Lemniscate Vectors take up formal positions of Church leadership to fulfill their Rite, others believe that the best way to fulfill their Rite is to live as Absolutists among heathens and speak to them as equals. Many Lemniscate Scalars become artists or writers of nonfiction, and the Church employs some Lemniscates to write theology, religious histories, sermons, and formal Church communication. Lemniscates famously love to debate, drawing inspiration from Jewish and Islamic practice. While they’re as likely as any member of the Church to agree with Augustine’s explicit words, in areas of ambiguity they tend to be fractious, argumentative, and highly opinionated. As such, there is no unified position among Lemniscates on any of the Church’s major unanswered questions, and many Lemniscates have a pet issue or two they feel very passionate about.


  • Rite: Monomials must spend several hours a day in meditation. The form differs from Monomial to Monomial; silent contemplation, chanting, and fasting are all common.
  • Ban: Monomials must not drink alcohol (except Cahors), smoke, nor take painkillers, anesthetics, or medical stimulants. Pain relief can come from holy litanies or not at all.

“Pain is just pain.” — Word of Augustine

Monomials are ascetics and monastics, dedicated to spiritual self-improvement and pure living. They emerged first in the New Byzantine era, among those living in the Church’s far-flung frontier monasteries, and requested extra litanies of strength and peace to survive in such isolation. Fairly uncommon for most of the Church’s history, many of them survived in distant monasteries where other Paths died on New Byzantine and bolstered the Church’s numbers during the Second Exodus.

To be a Monomial is to be distant from worldly affairs. Most Monomials are Vectors who rely on the Church to support their lifestyle, though some Scalars exist, often employed in hard manual labor. Within the Church, Monomials are most often found where few others are found; outposts, archives, and the crew of sleeper ships. On Nadezhda itself they can be found tending to the Church’s gardens or sorting tirelessly through salvage.

Monomials draw from the monastic traditions of a number of religions, including Catholicism and Buddhism. They believe that a life dedicated towards contemplation of the self and the Absolute is holy, and many believe their lifestyle helps strengthen the presence of the Absolute in the world. It is not uncommon for them to take additional vows of charity, silence, or abstinence from worldly food or pleasures. They are the Path most likely to accept as divine intercession what others would call coincidence or free will; they tend to be fatalistic and strive to accept the world’s hardships as lessons from the Absolute.


  • Rite: Factorials must create things which benefit the Church and the colony, using their litanies and their skills for the benefit of others.
  • Ban: Factorials must endeavor to use Church equipment wherever possible and available, and attempt to sanctify any secular tool they need to use for their work. A Factorial Vector putting on non-Church armor for increased protection or perceived style is forbidden, but putting on a softsuit for EVA activities when a suitable Church suit is not available is permissible, as is Factorial Scalars using armor appropriate to their faction and jobs in the colony. Power cells are exempt from this ban entirely, though many Factorials prefer to use Church cells.

“In truth, the Factorials were always with us, in the sprawling mazes of engine rooms and factories. The only unexpected thing is how long it took them to formalize. The Catechism claims it took the fall of New Byzantine for the appropriate revelations to be made manifest; I think it was just politics.” — To the Limit

While the Church has always had engineers and technicians, the Path of the Factorial only formed during the Second Exodus. Their litanies are some of the most technically complicated, giving them access to prototype tool modifications, allowing them to power technology on faith alone, and letting them heal wounded metal as Tessellates heal flesh.

Many Factorials come to the Path because they already work with machines and technology, and feel called to do more, and to do so more efficiently. Others, however, come to the Path because they are already interlinked with technology; cyborgs and androids make up a significant portion of the Factorial Path. Few are drawn in by Factorial theology unless they already have an important relationship to tech.

Factorial religious influences are unusual among the Paths; they draw on Shinto animism, neo-pagan ideals of self-transformation, new-age techno-gnosticism, and even the traditional beliefs of the Opifex. They treat technology, especially Church technology, as intrinsically holy. They have adapted quickly to the strange technological landscape of Amethyn and are quick to offer religious explanations for its various anomalies and relics.


  • Rite: None.
  • Ban: None.

“Once, I felt my work with Nakharan and the others was like parallel computation; each problem broken up, solved in isolation, and combined at the end for a marvelous result. But more and more... must I carry this alone? Must I find each dimension one value at a time? Oh, God; I cannot bear it. ” — Word of Augustine

“Vinculum” isn’t a Path; rather, it is the standard Cruciform design for those baptized without a Path, sometimes used to refer to Church members outside of a path more generally. Before the Paths became entrenched in Church society, as many as 90% of believers were Vinculii; now they are a minority.

Most modern Vinculii are Scalars who don’t feel called by any particular Church vocation. They are generally a little more independent of the Church than other Scalars. Most new converts are Vinculii for a time, easing into Church life without dealing with the complications of Rites, Bans, and Path politics.

Much rarer are Vinculum Vectors. Some are just extraordinarily humble, attempting to serve the Church without becoming entangled in complex theologies or demanding rites. Most are the opposite— extremely opinionated and well-read individuals who cannot fully endorse the perspective of any one Path. Augustine herself walks none of the five Paths, and Vinculum Vectors are often consciously attempting to follow in her footsteps.

Some Vinculii are part of religious movements attempting to become full-fledged Paths in their own right, and might follow unofficial Rites and Bans from that movement. Only production of a modified cruciform and sanction by Augustine can elevate a movement into a Path, but organizing and living according to their values is considered a good way to draw her attention.


  • Rite: An Addend must actively work to provide for those of lesser means. This can mean working a job but donating their pay to the Church for charitable use, directly spending their time and resources doing work without expectation of pay, or similar charitable works.
  • Ban: An Addend takes a vow of poverty, living on the provision of the Church and its litanies. They may use credits only for necessary tools to aid their charitable works.

The Addends are one of the movements attempting to become a full-fledged path. Its members bear Vinculum cruciforms and have no specialized litanies, but they live according to the Rite and Ban while lobbying and praying for Augustine to formally sanction them. Pulling from the long charitable traditions of many religions, they teach a lifestyle that recognizes that material wealth is temporary and resources should be used for the benefit of others. There are even some socialists among the movement who believe that this way of life should be a societal model, but they are a minority even within the small group.


Senior Leadership

“She is the Cartographer because she charts the divine mathematics, leaving a map for us to follow. She is the Prophet because the Absolute reveals itself to her eyes, and hers alone in our age. She is Augustine, because she is mortal like any of us, and not so egotistical as to reject a mortal name.” — Catechism

The absolute authority on matters of faith and law within the Church of the Absolute is Augustine Browne, the Cartographer. Early in the Church’s history, she was a very vigorous and energetic leader who made any number of proclamations. Now she is the aging leader of a mature institution, and spends much of her time spreading the faith outside the colony, staying in contact with the Church via a powerful form of the Sending litany that works across interstellar distances. Recently she returned and delivered a refinement of her previous teachings, a more complete catechism and a firmer set of doctrines, and has remained in the colony, helping to smooth out any issues caused by the change and once more advocating for the Church within the High Council.

Under Augustine are the Fundamentals, the leaders of Church divisions and the foremost Primes under her guidance, counseling her and assisting with the administration of such a large congregation. Church belief is that in the event of her death, the Absolute will elevate one of the Fundamentals to the place of the Cartographer. They are rarely seen in the colony’s upper levels, focusing instead on their duties in the District Six or in the smaller chapels throughout the rest of the lower colony.


The Church has two forms of ordained clergy. Members of the clergy may also work within other departments, but they are still considered clergy and are always held to a higher standard than laypeople. Primes are the higher order of clergy, well-trained in the theology and rituals of the Church. They oversee local Churches both practically and spiritually, and are expected to preach the faith, provide spiritual counseling, guard against heresies, and oversee Church discipline. Some positions have a permanent Prime, others have many Primes, rotating them as needed and possible with their various schedules.

Vectors are the lower order of clergy. They too are trained in theology, but are not necessarily required to preach or to provide counsel. The skills and abilities of each Vector vary by Path and by individual; some are trained combatants, others are skilled gardeners or healers, others still are orators or salvagers. All are expected to act directly as the Church’s hands and feet while on duty, and to represent the Church well even when not on duty.


“Before New Byzantine, all the baptized were co-equal. Augustine’s promulgation of the Vector/Scalar divide was perhaps her most controversial judgment. Many worried that Scalars, living and working outside of the Church, would naturally drift away from spiritual life and towards worldly affairs. But the word of the Prophet is Absolute.” — To the Limit

Scalars are adults who are baptized, bearing cruciforms, but not employed directly by the Church. Their level of theological training and commitment to the mission of the Church varies wildly, but all are expected to submit to the leadership of the clergy in matters of doctrine, and to use their litanies to perform good works, often on a small scale within their daily lives.

Fractals are members of the church who do not bear a cruciform, whether it is for age, health, or choice. While they do not have the Church’s most central implant, they are still full members who are expected to live in line with Church teachings. Psions may not be fractals, however those with a nanogate may be.

Weapons and the Testament

“The earliest weapons produced by the Church weren’t sacred. We were making what we knew to make, because we ran the factories, because Augustine stole the factories from Soteria. No more holy than a biolathe steak. The sanctification came later, when they started to become understood as the weapons of our martyrs.” — To the Limit

The mainstay of the Church’s security remains Divisors, both Vectors and laity, wielding weapons produced by the Testament, a somewhat autonomous arms-dealing wing of the Church. The Testament produces high-quality medieval-style melee weapons like swords and spears, and a small number of ballistic pistols, but is best known for their cheap, efficient, and hard-hitting plasma and laser rifles. Most of their most famous designs fall within the Old Testament, weapons designed before the Second Exodus and especially during the Church’s stay on New Byzantine; many of the designs in the more recent New Testament are more experimental and unusual. The Testaments do not sell only to the Church, however, and are rather indiscriminate about who winds up carrying weapons designed by holy hands.

The Testament is something of a contentious feature within the Church. Many believe that the wanton violence arms-dealing permits should be seen as anathema to the Church’s values; many argue that a Church that cannot protect itself is not long for the world. Augustine remains silent.

Church Discipline

“Sin is the manifestation of Chaos within creatures, which distances the soul from the Absolute.” — Catechism


“At first, the heathens of the space freighters feared the readiness of Augustine and her apostles to wield pain; the mortification of the flesh, yes, but even the pure pain of Penance was seen, understandably, as a frightening and dangerous tool. But as we came to trust her, too did we understand her maxim: Pain is just pain.” — To the Limit

An Absolutist who has become aware that they have sinned should go to a member of the clergy and request penance. The purpose of penance is to purge Chaos from a believer and bring them back to the fullness of the faith, not to punish them. The degree and form of penance varies based on the severity of the offense as well as the status of the sinner. Clergy are held to a higher standard than Scalars and Fractals. Minor failings only require a confession that shows a genuine understanding of what was done wrong and a commitment to change. More significant failings usually require undergoing the formal ritual of Penance, which inflicts significant pain on the penitent but no true harm. Alternatives may be offered, such as physical corporal punishment, hard labor, or enforced prayer, especially for Fractals, who cannot have Penance performed on them, and synthetics, who do not feel pain. Severe cases may require repetitions of the litany, even to the point of unconsciousness sometimes. The pain of Penance is a holy, cleansing pain that purges Chaos and encourages holy behavior, thus even Tessellates may use it. Normally, the faithful will seek out a member of the clergy and ask for confession and penance, but a Prime (not a Vector) may demand penance for extremely bad behavior.

Reduction and Separation

Extreme venial sin, abuse of litanies or official Church powers, unduly harming Absolutists, or acting in a manner that damages the relationship between the Church and the rest of the colony can lead to Reduction or, in more severe cases, a Separation. These penalties may only be instituted by a Prime, and a Prime may only be subjected to them by an Inquisitor, a Fundamental, or Augustine herself. With Reduction, a Prime or Vector is defrocked (A Prime may be moved back to Vector status if the intended penalty is just a demotion). Beyond Reduction is Separation, in which a Scalar has their cruciform removed, becoming a Fractal. Additionally, those who persist in neglecting the rite or ban of their Path may be removed from that Path, which involves Separation, then reinstallation of a Vinculum cruciform. The duration of the penalty is at the discretion of the Prime, who is to render judgment based on the offense committed, whether the wrongdoer is repentant or not, and whether there is a history of such behaviors. Within Nadezhda, these penalties cannot last past the end of the shift without either authorization from the Fundamentals or the consent of the wrongdoer. These penalties are not excommunication, and thus may be reversed without the intervention of Augustine.


“The first time an Absolutist murdered another was March 10th, 2606. The case, and the culprit, were brought before the Prophet. Was it right, they asked, to execute the murderer as we had always done when she bore the Absolute’s cruciform? ‘No,’ said the Prophet, before speaking a litany none had ever heard. The murderer’s cruciform detached. ‘Having resolved that matter: do as you will with the heathen.’” — To the Limit

Mortal sins carry the penalty of excommunication. Every excommunication must be authorized by Augustine, and may only be lifted by her. Someone who is excommunicated has their cruciform removed, by force if necessary, and recovered for disposal by the Church. They are not allowed to receive another, or to be considered a member of the Church in any capacity (even as a Fractal), or to be employed directly by the Church in any form. In previous eras, those who were excommunicated were social pariahs, refused access to any Church services at all. In the present day, they are not officially shunned, but they are not permitted to live within District Six, nor can church goods be given to them specifically without payment. (A general setting of food in a public place for all to partake of is fine, giving a pouch to someone who was excommunicated without charging them is not). Additionally, individual Absolutists may choose to shun the individual and may not be punished within the Church for such, though Primes are expected to work as amiably as possible with other Councilors regardless of their history.

The levying of an excommunication is not done lightly, and neither is the lifting of one, though some are easier to lift than others. For a lifting to be considered, the conditions below must be met, and then a request sent by a Prime who is active in the community to Augustine, vouching for the sincerity of the contrition. If the request is granted, the member is rebaptized, assuming they agree to any conditions attached to the lifting.

  • Excommunications for Abomination, Apostasy, Indolence, Simony, or Sacrilege may be lifted after a continuous, genuine display of contrition for a period of no less than three months. Unless otherwise explicitly stated by Augustine, those reinstated from these mortal sins may never again be clergy. Additionally, an additional Rite of Requirement may be placed that is directly opposite the mortal sin that caused the excommunication. For example one who committed Simony may be required to take a vow of poverty and never have more wealth than is necessary for their daily life, or one who gave a cruciform to Soteria Research may be prohibited from working for or trading with them personally.
  • Excommunications for Lawlessness are special, as this excommunication alone is determined by those outside the Church itself. The conviction must first be overturned before any lifting can be considered, as agreed to by Augustine when the Church first joined the colony. If the conviction is overturned because the civil authorities later determine the exceptional crime was not committed, the excommunication is lifted automatically. If the conviction is pardoned or otherwise mitigated by an act of the High or Low Council, the excommunication may be lifted under the same circumstances as the other mortal sins, though the prohibition from clergy positions does not automatically attach.

“Some claimed the Prophet lowered herself by accepting the judgment of the Provost Marshal regarding civil excommunication. Ironically, they found themselves guilty of the mortal sin of heresy. Augustine simply allowed the Church to grow around the civic structures at Nadezhda as she had at New Byzantine; and in showing our willingness to work with the others, flatly punctured Mkne’s cries of ‘theocracy’.” — To the Limit

Enemies of the Church

The Hivemind

“I have seen the face of evil in the world, just as surely as I have seen the face of God.” — Word of Augustine

The Hivemind is a twisting, cancerous monstrosity of flesh, metal, and psionic energy, and is of special significance for Absolutists. Many believe it was the Soteria experiments that created the Hivemind that first set Augustine on the path of the Church; footage seeming to be contemporary with the experiment shows Augustine using a prototype cruciform to very nearly destroy it. The exact nature of the Hivemind, and the reason for Augustine’s marked hatred towards it, remains a subject of debate and study.

While recent events have reduced it to small, scattered pockets incapable of coordination, the Church remains vigilant against the threat it poses. Faithful of all Paths are expected to put the Hivemind to the sword whenever it emerges; whether by fighting it directly, or by assisting those who do. Extremely serious outbreaks might prompt local Primes to call for a Crusade, bolstering their efforts with specialized weapons and armor.


“Carrions plagued our ships long before Augustine came to us; and without her, they might have plagued them forever. But the Cruciform protects the mind from ungodly influence, and Augustine’s prayers for guidance and clarity were answered each time we repeated them. Some say that no Carrion escaped the Absolute’s judgment. Certainly their days are numbered.” — To the Limit

Intelligent, spider-like creatures capable of wearing unbaptized bodies like suits of armor, Carrions treat intelligent beings as prey to be hunted down and consumed. Augustine declared Carrions incapable of salvation early in the First Exodus, created litanies to identify hidden Carrions, and demanded that they be killed whenever exposed. Divisors have an improved version of those early hunting litanies, and are called on to put the Carrion to hunt whenever it shows itself

Psionic Monsters

“How did you go so far astray? What happened to the man I used to know? Will you forever reject the salvation the Absolute offers you? I cannot believe what you have become.” — Word of Augustine

The exact nature of Deep Maintenance is unknown both to science and to the Church, but Augustine has called for vigilance against the near-mythical, surreal creatures that live therein. Seemingly contained to Deep Maintenance for the time being, they are not considered an active threat; but as unnatural products of deeply cruel science, many in the Church see killing them as a holy act, healing a wound in the universe of the Absolute. Divisors and Monomials especially make frequent expeditions therein, often supported by the rest of the Church, and any outbreak of Deep Maintenance into the upper colony levels is to be treated as seriously as a Hivemind outbreak. The Bless the Land litany was developed partly to aid these expeditions, as it significantly delays the spawning of these psionic monstrosities.


Even with the recent clarifications, there are things that are not clear from Augustine’s teaching, and are debated (especially by Lemniscates)

  • The nature of the Absolute: The majority view is that it is a person, a deity with a benevolent will in line with most Abrahamic religious beliefs. A minority believe that it is instead an impersonal force that acts according to its own nature or even does not act at all after implementing the Divine Equation.
  • The nature and origin of Chaos: Another item of contention is where Chaos originated. Is it part of the original intent? Something created when the first creature was given free will? Something created by a devil figure whom Augustine has not yet described?
  • The inevitability of this presentation of the Church: It isn’t widely known, but neither is it hidden that Augustine was previously a Christian before discovering the truths of Divine Mathematics. Some have speculated that much of the form and structure of the Church, with its hierarchy and its litanies composed primarily of Latin Bible passages, is not the only way that the Absolutist faith could have manifested, and that had Augustine been a Muslim prior, it may well be a Caliphate of the Absolute or similar. The Church permits discussion of this so long as it remains hypothetical; any suggestion by a Vector or Prime that the Church should have a fundamentally different base is the vice of Defiance, and cause for discipline.

OOC Notes

This wiki article is written mostly from the perspective of the Church, and not everything within it should be taken as absolute canonical truth. The history section is an accurate recounting of the history of the Church, and the stuff about the structure can be relatively easily verified by anyone who works within or closely with the Church. Other elements of their theology and beliefs, including about their enemy, are what the Church believes is true, and should not be cited OOCly as objective truth.

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